Putin v. Hitler. do you agree that these 2 tyrants are very similar in many ways ?

do you agree that these 2 tyrants are very similar in many ways ?

  • YES , they are

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • No

    Votes: 18 78.3%

  • Total voters
They're both leftists, they're both globalists, they both believed human rights only exist as they are granted by the state. Neither believed in individual liberty or personal autonomy, both believed the state should dictate every aspect of one's life, from cradle to grave.
sounds like the democrat party
No Putin is nothing like Hitler. Putin is not a tyrannt.
you think putler is a democratic president? and his putlerstan is a democratic country ?
Did Putin steal your lollipop?
man , are you working for Prigozhin&putler ?
An iron curtain is not in Europe´s interest. Uncle Sam makes the EU and Russia weaken each other. We must unite to overcome this stupid tensions. If Uncle Sam changes his policies, he´s welcome.
No Putin is nothing like Hitler. Putin is not a tyrannt.
you think putler is a democratic president? and his putlerstan is a democratic country ?
Did Putin steal your lollipop?
man , are you working for Prigozhin&putler ?
An iron curtain is not in Europe´s interest. Uncle Sam makes the EU and Russia weaken each other. We must unite to overcome this stupid tensions. If Uncle Sam changes his policies, he´s welcome.
God bless THe USA, death to Mongol empire Juchi
No Putin is nothing like Hitler. Putin is not a tyrannt.
you think putler is a democratic president? and his putlerstan is a democratic country ?
Did Putin steal your lollipop?
man , are you working for Prigozhin&putler ?
An iron curtain is not in Europe´s interest. Uncle Sam makes the EU and Russia weaken each other. We must unite to overcome this stupid tensions. If Uncle Sam changes his policies, he´s welcome.
God bless THe USA, death to Mongol empire Juchi
They're both leftists, they're both globalists, they both believed human rights only exist as they are granted by the state. Neither believed in individual liberty or personal autonomy, both believed the state should dictate every aspect of one's life, from cradle to grave.
What? Leftists? Globalists?
Huh? Is this where you *pretend* to be stupid?
Sorry, but calling anyone or anything you don´t like leftist or socialism is just idiotic or silly. Hitler belongs to the extreme right, honey and Putin is a conservative, so go back to school.
So you are going to play stupid.
They're both leftists, they're both globalists, they both believed human rights only exist as they are granted by the state. Neither believed in individual liberty or personal autonomy, both believed the state should dictate every aspect of one's life, from cradle to grave.
What? Leftists? Globalists?
Huh? Is this where you *pretend* to be stupid?
Sorry, but calling anyone or anything you don´t like leftist or socialism is just idiotic or silly. Hitler belongs to the extreme right, honey and Putin is a conservative, so go back to school.
So you are going to play stupid.
I cut off my left arm.
Stop minimizing the Hitler crimes against humanity...when Putin tries to wipe out an entire race of people and is marching through Europe raping plundering pillaging and murdering then you may have something until then I think not.....
Putin doesn't give a fuck about that. He wants money. He wants good white Christian Russians to do well.
That's Uhmerrykkkas job to create war and chaos, Not Russias.
Putin is not a globalist. Putin is a nationalist who does not trust the globalists. He loves his nation. His politics you can debate. The globalists installed communism in Russia a century ago. And that nation paid for it.
Bigtime. That's why they laughed when we took freeDumb to Afghaniland. They'd already been to that rodeo.
They're both leftists, they're both globalists, they both believed human rights only exist as they are granted by the state. Neither believed in individual liberty or personal autonomy, both believed the state should dictate every aspect of one's life, from cradle to grave.
What? Leftists? Globalists?
Huh? Is this where you *pretend* to be stupid?
Sorry, but calling anyone or anything you don´t like leftist or socialism is just idiotic or silly. Hitler belongs to the extreme right, honey and Putin is a conservative, so go back to school.
So you are going to play stupid.
I cut off my left arm.
Alrighty then.
No Putin is nothing like Hitler. Putin is not a tyrannt.
Mortimer, Putin is an evil minded murderous thug since his KGB days. He never changed his stripes.
And California is the Golden State. Florida is the Sunshine State.
Stop minimizing the Hitler crimes against humanity...when Putin tries to wipe out an entire race of people and is marching through Europe raping plundering pillaging and murdering then you may have something until then I think not.....
Putin doesn't give a fuck about that. He wants money. He wants good white Christian Russians to do well.
"Putin doesn't give a fuck about that. He wants money. He wants good white Christian Russians to do well."

putler´s army , white Christian "Russians" vs. Muslims

as you see, Muslims are on the top in Putlerstan
OH Kinda like this ?
Lists mean nothing. You could make the same list comparing FDR to his friend Stalin.
No Putin is nothing like Hitler. Putin is not a tyrannt.
Mortimer, Putin is an evil minded murderous thug since his KGB days. He never changed his stripes.
And California is the Golden State. Florida is the Sunshine State.

