Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Putin admitted today that he wanted the orange liar to win the election.
No surprise there. That’s exactly what all of our intelligence agencies said.
Putin continues his blackmailing of the American President.
You have to be dumber than shit to not see this after today’s debacle.

Our own intel services and the Senate Investigation came to the same conclusion.

All under republican control. And yet, Easy and the other UIs are still blaming America first and putting child like faith in Vladimir Putin....because a game show host told them too.

As I said, you can’t fix stupid.
right wing intelligence is fake news.
Its Intelligence from Mueller...and Trump haters would rather have war with a Nuclear Superpower as long as it hurts Trump. Immature Fools.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.
View attachment 205356
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.
# 30 trading partner their economy is smaller than NY
We are still talking billions of dollars annually in trade deals with Russia.

And that is going to increase as Russia builds its infrastructure, and is able to access natural resources in remote areas of the country. ... :cool:
They are a bad actor on the world stage. You punish that behavior, not reward it. Jesus Christ you right wingers are Un-American morons.
View attachment 205356
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
View attachment 205356
Rosenstein didn’t make Trump insist that the EU was our foe, or insult our allies, or blame America for our relations with Russia, or in defiance of all reason, put his trust in the former head of the KGB over our intelligence services.
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


Can't. Un-see. That.
View attachment 205362
View attachment 205356
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.

Upon closer inspection..

Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:
And yet he's being body slammed by his own private state network.

A network that earlier today said Trump threw the US under the Bus.

What this proves is that you are a partisan hack and a fool.

Sadly for you, everything you accused me of being times 100.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.
He did worse. He signed over 20% of uranium to Russia. Actions rather than parsing words.
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

You left wing Butt Hurt nut jobs are a Hoot……

Obongo blew the Russians over and over again…

When obongo wasn’t blowing them Putin had him bent over

and there wasn’t a peep out of you…..

President Trump is Making The World Great Again….

I just love saying President Trump..

How “bout” you?

Show me when Obama ever stood by Vladimir Putin and blamed America for US Russian relations.

Show me where Obama ever stood next to Vladimir Putin and took Putin’s side over US intel agencies. On international television.

The world is laughing at Putin’s humiliation of Trump. And Trumps humiliation of the US.

While the UIs dance with glee.

If it were not for the mistakes made by the US Intel agencies, I doubt Obama would have been elected President. Remember, Bush lied, people died.
Raccoon Eyes is an international disgrace and all of our allies no longer believe they can count on this traitorous president helping them.
Meanwhile Russia will continue to meddle in more and more democratic elections.
Fat boy just gave Putin his stamp of approval
View attachment 205362
View attachment 205356
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.

Hundreds of thousands of Brits were out in the streets protesting Putin’s puppet.
So the snowflake prez avoided them and actually thinks they like him.
He’s literally incapable of telling the truth... just like yourself.
Yeah...picture of deep thinkers right there.
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:
And yet he's being body slammed by his own private state network.

A network that earlier today said Trump threw the US under the Bus.

What this proves is that you are a partisan hack and a fool.

Sadly for you, everything you accused me of being times 100.

rDerp calling someone else a partisan hack.

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...

Fox News didn't say it....that would be Doug Schoen who is a Clinton democRAT lobbyist and a turd....Fox gives both sides to every story.....that's why you chimps hate them. BTW, it was Obama's intel agencies who made these claims, not Trump's.

Don't be an asshole. Every agency head that trump has appointed has said that the Rusains hacked the election....You are a lying bastard....
Along with every IC in our allied countries. These dopes don’t realize that very valuable evidence has been intercepted by British Inteligence, German, French, Ukraine, etc. The Israelis, too, although those cocksuckers would sit on it to help trump.
View attachment 205356
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
View attachment 205356
Oh poor little snowflake, I am so sorry the TRUTH makes you so squeamish!


...The Obama administration hid Russian crimes and ensured the sale of Uranium One to Russia went through...and that the uranium found its way into the Russians' hands...

...Obama KNEW the Russians were interfering, were attempting to hack US politicians and our govt, and was hellbent on succeeding....AND HE DID NOT JUST DO NOTHING - HE ALLOWED PUTUN ABD THE RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT OPPOSITION. HE FACILITATED THE CRIME ... HE COMMITTED TREASON!

...Obama KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal un-authorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET+ information on it AND HE DID NOT SHUT IT DOWN - HE LET IT CONTINUE....AND AS A RESULT 6 SEPERATE FOREIGN ENTITIES ACQUIRED THAT INFORMATION...HILLARY COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY & BARRY LET IT HAPPEN.

Is THIS what he meant when he told Medvedev to pass to Putin he would be more flexible after he won re-election in 2012?

Is this what the KGB Bank paid Hillary over $100 MILLION for?

Sorry, but the FACT is Obama and Hillary did more FOR Putin and the KGB Bank than Trump could ever dream of doing.

Supported by evidence.


Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
Show me where he sided with Putin. fake news again
View attachment 205356
Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
View attachment 205356
Speaking of useful idiots, I give you Easy. President Bonespur insists that America is to blame for our relations with Russia.....and the sycophants and UIs jump up from their knees to agree with whatever Trump has told them to think.

Canada a threat to US national security? The dipshits were told, thus they nod in unison!

Putin is more credible than our own intelligence services? They’re now True Believers!

There is no anti-US conspiracy too daft, no degredation of the US to loathsome for them not to nod in time and drop back to their knees, mouths opened and tongues splayed......hitting refresh on Twitter every 5 seconds to see what juicy load Trump will be pumping down their gullets.

You can’t fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it. And our nation is a laughing stock under Trump.


Better than UK poofter protestors, bubba.


The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
Show me where he sided with Putin. fake news again
He just sided with Putin today OVER America you god damn stupid son of a bitch.
and the Trump butt-kisser stream continues to pucker up ..........

too sad.
Yep, libs are going bananas over Trump and there's only one thing they can do. Learn to live with it. Trump is your President and what he says goes. Sorry 'bout that.

Sad to see a representative of the US performing so poorly

The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.

The president of the United States just blamed America and publicly sided with Putin on election meddling against our own intelligence agencies....

......and you’re concerned with the color of the underwear of some protestor in London?

Jesus Christ, dude.
Show me where he sided with Putin. fake news again
He just sided with Putin today OVER America you god damn stupid son of a bitch.
Trump sold us out

It is becoming obvious that Putin has something on him

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