Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was President because he knew he had Trump in his back pocket

Actually your citation CONFIRMS that Trumps original sale FORBID their use against Russians, just like I said.
Cut and paste the part of my link saying they couldn’t be used against Putin, you lying sack of shit.
How many TOW missiles does Ukraine have?
Received 37 launchers and 210 missiles in April 2018. As of January 2022, at least 377 launchers and 1200 missiles believed to have been delivered.

List of equipment of the Ukrainian Ground Forces - Wikipedia

How many TOW missiles does Ukraine have?
Received 37 launchers and 210 missiles in April 2018.

As of January 2022, at least 377 launchers and 1200 missiles believed to have been delivered.

Jan 26, 2022 — The Biden administration has used harsh language to underscore ... The United States sent 300 Javelin missiles to Ukraine this week

4 days ago — U.S. President Joe Biden authorized the State Department to send another $350 million in weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, .
Wiki again? :itsok:
More TDS changes nothing............Your current Hero is eating Jello as Ukrainians are dying...........He didn't even put our military on alert.

Your TDS changes NONE OF THAT..........You can try to blame others all you want.........it's ON YOU.
Trump actually did call Putin a genius, its not TDS

Trump called Putin a "genius". Putin knows how to play peoples psychological profiles, and he had been either studying or nurturing Trump since he did the beauty pageant in Moscow.
So what? If he said it, so what? Are you one of those gullible souls that listen to what people say, instead of what they do? How cute!

Though you are loathed to admit it, President Trump is a brilliant businessman. He understands, obviously far better than you or many others, that it is VITAL that for autocratic foreign leaders, saving face is more important than almost anything else.

Specifically, what did it cost anyone for President Trump to call President Putin a genius? Nothing, zero, zip, nada.

Like many great negotiators, both Trump and Putin will keep the real negotiations below the radar. That works brilliantly. Everyone gets what they want and need.

Like it or not, President Trump said whatever was necessary while dealing behind the scenes. That kept President Putin in check. You can whine all you want but those are the facts. That is proven by no war being started during the Trump administration. Now we have thousands of civilians being killed, gas is going nuts, as is overall inflation.

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Just the opposite. When the two met in Helsinki, Trump told Putin if he moved on Ukraine, he would bomb the shit out of him. More like Putin in Trump's back pocket. Nice try.
Of course this claim was made without any proof at all.

NO! Some things aren't made public. But that's what he told him.

And you know this, because it was never made public. (classified)

You're either a liar, or a felon, posting classified information. So you're discredited either way.
Of course this claim was made without any proof at all.

And you know this, because it was never made public. (classified)

You're either a liar, or a felon, posting classified information. So you're discredited either way.
Suddenly meager values support for claims? Bwahahaha.

What you mean is.

If Trump were president all those people would still be alive, living their little lives in safety.


I thought so too.
Gas prices were low under Trump because people weren't working.
Why do you lie so much?

You don't like wikipedia because you're wrong so many times, somebody can always find a wiki page to prove your errors.
Wiki doesn’t constitute proof of anything. Your ongoing and very ignorant error is that you consider it the equivalent of actually valid material. It isn’t.

You remain a retard.
Wiki doesn’t constitute proof of anything. Your ongoing and very ignorant error is that you consider it the equivalent of actually valid material. It isn’t.

You remain a retard.
You said the same of the dictionary, when it showed you were completely wrong about idioms.

By their very definition.

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