PUTIN´S BOTS - who are they?

People are starting to ask; is Russia's destroying of the Ukraine's power infrastructure still fair war-game according to the agreed upon rules?

This is being suggested to be Russia's revenge for the Ukraine's hit on the Crimea bridge, but damaging the bridge didn't cause thousands to freeze to death.

It's time to force Russia to adopt new rules of fair play!

Bring it on, brain fart. With what can you force anything? What rules are those? You love hohols, now it's time to demonstrate your love and take them to your home to feed them and heat them. All the while Russia will go on cutting the Ukie troops from the supply lines and starve them munition wise and literally. We don't want to waste our men in futile skirmishes when we can just wear them out first and finish them up later when they are ready to be finished.
Moscow ULUS´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
Moscow ULUS´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
Moron, did I ask you anything? You're a worthless piece of manure nobody cares to notice. If recycled in some kind of a fertilizer, which are in great demand now they say, not only would you not boost agricultural productivity but every plant in the vicinity would wither and die from the poison you're made of.
People are starting to ask; is Russia's destroying of the Ukraine's power infrastructure still fair war-game according to the agreed upon rules?

This is being suggested to be Russia's revenge for the Ukraine's hit on the Crimea bridge, but damaging the bridge didn't cause thousands to freeze to death.

It's time to force Russia to adopt new rules of fair play!

Terrorists target civilians because they are not strong enough to defeat armies, and when accused of barbarism they say if we had planes and tanks and so son, we wouldn't have to target civilians, but Russia has planes and tanks and so on, but it still runs away from the AFU and targets civilians. So what is the difference between Russia and al Qaeda or ISIS? Targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure with the aim of causing more civilian deaths is an act of terrorism, not an act of war.
Do you have a link to the agreed to rules?

Yes, I heard that was the original reason for the attacks on water and energy. I think the attack on the bridge did make it difficult for Crimea to get needed resources including water? Can I see these rules which apparently say everything must be fair and equal in this war?

As usual I can't read your link. The UK is cut off from RT even on the internet.

I have no idea but a couple of other things I have heard. One it is mainly the south where the infrastructure is being destroyed and it does not get very cold there. No idea if that is true but I heard someone say that recently.

Secondly if there has been something new and worse then there has, has there not been some attempt to either attack Russian boats at Sevastopol or move towards getting Crimea back in recent days. That is the one area where I have heard by different people Russia would be prepared to use nukes so I guess there is nothing it would not do to protect or get revenge for attacks there. No idea if these are true, just my thoughts.
While RT UK is no longer licensed to broadcast in the UK, I can find no references to the UK blocking Internet access to rt.com except from rt, itself, so do you have a link, other than from rt, to the UK blocking Inernet access to rt.com?
Do you have a link to the agreed to rules?
No, they don't talk about the rules but we can assume that neither side is allowed to bomb the other's major cities to the ground, and Russia at least isn't allowed to kill a bunch of Ukrainians. And of course, no nukes.
Yes, I heard that was the original reason for the attacks on water and energy. I think the attack on the bridge did make it difficult for Crimea to get needed resources including water? Can I see these rules which apparently say everything must be fair and equal in this war?

As usual I can't read your link. The UK is cut off from RT even on the internet.

I have no idea but a couple of other things I have heard. One it is mainly the south where the infrastructure is being destroyed and it does not get very cold there. No idea if that is true but I heard someone say that recently.
Sorry bout that.
Secondly if there has been something new and worse then there has, has there not been some attempt to either attack Russian boats at Sevastopol or move towards getting Crimea back in recent days. That is the one area where I have heard by different people Russia would be prepared to use nukes so I guess there is nothing it would not do to protect or get revenge for attacks there. No idea if these are true, just my thoughts.
There's a rule against sinking the entire Sevastopol based Russian navy, and also a rule against Russia sinking a bunch of American ships too.

Trust in your thoughts! There can be no doubt that some rules apply.
Terrorists target civilians because they are not strong enough to defeat armies, and when accused of barbarism they say if we had planes and tanks and so son, we wouldn't have to target civilians, but Russia has planes and tanks and so on, but it still runs away from the AFU and targets civilians. So what is the difference between Russia and al Qaeda or ISIS? Targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure with the aim of causing more civilian deaths is an act of terrorism, not an act of war.
First of all friend, we need to leave Russia out of the discussion. When we do that we can consider the question of those who attack America being considered either terrorists or freedom fighters.

All of the various groups that attack America or Americans, don't necessarily fit in one common description.

Can you name one group and then place it under the category that most closely describes their motives?

