Putin: the West has no morals

I completely agree with Putin.

He's talking about suppressing minorities and killing gays. Anyone who knows Putin knows this to be true.
I'm sure many Republicans agree with both you and Putin.
I agree, USA.INC has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
So we need to become more like Russia?

USA.INC is resembling the old USSR with each passing day. Our media definitely resembles the state ran Pravda that spewed propaganda and the police state that we live in along with the constant spying of Americans with mechanisms that would make the KGB soil themselves with envy tells me that we are becoming what USA.INC said we must fight against......my eyes are open...yours are shut.
"Moral. Moral? ... Is what? ... Moral?
Moral - you know moral!
Moral? I don't know what that means. I like basketball."


I completely agree with Putin.

Really? Would you have said I completely agreed with Hitler had he stated that America had no morals?
How could you agree with a psychopathic narcissist, a cold blooded killer publicly about anything and not feel dirty? Do you not realize that Putin is plotting the destruction of America, fschmidt? Consider how you might feel after the Russians strike us, the invasion is on and American men, women and children are being raped, tortured and slaughtered because of Vladimir Putin. Granted it is the sins of America that have brought her to the point she is now but to act as if this man is some sort of paragon of virtue is outrageous. He is an executioner and his eye is square on our nation and fellow countrymen. Some of you have fallen for this Russian propagandist and I'll have you know that the Russians on this board are secretly laughing at you over it. They are here biding their time for the most horrific slaughter our nation shall ever endure and your listening to their boss tell you what a morally corrupt nation you live in. This guy starved his own people out of misplaced pride, murdered reporters, political opponents and stripped law abiding citizens of their fortunes in order to enrich himself and is now arresting Christians who dare to talk about Jesus Christ in their own homes with their own children. His new law forbids Christians from prayer meetings, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in or outside of their homes - they are restricted to only sharing Christ in govt. approved churches on Sunday.

He's a wife beating, philandering adulterer who divorced his wife only when it was convenient for him to do so... and he is going to give the world a lesson on morality using America as his example? I think not!
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Dispense with the Man-Crushes: Putin’s Russia Is Cracking Down on Christianity

Putin cracking down on those pesky kristians, you remember, the ones that thought Putin was a good buddy who is on their side.

"Papers please", comrade.
This is what the Russian Orthodox Church wants. I don't know Putin's position on this issue, but since Putin backs the Orthodox Church, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin supported this. The Orthodox Church has been suppressing other forms of the Christianity for the last 1500 years and I think they actually have quite strong arguments for their position, even though I disagree with it. Today it is a particularly difficult question since modern Western Christianity is horrible, certainly much worse than Orthodox Christianity. All of modern Western culture horrible, from multicultural Left to the Evangelical Right, and I fully sympathise with Putin's desire to keep these cultural plagues out of Russia. I wouldn't do this by such harsh restrictions on religion, but I honestly can't think of another better approach.
Would you have said I completely agreed with Hitler had he stated that America had no morals?
Yes, the truth of a statement is not dependent on who says it.

How could you agree with a psychopathic narcissist, a cold blooded killer publicly about anything and not feel dirty?
You mean Obama? I think this description fits Obama (and Clinton) perfectly, but doesn't fit Putin.

This guy starved his own people out of misplaced pride, murdered reporters, political opponents and stripped law abiding citizens of their fortunes in order to enrich himself and is now arresting Christians who dare to talk about Jesus Christ in their own homes with their own children.

His new law forbids Christians from prayer meetings, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in or outside of their homes - they are restricted to only sharing Christ in govt. approved churches on Sunday.
I don't approve, but Israel has the same kind of law. Do you also condemn Israel?

He's a wife beating, philandering adulterer who divorced his wife only when it was convenient for him to do so... and he is going to give the world a lesson on morality using America as his example? I think not!
Now you seem to be describing Trump. If you mean Putin, again I need evidence.
Would you have said I completely agreed with Hitler had he stated that America had no morals?
Yes, the truth of a statement is not dependent on who says it.

