Putin Re-Elected in Historic Victory

Yet the people who are against Putin could have made sure he lost if they had voted for the other candidates if their are so many as you would have us believe, and stop making shit up about voting at gunpoint the only guns used were those trying to stop people voting.
94% turnout! More “historic” than America’s “historic” Indo/Jamaican VP visiting a Minnesota baby corpse processing facility for lunch. Putin was actually down to his challenger late into the evening, but a vote dump of mail ins came in the middle of the night that fell 99.9999% in his favor.

When unethical and self-serving people are allowed to control the election process, how people actually vote is not going to be very important. That's why I suspect few Russians have much confidence in their elections and why only about 30% of Americans trust the process especially if it is the opposing political party running the election.
Vladimir Putin's convincing victory in the Russian presidential election will make it possible to effectively fight fascism in Ukraine and Europe, Finnish journalist and public figure Kosti Heiskanen told RIA Novosti.

According to him, now both Europe and Finland in particular are controlled from the outside, and Russophobia is being fomented there, attempts are being made to discredit the Russian elections with various fakes, but the voting showed the real level of support for the Russian president.

"People want to really see a strong Russia, people rallied, and in Helsinki it was visible that people danced and spoke in Russian, and were not shy despite provocations. And, of course, it is a great achievement that Vladimir Vladimirovich won, because he and his team can stop this fascism that has spread to Ukraine, to the countries of Europe," Heiskanen said.
Then why did B. Hussein O kissed up Uncle Pooty so much?

Who? Why kiss "gay" dictators each other at all?


"Mein Gott, hilf mir diese tödliche Liebe zu überleben." = "My God, help me to survive this deadly love."


Remember how he told Vlad he'd be "more flexible" after the election, and how Hillary Clinton sold Putin 1/4 of our nation's Plutonium reserves for contributions to the Democrat campaign?

I'm a German, no US-American. No idea what "you" - whoever this is - is doing what with your Plutonium. Plutonium is a damn dangerous contact poison so I hope you do not carelessly kill your own people with it.

How much did Putin send to the Clinton Foundation?

I'm absolutelly not interested in the weird nonsense which you call election campaigns in the USA. I never understood why Donald Trump got more than one vote. I guess what you say here hurts international war weapon control laws. So inform your police about everything what you know in context of such a crime - if you "know" more than only nonsense.
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Vladimir Putin's convincing victory in the Russian presidential election ...

Putin gave the order to get more than 79% of the votes. His criminals delivered 88%. This shows meanwhile even his accomplices live in great fear of Putin.
Who? Why kiss "gay" dictators each other at all?


"Mein Gott, hilf mir diese tödliche Liebe zu überleben." = "My God, help me to survive this deadly love."


I'm a German, no US-American. No idea what "you" - whoever this is - is doing what with your Plutonium. Plutonium is a damn dangerous contact poison so I hope you do not carelessly kill your own people with it.

I'm absolutelly not interested in the weird nonsense which you call election campaigns in the USA. I never understood why Donald Trump got more than one vote. I guess what you say here hurts international war weapon control laws. So inform your police about everything what you know in context of such a crime - if you "know" more than only nonsense.
If you are German looks like you have not learned your lesson, what did your Daddy or Grandad do in the war? did they work for the Gestapo?
Says the Germ whose country is falling into major decline and which is now financially in some real trouble .

What helps you nothing at all, Russian or US-Russian, slave of Putin and/or future slave of Donald Trump. You are dead without to like to know this.
If you are German looks like you have not learned your lesson, what did your Daddy or Grandad do in the war?

The father of my father never was in a war and my father started his war holidays in the age of 16 or 17 years in Greece, came later to Russia and from Russia he went home after the war.

did they work for the Gestapo?

Are you totally mad, slave of Putin?
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"Treasure island" 1937. The Stalin's pirates sing best.

Hmm ... the music here is stolen, isn't it? But the weird laughter which sound furious and sick is perhaps indeed "Stalinistic". Stalin was the only one whose paranoia was not a sickness but a real consequence after he had murdered millions of Russians.

"The wild 13" is by the way a pirate gang for very little children. They are all marionettes. But our real army is fortunatelly fully armoured.

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"Treasure island" 1937. The Stalin's pirates sing best.

The father of my father never was in a war and my father started his war holidays in the age of 16 or 17 years in Greece, came later to Russia and from Russia he went home after the war.

Are you totally mad, slave of Putin?
So i take it your Dad took part in the Nazi attack on Greece and Russia? and we all know you couldn't find a German who had worked for the Gestapo after the war. :abgg2q.jpg:
So i take it your Dad took part in the Nazi attack on Greece....

