Putin Re-Elected in Historic Victory

Vladimir Putin spoke about Alexei Navalny for the first time at a press conference on the results of the presidential election. He called his death a “sad event” and he didn't look euphoric after the historic victory.

“As for Mr. Navalny. Yes, he passed away. This is a sad event. We have had other cases when people passed away in places of deprivation of liberty. Didn't this happen in the USA? It happened more than once,” Putin said.
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Fuck me, the Dems did a good job, but they will be phoning Putin to find out how he got the percentages and votes rigged that high !!
Vladimir Putin spoke about Alexei Navalny for the first time at a press conference on the results of the presidential election. He called his death a “sad event” and he didn't look euphoric after the historic victory.

Is a man able to sink deeper than Vladimir Putin did do?

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Uncle P will be furious that he did not achieve the targeted 90% .

"Ungrateful bastards" he apparently said -- referring to the malcontents and trouble makers .

A single human being is not able to be as stupid as you play to be, slave of Putin.

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94% turnout! More “historic” than America’s “historic” Indo/Jamaican VP visiting a Minnesota baby corpse processing facility for lunch. Putin was actually down to his challenger late into the evening, but a vote dump of mail ins came in the middle of the night that fell 99.9999% in his favor.

Wow I would of never guessed, what a shocker.
Uncle Pooty is a lot like Sleepy Joe. They both like the idea of imprisoning their political opponents.

THAT was your dear leader.

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...​

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/10/07 › trump...

Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest ...

Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he ...​

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › us-news › aug › trump-...

Aug 31, 2023 — Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have 'no choice' but to lock up opponents 'because they're doing it to us'
Liberals said he was gonna die of cancer within a year, two years ago.

Schumer didn't have anything to say? Since he felt compelled to lecture Israel on it's elections?
Oh...you didn't hear? Putin is dead and Netanyahu is really a Jewish women named Shalom wearing a Mission Impossible Mask. It's true! ;)
A single human being is not able to be as stupid as you play to be, slave of Putin.

Well...let's recap..... Putin has emptied out his prisons.....US has a massive prison burden that they are unable to manage. Putin has redesigned the Russian economy to a War Economy, its broke for now but climbing fast. Putin Treats insurrectionists about the Same way the US does....where's the problem?

Just sayin
94% turnout! More “historic” than America’s “historic” Indo/Jamaican VP visiting a Minnesota baby corpse processing facility for lunch. Putin was actually down to his challenger late into the evening, but a vote dump of mail ins came in the middle of the night that fell 99.9999% in his favor.

Wikipedia says 74.22% turnout.

Anyway, Putin gained 74 million votes when only 55 million bothered to vote at all in the 2021 legislative elections.

Smell like bad fish?
Wikipedia says 74.22% turnout.

Anyway, Putin gained 74 million votes when only 55 million bothered to vote at all in the 2021 legislative elections.

Smell like bad fish?
Russia is at war.....that usually pushes people off the couch and out to the Polls. Don't forget...there are 200,000 less Russian men in Russia today as a result of this war. By extension that would affect and average of five people per death at least. So close to a Million Russians have personally been stung by loss. They in turn talk to neighbors and family members.....
Russia is at war.....that usually pushes people off the couch and out to the Polls. Don't forget...there are 200,000 less Russian men in Russia today as a result of this war. By extension that would affect and average of five people per death at least. So close to a Million Russians have personally been stung by loss. They in turn talk to neighbors and family members.....

He still got 67% in 2018.

But what are they voting for? There's only one choice. Everyone knew who'd win. Even the opposition candidate was bigging up Putin.
94% turnout! More “historic” than America’s “historic” Indo/Jamaican VP visiting a Minnesota baby corpse processing facility for lunch. Putin was actually down to his challenger late into the evening, but a vote dump of mail ins came in the middle of the night that fell 99.9999% in his favor.

I bet that made you jizz.

Uncle Pooty is a lot like Sleepy Joe. They both like the idea of imprisoning their political opponents.

Most cartoonishly illegitimate "election" since Saddam.
Well...let's recap..... Putin has emptied out his prisons.....US has a massive prison burden that they are unable to manage. Putin has redesigned the Russian economy to a War Economy, its broke for now but climbing fast. Putin Treats insurrectionists about the Same way the US does....where's the problem?

Just sayin

Putin is a criminal mass-murderer and tyrant who breaks whatever law he likes to break. Just saying. And these elections were a farce. Putin is by the way since december 31st 1999 the leader of Russia. Dmitri Medwedew (2008-2012) was also only Vladimir Putin.
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Putin is a criminal mass-murderer and tyrant who breaks whatever law he likes to break. Just saying. And these elections were a farce. Putin is by the way since december 31st 1999 the leader of Russia. Dmitri Medwedew (2008-2012) was also only Vladimir Putin.

Then why did B. Hussein O kissed up Uncle Pooty so much? Remember how he told Vlad he'd be "more flexible" after the election, and how Hillary Clinton sold Putin 1/4 of our nation's Plutonium reserves for contributions to the Democrat campaign?

How much did Putin send to the Clinton Foundation?
Then why did B. Hussein O kissed up Uncle Pooty so much? Remember how he told Vlad he'd be "more flexible" after the election, and how Hillary Clinton sold Putin 1/4 of our nation's Plutonium reserves for contributions to the Democrat campaign?

How much did Putin send to the Clinton Foundation?
Many Rubles .....many Rubles!
Then why did B. Hussein O kissed up Uncle Pooty so much? Remember how he told Vlad he'd be "more flexible" after the election,
Teabaggers can't even keep their lies straight, just like their dear leader.

Obama told Medvedev to tell Putin he would be more flexible on the IMF missile defense system signed by Reagan, in 1987.
What did Obama do?

What did your dear leader do?
He cancelled it.
and how Hillary Clinton sold Putin 1/4 of our nation's Plutonium reserves for contributions to the Democrat campaign?
Another teabagger lie.

AP Explains: What's the deal with the Uranium One deal?​

AP News
https://apnews.com › article › united-states-north-ameri...

Nov 14, 2017 — President Donald Trump and his supporters have criticized the deal and suggested former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may be implicated in ...

How much did Putin send to the Clinton Foundation?

Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › news › 332270-eric-tr...

May 7, 2017 — President Trump's son, Eric, once told a golf writer that funding for Trump golf courses come from Russia, that writer recounted in a new ...
Political opponents kept off the ballot, scores of people arrested at polling centers because they indicated they were not going to vote for Putin, voting at the point of a gun in occupied parts of a neighboring country. You really can’t get much more illegitimate than that. Oh, and then there was the opposition leader who was assassinated while in custody. Just how much of a useful fool can you be.
Yet the people who are against Putin could have made sure he lost if they had voted for the other candidates if their are so many as you would have us believe, and stop making shit up about voting at gunpoint the only guns used were those trying to stop people voting.

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