How could you agree with a psychopathic narcissist, a cold blooded killer publicly about anything and not feel dirty?
You mean Obama? I think this description fits Obama (and Clinton) perfectly, but doesn't fit Putin.

This guy starved his own people out of misplaced pride, murdered reporters, political opponents and stripped law abiding citizens of their fortunes in order to enrich himself and is now arresting Christians who dare to talk about Jesus Christ in their own homes with their own children.

His new law forbids Christians from prayer meetings, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in or outside of their homes - they are restricted to only sharing Christ in govt. approved churches on Sunday.
I don't approve, but Israel has the same kind of law. Do you also condemn Israel?

He's a wife beating, philandering adulterer who divorced his wife only when it was convenient for him to do so... and he is going to give the world a lesson on morality using America as his example? I think not!
Now you seem to be describing Trump. If you mean Putin, again I need evidence.

So you would say you completely agreed with Hitler if he were to say the same thing Putin said? That is what you are telling me? That it doesn't matter who is speaking something you consider true - you will give them air time - so to speak and publicize their words without any mention of their hypocrisy or their own evil deeds? I find that astonishing considering the fact that you were born Jewish, fschmidt.

On the matter of Putin being a cold blooded murderer and a psychopathic narcissist, why do you not believe that describes him? Do you read the newspapers? Have you listened to the testimonies of his victims? You seem very quick to divert the attention away from Putin and on to Obama. Your OP is not about Obama. Stay on topic.

Here is your evidence:

How ex-KGB spy was killed with tea after accusing Putin of pedophilia | New York Post
Litvinenko had been a perpetual thorn in Putin’s side, ever since he defected from the Russian spy service and moved to London in 2000.

In books and articles published in English and Russian, the dissident had repeatedly accused the ruthless Putin of seizing and holding political power through a campaign of intimidation and violence.

Just four months before his death, Litvinenko would publish an embarrassing account on a Russian news site that detailed evidence purporting to prove that Putin was a pedophile.
He had repeatedly been warned about threats on his life, and as recently as the very day of his poisoning had been told by an Italian colleague that he was on a “hit list” kept by Russian security services agents.

Only two weeks afterward would Litvinenko’s puzzled doctors realize that he was losing his hair and vomiting blood due to acute radiation poisoning.

Even then, traces of radiation would still be found all over the hotel, including in the men’s rooms and throughout the Pine Bar.

In Kovtun’s room at the Millennium, the readings were off the chart.

“The highest readings were found in [Kovtun’s] bathroom and the highest of those readings was found in a sediment trap below the plughole in that bathroom,” the report says.

“It therefore appeared that polonium in one form or another had been poured down the plughole.”


Putin said after the incident that he 'wanted to stroke him like a kitten and it came out in this gesture. There is nothing behind it'. He added: 'He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenceless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little boy.'

But little did anyone know at that time the incident would allegedly lead to Litvinenko’s death.
What did the five-year-old boy say after Putin kissed him on stomach?
Alexander Litvinenko Was Killed ‘for Calling Putin a Pedophile’

Owen said that he is certain former KGB agent Litvinenko was given tea with a fatal dose of polonium-210, a radioactive isotope that is deadly if ingested even in tiny quantities, in London in November 2006.

In his report, Owen reproduces an article Litvinenko wrote for the Chechenpress website months before his death. The inquiry report includes a large section of the article, which says Putin destroyed videotapes of him having sex with “underage boys” when he was director of the FSB.

Alexander Litvinenko Murder Report Publishes Extraordinary Claims Of Vladimir Putin 'Paedophilia Tapes' | Huffington Post
The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated
Journalists Killed in Russia - Committee to Protect Journalists
Kremlin critics killed during Vladimir Putin's leadership

Vladimir Putin, Narcissist?
Photos of the Russian president scuba-diving, piloting a plane, behind the wheel of a race car, demonstrating his skill in martial arts, and baring his chest on horseback only contribute to this view and evoke the predictably derisive response: Putin is a narcissist.