No. He decided to go to Greece as a soldier because he loved the Greek culture and the sea. As far as I know he never fought in Greece. And later he came to Russia. He told me some strange stories out of this time but he told me never that he had killed any Russian. How many Russians, Germans, Jews or other Europeans murdered your father and/or the father of your father? For what did they ¿and also you? murder when you are now only a slave of Putin?

A German version:

Sage mir, Muse, die Taten des viel sich wendenden Mannes,
Welcher so viel geirrt, nach der heiligen Troia Zerstörung,
Vieler Menschen Städte gesehn, und Sitte gelernt hat,
Und auf dem Meere so viel' unnennbare Leiden erduldet,

Seine Seele zu retten, und seiner Freunde Zurückkunft.
Aber die Freunde rettet' er nicht, wie eifrig er strebte,
Denn sie bereiteten selbst durch Missetat ihr Verderben:
Toren! welche die Rinder des hohen Sonnenbeherrschers
Schlachteten; siehe, der Gott nahm ihnen den Tag der Zurückkunft,

Sage hievon auch uns ein weniges, Tochter Kronions.
Alle die andern, so viel dem verderbenden Schicksal entflohen,
Waren jetzo daheim, dem Krieg' entflohn und dem Meere:
Ihn allein, der so herzlich zur Heimat und Gattin sich sehnte,
Hielt die unsterbliche Nymphe, die hehre Göttin Kalypso,

In der gewölbeten Grotte, und wünschte sich ihn zum Gemahle.
Selbst da das Jahr nun kam im kreisenden Laufe der Zeiten,
Da ihm die Götter bestimmt, gen Ithaka wiederzukehren;
Hatte der Held noch nicht vollendet die müdende Laufbahn,
Auch bei den Seinigen nicht. Es jammerte seiner die Götter;

Nur Poseidon zürnte dem göttergleichen Odysseus
Unablässig, bevor er sein Vaterland wieder erreichte.
Dieser war jetzo fern zu den Aithiopen gegangen;
Aithiopen, die zwiefach geteilt sind, die äußersten Menschen,
Gegen den Untergang der Sonnen, und gegen den Aufgang:

Welche die Hekatombe der Stier' und Widder ihm brachten.
Allda saß er, des Mahls sich freuend. Die übrigen Götter
Waren alle in Zeus' des Olympiers Hause versammelt.


Translation of this German version:

Tell me, Muse, the deeds of the much-turning man,
Who so much erred, after holy Troy's destruction,
Saw many a man's city, and learnt custom,
And on the sea endured so much' untold suffering,

To save his soul, and his friends' return.
But he did not save his friends, however eagerly he strove,
For they themselves by iniquity prepared their doom:
Fools! who slaughtered the oxen of the high sun-ruler
Slaughtered; behold, the god took from them the day of return,

Tell us a little of this too, daughter of Kronion.
All the others, so many fled from the corrupting fate,
Were now at home, fled the war and the sea:
He alone, who so fervently longed for home and wife,
Was held by the immortal nymph, the honourable goddess Calypso,

In the vaulted grotto, and desired him for her husband.
Even as the year now came in the circling course of time,
When the gods destined him to return to Ithaca;
The hero had not yet completed his weary career,
Nor with his own. The gods lamented him;

Only Poseidon was angry with the godlike Odysseus
Incessantly before he reached his fatherland again.
He had now gone far away to the Aithiopes;
Aithiopes, who are divided in two, the outermost of men,
Towards the setting of the suns, and towards the rising:

Which the hecatombs of bulls and rams brought him.
There he sat, enjoying the meal. The other gods
Were all gathered in Zeus the Olympian'
s house.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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No. He decided to go to Greece as a soldier because he loved the Greek culture and the sea. As far as I know he never fought in Greece. And later he came to Russia. He told me some strange stories out of this time but he told me never that he had killed any Russian. How many Russians, Germans, Jews or other Europeans murdered your Russian father and/or grandfathers, slave of Putin?

Later came to Russia, was he on vacation LOL! and my Dad was not Russian he was British he fought against the Nazis from Normandy to Germany and ended the war in Lubeck.

Meanwhile Ukrainian unit surrenders in face of Russian advance, they chose life.
Later came to Russia, was he on vacation LOL!

It's cold in Russia. But it was very interesting what he told me.

and my Dad was not Russian he was British ...

And that's why you are now a slave of Putin? Because your father is from Celto-Germanic origin? Do you not live in fear you will get directly a slap in the face from him when you will try to open the door to heaven, 24/7 superidiot?

By the way, a serios question: Did the Brits also rape French women as the US-Americans did do when you liberated France?

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