Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama

They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.


Are you saying Beslan was fabricated?

That children were not murdered?

No, he's saying that photo is the handiwork of rightwinger Timothy McVeigh.
"Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama"

That you and others on the right are so enamored of an authoritarian, warmongering dictator comes as no surprise.
What disaster has Putin picked up that Obama left behind. Putin is the one who creates disasters. Ask the people of southeast Ukraine. He turned that region into a third world shit hole. Crimea is doing poorly too. Tatars and Ukrainians there are fucked. Even the Russian speakers are getting screwed over by the Moscow carpetbaggers.

Prove it or shut the fuck up. I'm on it daily.

Go ahead Mister Munchi cake.

You who have told us all repeatedly that Bandera wasn't a Nazi. That those in Kiev aren't Nazis.
actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Oh so this is not a baby killed in Beslan.
Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.


Are you saying Beslan was fabricated?

That children were not murdered?

No, he's saying that photo is the handiwork of rightwinger Timothy McVeigh.
Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Oh so this is not a baby killed in Beslan.
Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.


Are you saying Beslan was fabricated?

That children were not murdered?
No, he's saying that photo is the handiwork of rightwinger Timothy McVeigh.
Your post has no content.
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.
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Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Oh so this is not a baby killed in Beslan.
Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.


Are you saying Beslan was fabricated?

That children were not murdered?
No, he's saying that photo is the handiwork of rightwinger Timothy McVeigh.
Your post has no content.

OK that's weird.
Putin has never thought of them as a JV team.
Oh, really? It was 2002 when Chechen rebels stormed a Moscow theater, killing at least 50.

13 years later, why hasn't Putin crushed them yet?

Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's completely contained them. You see and I hate to embarrass you on an open board but there's this guy called Kadyrov. I hope I'm spelling his name correctly. He's sort of like the guy with the silver or were they golden teeth in the Bond flicks.

He's a Muslim loyal to Moscow.

I personally think he had his men dispatch one of Putins biggest adversaries. Only he could be so bold.

He will take on ISIS in Chechnya. Putin has chosen wisely.

Yup and keep in mind Putin does nothing without it gaining him something.

I doubt he would risk his troops for nothing.
"Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama"

That you and others on the right are so enamored of an authoritarian, warmongering dictator comes as no surprise.
What disaster has Putin picked up that Obama left behind. Putin is the one who creates disasters. Ask the people of southeast Ukraine. He turned that region into a third world shit hole. Crimea is doing poorly too. Tatars and Ukrainians there are fucked. Even the Russian speakers are getting screwed over by the Moscow carpetbaggers.

Prove it or shut the fuck up. I'm on it daily.

Go ahead Mister Munchi cake.

You who have told us all repeatedly that Bandera wasn't a Nazi. That those in Kiev aren't Nazis.
Prove what? Be specific about what you want me to prove. You want links to how the Chechens have been recalled from Ukraine by your new idol Ranzam Kadyrov, the Chechen war criminal? Need details on how the folks in Crimea are suffering and the Tatars openly protesting? How many times do you have to be schooled that the people you call Nazi's and the Bandera stories and distortions taken out of context and the current nazi stories are actually fraudulently being transferred to Nationalist via Russian propaganda and the currant Nationalist don't care about the Nazi crap you spout off about. The Nazi factions have been rejected in the last two elections. You are taking a very small faction and representing it as having popularity and support that it does not have.
Come back when you are sober. Wouldn't it be more reasonable if you just showed us where it was that Putin cleaned up a mess that the US created?
OBAMA OWNS THE SYRIAN NIGHTMARE no matter how much his loser lemming followers cant admit it
Bush started the war in Iraq and never finished it. They guy who starts the fire is the one responsible for the damage, not the one who comes along and tries to put it out or contain it. The opinions of openly hostile Obama haters is worth little credibility without objective evidence to back up the hate inspired claims they make.
Remember, Bush started the fire.
OBAMA OWNS THE SYRIAN NIGHTMARE no matter how much his loser lemming followers cant admit it
Bush started the war in Iraq and never finished it. They guy who starts the fire is the one responsible for the damage, not the one who comes along and tries to put it out or contain it. The opinions of openly hostile Obama haters is worth little credibility without objective evidence to back up the hate inspired claims they make.
Remember, Bush started the fire.

Actually, Bush did finish it.

The Baathists were ousted and Hussein was executed.

And it unleashed forces that Cheney had predicted would be unleashed well before he advocated for this war.


I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is
Saddam was captured and the war could have have and and should have been over in Dec. 2003. Bush and Cheney decided to nation build and made all kinds of reasons for staying and continuing combat operations that had nothing to do with WMD's, hence, the war was not over and they did not end it.
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I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

I love it

Let Russia put boots on the ground to fight ISIS

Why should the US always be the worlds policeman? Let Putin find out how much fun it is

Russia has a naval base in Syria.

Which most people don't seem to know.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How did Obama leave behind a disaster in Syria?

They were never our ally and we never controlled them

It is Putin who has been propping up Assad....let him handle Assads nightmare
How did Obama leave behind a disaster in Syria?

They were never our ally and we never controlled them

It is Putin who has been propping up Assad....let him handle Assads nightmare

If anything it was Bush's disaster in Iraq that caused all the turmoil in the Middle East we are currently seeing.

Iraq acted as a stabilizing element in the Middle East as most of the populations of some really terrible regimes were willing to put up with them because they didn't want to be on the Iraqi hit list.

That changed once Iraq was no longer a threat. Which gave rise to the "Arab Spring".

And the dissolution of the Iraqi army gave rise to ISIS, because they were elements of the command and control structure in the Iraqi army that joined (Well formed). This is why ISIS has been so successful.

That, has exacerbated the Syrian conflict as well.

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