Putin, It's Enough!

Hey! How many know that Poroshenko is using Ukrainian neo nazis to fight the rebels in the east?
Hey! How many know that Putin is using Russian neo nazis as part of the invasion force murdering citizens of Ukraine in his illegal invasion?
Why does Russia need special propaganda unit for internet when they have help from the Tinydancer's and CruesaderFranks already trolling for Putler?

Hey Camp! Guess who the Nazi lovers in Kiev hired to organize the neo Nazi militias?

Yarosh. The assholes hired Yarosh. I back up every claim I make.

Ukraine far-right leader made army advisor in move to control militias - Business Insider

Ukraine far-right leader made army advisor in move to control militias

Is this unreal or what? Head of Pravy Sektor gets hired by Poroshenko's nazis.

From the Telegraph, not a Putin propaganda machine.

There is the Azov Battalion. Note not flying the Ukrainian flag.


The Azov battalion uses the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf''s Hook) symbol on its banner (Tom Parfitt)

“Personally, I’m a Nazi,” said “Phantom”, a 23-year-old former lawyer at the ceremony wearing camouflage and holding a Kalashnikov. “I don’t hate any other nationalities but I believe each nation should have its own country.” He added: “We have one idea: to liberate our land from terrorists.”

Ukraine crisis the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists - Telegraph
Not this story again, I posted it on the forum on June 6th: Russia s secret troll factory US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now there are dozens of copy-cat threads.

This propaganda story is kinda like the continuous stream of gay threads.
Getting there. Already another in the global section.
So two or three is just like dozens, meaning at least 24. Each thread is a little different. This one is about an individual credited with writing a story that helped expose the propaganda mill. Not the same as the other two stories. We start multiple threads on similar or same topics for several understandable reasons. Mostly when the thread gets hijacked or simple interfered with enough to ruin honest discussion and debate. It is up to mod's to link threads into one if they become repetitious.
Not this story again, I posted it on the forum on June 6th: Russia s secret troll factory US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now there are dozens of copy-cat threads.

This propaganda story is kinda like the continuous stream of gay threads.
Getting there. Already another in the global section.
So two or three is just like dozens, meaning at least 24. Each thread is a little different. This one is about an individual credited with writing a story that helped expose the propaganda mill. Not the same as the other two stories. We start multiple threads on similar or same topics for several understandable reasons. Mostly when the thread gets hijacked or simple interfered with enough to ruin honest discussion and debate. It is up to mod's to link threads into one if they become repetitious.
I suggest you actually read a dictionary: Dozen Definition of dozen by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of DOZEN
: a group of 12
: an indefinitely large number <dozens of times>
I was using it to imply lots, not a literal dozen.
Hey! How many know that Poroshenko is using Ukrainian neo nazis to fight the rebels in the east?
Hey! How many know that Putin is using Russian neo nazis as part of the invasion force murdering citizens of Ukraine in his illegal invasion?
Why does Russia need special propaganda unit for internet when they have help from the Tinydancer's and CruesaderFranks already trolling for Putler?

Hey Camp! Guess who the Nazi lovers in Kiev hired to organize the neo Nazi militias?

Yarosh. The assholes hired Yarosh. I back up every claim I make.

Ukraine far-right leader made army advisor in move to control militias - Business Insider

Ukraine far-right leader made army advisor in move to control militias

Is this unreal or what? Head of Pravy Sektor gets hired by Poroshenko's nazis.

From the Telegraph, not a Putin propaganda machine.

There is the Azov Battalion. Note not flying the Ukrainian flag.


The Azov battalion uses the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf''s Hook) symbol on its banner (Tom Parfitt)

“Personally, I’m a Nazi,” said “Phantom”, a 23-year-old former lawyer at the ceremony wearing camouflage and holding a Kalashnikov. “I don’t hate any other nationalities but I believe each nation should have its own country.” He added: “We have one idea: to liberate our land from terrorists.”

