Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Former CIADirector John McLaughlin: “
Trump’s actions was nothing short of treasonous.”

Siding with Putin over the US government is something I thought I’d never see in my lifetime.

“We voted for Trump because he’d be a different type of president.”

Oh that he is.
Besides throwing out terms like treasonous, scandalous etc. Can anyone point out exactly what Trump did was wrong. How would Anderson Cooper , or McCain etc have handled Putin about Russian meddling after he had denied it once. How exactly do you suppose it would go. You accuse him again, he would deny it again. Then you wave some intelligence papers at him and call him a liar, and he would say all the intelligence is garbage, just as WMD was garbage. How exactly would that move the future cooperation forward?

All this was setup to embarrass Trump. The indictment of 12 Russians just before the Putin meeting and the narrative was already written. Establishment trying to take one last shot at Trump before the Trump friendly legislature gets elected.
Putin attacked our democracy and the cowardly president not only refused to hold him accountable today he inexplicitly blamed America instead.
That’s a textbook definition of being a traitor and you still continue to suck his balls.

Trump Gives Putin a Win in Finland, Kindling New Outrage at Homeupdated 2 hours ago
Trump Calls Mueller Probe ‘Disaster’ While Standing Next to Putin
Republicans Call Trump Summit Remarks ‘Shameful’ and ‘Bizarre’
Even the Trump loyalists are calling his performance today “ shameful.”
The Russian trolls/ white supremacists on this forum are celebrating today because they know their beloved Vladimir ate Trump’s lunch.
Again...the only Republicans criticizing Trump are the ones who always have criticized him and have seen their power shrink. The EU foe was specifically in terms of trade, and they are a foe. Also no one has put forth a suggestion on how would they have confronted Putin about Russian meddling besides calling him a liar to his face.
Putin lies to our morons face and he ate it up Trump doesn't deserve to sweep the streets much less being the leader of the free world
And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
It’s official. The Trumpidiots are now on the side of Russia over America.
It’s not like we didn’t warn them in 2016 this would happen.
yeah...Trump's America first agenda is far inferior to a lady that took millions from the Russians. How does that work again? Mushbrains.
How is not holding Putin accountable for hacking our election “ putting America first?”

Laughing.....you’ll need to check back after they’ve had a chance for Hannity to tell them to have to spin this disaster.

As they don’t have a fucking clue. Our president, standing beside the former head of the KGB told the world that he puts his trust in Putin over our own Intelligence service.

And that folks, is the true legacy of conservatism.

Balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility? Bullshit. Or deficit is skyrocketing under Trump....and in the midst of an 7 year long economic expansion.

Reverence of the military? They cheered as Commander Bonespur insulted a gold star family and a decorated war veteran.

Family values? They obsequesssly snivel and excuse systematic lies, adultery, and hush money for porn stars. They have the man on tape admitting to sexual assault and trying to cheat on his pregnant wife. And their family values now mean nothing to them

Free Markets? You have Trump attacking any company that opposes his oversight, trying to use the power of his office to punish any business that embarrassed him.

Free Trade? We have the most extensive and restrictive tariffs in decades, many of them on trade with our own allies. With the president inexplicably declaring Canada, yes CANADA, our partners in NORAD, a national security threat to the United States.

Military Alliances? No president in our history has done more to weaken and degrade the NATO alliance. For the first time ever, German leadership has questioned the reliability of the US and suggested that Europe may have to at it alone.

Patriotism? They’ll side with Russia over our own intelligence services and make up batshit anti-US conspiracy theories at the drop of a hat. They blame the US for bad relations it’s Russia. And they near continually disparage the FBI, our intelligence services, the justice department, and even the integrity of our elections.

Conservatives believe in nothing save tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Everything else is just empty lip service for useful idiots.
Tonight on Fox: Tucker and I’m sure Hannity has their pro Russian guests on.
Trump has propped up Putin and Russia and put them on an equal footing with America.
Wonder what Baltic nation Putin will invade next now that he knows he has President Raccoon Eyes eating out of his hands.
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.

yeah...Trump's America first agenda is far inferior to a lady that took millions from the Russians. How does that work again? Mushbrains.
How is not holding Putin accountable for hacking our election “ putting America first?”

What did Obama do about it, faggot? He was still president at the time, FYI

Trump has had a year and a half. What has he done to fix the problem?

Jack shit. Eventually you’ll have to hold Trump responsible for his own blithering incompetence. And your own for voting for a game show host.
They will NEVER hold fat boy accountable for anything. He could get caught Sandusky-ing a little boy on video and these traitors would still stick by him saying it was a fake deep state video.
Mussolini, Pol Pot, Stalin didn’t even have this blind loyalty like the trump whores have for him.

Yes we would, if that were the case, but it's not, and you're a raving moonbat.

Yeah, I’ll trust our intelligence services over you and the assurances of former head of the KGB. President Dipshit is just noise at this point
Fuck Paul Ryan, he's an establishment turd. I think Trump gives what he says too much weight.
Prez Raccoon Eyes threw America under the bus today and his deplorable base cheers still believing he’s putting America first.
Fucking incredible.

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