Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.
Leftist traitors are going apeshit! Love it!!!

If Trump had raked Putin over the coals the left would have claimed Trump was trying to start a nuclear war with Russia, just like their 180 flip flop on North Korea. These phony Dem's are not fooling anyone outside their base of Kool-Aid drinkers.
Dumbest post of the day.

Denial post of the day.
We want this president to protect America and he has failed miserably.
He has chosen one of the world’s most ruthless dictators over our American institutions.
The orange menace has committed treason and all you can do is vomit out Hillary’s name
Nations have interests...not friends...at this time in History it would be a huge mistake to continue to treat Russia like an outcast.....we are trying to bring peace to the Korean peninsula and Russia could be an asset in that endeavor...please....think...and stop this nonsense...Hillary lost get over it.....
So fat boy promised to turn America over to Putin?
Which rally was that?
Sticking by this treasonous president makes you a traitor.
So glad even republicans in Congress are calling this Russian whore a traitor
Buuuaaaahahahahahaha unbelievable..........:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Hey asshole. When a foreign power attacks our democracy it is the president’s duty to protect our country. He won’t even admit it happened. He hasn’t put together even one commission to stop future meddling in our elections. He might make Putin mad.
Now I know you are Hillary.........Buuuuuaaaahahahahahaha
Another mindless idiot for putin’s take over of America.
Hey you guys are the ones that want revenge on Russia...so take it...declare war on them.....Buuuuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!! Call General Hillary!!!!!BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHA!!!!!
We want this president to protect America and he has failed miserably.
He has chosen one of the world’s most ruthless dictators over our American institutions.
The orange menace has committed treason and all you can do is vomit out Hillary’s name.

Wow, you libs must have a new and a bit strange definition of "protect".
Hey asshole. When a foreign power attacks our democracy it is the president’s duty to protect our country. He won’t even admit it happened. He hasn’t put together even one commission to stop future meddling in our elections. He might make Putin mad.

Hey dumbass, this all was well known by Obama....and he did what?
They will fuck you 2 ways to sunday
I'm not sure I know what that means. But whatever it means, how do you know? What are you basing your conclusion on? And do you think Donald Trump is stupid? That man has been brain-wrestling with some of the most devious people in the world of finance and he's consistently come out on top. He doesn't walk into critically important situations with his eyes closed. So don't be swayed by his critics and those who casually demonize Putin. Instead, give some thought to the fact that Trump knows many things that you and I -- and those who criticize him -- don't know.
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Only with Trump haters like you and the media...his supporters are chalking up another promise kept....
So fat boy promised to turn America over to Putin?
Which rally was that?
Sticking by this treasonous president makes you a traitor.
So glad even republicans in Congress are calling this Russian whore a traitor.

First the psycho kid shot all those people in Florida, now this. It's like your best year ever
A very sad day for America - and the world.


If it's a sad day then why are you celebrating?
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.
Leftist traitors are going apeshit! Love it!!!

If Trump had raked Putin over the coals the left would have claimed Trump was trying to start a nuclear war with Russia, just like their 180 flip flop on North Korea. These phony Dem's are not fooling anyone outside their base of Kool-Aid drinkers.
Dumbest post of the day.

No, nice try but that's still yours
You're the one trying to trip Trump and celebrating when he missteps. When do you get to the part you're "reasonable," dick head
Fat boy just tripped up himself and embarrassed the country in front of the whole world.
Universal condemnation of Trump is still not enough for you to open up your closed mind.
The most unreasonable thing is this traitorous president taking Russia’s side over America.
The orange worm deserves to be executed when he returns.
Leftist traitors are going apeshit! Love it!!!

If Trump had raked Putin over the coals the left would have claimed Trump was trying to start a nuclear war with Russia, just like their 180 flip flop on North Korea. These phony Dem's are not fooling anyone outside their base of Kool-Aid drinkers.
Dumbest post of the day.

No, nice try but that's still yours

His posts are no longer included, so that someone else has a chance to win.
  • Thanks
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Trump was being generous when he referred to DC as a swamp.
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Heck of a lot better than the scumbag with big ears.
They will fuck you 2 ways to sunday
I'm not sure I know what that means. But whatever it means, how do you know? What are you basing your conclusion on? And do you think Donald Trump is stupid? That man has been brain-wrestling with some of the most devious people in the world of finance and he's consistently come out on top. He doesn't walk into critically important situations with his eyes closed. So don't be swayed by his critics and those who casually demonize Putin. Instead, give some thought to the fact that Trump knows many things that you and I -- and those who criticize him -- don't know.
Yeah He knows Putin can sink him any time he wants
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?
You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Heck of a lot better than the scumbag with big ears.
I'll take big ears ahead of trumps yellow cowardice any day
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Is this phony outrage or real outrage?
Well, Comrade, now you can make it a Russian tundra. So proud to be all in for Putin? #BIPOL!

You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Tell me how you were outraged at "the eighties called, they want their foreign policy back. Or when Hillary took $145 million in bribes for 20% of our uranium reserves. Or when the DNC said they were hacked by the Russians and refused to cooperate with the investigation. Or when Hillary paid for a dossier of innuendo and lies from the Russians.

Oh wait, you didn't ...
You don't give a shit about the Russians. This is just your get Trump campaign
Afraid to tell the truth I see. Your lack of loyalty to America is noted.

You hate the country, hate freedom of speech, hate right to own guns, hate capitalism, want Americans replaced.

And now, are lecturing us about loyalty to the country?


Keep going, thinks the Constitution is outdated, won't accept election results when they lose, rigs elections, tries to overturn elections with phony recounts and hanging chads.
You're happy with how the scumbag treated putin today?

Is this phony outrage or real outrage?

Leftists can't even tell the difference between when they are doing one or the other

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