Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama

Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.

When will Congress give him the authorization and allocate resources to fight ISIS?
He already has more than he's using...

When will he decide to fight them instead of jacking off?nn

I didn't say he needed one in a legal sense, but just to placate the partisans who would accuse him of abusing his authority buy starting illegal wars!
He needed one in a legal sense for Libya and Syria, and he pursued illegal wars by continuing the bombing past 60 days without getting it in an attempt to overthrow their governments... That contributed to ISIS spreading into Syria and Libya...

He finally got approval to bomb ISIS in Iraq and Syria, but stopped right there, and refused to go any further...

Now, how do we handle ISIS, since they ARE a serious threat (instead of just the JV team)???
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.
It all started under Bush. It can't be denied.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.
It all started under Bush. It can't be denied.
And continues to get worse under Obama.

But partisan hacks cant get past that part.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.
It all started under Bush. It can't be denied.
You lick dick. It can't be denied.
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
How did Obama leave behind a disaster in Syria?

They were never our ally and we never controlled them

It is Putin who has been propping up Assad....let him handle Assads nightmare

If anything it was Bush's disaster in Iraq that caused all the turmoil in the Middle East we are currently seeing.

Iraq acted as a stabilizing element in the Middle East as most of the populations of some really terrible regimes were willing to put up with them because they didn't want to be on the Iraqi hit list.

That changed once Iraq was no longer a threat. Which gave rise to the "Arab Spring".

And the dissolution of the Iraqi army gave rise to ISIS, because they were elements of the command and control structure in the Iraqi army that joined (Well formed). This is why ISIS has been so successful.

That, has exacerbated the Syrian conflict as well.
Obama abandon Iraq you moron. We should have had a military base there. He also deposed Muammar Gaddafi, and left a failed state in Lybia he supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now he arms up Iran ..Obama is a walking,talking disaster..Clowns

Look at this dumb, fat, giggling, bitch, as her husband was taking money from people who thought to do business in Libya

Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.

Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.


Pfffffffffffffffft they make up shit about Kadyrov all the time. Moscow Times is like Huffington Post or Media Matters.
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.


Pfffffffffffffffft they make up shit about Kadyrov all the time. Moscow Times is like Huffington Post or Media Matters.
Right, the Moscow Times is publishing anti Putin propaganda.
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.


What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
Now back to Syria.

Backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria wasn't such a smart idea was it? It didn't work out in Egypt, Libya or Yemen. And why cant we stop backing faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries in Syria.

When will this madness end?
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.


What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
There are places in Ukraine where Putin is not the bad guy. That is why they have been embroiled in a civil war. A small minority in the southeasten section of Ukraine consider themselves to be more Russian than Ukraine and have been flooded with weapons and funding from Putin to attack Ukraine. The fact that you live in a small cluster of Canadians with Ukrainians ancestors who happen to support the small minority that is pro Russian and anti Ukrainian sentiment has absolutely no bearing on your knowledge or expertise on the politics and history of Ukraine.
You interpret support for Banderas to be about support for Nazi racism, intolerance and all the ugly parts of the Nazi's. You ignore the fact that the support for the Bandera legend of today relates to Nationalism. Bandera was a Nationalist first. At the beginning it was the Polish and Russians who oppressed Ukrainians. Banderas fought them and ended up in a Nazi prison. He sided with them and got released because the Nazi's were the enemy of his enemies and offered to arm his militia and grant Ukrainians regional sovereignty. Bad stuff happened all over Europe in WWII. Europeans long ago learned how to separate those days from what goes on today. What goes on today has nothing to do with the Russian Nazi propaganda you have been tricked into believing. It is anti Ukrainian and pro Russian. You are claiming to be pro Ukrainian but your words and ideas could not be publicly spoken in most places in Ukraine. Even in the Russian speaking areas that decided to reject the pro Russian rebellion would tell you to shut up and be silent. The government in Kiev was elected. Your claims that the Ukrainian people is a bigger insult than you realize. You are tying in today's population with knowingly and willfully putting Nazi's in power and not knowing the difference between Nazism and Nationalism. Might as well join the ranks that accuse southerners of supporting slavery because in the past southerners supported the confederacy.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Putin looks scared of this guy:badgrin:


