Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Last week Trump trashed Merkle for dealing with Russia

Today he is spanked by Russia like an innocent puppy
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.
He did worse. He signed over 20% of uranium to Russia. Actions rather than parsing words.

And what are your thoughts On Trump insulting our allies, calling the EU a foe, weakening NATO, declaring Canada a national security risk, blaming America for US Russian relations.....

And most inexplicably, siding with Putin over the US intel services publicly and on international television?
View attachment 205356
Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
View attachment 205356
Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
Show me where he sided with Putin. fake news again
Read the rebuke by fellow republicans.
Trump acting equivalent to this:
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

Fox News didn't say it....that would be Doug Schoen who is a Clinton democRAT lobbyist and a turd....Fox gives both sides to every story.....that's why you chimps hate them. BTW, it was Obama's intel agencies who made these claims, not Trump's.

Don't be an asshole. Every agency head that trump has appointed has said that the Rusains hacked the election....You are a lying bastard....
Along with every IC in our allied countries. These dopes don’t realize that very valuable evidence has been intercepted by British Inteligence, German, French, Ukraine, etc. The Israelis, too, although those cocksuckers would sit on it to help trump.

Adversely, Former Secretary Clinton shared classified information with a Syrian mole in MI6, who then used British military intelligence resources to penetrate the DT presidential campaign. The mouse trap servers HRC got her fingers caught in then vanished, re-surfaced, vanished; truth no one on either side of the aisle wants revealed, as excising the cancer of HRC and BHO could kill the entire patient. Of course that's all allegedly, and educated guess.
Last week Trump trashed Merkle for dealing with Russia

Today he is spanked by Russia like an innocent puppy

And by “dealing with Russia”, you mean a German company doing business with a Russian company.

So much for free trade! Again, conservatives have no actual values. They will gladly wipe their ass with any supposed “ideals” for power. Free trade, patriotism, even being on Team USA over Russia.
Last week Trump trashed Merkle for dealing with Russia

Today he is spanked by Russia like an innocent puppy

Hey, just noticed under your moniker it says you're a paid message board poster. Got to tell ya, I am surprised. Apparently their is someone more stupid than you.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.
He did worse. He signed over 20% of uranium to Russia. Actions rather than parsing words.

And what are your thoughts On Trump insulting our allies, calling the EU a foe, weakening NATO, declaring Canada a national security risk, blaming America for US Russian relations.....

And most inexplicably, siding with Putin over the US intel services publicly and on international television?
He did not side with Putin on Intelligence, just said that there was no collusion. Stop repeating the same lie. Show me a clip from the press conference where he said that he believes the Russians over our own intelligence. It doesnt exist.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

Uhhh.. hmmm. This is an opinion piece from Doug Schoen. A strategist for the Hillary Clinton campaign. And you honestly think his opinion speaks for a multi billion dollar news organization?

Boy do I have news for you.
View attachment 205358
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..

I love it when I hit a nerve...…

Look at these Cock Head....

Resistance is Futile

Trump is STOMPING your liberal ASSES…
Maid Marion continues to stump for Putin. His 2nd favorite dictator in the world.

Odd, I have zero of those, faggot, next!
You love your Dime Store Mussolini dictator in training, Donald Trump.
What do all dictators have in common?
They try to discredit the free press.
You’re an idiot.

"The free press" is all AP paid propaganda bullshit.

If not for them, Trump would not have rained missiles down on a Syrian Air Force base.

That's one thing Trump did that I did not like.

The AP drummed that crap up, and yes, it went like it did, but it should not have.

AP is bullshit, all the time, and that's where all the networks get their news.

Fox and MSNBC.
While Reading this left-tard circle jerk of a thread it occurred to me not one of you idiots knows what was discussed behind closed doors. Not one of you idiots knows what was agreed upon or what understandings were discussed...

Again Trump has you all patting yourselves on your backs and jerking each other off while you don't have a damn clue what is going on...

What is funny as hell to me; Putin has agreed to produce evidence that they did not interfere... Now I am not stupid enough to believe they did nothing but what happens if Putin produces the contents of the DNC server? Hillary's Server?... and what if they produce the markers showing it was a ruse by Obama and his deep state?

Not one of you idiots is looking at the long game and I can gauren-damn-tee Trump is.... There is clear evidence that Hillary's server was indeed fully copied multiple times... The fun is just beginning...

Wake up retards.... Your going to get ass spanked real hard and you cant even see it coming! Now that's funny as hell.....
The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....
2014 - Obama and his criminal administration, to include our his Intel Director traitors, gave Russia 20% of the US' uranium supply

2014 - Obama knew about Russian interference / hacking...and let it continue

2014 - Hillary operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TS data...and handed it over to 6 foreign entities...

2014 - Obama knew Hillary was compromising our national security ... And let it happen....

All of this happened AFTER Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would 'be more flexible after the mid-term elections (2012).

Barry didn't say this jokingly during a debate. Obama leaned in and quietly said this to Medvedev when he thought no one was listening...
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.

The world is Laughing at you Butt Hurt liberals....

And all the while President Donald J. Trump is getting STRONGER....
Which is not to say, that was not Trump's finest hour.
Right, it was probably his worst, actually.

Well, when we have people like you constantly hoping to see him fail, any hour he walks on this earth is a failure on his part. Practically torture for you.

You'll understand if I don't take you seriously.

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