PUTIN´S N1 PROPAGANDACONDOM son Daniil Shapiro-Solovyov is working as a model in London (it must be his mama’s genes).


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Ivan how is life in tranches :lol: ? Baron any comment on this :icon_lol:

PUTIN´S N1 PROPAGANDACONDOM son Daniil Shapiro-Solovyov is working as a model in London (it must be his mama’s genes).

meanwhile his dad propagandacondom.ru daily "calling to nuke London "

this way i guess :

Scott Ritter: Putin is a great man.

Well worth the hour and it explains everything about the war.
Scott Ritter: Putin is a great man.
who cares what you pootler´s cuckolds say , think or feel? save your emotions for the Hague ivan, watch what said Markov (closest to pootler adviser )

Looks all over now for the US and Ukey Nazis .
Recruiting 16 year old children as they are out of men .

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny secretly informed the United States about the deaths of 257 thousand soldiers of the Ukrainian army.

From my former colleagues in the Intel Community: “When Zaluzhny was in the US, he met with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and General Milley. He secretly told them that Ukraine had lost 257,000 military troops since the beginning of the conflict."

Reports from inside Ukraine as of Sunday, 5 February 2023, indicate UKRAINIAN CONSCRIPTION AGE LOWERED TO 16
There have been all kinds of numbers tossed about for the numbers of dead and injured.

None are accurate. Just general guesses.

The only ones who really know aren't saying...that includes Zelenski and Putin.

Neither side wants to tell....Putin so he can keep up the war efforts and Zelinski so his troops don't lose heart and quit.
Both sides are in a meat grinder...both sides using cannon fodder and Conscripts.

War is hell....lots of bad things happen in war. There are no angels. No one escapes without wounds.
There have been all kinds of numbers tossed about for the numbers of dead and injured.

None are accurate. Just general guesses.

The only ones who really know aren't saying...that includes Zelenski and Putin.

Neither side wants to tell....Putin so he can keep up the war efforts and Zelinski so his troops don't lose heart and quit.
Both sides are in a meat grinder...both sides using cannon fodder and Conscripts.

War is hell....lots of bad things happen in war. There are no angels. No one escapes without wounds.

That is all obvious and in general terms predictable and even understandable .
However it is a general comment that now applies to all key areas of info .Everything .

So a top pundit looks at all info sources over a period of time and assesses for consistency , reliability and past accuracy .

Looking at Ukey , Russian , Mossad plus on- the- ground sources there is reasonable consensus .
The almost certain US/Ukey loss lies in the 200--300k death range and the comparable Russian figure lies within the 40--70 k band .

The most relevant stat and by a large margin , imho , is the huge difference .And of course it is highly believable for a few reasons :-
The Russians hold better defensive positions .
Ukey strategy is often irrational and almost suicidal
Russian artillery is vastly superior .
Ukey munitions are hugely limited in quality but enormously inferior in quantity .

It is lazy to simply hold that the recording mechanisms are imprecise and vulnerable to deliberate misinformation
Of course they are .
But it is quite legitimate to work with best estimates , providing all variables are fully taken into account and process is as independent and scientific as is possible .
There have been all kinds of numbers tossed about for the numbers of dead and injured.

None are accurate. Just general guesses.

The only ones who really know aren't saying...that includes Zelenski and Putin.

Neither side wants to tell....Putin so he can keep up the war efforts and Zelinski so his troops don't lose heart and quit.
Both sides are in a meat grinder...both sides using cannon fodder and Conscripts.

War is hell....lots of bad things happen in war. There are no angels. No one escapes without wounds.
2) THE ATTACKING SIDE ALWAYS LOSES MORE, 1:3 RATIO , in Muscovite case very often 1:7
3) Kyiv and Zelinski have huge support inside and outside Ukrainie
4) war ´ll be over this summer , Moscow empire runs out of cash
5) Many more Freedom fighters will join U. army , Moscow horde fight totally along

There have been all kinds of numbers tossed about for the numbers of dead and injured.

None are accurate. Just general guesses.

The only ones who really know aren't saying...that includes Zelenski and Putin.

Neither side wants to tell....Putin so he can keep up the war efforts and Zelinski so his troops don't lose heart and quit.
Both sides are in a meat grinder...both sides using cannon fodder and Conscripts.

War is hell....lots of bad things happen in war. There are no angels. No one escapes without wounds.

That is all obvious and in general terms predictable and even understandable .
However it is a general comment that now applies to all key areas of info .Everything .

So a top pundit looks at all info sources over a period of time and assesses for consistency , reliability and past accuracy .

Looking at Ukey , Russian , Mossad plus on- the- ground sources there is reasonable consensus .
The almost certain US/Ukey loss lies in the 200--300k death range and the comparable Russian figure lies within the 40--70 k band .

The most relevant stat and by a large margin , imho , is the huge difference .And of course it is highly believable for a few reasons :-
The Russians hold better defensive positions .
Ukey strategy is often irrational and almost suicidal
Russian artillery is vastly superior .
Ukey munitions are hugely limited in quality but enormously inferior in quantity .

It is lazy to simply hold that the recording mechanisms are imprecise and vulnerable to deliberate misinformation
Of course they are .
But it is quite legitimate to work with best estimates , providing all variables are fully taken into account and process is as independent and scientific as is possible .
Litwin is correct....invading forces must outnumber repelling forces by a 3:1 margin or else not expect to win....

Ukraine is the repelling army....meaning already intrinsically entrenched. They are home. Russia is the invaders.

Also they both have very different ways they use artillery. Ukraine is using NATO methodology which uses fewer rounds but more precision.....Russia just carpets an area and hopes they destroyed their targets. (Easier and faster to train troops)
Where both methods tend to have similar results....kinda....Russia tends to destroy more infrastructure and spend a LOT more money on shelling an area.
Ivan how is life in tranches :lol:? Baron any comment on this :icon_lol:

PUTIN´S N1 PROPAGANDACONDOM son Daniil Shapiro-Solovyov is working as a model in London (it must be his mama’s genes).

Pull yourself together Lit>>>

Litwin is correct....invading forces must outnumber repelling forces by a 3:1 margin or else not expect to win....

Ukraine is the repelling army....meaning already intrinsically entrenched. They are home. Russia is the invaders.

Also they both have very different ways they use artillery. Ukraine is using NATO methodology which uses fewer rounds but more precision.....Russia just carpets an area and hopes they destroyed their targets. (Easier and faster to train troops)
Where both methods tend to have similar results....kinda....Russia tends to destroy more infrastructure and spend a LOT more money on shelling an area.

Pull yourself together Lit>>>

Litwin is correct....invading forces must outnumber repelling forces by a 3:1 margin or else not expect to win....

Ukraine is the repelling army....meaning already intrinsically entrenched. They are home. Russia is the invaders.

Also they both have very different ways they use artillery. Ukraine is using NATO methodology which uses fewer rounds but more precision.....Russia just carpets an area and hopes they destroyed their targets. (Easier and faster to train troops)
Where both methods tend to have similar results....kinda....Russia tends to destroy more infrastructure and spend a LOT more money on shelling an area.

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