Putin slashes salaries as Russian economy falters

It would be a lot worse for Putin if he had not been so successful in blaming obama and the US.
Wow. Everyone in the government is taking a pay cut. Gee you don't see that every day.

Actually I can't remember seeing that ever up here by my feds.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin, has cut his own salary, the earnings of Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev and a number of other high-ranking officials by 10 per cent due to economic hardships experienced by the country.

According to the decree, which the President signed on Friday, the salaries will be cut from March 1 to December 31, 2015.

The reduction of wages will also affect Prosecutor General, Yury Chaika, and Investigative Committee head, Aleksandr Bastrykin as well as all members of the government including foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, and Defense minister, Sergey Shoigu."

And all the MP's.

Double wow.

Putin cuts own PM s salary by 10 per cent RT Russian politics
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Putin is evil and evil people eventually get theirs, you libs should make a note.

Just like there are shades of grey there are shades of evil. These days compared to many others Putin is wearing a freaking halo.

Normally, I'm on the same page with you BluesLegend but not on this one.

I'm as conservative as can be but Obama and the west supporting the coup in the Ukraine caused a civil war that has killed over six thousand Ukrainians.

My family is from Western Ukraine. I'm third generation. But I support the east trying to run from the monsters in Kiev whose hero is Stepan Bandera. The Nazi Ukrainian.

So I support Putin protecting the Ukrainian/Russians in the east who want nothing to do with the pigs who overthrew the government they voted for in a violent coup.
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Putin is evil and evil people eventually get theirs, you libs should make a note.

Just like there are shades of grey there are shades of evil. These days compared to many others Putin is wearing a freaking halo.

Normally, I'm on the same page with you BluesLegend but not on this one.

I'm as conservative as can be but Obama and the west supporting the coup in the Ukraine caused a civil war that has killed over six thousand Ukrainians.

My family is from Western Ukraine. I'm third generation. But I support the east trying to run from the monsters in Kiev whose hero is Stepan Bandera. The Nazi Ukrainian.

So I support Putin protecting the Russians in the east who want nothing to do with the pigs who overthrew the government in a violent coup.

Putin doesn't give a shit about the people. Putin is Obama, Obama is Putin in that respect.
This shows the desperation of Russia. As oil continues to drop in value, the more Pressure Pooootin and his associates will feel. Cutting their pay is only a tiny drop in the ocean of an economy that is teetering on collapse. And yet, he orders his military to be on high alert because he is totally paranoid and fears NATO.

Pooootin, the hero of the US GOP is well on the way to sending Russia in the same direction as the old Soviet Union. My greatest fear is what he will do in desperation when it is obvious the walls are falling around him.
This shows the desperation of Russia. As oil continues to drop in value, the more Pressure Pooootin and his associates will feel. Cutting their pay is only a tiny drop in the ocean of an economy that is teetering on collapse. And yet, he orders his military to be on high alert because he is totally paranoid and fears NATO.

Pooootin, the hero of the US GOP is well on the way to sending Russia in the same direction as the old Soviet Union. My greatest fear is what he will do in desperation when it is obvious the walls are falling around him.

He is the hero of no one other than a few nut jobs, so fuck you and your partisan bull shit.
My greatest fear is what he will do in desperation when it is obvious the walls are falling around him.
Maybe he'd de-couple the economy from the Dollar and join BRICS or something like that.

De-Dollarization Russia Ratifies 100 Billion BRICS Bank Zero Hedge
The Russian State Duma has ratified the $100 billion BRICS bank that’ll serve as a pool of money for infrastructure projects in Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa, and challenge the dominance of the Western-led World Bank and the IMF.

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