Putin played TRUMP

it does not “ stand to reason” at all. Tis folly!

Putin may have been high on his own supply for his four years of watching “cult of personality” politics take hold of the populace in the nation where the kind of people that are among his fiercest foes.,had forsaken individualism and independence for loyalty and devotion to Donald Trump. Putin wanted to nurture the cult because Trump was Russifying America by converting them exactly to this belief:

The leader is the ultimate authority
...unless something bad happens during a Democrat Admin, then the Democrat has zero authority and can't be held responsible for anything.
unless something bad happens during a Democrat Admin, then the Democrat has zero authority and can't be held responsible for anything.
Putin Russified American conservatives such as the religious white right because that bunch never were individualistic and independent as they are in the collective of a “saved by a Jesus” groupthink,.

Putin’s miscalculation however was that Trump Russified his cult only on domestic social issues and the ‘invasion’ of the brown criminal people from south of the border.

TRUMP was never going to Russify his GOP on foreign policy in defense of democracy in Europe.

Trump failed to establish himself in Putin’s eyes on global defense of freedom’ as “the leader being the ultimate authority” as it is in Russia.

For example, public opinion research shows that white right-wing evangelical Christians have increasingly embraced authoritarian views, conspiracy theories and is other anti-democratic and antisocial values. It's science: Trump voters are dumb
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it does not “ stand to reason” at all. Tis folly!

Putin may have been high on his own supply for his four years of watching “cult of personality” politics take hold of the populace in the nation where the kind of people that are among his fiercest foes.,had forsaken individualism and independence for loyalty and devotion to Donald Trump. Putin wanted to nurture the cult because Trump was Russifying America by converting them exactly to this belief:

The leader is the ultimate authority
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Putin Russified American conservatives such as the religious white right because that bunch never were individualistic and independent as they are in the collective of a “saved by a Jesus” groupthink,.

Putin’s miscalculation however was that Trump Russified his cult only on domestic social issues and the ‘invasion’ of the brown criminal people from south of the border.

TRUMP was never going to Russify his GOP on foreign policy in defense of democracy in Europe.

Trump failed to establish himself in Putin’s eyes on global defense of freedom’ as “the leader being the ultimate authority” as it is in Russia.

For example, public opinion research shows that white right-wing evangelical Christians have increasingly embraced authoritarian views, conspiracy theories and is other anti-democratic and antisocial values. It's science: Trump voters are dumb

No wonder you have no connection to reality.
Can you dispute this reality?
public opinion research shows that white right-wing evangelical Christians have increasingly embraced authoritarian views,​
Go find some reality, Moron.

Rawstory? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:
Go find some reality

I understand that you do not recognize any reality outside of the cult of Donald Trump‘s personality. So you have no idea whether I have found reality or not. One aspect of being a good authoritarian leader is to control the news for their subjects. So in your case rather than disputing the reality that I have presented you just question the messenger which has nothing to do with the information I cited. Raw Story gathers commentary into one place to make that kind of information easier to find and to read. they make it easy for those of us outside of the Trump cult to be able to see the reality that white evangelical Christian nationalists in America express A preference for an irreligious authoritarian like Donald Trump and that is not disputable. It is an obvious reality but for some reason you need to reject it with the right wing collectivist cry of “fake news“

This is not Photoshopped:

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Putin Russified American conservatives such as the religious white right because that bunch never were individualistic and independent as they are in the collective of a “saved by a Jesus” groupthink,.

Putin’s miscalculation however was that Trump Russified his cult only on domestic social issues and the ‘invasion’ of the brown criminal people from south of the border.

TRUMP was never going to Russify his GOP on foreign policy in defense of democracy in Europe.

Trump failed to establish himself in Putin’s eyes on global defense of freedom’ as “the leader being the ultimate authority” as it is in Russia.

For example, public opinion research shows that white right-wing evangelical Christians have increasingly embraced authoritarian views, conspiracy theories and is other anti-democratic and antisocial values. It's science: Trump voters are dumb
:auiqs.jpg:It's science. Anyone who seriously cites Rawstory is retarded.

The rest of your horseshit is your leftist programming. It's garbage based on rage and hatred. No wonder you swallow it so eagerly.

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