putin´s 🇷🇺 🐷 Ruble is Dead as a Global Currency as Moscow Uses YUAN for Trade & Moscow Company Debt


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
We know khan putin is struggling because of his nuclear rhetoric, he's becoming Kim Jon Un 2.0. Who would buy the Muscovite 🐷 🇷🇺 Ruble, no one
Oh how the mighty have fallen

Well Putin should be at ease as at least it's another communist country that is challenging the US.

Russia tries to talk with rhetoric of how strong they are but China is smarter and compete with the US.

Well at least they ( Russia and China) seem to be getting along better than in the past
Oh how the mighty have fallen

Well Putin should be at ease as at least it's another communist country that is challenging the US.

Russia tries to talk with rhetoric of how strong they are but China is smarter and compete with the US.

Well at least they ( Russia and China) seem to be getting along better than in the past

" Saddam Putsein the Great Loser" is rapidly sending Muscovy back to 15c borders .
Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png

China is stockpiling gold. Russia needs gold to trade with any country, even those who would ignore the sanctions at their own risk. Sounds like a match made in Hades, eh? Russia may yet find that China learned the lesson of Stalin's manipulation of Germany late in WWII. Couldn't happen to a more appropriate 'target' than from Russia's long time frenemy, China.

The whole BRICS currency concept continues as a less and less likely construction. And there's no chance of it becoming relevant in the time frame Russia needs. The idea that Putin would go to the World Bank is laughable. Also laughable are the gaping holes in the US sanctions listings. The Admin sets these things and they have left open wide gaps permitting obvious loopholes the Russians are utilizing. Tighten this stupidity up, Biden!

All in all Russia may have just become economically blued, screwed and tattooed. Add to that the reports of civil strife in Russia and you have all the seeds of open internal rebellion.

Viva la revolucion!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
You do not even need a currency when you are self sufficient , which the Federation is .

Thicko Nazi Troll Titty Winkle does not realise that you do not need an exchange rate if you are not importing .

Strange how well the Russian economy is faring with GDP galloping ahead and sanctions circumvented.

How did this alleged backward nation come to have the best fighting forces and equipment ?
A mystery . Ask Fake News MSM to explain to ignorant Mericans .

And just how have they managed to obliterate the Kyiv Nazis ?
That is something that the old man, Nazi Troll Titty just cannot figure out
You do not even need a currency when you are self sufficient , which the Federation is .

Thicko Nazi Troll Titty Winkle does not realise that you do not need an exchange rate if you are not importing .

Strange how well the Russian economy is faring with GDP galloping ahead and sanctions circumvented.

How did this alleged backward nation come to have the best fighting forces and equipment ?

A mystery . Ask Fake News MSM to explain to ignorant Mericans .

And just how have they managed to obliterate the Kyiv Nazis ?
That is something that the old man, Nazi Troll Titty just cannot figure out
I'm counting the days until I see Putin's head on a pike in Red Square!
In the mean time, blockading Kaliningrad and occupied Crimea should be the short term strategic goal.

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