Putin likes Trump

NaziCons must be thrilled that one of the worst tyrants in the world likes Trump. Interesting...
What does the West know about Putin? Western leaders along with all Western propaganda wanted us to believe that:

- Russia and ISIS are the main threats to the world;
- Russian planes are trying to intimidate NATO;
- Putin invaded Ukraine;
- Putin suppresses gays,
.. and so on and on. Aggressor, invader, dictator, monster… As a result of such propaganda mainly all Western taxpayers hated Putin. Only few were still enjoying Putin’s pictures on the Internet, pictures of a real man…

The trick Western propaganda has been using is telling half of the truth mixed up with enough lies to achieve the goals. Rarely it’s been bothering Western auditorium with publishing Putin’s opinion and the reasons behind it (!). However the people who were watching Russian news and were familiar with what Putin really does and why, they were able to see a deeper picture of events happening in the world. Also he always does what he says. For years Putin was trying to explain to the West: its geopolitical irresponsible games were dangerous. And recent events are just proving how much he was right.

Here is just one example of publishing Putin’s interview with Charlie Rose on Sep 29. Just a day before Russia started bombing ISIS. You can see by yourself: almost half of the interview was left out.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net

The interview contains Putin’s answers about ME, Syrian conflict, ISIS, USA role in all three above, relationship between USA and Russia, situation in Ukraine, Russian gays rights and many other things.

At the end of the interview Charlie Rose said:
CHARLIE ROSE:I enjoyed your speech.
VLADIMIR PUTIN:In fact, I am telling you the truth.
CHARLIE ROSE:Americans are going to see you the way they have never seen you. You are more conversational and expressive. It is good, indeed.

And after the world started watching Putin blowing the sh*t out of ISIS, the world has learned another thing about Putin: unlike US led coalition he really wants to destroy ISIS. and probably will do it

Murderous ex-KGB bastards who assassinate journalists war worth of respect! you go fish.

no one said that Putin was a nice guy. What I said is that he is a good leader who puts the interests of his country first. He has made Obama look like a pussy on every international issue. Face it, Obama is a joke. the entire world is laughing at us for putting that clown in the whitehouse.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like pussy.

when Obama drew a red line in Syria and then did nothing when it was crossed. The entire world laughed at obozo, not just Putin.

Entire world? Bullshit. The only people that are laughing are the traitors and racist people.

Not really. Apparently the Russian people are: Russians Release Humiliating, "Offensive" Calendars Featuring Obama... He Is NOT Happy

Have a safe trip to Moscow.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

You really impressed me how much you adore Putin. Didn't I asked you...... Can you tell me what Putin did to you that you love him so much?
I understand where and what Stradford position is because he is Russian. In the worst possible scenario (example ) we will shoot at each other. But if you are an American..... then I baptized you as Traitor.

Being honest about how your country is fucking up the planet is a good thing. Not traitorous. My rants for example are completely bipartisan against my own former Prime Minister Harper and Cameron and progressive Obama.

Empowering ISIS all to overthrow Assad which by the way we have no right to fucking do has been a monumental disaster.

Our leaders created a jihadist monster of epic proportions. All because they wanted to aid Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to put a Muslim Brotherhood government in Assad's place.

Our leaders have given the planet a nightmare of nightmares called ISIS.

This is my country I support my country..... Sratford support his country. You are an American supporting other country because of your hatred to Obama. You are a traitor. I do not like some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I trade Obama with Putin thug.
You have not answer any of my questions. So let me repeat it again for you.
1. What did he do for you that you adore Putin him so much?
2. Every Putin supporters here are jumping up and down celebrating how good is Putin bombing ISIS. To me that is just ignorances. If Putin is really doing that good...... How come ISIS are still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallons? Go get some help and get back to me.
The pictures or video shown by US and Russian bombing ISIS. Do you see what is wrong with those video and pictures?
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

You really impressed me how much you adore Putin. Didn't I asked you...... Can you tell me what Putin did to you that you love him so much?
I understand where and what Stradford position is because he is Russian. In the worst possible scenario (example ) we will shoot at each other. But if you are an American..... then I baptized you as Traitor.

Being honest about how your country is fucking up the planet is a good thing. Not traitorous. My rants for example are completely bipartisan against my own former Prime Minister Harper and Cameron and progressive Obama.

Empowering ISIS all to overthrow Assad which by the way we have no right to fucking do has been a monumental disaster.

Our leaders created a jihadist monster of epic proportions. All because they wanted to aid Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to put a Muslim Brotherhood government in Assad's place.

Our leaders have given the planet a nightmare of nightmares called ISIS.

