Putin likes Trump

Maybe the left confuses apology and weakness for diplomacy. Wouldn't it be a good thing if Barry Hussein's fantasy came true and the Russian government actually respected the United States instead of pitying and taking advantage of a weak administration?
Isn't THIS what we always wanted, FRIENDLY RELATIONS with Russia, being able to TALK and work out problems...instead of DRAWING RED LINES in the sand?

  • From Russia with love: Putin, Trump sing each other's praises
    Yahoo News ^
    Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump praised each other on Thursday, saying they would welcome an improvement in the now-icy relations between their two nations. Trump - who holds the lead in opinion polls in his bid for the Republican nomination and was dubbed the "absolute leader" in the race by Putin - said that by working together, the United States and Russia could work toward defeating terrorism and "restoring world peace." The billionaire businessman's remarks were in stark contrast to his Republican rivals' rhetoric. Republicans have frequently taken to bashing Putin and have used his...
Maybe the left confuses apology and weakness for diplomacy. Wouldn't it be a good thing if Barry Hussein's fantasy came true and the Russian government actually respected the United States instead of pitying and taking advantage of a weak administration?

I really believe from the get go the punk from Chicago believed his own press and became in his mind "boss of the world". A lot of people don't remember it (and I don't blame them because we've had so much bs from him) but remember his very first obvious intervention in another country's issues? I remember this one in particular because this old phrase crossed my mind;;

"by the pricking in my thumbs something wicked this way comes".

The Honduras. After they threw the President out of office because he over rode the Honduras constitution and was going to seize power for another term, freaking Obama and Hillary backed the ex President and tried to get him reinstated.

Despite the fact he was going against the Honduran Constitution.

Really showed them for what they are. And how they would handle foreign affairs.

"The U.S. has since come down solidly on the side of—Mr. Zelaya. While it has supported negotiations and called for calm, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have both insisted that Honduras must ignore Mr. Zelaya's transgressions and their own legal processes and restore him as president. The U.S. has gone so far as to cut off aid, threaten Honduran assets in the U.S. and pull visas to enter the U.S. from the independent judiciary. The U.S. has even threatened not to recognize presidential elections previously scheduled for November unless Mr. Zelaya is first brought back to power—even though he couldn't run again."

The Honduras Mess
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TRUMP: Vladimir Putin's praise is 'a great honor'

Peaceful coexistence, isn't that what we ALL want?

Business Insider ^ | December 17, 2015 | By Maxwell Tani
Republican US presidential front-runner Donald Trump is apparently "honored" that Russian President Vladimir Putin considers the real-estate magnate a "flamboyant" and "very talented" man. "It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond," Trump said in a statement, according to Politico. He continued: "I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect."
TRUMP: Vladimir Putin's praise is 'a great honor'

Peaceful coexistence, isn't that what we ALL want?

Business Insider ^ | December 17, 2015 | By Maxwell Tani
Republican US presidential front-runner Donald Trump is apparently "honored" that Russian President Vladimir Putin considers the real-estate magnate a "flamboyant" and "very talented" man. "It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond," Trump said in a statement, according to Politico. He continued: "I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect."

Putin wants to make Adolf Trump his bitch.
"Putin likes Trump"

Which comes as no surprise – that one warmongering tyrant would approve of another, and that many on the right approve of both.
right. The darn "conservatives; have gone so far right they are beginning to come full circle to mesh with communists., I never thought I would see the day but here it is.
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?
I don't think it is a matter of belief that Turkey is an ally. Turkey is a member of NATO and we have a duty to have their back via that treaty.

Even though Erdogan has made ISIS the wealthiest terror organization on the planet. He's been buying the oil and antiquities and bombing Kurds while we've been turning a blind eye to the evil son of a bitch?

If that's an ally hey why don't we just let Boko Haram into NATO too and call they an ally?

Turkey has been in NATO for more than 60 years. Should their alleged link to ISIS warrant expulsion? If so what would that loss entail
I don't think it is a matter of belief that Turkey is an ally. Turkey is a member of NATO and we have a duty to have their back via that treaty.

You can not really believe that Turkey's Ergodan....who has been supporting ISIS since day one...is a real ally.

Turkey sits firmly by ISIS side.

I have already stated that it is not a matter of belief. We are bound, as a member of NATO, to stand by Turkey in the event she is attacked. Turkey's role as a member of NATO is an important strategic one that seems to transcend any involvement with ISIS. I am ambivalent about that since I know ISIS is our enemy and I really don't think Turkey should be helping them. But there may be other cusl factors at work here.You and I are not privy to all the data.

