Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.
Tonight on Fox: Tucker and I’m sure Hannity has their pro Russian guests on.
Trump has propped up Putin and Russia and put them on an equal footing with America.
Wonder what Baltic nation Putin will invade next now that he knows he has President Raccoon Eyes eating out of his hands.
Why ditch our long standing allies? It is not like we could not be friendlier, with our current status quo.
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.
Maid Marion continues to stump for Putin. His 2nd favorite dictator in the world.
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.

Tonight on Fox: Tucker and I’m sure Hannity has their pro Russian guests on.
Trump has propped up Putin and Russia and put them on an equal footing with America.
Wonder what Baltic nation Putin will invade next now that he knows he has President Raccoon Eyes eating out of his hands.
Why ditch our long standing allies? It is not like we could not be friendlier, with our current status quo.
Fat boy attacked our allies and smiles and cozies up to dictators.
If you don’t see what’s wrong with that picture you’re probably a Russian troll.
Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.

Our own intel services and the Senate Investigation came to the same conclusion.

All under republican control. And yet, Easy and the other UIs are still blaming America first and putting child like faith in Vladimir Putin....because a game show host told them too.

As I said, you can’t fix stupid.
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.

No matter what Trump did short of decking Putin, the reply from Trump hating idiots would be the same. So butt hurt, such losers. Can't get over it.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.

Our own intel services and the Senate Investigation came to the same conclusion.

All under republican control. And yet, Easy and the other UIs are still blaming America first and putting child like faith in Vladimir Putin....because a game show host told them too.

As I said, you can’t fix stupid.
The complete fascist take over of America is almost complete.
View attachment 205356
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Let’s put this to the test.

Marion, do you believe Vladimir Putin on election meddling, or do you believe our intelligence services and the Justice Department?
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Heck of a lot better than the scumbag with big ears.
I'll take big ears ahead of trumps yellow cowardice any day

Why am I not surprised.
Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.

Our own intel services and the Senate Investigation came to the same conclusion.

All under republican control. And yet, Easy and the other UIs are still blaming America first and putting child like faith in Vladimir Putin....because a game show host told them too.

As I said, you can’t fix stupid.
right wing intelligence is fake news.
View attachment 205356
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?
Compare this picture with the orange Russian whore munching on Putin’s butt you god damn imbecile..
Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.

Our own intel services and the Senate Investigation came to the same conclusion.

All under republican control. And yet, Easy and the other UIs are still blaming America first and putting child like faith in Vladimir Putin....because a game show host told them too.

As I said, you can’t fix stupid.
2014, snowflake.



No matter what you snowflakes say, you can NOT get passed that, can not re-write that Obama history.
Why, comrade? Russia has a small economy.
#1) Russia is a nuclear power with a modern army.

#2) Russia has vast untaped natural resources and needs our expertise to help exploit them.

#3) Russia is a fellow Democracy that we should befriend.
And that would be fine, and we could be friendlier with Russia sooner if Putin stopped...we’ll, let McCain say it:

“It is tempting to describe the press conference as a pathetic rout – as an illustration of the perils of under-preparation and inexperience. But these were not the errant tweets of a novice politician. These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime without any regard for the true nature of his rule, his violent disregard for the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the slaughter of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties, and his assault on democratic institutions throughout the world.

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