Ukraine crisis the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists - Telegraph
The people who are in these groups are nationalist. They are not the kind of Nazi's you wish to make them appear to be. Those groups fought against Russian occupations before WWII and allied themselves with the enemy of their enemy during WWII. They are point of fact carrying on the historical heritage of fighting the occupiers. Ironic, at this time Americans who use a confederate flag insist it is only a symbol and only represents selected aspects of confederate history. When Ukrainians use this flag and symbol and represent selected aspects of it's heritage it is a different story for you. Weren't you using a confederate flag avatar just a few days ago? Does it mean you are a nazi? Also, what have you to say about Russian neo nazi's in Ukraine. I can remember when you were in denial about Chechens volunteering with separatist. Maybe you still do. Maybe you will deny Wolves M/C and other nationalist neo nazi's are with invaders in Ukraine.
Not this story again, I posted it on the forum on June 6th: Russia s secret troll factory US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now there are dozens of copy-cat threads.

This propaganda story is kinda like the continuous stream of gay threads.
Getting there. Already another in the global section.
So two or three is just like dozens, meaning at least 24. Each thread is a little different. This one is about an individual credited with writing a story that helped expose the propaganda mill. Not the same as the other two stories. We start multiple threads on similar or same topics for several understandable reasons. Mostly when the thread gets hijacked or simple interfered with enough to ruin honest discussion and debate. It is up to mod's to link threads into one if they become repetitious.
I suggest you actually read a dictionary: Dozen Definition of dozen by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of DOZEN
: a group of 12
: an indefinitely large number <dozens of times>
I was using it to imply lots, not a literal dozen.
Than you should have said a couple or a few, not dozens. Dozens make it a lie, not a mere misunderstanding or exaggeration.
Not this story again, I posted it on the forum on June 6th: Russia s secret troll factory US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now there are dozens of copy-cat threads.

This propaganda story is kinda like the continuous stream of gay threads.
Getting there. Already another in the global section.
So two or three is just like dozens, meaning at least 24. Each thread is a little different. This one is about an individual credited with writing a story that helped expose the propaganda mill. Not the same as the other two stories. We start multiple threads on similar or same topics for several understandable reasons. Mostly when the thread gets hijacked or simple interfered with enough to ruin honest discussion and debate. It is up to mod's to link threads into one if they become repetitious.
I suggest you actually read a dictionary: Dozen Definition of dozen by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of DOZEN
: a group of 12
: an indefinitely large number <dozens of times>
I was using it to imply lots, not a literal dozen.
Than you should have said a couple or a few, not dozens. Dozens make it a lie, not a mere misunderstanding or exaggeration.

Splitting hairs makes your post a rant. Grow up. :rolleyes:
Putin and his supporters think that if they keep denying the truth, everyone will go away. Murderers often do that.
Oh for crying out loud. Another "just joined" to tell us about a so called Putin Propaganda Machine.

Meanwhile spreading their own bullshit all over the net.
You seem to praise Pootin every chance you get,,comrade....
Hey! How many know that Poroshenko is using Ukrainian neo nazis to fight the rebels in the east?
Hey! How many know that Putin is using Russian neo nazis as part of the invasion force murdering citizens of Ukraine in his illegal invasion?
Why does Russia need special propaganda unit for internet when they have help from the Tinydancer's and CruesaderFranks already trolling for Putler?
Well they do get paid to do it...
Hey! How many know that Poroshenko is using Ukrainian neo nazis to fight the rebels in the east?
Tell the Ruskies to stay on their side of the border...
Putin wants to gain back some more of the former-USSR, so doubt he will stop till he has another airport and more ports.
But he's so dreamy, everyone should kneel and exalt this gawd of a man.....

this is where tiny dancer orgasm yet again at the mere mention of the gawd man's name
NATO pushing troops east surrounding Russia. Nato carrying out war games along Russian border.

USA imposing economic sanctions against Russia (most consider sanctions an act of war).

USA muscling Euro nations into line. It gets worse....
In mid-December, General James Stavridis, former commander of Nato in Europe called upon the Atlantic Alliance to”send arms and military advisers to Ukraine to help it fight Moscow-backed separatists.”

