Putin led Russia the last bastion fighting against Western globalism

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:
Putin is a tyrant and a murderer ........
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:
Providing aid and comfort to Russian aggressors.
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:
When you spew this garbage, then why do you have "Patriotic American" under your name. Clearly, you hate everything about the US.
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:
That's an interesting read on the situation and it's basically right in principle. But also consider US aggression shifting to Asia and away from the ME's oil rich regions.

Russia is a part of the threat of the alliance that's forming against the US, and that alliance will be too forminable to oppose. There is no possibility of stopping China's rise and so the best solution is to stop Russia's.

You get it mostly right but probably for the wrong basic reason. But not really an important issue in you analysis in my opinion. The end result is the same, or at least intended to be the same.

p.s. It's 'led' and not 'lead'.
Putin is a tyrant and a murderer ........

Well put again.

There really is only one nation standing against US and EU hegemony.
Far from it! I'll up the ante on that and say that it's more than half of the 7+ billion people on the earth that are either unaware or are opposed to US hegemony.

I've left out the EU from your comment because their people would be a large represenation of opposition to the US.
When you spew this garbage, then why do you have "Patriotic American" under your name. Clearly, you hate everything about the US.
Sorry, I had no idea that Ukraine is our 51st state and it's in the US Constitution that it's every patriotic American citizen's duty to defend it? ... :dunno:
Break that down for the class.

I'm missing your logic.
I don't think you really are but I'll bite one more time.

The big 3 are all fighting for all the marbles, China/Russia vs. America and vice versa. (I'm assuming the alliance has been established)

China is at least an imaginable foe to conquer but much, much less so as an alliance with Russia.

It's very plain to see and would even be acknowledged by America, but by putting the political spin on it as the 'fight against the great Satan' or some such other gobbledegoop?

We'll talk civilly and in an adult manner, or we simply won't!
Sorry, I had no idea that Ukraine is our 51st state and it's in the US Constitution that it's every patriotic American citizen's duty to defend it? ... :dunno:
It's the way you talk about America, always trashing it. Why not move to a Muslim country?
Putin is a hero to those who detest the lefty liberal neo-Marxist agenda. ... :cool-45:
Are you still mad that Trump couldn't get Ukraine to go along with what he wanted them to do? Geez, get over it already. Go ride a camel and relax.
It's the way you talk about America, always trashing it. Why not move to a Muslim country?
People who oppose America's wars are not trashing America.

Most Americans oppose their country's wars in principle but then fail to apply any opposition in actual fact.
And fwiw, it's not even an American war yet, that you criticize others over being against.
And then of course the more nasty ones like you just have to turn it into a fight against Islam.

How can your god ever support that attitude you're adopting?
Russia under Putin's leadership is the last European country refusing to surrender their sovereignty and culture to EU and U.S. lockstep march to Marxist globalism.
Their diabolical plan was to eventually make Ukraine a member of NATO and that would militarily surround Russia and force it to acquiesce to the globalist agenda.
Putin finally had enough of the western nations plans to subjugate the Russia people and acted accordingly by invading Ukraine and thereby neutering the EU / U.S. globalist agenda against his country. ... :cool-45:

Shut up moron.

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