Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama

I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is

Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...
I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is

Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.

We were bombing the shit out of them...the only nation that was

Let Russia handle it now...I have no problem with them taking the glory

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

Putin is bringing in the heavy stuff and we are over the line in Iraq...

Don't you remember we are flying missions in Syria?

This could get out of control...
Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.

We were bombing the shit out of them...the only nation that was

Let Russia handle it now...I have no problem with them taking the glory
15 sorties a week is not bombing the shit out of them.

Like I said, revisionist

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is

Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

And, how, exactly, would that have been accomplished once Maliki asked the United States to leave? Even if the US had stayed? There would be no guarantee the insurgency would have been "destroyed".

Vietnam and dozen other home grown revolutions should have been an object lesson that a determined people can overcome a superior military foreign force. Heck, our OWN REVOLUTION proves that.

So now the ISIS is compared to the American revolution?

How sick are you...

Just curious?
So, the OP wants us to go back into the Middle East, lose thousands more soldiers, and then have to leave in 10 years (if we're lucky)?
We have bombs that would require zero soldiers on the ground. What we lack is the courage to use them.
Winning hearts & minds is not a viable military strategy
You are suggesting the murder of tens of thousands of innocent women and children from collateral damage. Not a viable option to most Americans. You guys whine about aborted fetus parts in a petri dish but don't give a shit about body parts of school aged children and toddlers scattered all over the streets and rubble. Fucking hypocrites. Lets hear the cheering for Putin if he brings you that.
The bombs we drop on ISIS encampments will not kill any refugees who have ALREADY FLED THE AREA.
If Putin shows the fortitude and balls that Obama clearly doesn't possess I will cheer for the deaths of thousands of Muslim terrorists while weeping for America's lost prestige
What makes you think all the people have fled and are in refugee camps? You think Syria is a big empty space with no civilians and only combatants? Really, is that what you believe? You think ISIS is in plain view in your so called encampments? You think they are not hiding in populated areas and not using human shields to protect themselves?
The population of Syria at the start of the war was about 24 million souls. Approximately 4.5 to 5 million are currently in refugee status or believed to have fled the county. That leaves 17 to 19 million still in Syria and that is assuming a million of them have been killed already. Those are the ones who will become collateral damage if your criminally misinformed ideas are followed or the American support for Putin continues and gives him confidence that he can commit these murders with Americans cheering him on.

Again, he's a victim of Hollywood or innate stupidity. I'm not sure which.

Let someone else deplete their nations' treasury on some meaningless military escapade.
The West and the U.S.especially, have not treated the Russians well since the end of the Cold War. They kicked em when they were down. From putting missiles in their backyard to supporting an illegal coup in Ukraine and creating ISIS in Syria.

Russia has sat quietly on the sidelines for years watching the West invade & pillage all over the world. It's taken the abuse, and now it's ready to get back in the game. And in a place like Syria, that's a good thing. Putin and Iran will have to clean up our awful mess there. Putin's just lettin the world know, Russia is back.
I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is

Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

And, how, exactly, would that have been accomplished once Maliki asked the United States to leave? Even if the US had stayed? There would be no guarantee the insurgency would have been "destroyed".

Vietnam and dozen other home grown revolutions should have been an object lesson that a determined people can overcome a superior military foreign force. Heck, our OWN REVOLUTION proves that.

So now the ISIS is compared to the American revolution?

How sick are you...

Just curious?

If you can't discuss stuff seriously, please don't pick up my posts.

Else? I can just put you on ignore.
Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
We have been trying to explain that to the RWers since the start.

If Obama put boots on the ground who does he support? Which group would you want to support eventually taking over?
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria
If Obama would have destroyed ISIS in Iraq when they had convoys of American equipment rolling across the desert towards Syria we wouldn't have had to "pick sides" today.

This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
It has a lot to do with this administration.

Obama's actions against Assad in Syria and Gaddafi in Libya actually helped the rebels (who had terrorist ties) gain a foothold...

And he even armed those terrorists..
This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
Pass the pipe bruh
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
It has a lot to do with this administration.

Obama's actions against Assad in Syria and Gaddafi in Libya actually helped the rebels (who had terrorist ties) gain a foothold...

And he even armed those terrorists..

Again..that's a pretty shallow assessment.

Syria's situation dates back to WWI where the west re-assembled the Middle East. Assad's father was in power until he died and gave power to his son, who was terribly repressive. Syria suffered a massive drought which drove formerly rich and middle class farmers in to the cities. Assad refused to help them and they peacefully protested. Then Assad cracked down hard which led to an insurgency. Add in that former Iraqi military types began to move into the area. Also add in that Turkey wants Assad out.

Libya, much of the same thing happened and Gaddafi (The terrorist who killed over 100 Americans in a plane bombing over Lockerbie), was threatening a genocide. The French stepped in and asked for US help. While the results weren't optimal, a genocide was averted and a anti-US terrorist was disposed from power and eliminated.

But again, this was as a result of the Iraqi invasion, which changed the dynamic in the Middle East.
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.
Pass the pipe bruh

Got nothing, huh?
It'd be nice to have a president who is not Putin's whipping boy. You put pajama boy against a black belt, you have to expect these things. I guess we'll have to wait 15 months or so.
This was a time when only America was launching air attacks against ISIS...we were the Great Satan

Air attacks can only do so much, they would not have stopped ISIS.
What is your alternate reality that Obama should have done that he didn't?
How many times do you have to read it before it sinks in?
DESTROY every piece of American military equipment that ISIS stole as it was transported across the desert. At the time it was widespread knowledge that they had major convoys rolling across the desert with both men & American equipment in mass.

But I'm sure your revisionist historical Obama rose tinted glasses will overlook those MAJOR details.
Are you kidding??? Obama was too busy helping the Syrian rebels like Al Nusra (Al Qaeda for the uninformed) try to take out Assad as part of Obozo's "Arab Spring"...

Now Russia is saying Assad is staying, so it looks like Obungles lost his illegal war...

This basically puts on display the shallow thinking of conservative state craft.

It's pretty amazing.
So you want to deny that Obozo bombed Assad's forces and armed the rebels???
President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria

There was initial support for some of these groups until it was discovered that members of "Al-Qaeda" (Which in itself is quite convoluted) were filtering in and out of these groups. That support was promptly stopped to the absolute chagrin of folks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

It's a very complex and volatile situation that was initiated by multiple factors, not the least of which, was the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of the Baathists and the execution of Saddam Hussein.

In any case, most of you folks have no more interest in this than as a cudgel to continue bashing this administration, which, had, nothing whatsoever to do with the turmoil.

You also need to remember Obozo's support for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt... including an $8 billion dollar gift to the Muslim Brotherhood....

Obama also had people with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood working in his administration, and probably still does...

Did you know the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization, and Morsi (and his henchmen) are under a death sentence in Egypt for terrorism???

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