Next you ask for evidence of Putin's starving his own people out of misplaced pride, murdering reporters, political opponents and stripped law abiding citizens of their fortunes in order to enrich himself and is now arresting Christians who dare to talk about Jesus Christ in their own homes with their own children.[/QUOTE]

I have already given you reports of his ties to murdering political opponents and reporters. As for starving his own people out of misplaced pride there are these stories:
Only Putin would think to starve his own people to punish the West
Why Is Russia Destroying Food?
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs

As for stripping Christians of their freedom and the law he has enacted? There are these stories:

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
Russia's Ban on Evangelism Is Now in Effect
Putin Signs Draconian Anti-Christian Provisions into Law
Russia puts lid on Christians sharing faith

As for your mention of Israel this isn't about Israel. Look at your own OP and note the content and subject.

Last - Putin enriches himself on OPM (other people's money)

The power is very simple in Russia — whoever has the power to arrest people is the person in power. And so what Putin does is he has a bunch of guys around him who have the power to arrest people.

“And so it doesn’t matter how rich you are, if you can be arrested, put in jail and have your money taken away, the guy who can do that to you is the most powerful person in Russia.”

Putin has been dogged by corruption claims for years, with The Guardian reporting in 2007 he owned vast holdings in three Russian oil and gas companies hidden behind a “non-transparent network of offshore trusts.”

The man who’s richer than Bill Gates

Browder: 'Putin Has Stolen Hundreds of Billions of Russia's Wealth'

Next you ask about Putin's history of beating his wife, philandering, and mention Trump. I need to remind you to examine your own OP and stay on topic. This isn't about Obama or Trump. This is about Vladmir Putin. Let's stay on track here. Here are the stories:

Vladimir Putin 'a wife beater and philanderer', documents allege
Putin Was A 'Philanderer And A Wifebeater' During His Time In The KGB
A Spy In The House Of Putin

Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, a journalist and expert on German intelligence, says he has proof a female West German spy was able to infiltrate the Putin household during the family's five-year stay in Dresden, East Germany. Her discovery? That Putin was an enthusiastic womanizer and a violent bully who beat his wife.

Schmidt-Eenboom, who has written numerous books and papers on Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency, maintains that the agent, a young woman operating under the name Lenchen, or Lenochka, was tasked with digging up information about the KGB's military and economic activities in southern Germany.

"But she quickly became friends with Lyudmila Putina and became a kind of trusted confidante for her," he says. "Lyudmila told her that Vladimir frequently beat her, and often cheated on her, that he had had trysts with other women."


I'm finished now, @fshmidt. Your turn.
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So you would say you completely agreed with Hitler if he were to say the same thing Putin said? That is what you are telling me? That it doesn't matter who is speaking something you consider true - you will give them air time - so to speak and publicize their words without any mention of their hypocrisy or their own evil deeds? I find that astonishing considering the fact that you were born Jewish, fschmidt.
Yes, in fact a lot of what Hitler said was true in spite of his evil deeds. His criticism of international bankers was completely accurate as well as his criticism of the Left.

Also, I am a strong believer in free speech. On another forum, a member was banned for hate speech against jews and I protested this ban. Because of my protest, he was unbanned. Later he joined my online Old Testament readings and today he follows the Torah.

On the matter of Putin being a cold blooded murderer and a psychopathic narcissist, why do you not believe that describes him? Do you read the newspapers? Have you listened to the testimonies of his victims? You seem very quick to divert the attention away from Putin and on to Obama. Your OP is not about Obama. Stay on topic.

Here is your evidence:

How ex-KGB spy was killed with tea after accusing Putin of pedophilia | New York Post
Litvinenko had been a perpetual thorn in Putin’s side, ever since he defected from the Russian spy service and moved to London in 2000.
I haven't researched this, but I find it believable that Putin had Litvinenko killed. Anyone who rises to Putin's level in politics has to be somewhat ruthless. Putin probably believed that Litvinenko threatened his reputation, so he rationally chose to kill him. In contrast, Western leaders like Obama are true psychopaths who kill people for no good reason at all.

Putin said after the incident that he 'wanted to stroke him like a kitten and it came out in this gesture. There is nothing behind it'. He added: 'He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenceless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little boy.'

