Putin says Russia should ditch petrol in favor of natural gas fuel


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I think it's a great idea. I spent 5 years driving a taxi that used natural gas. The engines lasted 400k miles with proper maintenance and it drove exactly like one using gasoline. A regular engine can be converted to use natural gas without a great deal of cost.

All of the mass transit vehicles here in Las Vegas run on natural gas.

Natural gas fuel will have a huge positive economic effect and will create competitive advantages for the whole economy. Therefore, it is necessary to continue, of course, to support its development, both at the governmental level and at the regional,” Putin added.

Gazprom sells two types of natural gas fuel: compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). CNG is used for passenger and light cargo vans, motor cars, and municipal vehicles. LNG is for big trucks, railway and water transport, quarry machinery and agricultural equipment.

Natural gas is the most economical, eco-friendly and safe type of fuel available today,” claims Gazprom.

I think there should be a major push here in the USA to do the same for both commercial and private vehicles. A good place to startt would be military and government vehicles.

Read story @ Putin says Russia should ditch petrol in favor of natural gas fuel
The hell with natural gas. Tesla is gauranteeing their trucks for a million miles. A 400k ICE is less than half that. Not only that, given the efficiency of the Carnot cycle, it would be more efficient to use the gas to generate electricity then use that electricity in EV's. Five years from now we will have batteries with 3 to 5 times the energy density of the present lithium ion batteries, and cost half, or less, of the present price of those batteries. Why waste time on natural gas?
The hell with natural gas.

And what about ecology :), Tesla and other EV have problem with ecology becouse production and disposal of batteries is very "dirty" processes, and natural gas is almost pure fuel

it would be more efficient to use the gas to generate electricity then use that electricity in EV's.
This is debatable, and it is necessary to make an accurate calculation, the electrical efficiency of a modern gas power plant is 55-60%, the efficiency of the atmospheric gas engine is 35%, but the energy loss during the transmission of energy and most importantly charging the car, reduce all the advantages in efficiency

Five years from now we will have batteries with 3 to 5 times the energy density of the present lithium ion batteries, and cost half, or less, of the present price of those batteries. Why waste time on natural gas?
If your prediction is fulfilled, we will live in "paradise", personally I expect an improvement in the energy density of the battery not more than 1.5 times but probably the cost will indeed be half less or even more less

I think it's a great idea. I spent 5 years driving a taxi that used natural gas. The engines lasted 400k miles with proper maintenance and it drove exactly like one using gasoline. A regular engine can be converted to use natural gas without a great deal of cost.

All of the mass transit vehicles here in Las Vegas run on natural gas.

Natural gas fuel will have a huge positive economic effect and will create competitive advantages for the whole economy. Therefore, it is necessary to continue, of course, to support its development, both at the governmental level and at the regional,” Putin added.

Gazprom sells two types of natural gas fuel: compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). CNG is used for passenger and light cargo vans, motor cars, and municipal vehicles. LNG is for big trucks, railway and water transport, quarry machinery and agricultural equipment.

Natural gas is the most economical, eco-friendly and safe type of fuel available today,” claims Gazprom.

I think there should be a major push here in the USA to do the same for both commercial and private vehicles. A good place to startt would be military and government vehicles.

Read story @ Putin says Russia should ditch petrol in favor of natural gas fuel
Might happen if Government would stop pushing battery vehicles. Natural gas or hydrogen makes the most sense.
We are swimming in Natural Gas, yet as Death Angel states we have this bogus "Green" push for toxic, massive battery powered vehicles. Why?
NG is only half as efficient as oil...

... which means you have to burn twice as much NG...

... to achieve the same power output as oil.

That's fine as long as you have more than twice as much NG as oil.
CNG is okay if one has the proper system for upper cylinder lubrication.
CNG has a Carbon benefit.

Different fuels emit different amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in relation to the energy they produce when burned. To analyze emissions across fuels, compare the amount of CO2 emitted per unit of energy output or heat content.

Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels:

Coal (anthracite) 228.6
Coal (bituminous) 205.7
Coal (lignite) 215.4
Coal (subbituminous) 214.3
Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3
Gasoline (without ethanol)
Propane 139.0
Natural gas 117.0
How much carbon dioxide is produced when different fuels are burned? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
cnm wrote: Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3
Gasoline (without ethanol) 157.2
Propane 139.0
Natural gas 117.0

Considering one has to burn twice as much NG to obtain the same power output as gasoline...

... 117x2>157.2...

... NG doesn't compare as well.
Those figures are carbon produced for equivalent energy production. Energy per kilogram of fuel is not considered in them.
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