Putin tries to launch peace talks from a position of weakness

Putin tries to launch peace talks from a position of weakness© Provided by Washington Examiner

Russia appears eager to declare a ceasefire in Ukraine before their invading forces suffer any new losses, but the military setbacks that inspired that intention could thwart his aim.
“Russians will be happy to have negotiations, and they will be very happy to fix the lines where they are standing now,” a senior European official based in Poland told the Washington Examiner. “So at this moment I don't see any serious reason why Ukrainians should be interested.”

Clearly, the Ukrainians are not interested.
U. is 100% RIGHT !

Just saying it's a fact doesn't make it a fact. The people in Kherson held a referendum ad overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine.

It wasn't even close.

It's not like it was a 48% to 52% vote or something like that. It was more like 80-90% in favor of seceding IIRC.

Do you even comprehend why so many people voted to secede from Ukraine? I think you don't have a fucking clue.

Just saying it's a fact doesn't make it a fact. The people in Kherson held a referendum ad overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine.

Russians are famous for their honest elections.

Do you even comprehend why so many people voted to secede from Ukraine?

Russian guns to their heads.
Do you even comprehend why so many people voted to secede from Ukraine?

Russian guns to their heads.
I see that you are mindlessly parroting what the fake news outlets told you. Who told you that there was Russian guns to their heads? MSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Why didn't those fake news outlets with all of their fancy top-of-the-line professional video equipment get something like that on video?

Not even a cell phone video or anything.

Why didn't they show you that video???? :dunno: ???

Didn't it ever possibly cross your naive feeble mind that they were simply lying to you again, as usual?

It's known as fake news for a reason, moron.

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Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Exactly why is the U.S. so intent on waging a proxy war against Russia?
Russia isn't a threat to America..
Russia isn't at our border about to invade us.
Russia isn't supplying countries close to us with weapons.
Russia hasn't stolen anything from the U.S.
Yet, we are giving away Billions to other countries to fight Russia. ... :cuckoo:
The United States Of Pilfering Tax Dollars...make up a war.
I see that you are mindlessly parroting what the fake news outlets told you. Who told you that there was Russian guns to their heads? MSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Why didn't those fake news outlets with all of their fancy top-of-the-line professional video equipment get something like that on video?

Not even a cell phone video or anything.

Why didn't they show you that video???? :dunno: ???

Didn't it ever possibly cross your naive feeble mind that they were simply lying to you again, as usual?

It's known as fake news for a reason, moron.


I see that you are mindlessly parroting what the fake news outlets told you. Who told you that there was Russian guns to their heads? MSNBC? CNN? PBS?

I don't watch MSNBC, CNN or PBS.
I wouldn't need to, I know how the Russians operate.

Didn't it ever possibly cross your naive feeble mind that they were simply lying to you again, as usual?

Right, Putin is a stand up guy. How many Moscow apartment buildings did he blow up in 1999?

I see that you are mindlessly parroting what the fake news outlets told you. Who told you that there was Russian guns to their heads? MSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Why didn't those fake news outlets with all of their fancy top-of-the-line professional video equipment get something like that on video?

Not even a cell phone video or anything.

Why didn't they show you that video???? :dunno: ???

Didn't it ever possibly cross your naive feeble mind that they were simply lying to you again, as usual?

It's known as fake news for a reason, moron.

Doesn't it ever seem curious to you that Russia never has any close elections? I mean in the US or other democracies, if a candidate wins by 60% or 70% of the vote it is called a landslide, but the Russian government always wins by at least 90% of the vote, just as the government of Saddam's Iraq and Assad's Syria always do. When you are out on the street or at a political rally screaming TRUMP WON THE ELECTION, doesn't some little part of your mind ever say," Hey, wait a minute, how come . . . "
That's because Putin is extremely popular and the Russian people love him. ... :thup:

That's because Putin is extremely popular and the Russian people love him. ... :thup:
Of course they do, just as all the Iraqi Shi'ites loved Saddam and all the Syrian Sunni love Assad. That's why they always won elections with at least 90% of the vote just as Putin does.
Just saying it's a fact doesn't make it a fact. The people in Kherson held a referendum ad overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine.

It wasn't even close.

It's not like it was a 48% to 52% vote or something like that. It was more like 80-90% in favor of seceding IIRC.

Do you even comprehend why so many people voted to secede from Ukraine? I think you don't have a fucking clue.
You know what amuses me in MAGA-turds like you? On every corner you are claiming that 2020 elections were stolen, but believe in those dull numbers your masters feed you about fake referendums on Ukrainian territories.

And this even considering the fact that the Putin regime didn't even try to organize some meaningful voting just for show there. To say nothing about control and counting.

You are just a walking embarrassment for human logic and common sense.

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