Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
One of the stations showed a Russian newscast after the NATO Summit and the Russian anchor said, “ President Trump did more to destabilize NATO in these few days then our President Putin has done since he took office.”

Now after today’s debacle of the fat boy putting Putin over America it’s crystal clear Putin has something big over the American President.
All the left did was whine that Trump would start WW III, now they're whining that he isn't.
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.

Yes, you haven't been this happy since the homophobe Muslim shot up the Pulse nightclub
Not happy at all liar. Your orange menace just dropped his drawers in front of the whole world showing hesPutin’s bitch.
Today will live in infamy and is one of the low points in American history. While traitors like you side with this Russian whore President.
As usual, USMB republicans will defend Trump no matter how egregious it is. They are that petty and/or easily bought.

Surprised you'd show your face around here again after praising socialism and getting destroyed for it....no dignity or just a fool...which is it, Billy Triple Zero?
Tom Horn. Standing side by side with our traitorous American President.
Taking Putin’s side over all of our intelligence agencies on foreign soil is the biggest disgrace of any president.
Even Trump lover Newt Gingrich said today:” This is the low point of the Trump presidency.”

Why don't you libs form an army out of ANTIFA and BLM members and declare war on Russia?????
If you want to fight them so damn bad at every turn because Hillary lost go to war with them....Hillary could be your general....Buuuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!

At best they would take a bus up to Alaska and shout hey hey ho ho at Russia.

Not for very long, because it's cold there.
All the left did was whine that Trump would start WW III, now they're whining that he isn't.
OMG. Even Fox is calling Trump a traitor you stupid SOB.
This is about this snowflake president refusing to stand up for America but instead siding with the dictator that attacked our democracy in 2016 and will again.
You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.

Yes, you haven't been this happy since the homophobe Muslim shot up the Pulse nightclub
Not happy at all liar. Your orange menace just dropped his drawers in front of the whole world showing hesPutin’s bitch.
Today will live in infamy and is one of the low points in American history. While traitors like you side with this Russian whore President.


You really really got him now! :abgg2q.jpg:

In reality, it's the other way around, you'll see. :)
Besides throwing out terms like treasonous, scandalous etc. Can anyone point out exactly what Trump did was wrong. How would Anderson Cooper , or McCain etc have handled Putin about Russian meddling after he had denied it once. How exactly do you suppose it would go. You accuse him again, he would deny it again. Then you wave some intelligence papers at him and call him a liar, and he would say all the intelligence is garbage, just as WMD was garbage. How exactly would that move the future cooperation forward?

All this was setup to embarrass Trump. The indictment of 12 Russians just before the Putin meeting and the narrative was already written. Establishment trying to take one last shot at Trump before the Trump friendly legislature gets elected.
You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.

Yes, you haven't been this happy since the homophobe Muslim shot up the Pulse nightclub
Not happy at all liar. Your orange menace just dropped his drawers in front of the whole world showing hesPutin’s bitch.
Today will live in infamy and is one of the low points in American history. While traitors like you side with this Russian whore President.
Kaz is Trumps bitch Listen to him squeal with joy
And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
It’s official. The Trumpidiots are now on the side of Russia over America.
It’s not like we didn’t warn them in 2016 this would happen.
All the left did was whine that Trump would start WW III, now they're whining that he isn't.
OMG. Even Fox is calling Trump a traitor you stupid SOB.
This is about this snowflake president refusing to stand up for America but instead siding with the dictator that attacked our democracy in 2016 and will again.
And sad to say republicans are standing with their scum trump and putin
Besides throwing out terms like treasonous, scandalous etc. Can anyone point out exactly what Trump did was wrong. How would Anderson Cooper , or McCain etc have handled Putin about Russian meddling after he had denied it once. How exactly do you suppose it would go. You accuse him again, he would deny it again. Then you wave some intelligence papers at him and call him a liar, and he would say all the intelligence is garbage, just as WMD was garbage. How exactly would that move the future cooperation forward?