Empowering ISIS. ISIS was born in Syria. Show me a link where Obama empowering ISIS.
I hear Donald is considering Putin fo his VP spot. Just amazing that Donald is cozying up to Adolph Putin.

And his disciplines love it!

The Cold War is over.

Stop living in the past.

SOme change is good, and the COld War ending is change I full support.
respect and like are two different things. People respect strength and resolve. No one respects weakness and indecisiveness.
Murderous ex-KGB bastards who assassinate journalists war worth of respect! you go fish.

no one said that Putin was a nice guy. What I said is that he is a good leader who puts the interests of his country first. He has made Obama look like a pussy on every international issue. Face it, Obama is a joke. the entire world is laughing at us for putting that clown in the whitehouse.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like pussy.

when Obama drew a red line in Syria and then did nothing when it was crossed. The entire world laughed at obozo, not just Putin.

Entire world? Bullshit. The only people that are laughing are the traitors and racist people.

"Racist"? REally? Give it a rest loser.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.
Then arming 2 headed monster Iran and Syria? We did not create these 2 monsters. Putin did by supplying arms which are use to terrorized and killing their neighbors. Someone has to stop these 2 monsters. No one else but America.
Pleeeassse. Your hero us nothing but a thug.

The Cold War is over.

Russia is not America's problem anymore.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.
Before the UN talking about ISIS....

Vladimir Putin steals Barack Obama's thunder on world stage - CNNPolitics.com


View attachment 57244

So.... what happened?
He invaded Crimea. About 9,200 casualties, shooting down Malaysian airline killing 298, people are suffering in Crimea. Congratulation.
Syria, ISIS....... There's one big difference between US and Russian bombings. Russia targeted moderate rebels killing civilians on purpose and some ISIS. US only bomb ISIS. If Russia is doing such a good job....... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

New reality in Crimea. Life on the peninsula under the wing of 'brotherly' Russia. -

What? 9200 casualties without any shot? Man, I wanna see the sourse by your link! :)
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.
Before the UN talking about ISIS....

Vladimir Putin steals Barack Obama's thunder on world stage - CNNPolitics.com


View attachment 57244

So.... what happened?
He invaded Crimea. About 9,200 casualties, shooting down Malaysian airline killing 298, people are suffering in Crimea. Congratulation.
Syria, ISIS....... There's one big difference between US and Russian bombings. Russia targeted moderate rebels killing civilians on purpose and some ISIS. US only bomb ISIS. If Russia is doing such a good job....... Why do you think ISIS still capable of producing oil?

New reality in Crimea. Life on the peninsula under the wing of 'brotherly' Russia. -

What? 9200 casualties without any shot? Man, I wanna see the sourse by your link! :)

US only bomb ISIS.

Russia has only one private problem from ISIS - a bunch of terroritst from North Caucas (from Chechnya, Dagestan and so on), which take experience in Syria and plan to return in Russia. If US REALLY bombs ISIS - why them alive so much times? Russia don't need their return.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.
Then arming 2 headed monster Iran and Syria? We did not create these 2 monsters. Putin did by supplying arms which are use to terrorized and killing their neighbors. Someone has to stop these 2 monsters. No one else but America.
Pleeeassse. Your hero us nothing but a thug.

The Cold War is over.

Russia is not America's problem anymore.

Bullshit. Russia is arming Iran and Syria that supports terrorism. You are obsolete. Go get yourself updated.
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.
Then arming 2 headed monster Iran and Syria? We did not create these 2 monsters. Putin did by supplying arms which are use to terrorized and killing their neighbors. Someone has to stop these 2 monsters. No one else but America.
Pleeeassse. Your hero us nothing but a thug.

The Cold War is over.

Russia is not America's problem anymore.

Bullshit. Russia is arming Iran and Syria that supports terrorism. You are obsolete. Go get yourself updated.

A good US president would sit down with Putin and find ways to work together for the benefit of both countries. Americans and Russians have more in common than you realize. Together we could destroy ISIS in a week. Russia does not have to be our enemy.
I mean really... the cold war is over! Not saying we gotta chummy up to Putin. But we don't need to start problems or agitate them. As like what Obama has been doing the past 8 years.

Oh, did Obama annex Crimea? Putin is a Dictator. Trump wants to be one.

No. Khruschev annexed Crimea. Putin returned. Khruschev was stupid bloody dictator - it's not a secret.
Putin killing for political purposes. He is no better than Mason murdering his own people. Why do people like you love Putin do much? What has he done to you that you are licking Putin ass?

