Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama

How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.

How should it have worked out?

What is your alternative reality and how would you have achieved it?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.

By hanging a Sunni Dictator and backing a Shiite Government in Iraq?

But it does seem like someone or some group wants armed conflict. Now who would profit from something like that?
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.

By hanging a Sunni Dictator and backing a Shiite Government in Iraq?

But it does seem like someone or some group wants armed conflict. Now who would profit from something like that?
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....

And the rest of those incidents happened on Obozo's watch...

Who profited??? The terrorists, of course!!!

And the Libs are SO PROUD of their idiot Messiah, aren't they???
"Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama"

That you and others on the right are so enamored of an authoritarian, warmongering dictator comes as no surprise.
What disaster has Putin picked up that Obama left behind. Putin is the one who creates disasters. Ask the people of southeast Ukraine. He turned that region into a third world shit hole. Crimea is doing poorly too. Tatars and Ukrainians there are fucked. Even the Russian speakers are getting screwed over by the Moscow carpetbaggers.

Prove it or shut the fuck up. I'm on it daily.

Go ahead Mister Munchi cake.

You who have told us all repeatedly that Bandera wasn't a Nazi. That those in Kiev aren't Nazis.
Prove what? Be specific about what you want me to prove. You want links to how the Chechens have been recalled from Ukraine by your new idol Ranzam Kadyrov, the Chechen war criminal? Need details on how the folks in Crimea are suffering and the Tatars openly protesting? How many times do you have to be schooled that the people you call Nazi's and the Bandera stories and distortions taken out of context and the current nazi stories are actually fraudulently being transferred to Nationalist via Russian propaganda and the currant Nationalist don't care about the Nazi crap you spout off about. The Nazi factions have been rejected in the last two elections. You are taking a very small faction and representing it as having popularity and support that it does not have.
Come back when you are sober. Wouldn't it be more reasonable if you just showed us where it was that Putin cleaned up a mess that the US created?

Bandera in the here and now. His grandson accepted the Hero of the Ukraine award by the nazi loving President before he left office.

Lviv where there is a statue to the nazi.

It is in the here and now. And I've got you and others in a box. You are in the corner loving this horrid beast of a man called Bandera. In the here and now.

2010 asshole.

Not rejected embraced and they tried to immortalize him. Ask 1.6 million Jews who died in the Ukraine at the hands of the Nazis and their collaberators called the OUN who Bandera headed.

Ask all the Poles they decided to ethnically cleanse
This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.

By hanging a Sunni Dictator and backing a Shiite Government in Iraq?

But it does seem like someone or some group wants armed conflict. Now who would profit from something like that?
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....

And the rest of those incidents happened on Obozo's watch...

Who profited??? The terrorists, of course!!!

And the Libs are SO PROUD of their idiot Messiah, aren't they???

If Americans wanted to ensure a stable post President Bush invasion and occupation in Iraq, they would have elected the 100 years war guy John McCain. Once President Bush broke the bottle (being forced to sign a SOFA without a long term deal), the gene just ain't going back into the bottle.

The pseudo-conned simply want to ignore President Bush and make President Obama the fall guy.

So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

How did Egypt work out for you?

How did Libya work out for you?

How did Yemen work out for you?

How is the Ukraine working out for you?

How is Syria working out for you?

Obama and other western leaders have tried such a huge effort to overturn the ME into a Sunni only zone it makes one breathless.

By hanging a Sunni Dictator and backing a Shiite Government in Iraq?

But it does seem like someone or some group wants armed conflict. Now who would profit from something like that?
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....

And the rest of those incidents happened on Obozo's watch...

Who profited??? The terrorists, of course!!!

And the Libs are SO PROUD of their idiot Messiah, aren't they???

If Americans wanted to ensure a stable post President Bush invasion and occupation in Iraq, they would have elected the 100 years war guy John McCain. Once President Bush broke the bottle (being forced to sign a SOFA without a long term deal), the gene just ain't going back into the bottle.

The pseudo-conned simply want to ignore President Bush and make President Obama the fall guy.

Yeah, I know....

It's not Obozo's fault he golfed for damn near seven years and didn't do HIS job, right???

Or if he fucked it up, he was just an inexperienced community organizer who never had to hold a real job....

I hear you, Bro.....
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
How sad is it that Russia, FUCKING RUSSIA, sees the threat to the world that ISIS poses while we sit on the sidelines arguing over global warming and other nonsensical bullshit?

Obama: "We will make them pay with the force of a sustained campaign that they will hardly notice"

Actually, the real reason the Pope came to America is to give last rites to the Pertrodollar..........Pope did it in private, not reported.
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.
Iraq was stable when Obozo pulled our troops out and let the situation go to hell.. He even said so himself....


The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
Which is the same dam thing Obama did in Libya & wanted to do in Syria.

Hypocrite much?

The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.
It did not need to be approved by Congress. Congress has relinquished it's authority over the years under both Republican and Democratic Presidents and Congress's to define military adventures and actions as not being Declarations of War. Actions in Libya were given legal triggers by UN Resolution 1973 and NATO Treaty agreements of mutual defense and a Senate vote of support for implementation of the UN Resolution.

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No U.S. troops on the ground. Period.

We remove the power base in a nation and the ensuing vacuum is normally taken over by even worse and more extreme people not only damaging the nation we were fucking with but SUBSTANTIALLY damaging US foreign interests and safety.

I thought that the core lessons in Iraq were clear - apparently they only extend to the end of partisanship.
The only lesson that can be learned from engaging in the middle eastern religious disaster, is that it's best to not get involved.
And yet you still made your previous comments which make no sense had you actually taken that lesson to heart.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.
It did not need to be approved by Congress. Congress has relinquished it's authority over the years under both Republican and Democratic Presidents and Congress's to define military adventures and actions as not being Declarations of War. Actions in Libya were given legal triggers by UN Resolution 1973 and NATO Treaty agreements of mutual defense and a Senate vote of support for implementation of the UN Resolution.


War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress should prosecute this, or refer it to the UN or World Court....

Or consider letting Egypt extradite Obozo and Hillary for their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, where they can visit their buddy Morsi (currently under a death sentence)...

The only thing that keeps those backward religious fanatics in line is a strong man dictator like Saddam Hussein who doesn't put up with their crap.

Once he was removed, it was just a matter of time for the whole place to go down the drain.
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.

When will Congress give him the authorization and allocate resources to fight ISIS?
So Obozo lied again???
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.

When will Congress give him the authorization and allocate resources to fight ISIS?
He already has more than he's using...

When will he decide to fight them instead of jacking off?nn
He didn't say what you claimed. He made it clear that there was more work to do and the Iraqi government would have to remain vigilant. Why don't you read the Obama speech you are referring to and maybe post it or give a link to it?
Then Obozo went on an extended vacation... When he wasn't starting illegal wars in Libya and Syria, or helping put the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) in charge in Egypt...
Nonsense conspiracy theories promoted by the nut bag rw fringe. Nothing to back up your idiocy except a hatred and derangement you and they are obsessed with.
Then post where his bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria were approved by Congress...

I must have missed that.

When will Congress give him the authorization and allocate resources to fight ISIS?
He already has more than he's using...

When will he decide to fight them instead of jacking off?nn

I didn't say he needed one in a legal sense, but just to placate the partisans who would accuse him of abusing his authority buy starting illegal wars!

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