There should be no gray area here whatsoever. ISIS has become the world's largest terror organization on the planet with Erdogan making out like a bandit and making them the wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This is now costing millions of dollars to put up some sort of dog and pony show to prove we really don't back ISIS.

They must be expelled from NATO.

I wouldn't be too quick to go with Turkey's expulsion from NATO. Turkey's strategic location makes it a stop gap for Russian expansion in the area.
Consider that Turkey was also a founding member of the United Nations besides now being a member of NATO. So what makes Turkey a desirable "friend" of the West?

Only the USA has a larger standing armed force in the NATO coalition. Turkey's 495,000 deployable forces are nothing to sneeze at. But here is the clincher:

Turkey is part of the nuclear sharing policy of the alliance with Germany , Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Are you ready for this? at least 90 B61 nuclear bobmbs are hosted at the incirlik Air Base...40 of which are allocated for use by the Turkish Air Force in case of a nuclear conflict..albeit with the approval of NATO.

Are you still so ready to kick Turkey out of NATO?

The European NATO partners might not be eager as you are.

Russian expansion? All hell has been breaking loose because of NATO and the EU not Russia. And to have Erdogan running Turkey and Turkey in NATO is playing with fire because they can't control him. He is a hard line Islamist.

This is not the Turkey of old. Not at all.

When you say this is not the Turkey of old, I have to wonder if you are talking about the Ottoman empire or some other era. I really don't want to go there. But in modern times, I think the role of Turkey in NATO has changed since the cold war ended. The strategic emphasis has shifted from the Soviets to the middle east. Not entirely, mind you, but much more than before the Berlin wall came down.
Somebody may think this ^ is funny, but to me it might be a pretty darn good working combination of world leaders in case Trump wins.

What made you think it will be easier with Trump? You make it sound that Trump will just crumble and sell America to Russia. Uh oh maybe a real state investment. LOL.
The only reason Putin likes Trump because Trump made comments......... That we should let the Russian do the fighting in Syria. That tells us that Trump is stupid, dumb and inexperience. Sure Putin like that because if Russian do the fighting in Syria that will make Assad the ultimate ruler of Syria. Then Assad will be stronger than ever killing his own people and supplying arms without restrictions to the terrorist in ME. Iran and Syria arms are supplied by Putin......... Iran and Syria spread and supplying arms to terrorist in ME. Go figure what's wrong with the picture......... I understand you are a Russian promoting Russian propaganda here in America but I can assure only *TRAITORS* and your fellow Russians will listen to you.
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Even though Erdogan has made ISIS the wealthiest terror organization on the planet. He's been buying the oil and antiquities and bombing Kurds while we've been turning a blind eye to the evil son of a bitch?

If that's an ally hey why don't we just let Boko Haram into NATO too and call they an ally?

Turkey has been in NATO for more than 60 years. Should their alleged link to ISIS warrant expulsion? If so what would that loss entail
You can not really believe that Turkey's Ergodan....who has been supporting ISIS since day one...is a real ally.

Turkey sits firmly by ISIS side.

I have already stated that it is not a matter of belief. We are bound, as a member of NATO, to stand by Turkey in the event she is attacked. Turkey's role as a member of NATO is an important strategic one that seems to transcend any involvement with ISIS. I am ambivalent about that since I know ISIS is our enemy and I really don't think Turkey should be helping them. But there may be other cusl factors at work here.You and I are not privy to all the data.

There should be no gray area here whatsoever. ISIS has become the world's largest terror organization on the planet with Erdogan making out like a bandit and making them the wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This is now costing millions of dollars to put up some sort of dog and pony show to prove we really don't back ISIS.

They must be expelled from NATO.

I wouldn't be too quick to go with Turkey's expulsion from NATO. Turkey's strategic location makes it a stop gap for Russian expansion in the area.
Consider that Turkey was also a founding member of the United Nations besides now being a member of NATO. So what makes Turkey a desirable "friend" of the West?

Only the USA has a larger standing armed force in the NATO coalition. Turkey's 495,000 deployable forces are nothing to sneeze at. But here is the clincher:

Turkey is part of the nuclear sharing policy of the alliance with Germany , Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Are you ready for this? at least 90 B61 nuclear bobmbs are hosted at the incirlik Air Base...40 of which are allocated for use by the Turkish Air Force in case of a nuclear conflict..albeit with the approval of NATO.