But little did anyone know at that time the incident would allegedly lead to Litvinenko’s death.
What did the five-year-old boy say after Putin kissed him on stomach?
Alexander Litvinenko Was Killed ‘for Calling Putin a Pedophile’
I call BS on this one. I see no hard evidence that Putin is a pedophile, and politically correct West is always too fast to accuse men of anything.

Vladimir Putin, Narcissist?
Photos of the Russian president scuba-diving, piloting a plane, behind the wheel of a race car, demonstrating his skill in martial arts, and baring his chest on horseback only contribute to this view and evoke the predictably derisive response: Putin is a narcissist.
This is absolutely absurd. The fact is that Putin likes challenging activities, and showing this off makes political sense. Only pathetic Western scum who excel at nothing would call this narcissistic. Examples include all of America's leading politicians who are all worthless and have done nothing of value in their lives. I think it is good to be proud of one's real accomplishments.

Why Is Russia Destroying Food?
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
I see no evidence that anyone starved. In fact what happened is that Russia's agriculture greatly benefited and now Russia is an international agricultural power. Not only that, but their food is GMO free, free of the evils of the West.

As for stripping Christians of their freedom and the law he has enacted? There are these stories:
We already covered this.

The power is very simple in Russia — whoever has the power to arrest people is the person in power. And so what is he has a bunch of guys around him who have the power to arrest people.

“And so it doesn’t matter how rich you are, if you can be arrested, put in jail and have your money taken away, the guy who can do that to you is the most powerful person in Russia.”
Good for Putin. The alternative is a ruling corporate elite like in the West. If the corporate elite can't be jailed or fined for crimes, then you have economic decay like in the West. In contrast, Russia's standard of living is rising, thanks to Putin.

Next you ask about Putin's history of beating his wife, philandering, and mention Trump. I need to remind you to examine your own OP and stay on topic. This isn't about Obama or Trump. This is about Vladmir Putin. Let's stay on track here. Here are the stories:

Vladimir Putin 'a wife beater and philanderer', documents allege
Putin Was A 'Philanderer And A Wifebeater' During His Time In The KGB
A Spy In The House Of Putin
Philandering is not adultery by the Old Testament definition. Only sex between a wife and a man who is not her husband is adultery. So Putin is only an adulterer if he had sex with another man's wife, and I see no evidence of this. (In contrast, Trump boasts about having sex with married women.)

As for the wifebeating accusation, the only evidence is second hand reports of his wife's testimony. This is very weak evidence.
So you would say you completely agreed with Hitler if he were to say the same thing Putin said? That is what you are telling me? That it doesn't matter who is speaking something you consider true - you will give them air time - so to speak and publicize their words without any mention of their hypocrisy or their own evil deeds? I find that astonishing considering the fact that you were born Jewish, fschmidt.
Yes, in fact a lot of what Hitler said was true in spite of his evil deeds. His criticism of international bankers was completely accurate as well as his criticism of the Left.

Also, I am a strong believer in free speech. On another forum, a member was banned for hate speech against jews and I protested this ban. Because of my protest, he was unbanned. Later he joined my online Old Testament readings and today he follows the Torah.

On the matter of Putin being a cold blooded murderer and a psychopathic narcissist, why do you not believe that describes him? Do you read the newspapers? Have you listened to the testimonies of his victims? You seem very quick to divert the attention away from Putin and on to Obama. Your OP is not about Obama. Stay on topic.

Here is your evidence:

How ex-KGB spy was killed with tea after accusing Putin of pedophilia | New York Post
Litvinenko had been a perpetual thorn in Putin’s side, ever since he defected from the Russian spy service and moved to London in 2000.
I haven't researched this, but I find it believable that Putin had Litvinenko killed. Anyone who rises to Putin's level in politics has to be somewhat ruthless. Putin probably believed that Litvinenko threatened his reputation, so he rationally chose to kill him. In contrast, Western leaders like Obama are true psychopaths who kill people for no good reason at all.