Then we could move on to the similarities or differences between Russia and Al Qaida or ISIS.
Bring it on, brain fart. With what can you force anything? What rules are those? You love hohols, now it's time to demonstrate your love and take them to your home to feed them and heat them. All the while Russia will go on cutting the Ukie troops from the supply lines and starve them munition wise and literally. We don't want to waste our men in futile skirmishes when we can just wear them out first and finish them up later when they are ready to be finished.
You're confused, but I confess that that was my purpose.
First of all friend, we need to leave Russia out of the discussion. When we do that we can consider the question of those who attack America being considered either terrorists or freedom fighters.

All of the various groups that attack America or Americans, don't necessarily fit in one common description.

Can you name one group and then place it under the category that most closely describes their motives?

Then we could move on to the similarities or differences between Russia and Al Qaida or ISIS.
Just as goofy as you usually are: you want to leave Russia out of a discussion about Russia?

Targeting civilians is an act of terrorism, and when you do it on a scale and with the intent of killing a large number of civilians, it is a genocide, in this case, if Putin is successful, a second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people.

Every terrorist believes he is serving a just cause, so once someone who claims to be a freedom fighter commits and act of terrorism, he is a terrorist as well as a freedom fighter. Trying to present a false dichotomy between terrorist and freedom fighter just tells us you support acts of terrorism if you approve of the motives of the terrorist. Of all the terrorist organizations committing acts of terrorism as a matter of policy, Russia has the least claim of doing it for a just cause.
Just as goofy as you usually are: you want to leave Russia out of a discussion about Russia?

Targeting civilians is an act of terrorism, and when you do it on a scale and with the intent of killing a large number of civilians, it is a genocide, in this case, if Putin is successful, a second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people.
Do you have a reliable estimate on the number of Ukrainian civilians killed by Russia? To my knowledge there have been reports of as many as a dozen or less killed in attacks on the Ukraine's infrastructure.
This is the reason I started a new thread on the question of what limitations the Russians should be observing.
Every terrorist believes he is serving a just cause, so once someone who claims to be a freedom fighter commits and act of terrorism, he is a terrorist as well as a freedom fighter. Trying to present a false dichotomy between terrorist and freedom fighter just tells us you support acts of terrorism if you approve of the motives of the terrorist.
No, in fact it doesn't. I didn't state my position on any terrorism/freedom fighting entity. We haven't yet started to discuss the distinctions.
Of all the terrorist organizations committing acts of terrorism as a matter of policy, Russia has the least claim of doing it for a just cause.
Your opinion is therefore saying that a country's armed forces can be labelled as terrorists.

The question on 'just cause' of any country's armed forces seems to be the only question you are interested in pursuing.

I think we have the question of separating terrorists from freedom fighters first.

Can I offer the example of the Palestinian people's fight against the Israeli apartheid regime?

Russia claims:

Konashenkov insisted that Russian troops did not target Kiev. “All of the destruction reported by the Kiev authorities was caused by the falling missiles that were [fired] from foreign-made and Ukrainian air defense systems stationed in the residential areas of the Ukrainian capital,” he said.
Do you have a reliable estimate on the number of Ukrainian civilians killed by Russia? To my knowledge there have been reports of as many as a dozen or less killed in attacks on the Ukraine's infrastructure.
This is the reason I started a new thread on the question of what limitations the Russians should be observing.

No, in fact it doesn't. I didn't state my position on any terrorism/freedom fighting entity. We haven't yet started to discuss the distinctions.

Your opinion is therefore saying that a country's armed forces can be labelled as terrorists.

The question on 'just cause' of any country's armed forces seems to be the only question you are interested in pursuing.

I think we have the question of separating terrorists from freedom fighters first.

Can I offer the example of the Palestinian people's fight against the Israeli apartheid regime?
Here you go scampering around the world trying to deflect from Russia's effort to commit a second genocide against the Ukrainian people by denying them heat during the winter in the hope large numbers of Ukrainians will freeze to death. Whatever else Russia may be, it is clearly a terrorist organization at this time.

It is not just the Russian army that is a terrorist organization, but whatever else it may be, by design and policy, Russia is a terrorist organization. In 2019, Putin made that clear when he withdrew Russia from the sections of the Geneva Conventions dealing with the protection of civilians.
ivan , say Chechnya is cool. you slave - muslim´s hole :icon_lol:

Most of Grozny was destroyed in the war, typical Russian tactic that they also used in Mariupol. They killed a whole lot of civilians, as they are doing now in Ukraine. It's a tactic to attack civilians, cannot be all stray missiles because there are too many apartment blocs that they hit.
Most of Grozny was destroyed in the war, typical Russian tactic that they also used in Mariupol.
FRANKLY, THEY Killed many more Chechens than Ukrainians, war in Ch. was much more brutal, pure Genocide , and moscow is gonna pay for it as well
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