Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was President because he knew he had Trump in his back pocket

Any conspiracy theory that Trump was against, Vladimir Putin told Trump it was Ukraine's fault.

There's a huge loophole in the GOP's claim that Trump's sale of Javelin missiles to
Ukraine shows his support for the country

But Republicans have left out that the Ukrainians cannot actually use the anti-tank
missiles in the conflict against pro-Russian separatists based on the terms of the

Under the rules of the sale, the Javelin missiles have to be stored in western
Ukraine, which is far from the frontlines of the ongoing conflict in the eastern part
of the country (the Donbas region) against pro-Russia separatists.

In short, the Javelins were essentially provided to Ukraine under the condition that
they not be used in the conflict zone.[/URL]
Trump sent javelins to Ukraine. Barry Hussein sent them blankets. Where do you think they are stored?
As I said, it's evidence against interest. The wiki article about conspiracy theory points out how those theories were made up by Putin and Russia.

You only need realize it's a pattern of Putin putting a "HATE" for Ukraine into Trumps head.
Do you even know wtf Wiki is?
Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was President because he knew he had Trump in his back pocket.
The US is the largest and strongest member of NATO and the Western Alliance of Democratic countries.
Trump idolized Putin. He trusted Putin over US intelligence community. Putin knew Trump would not allow the western alliance to threaten him.
Trump criticized NATO and praised Putin.
Once Trump was gone, Putin found NATO and the western alliance a threat.

Just the opposite. When the two met in Helsinki, Trump told Putin if he moved on Ukraine, he would bomb the shit out of him. More like Putin in Trump's back pocket. Nice try.
I think we should stop buying Russian oil. Our gas prices would increase substantially.
The same cowards that cried about getting a vaccine and wear a mask to stop COVID would whine like a baby about paying higher gas prices.
Why do you intentionally feign ignorance about Covid?

As you know, few if any opposed the vaccine. MANY, including myself, vehemently objected to making the vaccine a mandate. An experimental drug with NO long-term studies. A drug we now know has far more side effects than any other vaccine.

You also know that masks were worthless from day one and even Dr. Fauci announced that from day one as well.

Yes, paying so much more for gasoline and skyrocketing inflation is horrendous! Who does it hurt most, high-income workers and the rich? Not at all, low and middle-income workers. How does that help America?
Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was President because he knew he had Trump in his back pocket.
The US is the largest and strongest member of NATO and the Western Alliance of Democratic countries.
Trump idolized Putin. He trusted Putin over US intelligence community. Putin knew Trump would not allow the western alliance to threaten him.
Trump criticized NATO and praised Putin.
Once Trump was gone, Putin found NATO and the western alliance a threat.

It works the other way around.

If Russia had dirt on Trump, they would know that they could get away with it without repercussions under Trump.

What we are witnessing, is that Russia knows Biden won't do anything other than sanctions, because they have all of the information from Hunter's laptops.
Trump called Putin a "genius". Putin knows how to play peoples psychological profiles, and he had been either studying or nurturing Trump since he did the beauty pageant in Moscow.
Putin played with Trump so bad he stayed in his own country, while he invaded countries under Barry Hussein and your Vegetable Messiah.
Putin played with Trump so bad he stayed in his own country, while he invaded countries under Barry Hussein and your Vegetable Messiah.
As I said, the wikipedia article laid out in complete detail how Putin played Trump by making Trump "HATE" Ukraine. Making up that Ukraine was responsible for the 2016 election interference instead of Russia. How ukraine was the source of the Steele Dossier and not Russia. All Putin did was change "Russia, Russia, Russia" to "Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine" because he knew it would shift Trumps ire from Russia to Ukraine.
Is that why Trump sent Ukraine arms to kill Russians with?
The deal said Ukraine had to keep the Javelins on the west, a thousand miles from the Russians.

There's a huge loophole in the GOP's claim that Trump's sale of Javelin missiles to
Ukraine shows his support for the country

But Republicans have left out that the Ukrainians cannot actually use the anti-tank
missiles in the conflict against pro-Russian separatists based on the terms of the

Under the rules of the sale, the Javelin missiles have to be stored in western
Ukraine, which is far from the frontlines of the ongoing conflict in the eastern part
of the country (the Donbas region) against pro-Russia separatists.

In short, the Javelins were essentially provided to Ukraine under the condition that
they not be used in the conflict zone.[/URL]

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