Putin likes Trump

I mean really... the cold war is over! Not saying we gotta chummy up to Putin. But we don't need to start problems or agitate them. As like what Obama has been doing the past 8 years.

Oh, did Obama annex Crimea? Putin is a Dictator. Trump wants to be one.

Trump is trying to work the coup. He is trying his best to depose the current dictator in the White House.

The world is upside down. We can see it clearly. Backing Saudi Arabia again AGAIN we have given the world ISIS. What madness is this. When will it end.

I hear ya, but most Americans are clueless. They truly believe everything their Government/Corporate Media tells them. Our 'Close Allies' like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan are the biggest financiers of Global Terrorism. No other countries come close.
NaziCons must be thrilled that one of the worst tyrants in the world likes Trump. Interesting...

It really pisses you liberal bed wetters off that Putin isn't backing Hillary after she went there and 'reset' US-Russian relations.
Putin supports the bigger wuss, the one who will be easier for him to manipulate and handle... :D to think otherwise is foolish...imo

You think he didn't already handle Hillary by making her look foolish?

The world is upside down. We can see it clearly. Backing Saudi Arabia again AGAIN we have given the world ISIS. What madness is this. When will it end.

I hear ya, but most Americans are clueless. They truly believe everything their Government/Corporate Media tells them. Our 'Close Allies' like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan are the biggest financiers of Global Terrorism. No other countries come close.

Iran does a pretty good job as well.
I find it somewhat telling that on the very evening of the Democrat debate, the majority of the threads on USMB are threads discussing Donald Trump. LOL!!
Putin killing for political purposes. He is no better than Mason murdering his own people. Why do people like you love Putin do much? What has he done to you that you are licking Putin ass?

Yeah, Obama, who hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a now-dead US ambassador and then lied about the terrorist attack that took his life is SO much better than Putin.

Obama hired al Qaeda? Link?
Putin killed civilians in Crimea shooting down Malaysian airliner murdering 298 innocent civilians.
The bigger question is why the Big Quack likes the murderous bastard ex-KGB

respect and like are two different things. People respect strength and resolve. No one respects weakness and indecisiveness.
Murderous ex-KGB bastards who assassinate journalists war worth of respect! you go fish.

no one said that Putin was a nice guy. What I said is that he is a good leader who puts the interests of his country first. He has made Obama look like a pussy on every international issue. Face it, Obama is a joke. the entire world is laughing at us for putting that clown in the whitehouse.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like pussy.

when Obama drew a red line in Syria and then did nothing when it was crossed. The entire world laughed at obozo, not just Putin.

Entire world? Bullshit. The only people that are laughing are the traitors and racist people.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.
Then arming 2 headed monster Iran and Syria? We did not create these 2 monsters. Putin did by supplying arms which are use to terrorized and killing their neighbors. Someone has to stop these 2 monsters. No one else but America.
Pleeeassse. Your hero us nothing but a thug.
Hillary is going to ram the murderous ex-KGB so far up the Big Quack's ass that his prostate will be no problem.. WTF you idiots got behind this CLOWN is a crime against intelligence.

Acknowledging that Putin is a strong leader, is not getting behind him. Face facts, Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy and a follower.

It is what it is, deal with it.

Putin is nothing but a thug.
Somebody may think this ^ is funny, but to me it might be a pretty darn good working combination of world leaders in case Trump wins.

What made you think it will be easier with Trump? You make it sound that Trump will just crumble and sell America to Russia. Uh oh maybe a real state investment. LOL.
The only reason Putin likes Trump because Trump made comments......... That we should let the Russian do the fighting in Syria. That tells us that Trump is stupid, dumb and inexperience. Sure Putin like that because if Russian do the fighting in Syria that will make Assad the ultimate ruler of Syria. Then Assad will be stronger than ever killing his own people and supplying arms without restrictions to the terrorist in ME. Iran and Syria arms are supplied by Putin......... Iran and Syria spread and supplying arms to terrorist in ME. Go figure what's wrong with the picture......... I understand you are a Russian promoting Russian propaganda here in America but I can assure only *TRAITORS* and your fellow Russians will listen to you.

The bullshit you are posting is just amazing. Assad is the President of his own land. Who the hell are Obama and NATO to overthrow him. We have no right to be there.

Putin on the other hand does. Chechens have pledge allegiance to ISIS with over 15000 troops.

And as far as supplying arms to terrorists first look in the mirror, second look at the real culprits in the ME and thats the Sunni states of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and I've heard Kuwait is jumping on the band wagon now.

Get a grip. It's time for our western nations to get their noses out of every other countries business and piss off with the regime changes.

Oh dear....... US is trying to save Syrians from getting slaughtered by Syrian president Assad and try to stop supplying arms to terrorist. That's the reason we intervene in Syria. Who else will save humanity? Who do they call 911 when such atrocities comes up? On the other hand, what the hell is Putin doing in Syria?
As far Qatar, Saudi, Turkey and Kuwait are concerned? They are protecting their interest from terrorist sponsored by Iran and Syria with the support of Putin.

Really? Why don't you give me a link to Assad's slaughter of Syrians. Oh and supplying arms to terrorists and mercenaries. That's us.

Here your link Assad murdering his own people. You must be new and knows nothing about Middle East conflict except your fantasy with Putin. You are a traitor.
Russia and only 2 allies in ME supply arms to Iran and Syria which sponsors terrorist. Wake up.

Ghouta chemical attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
respect and like are two different things. People respect strength and resolve. No one respects weakness and indecisiveness.
Murderous ex-KGB bastards who assassinate journalists war worth of respect! you go fish.

no one said that Putin was a nice guy. What I said is that he is a good leader who puts the interests of his country first. He has made Obama look like a pussy on every international issue. Face it, Obama is a joke. the entire world is laughing at us for putting that clown in the whitehouse.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like pussy.

when Obama drew a red line in Syria and then did nothing when it was crossed. The entire world laughed at obozo, not just Putin.

Entire world? Bullshit. The only people that are laughing are the traitors and racist people.

Not really. Apparently the Russian people are: Russians Release Humiliating, "Offensive" Calendars Featuring Obama... He Is NOT Happy

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