Yeah, Obama, who hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a now-dead US ambassador and then lied about the terrorist attack that took his life is SO much better than Putin.

Obama hired al Qaeda? Link?
Putin killed civilians in Crimea shooting down Malaysian airliner murdering 298 innocent civilians.

And also every day wasting children by giant canines and then eating them and drinking their blood at breakfast... It's now not a news, what else? :)
Last edited:
Murderous ex-KGB bastards who assassinate journalists war worth of respect! you go fish.

no one said that Putin was a nice guy. What I said is that he is a good leader who puts the interests of his country first. He has made Obama look like a pussy on every international issue. Face it, Obama is a joke. the entire world is laughing at us for putting that clown in the whitehouse.

Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like pussy.

when Obama drew a red line in Syria and then did nothing when it was crossed. The entire world laughed at obozo, not just Putin.

Entire world? Bullshit. The only people that are laughing are the traitors and racist people.

Not really. Apparently the Russian people are: Russians Release Humiliating, "Offensive" Calendars Featuring Obama... He Is NOT Happy

Russian people never forgive him an Ukraine...
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.

I would be happy, if Putin will invade both in Georgia and Ukraine and save peoples from repressive nazi regimes... At least in 2016!!!
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

You really impressed me how much you adore Putin. Didn't I asked you...... Can you tell me what Putin did to you that you love him so much?
I understand where and what Stradford position is because he is Russian. In the worst possible scenario (example ) we will shoot at each other. But if you are an American..... then I baptized you as Traitor.

Being honest about how your country is fucking up the planet is a good thing. Not traitorous. My rants for example are completely bipartisan against my own former Prime Minister Harper and Cameron and progressive Obama.

Empowering ISIS all to overthrow Assad which by the way we have no right to fucking do has been a monumental disaster.

Our leaders created a jihadist monster of epic proportions. All because they wanted to aid Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to put a Muslim Brotherhood government in Assad's place.

Our leaders have given the planet a nightmare of nightmares called ISIS.

Empowering ISIS. ISIS was born in Syria. Show me a link where Obama empowering ISIS.

Just comment this "losing" : Isis captured 2,300 Humvee armoured vehicles from Iraqi forces in Mosul

And where's your proofs? You still didn't give us any link...
"Very talented, no doubt about that."

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, but declined to weigh in on whether the real estate mogul would be a good president.

"He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that... He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russia. How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome it," Putin told reporters in Moscow, according to Reuters.

But the Russian president declined to weigh in on Trump's controversial language and proposals, such as banning all Muslims from entering the United States.

"It's not our affair to determine his worthiness. That's up to the United States voters," he said, according to ABC. "As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them."

Trump has said that he would aim to work with Putin if he were elected president, saying he got to know him when they both appeared on "60 Minutes," even though the two men appeared on the show in different cities. Trump has also praised Russia's military intervention in Syria.

Putin has had a frosty relationship with President Barack Obama.

Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump: 'He Is A Very Flamboyant Man'

Like that old saying: "It takes one to know one"...
And trump likes Putin. Weird
Can you give an example where Putin made Obama look like a pussy? Link.
Didn't Obama just applied sanctions against Russia? Punishing Putin without firing a single bullet. Putin can't do a darn thing which makes him look like clown and pussy.

'Hey Vlad, I think something's wrong with
the 'Reset' button...'

One big difference between Putin's 'Leadership' style and foreign policies and Obama's is that when Putin wants to overthrow a government or protect his friends he doesn't sell arms to, support, train, and protect a bunch of terrorists and 'rebels' to do the work for him is some 'proxy war' so people won't really know that he is behind it and / or have to get his hands 'dirty', like Obama. No, he rolls the tanks, the helicopters, the jest, and the troops in, kicks the proxy rebels asses, takes what he wants and rides a bear bare-chested into the fray so everyone will know it is him who is doing it.

(In Obama's defense, Putin does have bigger boobs than he does...)

What Putin policy? Woman you must be dreaming. He invaded Georgia in 2008 then Ukraine 2014.
Then arming 2 headed monster Iran and Syria? We did not create these 2 monsters. Putin did by supplying arms which are use to terrorized and killing their neighbors. Someone has to stop these 2 monsters. No one else but America.
Pleeeassse. Your hero us nothing but a thug.

The Cold War is over.

Russia is not America's problem anymore.

Bullshit. Russia is arming Iran and Syria that supports terrorism. You are obsolete. Go get yourself updated.

For what? To make exploites in Moscow subway??? Can you, at least, think logically? For what purpose Russia needs terrorist organizations, like ISIS? To down price at oil and strike own budget? :))

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