Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama

The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

Is that picture from the Ukraine or another union protest here in the states, it hard to tell the difference..

The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

Bandera did not worship Nazi's. That is a convenient agenda driven opinion you have accepted. He worked with them because they were in charge of and control of western Ukraine in WWII. People who refused to work with the Nazi's during that period ended up dead or in slave labor camps. Those guys who follow Banderas's Nationalist agenda today were the first to plug the holes in SE Ukraine, suffered highest casualties and held the Russians in check. The private militia's filled the void while the Ukrainian Army could retrain and organize. They receive respect and gratitude, but not votes into the government. They are given some honors and medals, but very little government power or authority.

Oh for heaven's sake stop the lies.

These are historical facts I'm putting out there. Ask Poland. Not only did the OUN B assassinate the Polish foreign minister but they whacked over 70000 Poles.

And the Azov Battalion has the full backing of Kiev.
ISIS is in trouble. Russia and Iran will not be PC in exterminating them. Once the West/U.S. and Saudis are pushed aside, ISIS is in for some seriously rough times. Russia and Iran will be relentless and ruthless in hunting them down.
The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

Bandera did not worship Nazi's. That is a convenient agenda driven opinion you have accepted. He worked with them because they were in charge of and control of western Ukraine in WWII. People who refused to work with the Nazi's during that period ended up dead or in slave labor camps. Those guys who follow Banderas's Nationalist agenda today were the first to plug the holes in SE Ukraine, suffered highest casualties and held the Russians in check. The private militia's filled the void while the Ukrainian Army could retrain and organize. They receive respect and gratitude, but not votes into the government. They are given some honors and medals, but very little government power or authority.

Oh for heaven's sake stop the lies.

These are historical facts I'm putting out there. Ask Poland. Not only did the OUN B assassinate the Polish foreign minister but they whacked over 70000 Poles.

And the Azov Battalion has the full backing of Kiev.
I'm guessing you have no knowledge of western Ukraine being given to Poland at the end of WW1 and under total Polish control and oppression all the way up to WWII. Odds are you know nothing about the Polish colonizing and settling in western Ukraine, the confiscation of property and homes and even the confiscation of the valuable oil fields. Poland did a little ethnic cleansing of their own. The Polish Ukrainian War of 1918-19 is overshadowed or considered a small part of WWI, but it was the direct cause of some western Ukrainians siding with the Germans in WWII and the tables being turned on the Polish invaders and oppressors.
Don't take my word. Look up Polish-Ukrainian War and pick the source of your choice.
How's this? This is who western Ukrainians love and adore. That guy in the middle got the ''HERO OF THE UKRAINE" award. In January two thousand and mother fucking ten.


We get it. You don't like Western Ukraine and think they have a significant Nazi support BUT you pop all over these threads as though that is some sort of defense for Putin's actions in the area.

It is not.

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now
Takes money to be the power broker. First, the GOP fucked up the Middle East. Second, they fucked up the economy. If Russia thinks they have the money and the influence, then good for them. Realists know bullshit when they hear it. Too bad you don't.
How's this? This is who western Ukrainians love and adore. That guy in the middle got the ''HERO OF THE UKRAINE" award. In January two thousand and mother fucking ten.


We get it. You don't like Western Ukraine and think they have a significant Nazi support BUT you pop all over these threads as though that is some sort of defense for Putin's actions in the area.

It is not.

Get a grip on yourself. Putin doesn't want another Beslan.

Now if you cannot understand that there is no hope for your soul. The deaths of all these babies were at the hands of Chechens. And now these evil bastards have openly sworn allegiance to ISIS.

The faster Putin can eradicate these beasts from the face of the earth will make it a good day.

These are evil men and women.

If Putin can blast them from here to eternity, its a good thing.
Putin will do whatever he has to to protect his people.

Putin certainly is not doing that right now. Putin will do whatever he has to in order to increase Putin's power and influence.

You've appeared to be a good straight down the line poster all these years.