All this was setup to embarrass Trump. The indictment of 12 Russians just before the Putin meeting and the narrative was already written. Establishment trying to take one last shot at Trump before the Trump friendly legislature gets elected.
Putin attacked our democracy and the cowardly president not only refused to hold him accountable today he inexplicitly blamed America instead.
That’s a textbook definition of being a traitor and you still continue to suck his balls.
And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
It’s official. The Trumpidiots are now on the side of Russia over America.
It’s not like we didn’t warn them in 2016 this would happen.
yeah...Trump's America first agenda is far inferior to a lady that took millions from the Russians. How does that work again? Mushbrains.
All the left did was whine that Trump would start WW III, now they're whining that he isn't.
OMG. Even Fox is calling Trump a traitor you stupid SOB.
This is about this snowflake president refusing to stand up for America but instead siding with the dictator that attacked our democracy in 2016 and will again.
And sad to say republicans are standing with their scum trump and putin
The only answer is to send this cowardly GOP packing in November for not doing their jobs which of course is to hold this president accountable.
They’re doing just the opposite.
And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
It’s official. The Trumpidiots are now on the side of Russia over America.
It’s not like we didn’t warn them in 2016 this would happen.
yeah...Trump's America first agenda is far inferior to a lady that took millions from the Russians. How does that work again? Mushbrains.
Moron refuses to see his fuhrer just put Russia first today.
Still no oxygen in that bubble you live in?
Rosenstein timed his BS circus announcement to undermine the President's meeting.

The liberal media acted like an ass jumping / ambushing the President in front of Putin.

Obama and his administration perpetrated conspiracy, obstruction, sedition, and even treason.

Democrats have been treasonously undermining, attacking, and trying to complete their failed coup since Trump beat Hillary....

And dumbasses like the OP continue to let their ignorance and hatred to continue to spew bullshit and cheer / call for the the failure of this nation's President.

On top of already having proved he is a liar, the OP continues to remind us he is a butt-hurt traitor, too...
And you kaz can't tell when the fn ah you support is selling America down the river to Russia Shame on you
It’s official. The Trumpidiots are now on the side of Russia over America.
It’s not like we didn’t warn them in 2016 this would happen.
yeah...Trump's America first agenda is far inferior to a lady that took millions from the Russians. How does that work again? Mushbrains.
How is not holding Putin accountable for hacking our election “ putting America first?”
Besides throwing out terms like treasonous, scandalous etc. Can anyone point out exactly what Trump did was wrong. How would Anderson Cooper , or McCain etc have handled Putin about Russian meddling after he had denied it once. How exactly do you suppose it would go. You accuse him again, he would deny it again. Then you wave some intelligence papers at him and call him a liar, and he would say all the intelligence is garbage, just as WMD was garbage. How exactly would that move the future cooperation forward?

All this was setup to embarrass Trump. The indictment of 12 Russians just before the Putin meeting and the narrative was already written. Establishment trying to take one last shot at Trump before the Trump friendly legislature gets elected.
Putin attacked our democracy and the cowardly president not only refused to hold him accountable today he inexplicitly blamed America instead.
That’s a textbook definition of being a traitor and you still continue to suck his balls.
Russia has been doing that shit since decades, and didn't see this outrage when they were sold Uranium rights and Obama was caught saying he would have more flexibility. That's actual actions that are treasonous. Trump refused to call Putin a liar to his face and you think that is treasonous. Are you really this dumb or its just hate Trump anger that clouds your reasoning.
Besides throwing out terms like treasonous, scandalous etc. Can anyone point out exactly what Trump did was wrong. How would Anderson Cooper , or McCain etc have handled Putin about Russian meddling after he had denied it once. How exactly do you suppose it would go. You accuse him again, he would deny it again. Then you wave some intelligence papers at him and call him a liar, and he would say all the intelligence is garbage, just as WMD was garbage. How exactly would that move the future cooperation forward?

All this was setup to embarrass Trump. The indictment of 12 Russians just before the Putin meeting and the narrative was already written. Establishment trying to take one last shot at Trump before the Trump friendly legislature gets elected.
Putin attacked our democracy and the cowardly president not only refused to hold him accountable today he inexplicitly blamed America instead.
That’s a textbook definition of being a traitor and you still continue to suck his balls.

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