I changed from sunshine state to golden state in my profile. Thanks for telling me. I learned something new. I dont agree on Putin. He might be a murderous thugh but he isnt a nazi or like Hitler. I would like if the USA has good relations with Russia. The cold war should be over.
A Subtle Similarity Between Hitler and Putin

For more than a month now, the global media, including in Russia, have been discussing parallels between Russia's annexation of Crimea and Nazi Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938. Those discussions frequently also include comparisons between President Vladimir Putin and Hitler. Dozens of European magazines and newspapers publish photos and political cartoons depicting Putin in the image of the former German dictator, a practice that even many of Putin's detractors understandably find distasteful.

Are there grounds for drawing direct parallels between Putin and Hitler? No, but at the same time we should draw lessons from both Putin's domestic and foreign policies.

Although Putin's domestic policies seem tame compared to Hitler's, his foreign policy could be just as disruptive.

Putin grew up and lives in a world that differs radically from that of the 1920s and 1930s. The people of the 21st century are not accustomed to the degree of violence that was considered normal 100 years ago, even in Europe. Society is much more open-minded and cosmopolitan now than it was in the years between World War I and II. The economies of nations are far more intertwined than they were in the early 20th century. It is very unlikely that Nazi-style fascism could thrive in today's world — and Putin is definitely not Hitler.

Some superficial parallels exist, but they only underscore how little modern authoritarian leaders resemble the bloodthirsty dictators of the past. Yes, Germany passed a law in 1933 "against forming new parties" that was enforced by the monopolistic Nazi Party, and those events somewhat resemble Putin's crackdown on the opposition. But after that law was passed, Germany created Dachau, the first concentration camp for political prisoners — something inconceivable in today's Russia. Germany also started persecuting homosexuals in 1935, but this was in the form of sending 15,000 to 20,000 of them to their deaths. In contrast, the entire "anti-gay" campaign in Russia led to nothing more than a few unlawful firings and beatings. Only someone who knows little of history can compare Hitlerjugend with Putin's Nashi movement.

Any comparison between Putin and Hitler is pointless, whether it focuses on Hitler before 1939 or the leaders' positive and negative qualities. But there is a more subtle comparison that deserves attention.

Putin came to power in 2000 presumably as a democrat, and he won the presidential election that year in a largely free and fair vote. But soon Putin introduced a new ideology according to which the state was superior to the individual, and national interests were much more important than private ones. This ideology was created for domestic use, but it has broad implications for Russia's neighbors as well.

The problem is not whether Putin is like Hitler, but how Putin's policies will eventually play out. His recent course will likely undermine the international norms and rules that existed when he came to power. Like Hitler before him, Putin has no new ideas on how to create a stable global system in place of the current one. He only wants to secure new territory as Hitler tried to guarantee a vast Lebensraum for the German people. And like Hitler, Putin appears unable — or lacking the desire — to stop advancing along his chosen path, however risky it may look.

Regrettably, the international community is unwilling or unable to stop the violation of human rights in Russia today, just as it was against Germany in the 1930s. Of course, the world was not legally obligated to intervene in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state — not in Hitler's Germany and not in Putin's Russia. But Putin's attempt to undermine the foundations of the international order is fraught with more serious consequences. Far from eliciting enthusiasm for Russia's politics, such actions only engender deep anxieties. Although Putin's domestic policies seem almost innocuous when compared to Hitler's, the effects of his foreign policy could prove equally disruptive to global stability.

When Putin argued that he annexed Crimea to protect ethnic Russians and Russian speakers — and not to defend Russian citizens — he effectively rewrote the rulebook of the second half of the 20th century that drew boundaries according to political and not ethnic affiliation. If this is allowed to continue, the consequences could be very serious.

The global community should halt Putin's attempt to undermine the principles and foundations of global security. He must be restrained and deterred by global leaders who are capable of ensuring stability in international affairs. Any attempt to confront Putin today would be much easier than it would have been to confront Hitler in the 1930s. If the West is incapable of controlling Putin, the global system will collapse within a few years. That is the most important lesson to be learned from any comparison between Nazi Germany and modern Russia.

A Subtle Similarity Between Hitler and Putin
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"Lists mean nothing. You could make the same list comparing FDR to his friend Stalin." yeh, you are N1 putlersist here, i knew your answer years before you posted it here

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