So what part of Putin has to put down Chechens who are now openly aligned with ISIS don't you get?
If any poster and I've been a boarder for many a year can make an argument that Putin has NO FUCKING RIGHT to take out ISIS show me.

Because I can't wrap my brain around any one bitching that Putin and Russia have NO FUCKING RIGHT to obliterate ISIS.
What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
You shouldn't mistake Camp's anti Russian (Putin) rhetoric as being necessarily pro Kiev.

As for Bandera being a Nazi, you should properly examine Camp's posts on the subject with an open mind. Bandera shared a Fascist ideology with the Nazis, that didn't necessarily make him a Nazi. Bandera was perhaps the first Neo-Nazi though, which would be a better description of the scum infesting Kiev these days. A small but relevant distinction.
What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
You shouldn't mistake Camp's anti Russian (Putin) rhetoric as being necessarily pro Kiev.

As for Bandera being a Nazi, you should properly examine Camp's posts on the subject with an open mind. Bandera shared a Fascist ideology with the Nazis, that didn't necessarily make him a Nazi. Bandera was perhaps the first Neo-Nazi though, which would be a better description of the scum infesting Kiev these days. A small but relevant distinction.

Thank you. My heart breaks only because it seems like we as Ukrainians cannot accept our horrible part in WWII. This does not mean we have to beat ourselves up daily. I don't think we should.

But we should not embrace it. No Hero of the Ukraine. No stamp to commemorate a leader who believed in ethnic cleansing.

I have two graveyards within walking distance of my house filled with all the very brave Ukrainian pioneers out here. Actually have a lot of cool graveyards around me. The Norwegian one is awesome.

There is this teeny tiny monument five minutes drive time dedicated to Bukovina.

All around me is a small Ukraine. It is beyond wonderful.

I fear the pro Bandera movement here. It is very much alive.
What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
You shouldn't mistake Camp's anti Russian (Putin) rhetoric as being necessarily pro Kiev.

As for Bandera being a Nazi, you should properly examine Camp's posts on the subject with an open mind. Bandera shared a Fascist ideology with the Nazis, that didn't necessarily make him a Nazi. Bandera was perhaps the first Neo-Nazi though, which would be a better description of the scum infesting Kiev these days. A small but relevant distinction.

Ironically, while promoting her Ukrainian ancestry and living in a small isolated Ukrainian community in Canada, the biggest financial contributions to the neo Nazi factions in western Ukraine come from the majority and much larger Ukrainian communities in Canada. Her ideas and spins are rejected by Ukrainians in Ukraine and by Canadian Ukrainians alike. Unlike TD, they realize and understand that Banderas was in a Nazi concentration camp when OUN was committing the atrocities she highlights and attributes to him. His legacy and the movement that honors him can be viewed as Nationalistic as can most neo Nazi's of Europe today.
What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
You shouldn't mistake Camp's anti Russian (Putin) rhetoric as being necessarily pro Kiev.

As for Bandera being a Nazi, you should properly examine Camp's posts on the subject with an open mind. Bandera shared a Fascist ideology with the Nazis, that didn't necessarily make him a Nazi. Bandera was perhaps the first Neo-Nazi though, which would be a better description of the scum infesting Kiev these days. A small but relevant distinction.

Thank you. My heart breaks only because it seems like we as Ukrainians cannot accept our horrible part in WWII. This does not mean we have to beat ourselves up daily. I don't think we should.

But we should not embrace it. No Hero of the Ukraine. No stamp to commemorate a leader who believed in ethnic cleansing.

I have two graveyards within walking distance of my house filled with all the very brave Ukrainian pioneers out here. Actually have a lot of cool graveyards around me. The Norwegian one is awesome.

There is this teeny tiny monument five minutes drive time dedicated to Bukovina.

All around me is a small Ukraine. It is beyond wonderful.

I fear the pro Bandera movement here. It is very much alive.
Europe has been ethnic cleansing territories back and forth for centuries. The little area of Ukraine were Banderas was from was ethnically cleansed of Ukrainians after WWI and remained oppressed by the Poles for over twenty years until the Nazi's gave the Ukrainians the opportunity to "cleanse" the Poles out of Ukraine. How do you think the Russians, or more accurately, the USSR cleansed the area being fought over in SE Ukraine? It was called the Holodomor.
Putin will do whatever he has to to protect his people.