“I think we should provide significant military assistance to the Ukrainian military. I don’t think we should limit ourselves to, non-lethal aid. I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics. I think cyber-assistance would be very significant and helpful,as well as advice and potentially advisers.

“I don’t think there needs to be huge numbers of Nato troops on the ground. The Ukrainian military can resist what’s happening, but they need some assistance in order to do that.” (quoted in the Guardian, December 14, 2014)

And on December 18th, President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which allocates up to $350 million in military aid to Ukraine in support of its military campaign in Donbass.

In addition to the granting of military aid, the US military is directly involved in the process of military planning in close coordination with Ukraine’s Ministry Defense.

USA selling arms like a prostitute sells pussy....

All this after the "most blatant coup in history" and yet idiots continue to claim no Washington instigated coup occurred and believe Putin is responsible for all things bad.
In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so,but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine.
Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog

But it is all Putin's fault say the foolish American statist.
NATO pushing troops east surrounding Russia. Nato carrying out war games along Russian border.

USA imposing economic sanctions against Russia (most consider sanctions an act of war).

USA muscling Euro nations into line. It gets worse....
In mid-December, General James Stavridis, former commander of Nato in Europe called upon the Atlantic Alliance to”send arms and military advisers to Ukraine to help it fight Moscow-backed separatists.”

“I think we should provide significant military assistance to the Ukrainian military. I don’t think we should limit ourselves to, non-lethal aid. I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics. I think cyber-assistance would be very significant and helpful,as well as advice and potentially advisers.

“I don’t think there needs to be huge numbers of Nato troops on the ground. The Ukrainian military can resist what’s happening, but they need some assistance in order to do that.” (quoted in the Guardian, December 14, 2014)

And on December 18th, President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which allocates up to $350 million in military aid to Ukraine in support of its military campaign in Donbass.

In addition to the granting of military aid, the US military is directly involved in the process of military planning in close coordination with Ukraine’s Ministry Defense.

USA selling arms like a prostitute sells pussy....

All this after the "most blatant coup in history" and yet idiots continue to claim no Washington instigated coup occurred and believe Putin is responsible for all things bad.
In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so,but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine.
Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog

But it is all Putin's fault say the foolish American statist.
Says the paid Ruskie troll...you guys are so easy to pick off...
NATO pushing troops east surrounding Russia. Nato carrying out war games along Russian border.

USA imposing economic sanctions against Russia (most consider sanctions an act of war).

USA muscling Euro nations into line. It gets worse....
In mid-December, General James Stavridis, former commander of Nato in Europe called upon the Atlantic Alliance to”send arms and military advisers to Ukraine to help it fight Moscow-backed separatists.”

“I think we should provide significant military assistance to the Ukrainian military. I don’t think we should limit ourselves to, non-lethal aid. I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics. I think cyber-assistance would be very significant and helpful,as well as advice and potentially advisers.

“I don’t think there needs to be huge numbers of Nato troops on the ground. The Ukrainian military can resist what’s happening, but they need some assistance in order to do that.” (quoted in the Guardian, December 14, 2014)

And on December 18th, President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which allocates up to $350 million in military aid to Ukraine in support of its military campaign in Donbass.

In addition to the granting of military aid, the US military is directly involved in the process of military planning in close coordination with Ukraine’s Ministry Defense.

USA selling arms like a prostitute sells pussy....

All this after the "most blatant coup in history" and yet idiots continue to claim no Washington instigated coup occurred and believe Putin is responsible for all things bad.
In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so,but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine.
Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog

But it is all Putin's fault say the foolish American statist.
Says the paid Ruskie troll...you guys are so easy to pick off...
Typical post from a fool who thinks debate is calling another poster a name.

Putin is a ruthless dictator, but you fail to understand reason and intelligence...thus resort to typical dumb-ass knee jerk reaction.

Please refrain from responding to my posts.
Hey! How many know that Poroshenko is using Ukrainian neo nazis to fight the rebels in the east?
Tell the Ruskies to stay on their side of the border...

Putin's done jack shit compared to the asshole in the White House and other western leaders.

Egypt. Pressures Mubarak to step down. Hands Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and puts Morsi his puppet in charge. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and outlawed the bastards.