Putin is facing an impossible choice - Business Insider
He should be. Ramzan Kadyrov gave orders to his police to shoot any Russian officers who stepped foot onto Checnya territory if they did not have his authorized permission. Checnya is the only Federation member of the Russian Federation that has such a rule and demand made to Putin. Russia must get permission to have uniformed troops in a part of Russia. He also ordered his Chechyn "volunteers" out of Ukraine and said they would no longer fight beside Russian troops.


What's with you Camp?

Now I have a stake in the game. Google Sundown Manitoba. I'm Uk/Irish but look where I live. I am literally between Saint Peter and Saint Paul. On dial up so its hell on earth to try to give you pictures of grave sites in Kirkland Lake to prove my lineage.


I have family in the Ukraine. Putin isn't the bad guy here.

So what's with you?

Why are you so enamored with Kiev? I've proven over and over and over that Kiev is Bandera. Nazis. This is real.

Why would you love and adore any government in the Ukraine that worships Bandera?
There are places in Ukraine where Putin is not the bad guy. That is why they have been embroiled in a civil war. A small minority in the southeasten section of Ukraine consider themselves to be more Russian than Ukraine and have been flooded with weapons and funding from Putin to attack Ukraine. The fact that you live in a small cluster of Canadians with Ukrainians ancestors who happen to support the small minority that is pro Russian and anti Ukrainian sentiment has absolutely no bearing on your knowledge or expertise on the politics and history of Ukraine.
You interpret support for Banderas to be about support for Nazi racism, intolerance and all the ugly parts of the Nazi's. You ignore the fact that the support for the Bandera legend of today relates to Nationalism. Bandera was a Nationalist first. At the beginning it was the Polish and Russians who oppressed Ukrainians. Banderas fought them and ended up in a Nazi prison. He sided with them and got released because the Nazi's were the enemy of his enemies and offered to arm his militia and grant Ukrainians regional sovereignty. Bad stuff happened all over Europe in WWII. Europeans long ago learned how to separate those days from what goes on today. What goes on today has nothing to do with the Russian Nazi propaganda you have been tricked into believing. It is anti Ukrainian and pro Russian. You are claiming to be pro Ukrainian but your words and ideas could not be publicly spoken in most places in Ukraine. Even in the Russian speaking areas that decided to reject the pro Russian rebellion would tell you to shut up and be silent. The government in Kiev was elected. Your claims that the Ukrainian people is a bigger insult than you realize. You are tying in today's population with knowingly and willfully putting Nazi's in power and not knowing the difference between Nazism and Nationalism. Might as well join the ranks that accuse southerners of supporting slavery because in the past southerners supported the confederacy.

And the "HERO OF THE UKRAINE" was bestowed on Bandera when?


And his grandson from Toronto accepted the award when?

This is all in the here and now.
The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

Is that picture from the Ukraine or another union protest here in the states, it hard to tell the difference..
How's this? This is who western Ukrainians love and adore. That guy in the middle got the ''HERO OF THE UKRAINE" award. In January two thousand and mother fucking ten.


The ultra nationalists of the western Ukraine embrace a man that worshiped the Nazis vision of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing like peaceful student protestors eh?

Bandera did not worship Nazi's. That is a convenient agenda driven opinion you have accepted. He worked with them because they were in charge of and control of western Ukraine in WWII. People who refused to work with the Nazi's during that period ended up dead or in slave labor camps. Those guys who follow Banderas's Nationalist agenda today were the first to plug the holes in SE Ukraine, suffered highest casualties and held the Russians in check. The private militia's filled the void while the Ukrainian Army could retrain and organize. They receive respect and gratitude, but not votes into the government. They are given some honors and medals, but very little government power or authority.

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