Putin certainly is not doing that right now. Putin will do whatever he has to in order to increase Putin's power and influence.

Just like all leaders in the world do. But if you take an unbiased balanced look at who's been doing all the invading & plundering in the world the last 25yrs or so, you'll find that it's the West, and especially the U.S.

Russia has sat back quietly on the sidelines watching it all go down. But now it's ready to get back in the game. The West will just have to deal with that.
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This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
Pass the pipe bruh

Got nothing, huh?

They still haven't answered this question:

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?

Just tell us who to support.

President Obama isn't putting "boots on the ground".
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a major strategic blunder. The Syrian civil war is just another consequence of that blunder.
No, it was a result of Obungles ignoring the situation while it went to hell on HIS watch...
Flashback » Obama: 'We're Leaving Behind A Sovereign, Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq' - YouTube

He didn't "ignore" anything.

Nouri al-Maliki, wanted the US out and on the Bush time table. He had every opportunity to create an inclusive multi-ethnic society. Moreso than most countries. Instead? He went with the notion of "avenging" past hurts and cracked down on the Sunnis. This was Bush's baby, too.
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a major strategic blunder. The Syrian civil war is just another consequence of that blunder.
No, it was a result of Obungles ignoring the situation while it went to hell on HIS watch...
Flashback » Obama: 'We're Leaving Behind A Sovereign, Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq' - YouTube

He didn't "ignore" anything.

Nouri al-Maliki, wanted the US out and on the Bush time table. He had every opportunity to create an inclusive multi-ethnic society. Moreso than most countries. Instead? He went with the notion of "avenging" past hurts and cracked down on the Sunnis. This was Bush's baby, too.

Still, Obama did install another puppet leader. One who will obey his American Masters. Maliki wasn't obeying, therefore he had to go. He's actually lucky he's still alive. World leaders who don't obey the West, especially the U.S., usually end up dead.

The Sunni in Iraq will never cooperate. They'll never surrender. They know the U.S. will continue to install puppet Shiite Governments. Obama's biggest blunder wasn't in Iraq. It was in Syria, where he allowed the CIA to fund & arm Islamist rebel groups like ISIS. He bought into the CIA plan to kill Assad. Now Russia and Iran will have to clean up his mess there.
What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
You shouldn't mistake Camp's anti Russian (Putin) rhetoric as being necessarily pro Kiev.

As for Bandera being a Nazi, you should properly examine Camp's posts on the subject with an open mind. Bandera shared a Fascist ideology with the Nazis, that didn't necessarily make him a Nazi. Bandera was perhaps the first Neo-Nazi though, which would be a better description of the scum infesting Kiev these days. A small but relevant distinction.

Ironically, while promoting her Ukrainian ancestry and living in a small isolated Ukrainian community in Canada, the biggest financial contributions to the neo Nazi factions in western Ukraine come from the majority and much larger Ukrainian communities in Canada. Her ideas and spins are rejected by Ukrainians in Ukraine and by Canadian Ukrainians alike. Unlike TD, they realize and understand that Banderas was in a Nazi concentration camp when OUN was committing the atrocities she highlights and attributes to him. His legacy and the movement that honors him can be viewed as Nationalistic as can most neo Nazi's of Europe today.

For crying out loud why are you lying about Bandera? It makes no sense to me. And yes I have chosen to live in rural Manitoba now but I know who all the fucking players are.

I've made a point of focusing on the Canadian Bandera faction. I'm going to make sure that they are all exposed.

He was a fucking Nazi collaborater. Of that there is no doubt.

Or do you wish to argue with all who condemned the award? Like Jews. Like Poles.

Go ahead Camp. Tell the Simon Wiesenthal Centre that they are idiots and fools.

"The Simon Wiesenthal centre also expressed outrage, saying Bandera was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews."

Hero one day, but not the next: Stepan Bandera debate flares
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