Syria. In his zeal to remove Assad from power and assisting in the supplying of weapons to the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Obama and other western leaders created a vacuum and gave the world ISIS.

Libya. Pressures Gaddafi. Supplies air cover for the terrorists errrrrr rebels. Look how well that worked out eh?

Check out the terrorists errrrrrrrrrr rebels having a pool party and the US Embassy in Tripoli. Terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrr rebels now control approximately one fifth of the oil on the planet.


Now a civil war in the Ukraine because the west wanted more regime change and assisted and backed the coup that overthrew a duly elected President and government.

Swell. Special. Good grief, everything these assholes called our leaders have done lately has gone to rat shit.
NATO pushing troops east surrounding Russia. Nato carrying out war games along Russian border.

USA imposing economic sanctions against Russia (most consider sanctions an act of war).

USA muscling Euro nations into line. It gets worse....
In mid-December, General James Stavridis, former commander of Nato in Europe called upon the Atlantic Alliance to”send arms and military advisers to Ukraine to help it fight Moscow-backed separatists.”

“I think we should provide significant military assistance to the Ukrainian military. I don’t think we should limit ourselves to, non-lethal aid. I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics. I think cyber-assistance would be very significant and helpful,as well as advice and potentially advisers.

“I don’t think there needs to be huge numbers of Nato troops on the ground. The Ukrainian military can resist what’s happening, but they need some assistance in order to do that.” (quoted in the Guardian, December 14, 2014)

And on December 18th, President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which allocates up to $350 million in military aid to Ukraine in support of its military campaign in Donbass.

In addition to the granting of military aid, the US military is directly involved in the process of military planning in close coordination with Ukraine’s Ministry Defense.

USA selling arms like a prostitute sells pussy....

All this after the "most blatant coup in history" and yet idiots continue to claim no Washington instigated coup occurred and believe Putin is responsible for all things bad.
In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so,but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine.
Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog

But it is all Putin's fault say the foolish American statist.
Why are you discussing aid to Ukraine and showing an obsolete chart of weapons sales to Russia. Obsolete since the sanctions. And the US has not yet given lethal weapons or military aid to Ukraine. All aid given has been not lethal. Lots of medical supplies, MRE's, etc.
Last edited:
NATO pushing troops east surrounding Russia. Nato carrying out war games along Russian border.

USA imposing economic sanctions against Russia (most consider sanctions an act of war).

USA muscling Euro nations into line. It gets worse....
In mid-December, General James Stavridis, former commander of Nato in Europe called upon the Atlantic Alliance to”send arms and military advisers to Ukraine to help it fight Moscow-backed separatists.”

“I think we should provide significant military assistance to the Ukrainian military. I don’t think we should limit ourselves to, non-lethal aid. I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics. I think cyber-assistance would be very significant and helpful,as well as advice and potentially advisers.

“I don’t think there needs to be huge numbers of Nato troops on the ground. The Ukrainian military can resist what’s happening, but they need some assistance in order to do that.” (quoted in the Guardian, December 14, 2014)

And on December 18th, President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which allocates up to $350 million in military aid to Ukraine in support of its military campaign in Donbass.

In addition to the granting of military aid, the US military is directly involved in the process of military planning in close coordination with Ukraine’s Ministry Defense.

USA selling arms like a prostitute sells pussy....

All this after the "most blatant coup in history" and yet idiots continue to claim no Washington instigated coup occurred and believe Putin is responsible for all things bad.
In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so,but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine.
Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog

But it is all Putin's fault say the foolish American statist.
Says the paid Ruskie troll...you guys are so easy to pick off...
Typical post from a fool who thinks debate is calling another poster a name.

Putin is a ruthless dictator, but you fail to understand reason and intelligence...thus resort to typical dumb-ass knee jerk reaction.

Please refrain from responding to my posts.

All the while, Putin is stripping insignias from his troops uniforms and sending them into Ukraine, against international law. Putin in a KGB Thug and an accomplice to murder, in addition to being a murderer himself by knocking off, one by one, opposition leaders in his wannabe USSR country.

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