Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama


I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation


I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now
Putin once again worshiped by the right.

It's not a matter of worshiping.

Putin has to contain them now that the Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS. We have been the nancy boys toying with so called bombing raids because OUR FUCKING MANIAC LEADERS would rather the world endure ISIS so they can depose Assad,

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.

No U.S. troops on the ground. Period.

We remove the power base in a nation and the ensuing vacuum is normally taken over by even worse and more extreme people not only damaging the nation we were fucking with but SUBSTANTIALLY damaging US foreign interests and safety.

I thought that the core lessons in Iraq were clear - apparently they only extend to the end of partisanship.
No U.S. troops on the ground. Period.

We remove the power base in a nation and the ensuing vacuum is normally taken over by even worse and more extreme people not only damaging the nation we were fucking with but SUBSTANTIALLY damaging US foreign interests and safety.

I thought that the core lessons in Iraq were clear - apparently they only extend to the end of partisanship.
The only lesson that can be learned from engaging in the middle eastern religious disaster, is that it's best to not get involved.
We have bombs that would require zero soldiers on the ground. What we lack is the courage to use them.
Winning hearts & minds is not a viable military strategy
You are suggesting the murder of tens of thousands of innocent women and children from collateral damage. Not a viable option to most Americans. You guys whine about aborted fetus parts in a petri dish but don't give a shit about body parts of school aged children and toddlers scattered all over the streets and rubble. Fucking hypocrites. Lets hear the cheering for Putin if he brings you that.
The bombs we drop on ISIS encampments will not kill any refugees who have ALREADY FLED THE AREA.
If Putin shows the fortitude and balls that Obama clearly doesn't possess I will cheer for the deaths of thousands of Muslim terrorists while weeping for America's lost prestige
What makes you think all the people have fled and are in refugee camps? You think Syria is a big empty space with no civilians and only combatants? Really, is that what you believe? You think ISIS is in plain view in your so called encampments? You think they are not hiding in populated areas and not using human shields to protect themselves?
The population of Syria at the start of the war was about 24 million souls. Approximately 4.5 to 5 million are currently in refugee status or believed to have fled the county. That leaves 17 to 19 million still in Syria and that is assuming a million of them have been killed already. Those are the ones who will become collateral damage if your criminally misinformed ideas are followed or the American support for Putin continues and gives him confidence that he can commit these murders with Americans cheering him on.

How fucking crazy are you?

Putin has no choice now but to move into Syria and say fuck you to the moronic western leaders who in their desire for some unknown reason wanted to completely fuck up the middle east.

I'm still trying to figure it out.

Fucking Chechens have now declared allegiance to ISIS.

You fucking nutbars have brought this on.
Camp did it all along?
Hey, the Middle east was fucked up a long time ago. In fact, when was the Middle East not fucked up? We didn't start the fire. Not the SUNNI-SHIITE one anyhow. And we didn't send those Chechens into Ukraine to kill Ukrainians. Putin did that shit for sure. I'm innocent. I had nothing to do with starting any of it.
Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.
There was never a policy of ousting Assad. President Obama correctly understands that would create a power vacuum that would be filled by ISIS and al-Nusra (al Qaeda).
Cockroach rebels dug into the sand =/= a group organized with American military assets
Reagan armed those cockroaches, who later perpetrated 9/11.

Thanks Ronny.

Why is ISIS using U.S. military assets? because George W. Bush left them behind instead of taking them out of the theater or destroying them.

Thanks, Dubya.
"Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama"

That you and others on the right are so enamored of an authoritarian, warmongering dictator comes as no surprise.
Go ahead and cry big crocodile tears for Ghadafi. The asshole had American blood on his hands, and deserved what he got. That the Libyans are unable to control themselves enough to form a successful government is not our fault.
This will make your skin crawl:

MAD DOG: Inside the Secret World of Muammar Gaddafi on Showtime

The whole documentary:

Around the 23 minute mark of part 2 is the video of when they kill the bastard:

The things he and his sons did to schoolchildren and women are ghastly.
"Putin once again picking up the disaster left behind by Obama"

That you and others on the right are so enamored of an authoritarian, warmongering dictator comes as no surprise.
What disaster has Putin picked up that Obama left behind. Putin is the one who creates disasters. Ask the people of southeast Ukraine. He turned that region into a third world shit hole. Crimea is doing poorly too. Tatars and Ukrainians there are fucked. Even the Russian speakers are getting screwed over by the Moscow carpetbaggers.
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The bombs we drop on ISIS encampments will not kill any refugees who have ALREADY FLED THE AREA.
WTF are you talking about? These people aren't watching TV to get the latest news on when they are going to get invaded by ISIL. They are poor people without any means to flee. They also don't know how bad ISIL is until they arrive.

You're really not knowledgeable.

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
Why don't those useless Israelis engage ISIL, or Assad, and clean up their own neighborhood?

Or are they only good for killing unarmed Palestinian women and children?

I guess Russia is going to become the new power broker around the world. Essentially this will leave the Obama policy of ousting the Syrian leader in the dustbin of history.

Is there ANY foreign policy that Obama has that Putin hasn't made a complete mockery of?

And for all you morons on the left I am not a Putin fan in ANY sense of the word but I ALWAYS know when I've been bested by my opponents. Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass that Russia has made us look foolish every time Obama sticks his toes in the water of international affairs.
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.

ISIS should have been a footnote by now

Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Why hasn't Putin demolished the Chechen rebels yet?
Screw Putin, when the U.S. withdraws from the world our enemies fill the void. it's as simple as that. Russia and Iran increasing their presence in Syria is not something to be applauded.
They have been there for years, where's the beef?

actually Russia had one base there, which they were on the verge of closing . Now they'll open up a few more.With all we did in Iraq we should have had a major base there. in such a case, there would be no ISIS, nor would Russia and Iran be expanding their influence in the region. Obama's incompetence created this situation

Not really, since ISIS is made up of rejected people from the rulers of Iraq..

Oh give me a freaking break. One of the head honchos of ISIS is Chechen.

Chechens have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

You know the assholes who gave the world this fucking picture. BESLAN ASSHOLE.


Ah yes, I remember a similiar picture given to us by a far right winger.


Are you saying Beslan was fabricated?

That children were not murdered?

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