Are you still so ready to kick Turkey out of NATO?

The European NATO partners might not be eager as you are.

Russian expansion? All hell has been breaking loose because of NATO and the EU not Russia. And to have Erdogan running Turkey and Turkey in NATO is playing with fire because they can't control him. He is a hard line Islamist.

This is not the Turkey of old. Not at all.

When you say this is not the Turkey of old, I have to wonder if you are talking about the Ottoman empire or some other era. I really don't want to go there. But in modern times, I think the role of Turkey in NATO has changed since the cold war ended. The strategic emphasis has shifted from the Soviets to the middle east. Not entirely, mind you, but much more than before the Berlin wall came down.

Turkey for the longest time was secular and extemely advanced and a wonderful example of mid east democracy. When I was younger I was enthralled with fashion and Istanbul was divine for shows. Advanced culture. Truly remarkable in the ME.

Under Erdogan the country has reverted to hard line Islam. He embraces the Muslim Brotherhood. He has been supporting al Nusra and ISIS. This is not the Turkey who originally joined NATO.

Great article here. Made my hair stand on end on how hard line Turkey has become.

"The cosmetic reforms that have been attributed to Erdogan and his Government, bringing him high repute, turned out to be window dressing to impress the West. Indeed, they all melted away swiftly within the repressive structure of emerging political Islam. Law came at the top the list of casualties. Government supporters are granted privileges and are above the law, while opponents are meted out the harshest sentences. Formal law is no longer implemented with the purpose of delivering justice but rather as a tool to deliver punishments to detractors.

It was only his Western counterparts and pundits who were hoping that someone with strong loyalties to Sharia would abide by secular law. By now, they must be amazed at how wrong they got it.

AKP has transformed Sunni identity into the dominant one in Turkey through religious references. Addressing the West, the AKP claimed that it was waging war on deeply rooted nationalism, but all the while it was spreading a far more insidious ideology. In fact, any scholar who works on Turkey knows that Middle Eastern style nationalism has always relied on religious pillars to survive.

In the course of Turkey's republican history we had the best attempts at democracy that could have come out of Islamic countries, despite stumbling, interruptions and the tests of perseverance we had to endure. AKP has been calling this political system the regime of secular elites who think it is their right to govern the republic.

Yet political Islamists have been involved in various centre-right organizations and parties, and have been the recipients of many privileges - strengthening their presence progressively. For example, some of the staff who have served Erdogan include ministers and high level bureaucrats who have held these positions ever since they became civil servants decades ago.

However, Turkey's political Islamists were not content with the symbiotic relations they had created with the centre-right parties. They worked diligently to take over the host organization and reached managerial positions with a perseverance that is praised and advised in Islam through the act of taqiyya (a form of religious dissimulation that permits believers to conceal the truth in pursuit of their goals).

So we have come to this situation. The system that protected social rights and liberties, and was supported by a considerable number of citizens, has been destroyed by an invisible bulldozer, and the political Islamists now claim absolute victory. In their eyes, 'the infidel, heretic' secular republic has been defeated."

More at link:

The rise of political Islam in Turkey: how the West got it wrong
Putin fears Hillary
That is why he wants Trump

I fear Hillary too. She's mindless after her problems in private life! She will not think twice to push red button. How long ago you read the instructions, how to survive in radioactive contaminated environment?

Hillary doesn't like your kind. She will light you up.


Nice to know that you believe she'll use nukes against Russia.
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?

Yeah the latest. He's beating the shit out of ISIS.
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?

Yeah the latest. He's beating the shit out of ISIS.

Yeah? so??? what has ISIS done to you? Why do you imagine RUSSIA
wants to get rid of ISIS? Because the Russians love the chaldeans and kurds
and Yazidis?. In 1945 the Russians brutalized the citizens of Berlin-----for the love of ME???
Somebody may think this ^ is funny, but to me it might be a pretty darn good working combination of world leaders in case Trump wins.

What made you think it will be easier with Trump? You make it sound that Trump will just crumble and sell America to Russia. Uh oh maybe a real state investment. LOL.
The only reason Putin likes Trump because Trump made comments......... That we should let the Russian do the fighting in Syria. That tells us that Trump is stupid, dumb and inexperience. Sure Putin like that because if Russian do the fighting in Syria that will make Assad the ultimate ruler of Syria. Then Assad will be stronger than ever killing his own people and supplying arms without restrictions to the terrorist in ME. Iran and Syria arms are supplied by Putin......... Iran and Syria spread and supplying arms to terrorist in ME. Go figure what's wrong with the picture......... I understand you are a Russian promoting Russian propaganda here in America but I can assure only *TRAITORS* and your fellow Russians will listen to you.