Putin said after the incident that he 'wanted to stroke him like a kitten and it came out in this gesture. There is nothing behind it'. He added: 'He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenceless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little boy.'

But little did anyone know at that time the incident would allegedly lead to Litvinenko’s death.
What did the five-year-old boy say after Putin kissed him on stomach?
Alexander Litvinenko Was Killed ‘for Calling Putin a Pedophile’
I call BS on this one. I see no hard evidence that Putin is a pedophile, and politically correct West is always too fast to accuse men of anything.

Vladimir Putin, Narcissist?
Photos of the Russian president scuba-diving, piloting a plane, behind the wheel of a race car, demonstrating his skill in martial arts, and baring his chest on horseback only contribute to this view and evoke the predictably derisive response: Putin is a narcissist.
This is absolutely absurd. The fact is that Putin likes challenging activities, and showing this off makes political sense. Only pathetic Western scum who excel at nothing would call this narcissistic. Examples include all of America's leading politicians who are all worthless and have done nothing of value in their lives. I think it is good to be proud of one's real accomplishments.

Why Is Russia Destroying Food?
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
I see no evidence that anyone starved. In fact what happened is that Russia's agriculture greatly benefited and now Russia is an international agricultural power. Not only that, but their food is GMO free, free of the evils of the West.

As for stripping Christians of their freedom and the law he has enacted? There are these stories:
We already covered this.

The power is very simple in Russia — whoever has the power to arrest people is the person in power. And so what is he has a bunch of guys around him who have the power to arrest people.

“And so it doesn’t matter how rich you are, if you can be arrested, put in jail and have your money taken away, the guy who can do that to you is the most powerful person in Russia.”
Good for Putin. The alternative is a ruling corporate elite like in the West. If the corporate elite can't be jailed or fined for crimes, then you have economic decay like in the West. In contrast, Russia's standard of living is rising, thanks to Putin.

Next you ask about Putin's history of beating his wife, philandering, and mention Trump. I need to remind you to examine your own OP and stay on topic. This isn't about Obama or Trump. This is about Vladmir Putin. Let's stay on track here. Here are the stories:

Vladimir Putin 'a wife beater and philanderer', documents allege
Putin Was A 'Philanderer And A Wifebeater' During His Time In The KGB
A Spy In The House Of Putin
Philandering is not adultery by the Old Testament definition. Only sex between a wife and a man who is not her husband is adultery. So Putin is only an adulterer if he had sex with another man's wife, and I see no evidence of this. (In contrast, Trump boasts about having sex with married women.)

As for the wifebeating accusation, the only evidence is second hand reports of his wife's testimony. This is very weak evidence.

If you will review my original post no where in it did I say that Putin was a paedophile. I said he had his political opponents killed, reporters murdered, enriched himself by theft (of Russian people) and was a wife beater and philanderer. I found more than one report about the latter so I included it. Had you of thoroughly examined them you could not conclude the evidence as "weak." As to the charge of being a paedophile, this was only included later because it is in the title of news articles and identified as the motive for why Putin had his political opponent poisoned to death. The photograph was available - the tapes that Putin allegedly destroyed - are not.

I do not recall Barack Obama ever having a journalist or a political rival running against him assassinated. Neither do I recall anyone making any accusations (true or not) against Obama for being a paedophile or plotting the mass murder of a nation (as Putin is plotting to do right now to the American people) so you will have to understand that I do not agree with you that Putin is a "better man" than Barack Obama (and I didn't vote for Obama). Obama has never made a law making it illegal for Christians to share the gospel in their own home / outside of the home or on the internet. While Obama has clearly set a precedent with EBT cards and distributing to some who are using the system - he never tried to starve his own nation because of the actions of another. Putin has serious issues and using him for the subject of a discussion on the morals of the West was a poor choice, fschmidt.

Had you of chosen a man of good reputation, a godly man known for his humility and close relationship to God, I would have no problem listening to what the man had to say and I most likely would be in agreement with him but as you have chosen Putin I declined to listen to the video in your OP. You need to raise your standards in the future because I'm not going to lower mine.


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