The bullshit you are posting is just amazing. Assad is the President of his own land. Who the hell are Obama and NATO to overthrow him. We have no right to be there.

Putin on the other hand does. Chechens have pledge allegiance to ISIS with over 15000 troops.

And as far as supplying arms to terrorists first look in the mirror, second look at the real culprits in the ME and thats the Sunni states of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and I've heard Kuwait is jumping on the band wagon now.

Get a grip. It's time for our western nations to get their noses out of every other countries business and piss off with the regime changes.
LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?

Yeah the latest. He's beating the shit out of ISIS.

Yeah? so??? what has ISIS done to you? Why do you imagine RUSSIA
wants to get rid of ISIS? Because the Russians love the chaldeans and kurds
and Yazidis?. In 1945 the Russians brutalized the citizens of Berlin-----for the love of ME???

Chechens fighting with ISIS. Chechens pledging 15000 plus fighters to attack Moscow. It's a no brainer why Putin has to eradicate them.

And with that asshole in the White House letting ISIS take out the Taliban and invade Afghanistan Putin really has them on his door step.

Now, what right do we have to interfere? NONE. Worse yet with these stupid regime change games that Obama plays he freaking allowed ISIS to become the monsters they are.
PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?

Yeah the latest. He's beating the shit out of ISIS.

Yeah? so??? what has ISIS done to you? Why do you imagine RUSSIA
wants to get rid of ISIS? Because the Russians love the chaldeans and kurds
and Yazidis?. In 1945 the Russians brutalized the citizens of Berlin-----for the love of ME???

Chechens fighting with ISIS. Chechens pledging 15000 plus fighters to attack Moscow. It's a no brainer why Putin has to eradicate them.

And with that asshole in the White House letting ISIS take out the Taliban and invade Afghanistan Putin really has them on his door step.

Now, what right do we have to interfere? NONE. Worse yet with these stupid regime change games that Obama plays he freaking allowed ISIS to become the monsters they are.

Isis is not "taking out" the Taliban You have to be very dim to believe that
story---------go ahead and tell me that OBAMA has encouraged ISIS to GO TO
AFGHANISTAN AND FIGHT THE TALIBAN----I need a laugh. I will help you understand------now try to focus. Many, many MUSLIMS in both Pakistan and in Afghanistan SUPPORT ISIS. In fact MANY MANY Muslims all over the world
SUPPORT ISIS----and are forming "LOVE ISIS" groups. I will help you even more-----the Iraqi isis people would drown in Afghanistan-----they don't speak the
You really just don't get it do you.

Let's start from scratch. Who started this bullshit in Syria? Who has been aiding and abetting the terrorists in Syria to try to depose Assad? We have been.

Who's the fucking group of thugs?

WE ARE. We are to blame for the rise of ISIS. And for the deaths of hundreds of thousands and displacement of millions of people.

It's not WE, it's the moonbat messiah.

If it was a fact that even moonbats couldn't ignore he would be facing impeachment. However since the media won't touch the story let alone demand the information be published, nothing will happen.

LMAO...can't wait to see how the fucking teapers react to this. 2 months ago, Putin was the great evil in the world. Now I bet he is the hero of the 'free' world.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Wait, I forgot...teapers loved Putin a year ago, demonized him 6 months ago...so if their idiocy remains constant....Putin is now the greatest man on earth...only second to Rump!!!!

Fucking teapers....llooney hypocritical bastards that have destroyed true conservatism with their hate.

PUTIN is a major threat to the planet earth

No. The major threat to the Earth is your madness :)

Why you so hate Russians? Which bad thing Russians did for you?

What did the Russians did to you that you praised these Russians so much? Can you name one? Can you name one or any of Putin contributions to humanity?

Yeah the latest. He's beating the shit out of ISIS.

Oh yeah....... Putin concentration is killing the rebels against Assad. That's the only reason and only reason Putin is in Syria and nothing more. ISIS was just an excuse.
Jordan with a very small Air Force could have taken the ISIS out of business easily if they wanted. You have US plus coalition and Russian pounding ISIS......... And yet ISIS still in business. If you think Russia is beating the shit of ISIS. Can you tell me why ISIS were still able to continue oil production? I'm not saying that US and Russia is doing a bad job.

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