Putin's Can Of "Whoop Ass"

Darkfury and Lucy certainly do get off on killing civilians. ISIS looks pretty tame compared to them.

What a stupid comment. Yes ISIL/ISIS/Daesh are so tame aren't they....for instance, look how tame they are with women for example.


It's looking pretty damn good folks. He has lost less then 2.500 and has KILLED damn near 250,000 terrorists. Now there is some damn numbers for ya. A quarter of a MILLION dead terrorists.

"Major powers agreed on Friday in Munich to a pause in combat in Syria, which killed at least 250,000 people. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that if the peace plan fails, more foreign troops could enter the conflict."

I don't even want you pansy ass liberals bringing up Obama's FAKE bombing runs. THIS is how sh#t gets done alright? You K-I-L-L them, they understand that. They want to DIE for allah.

Help them get there okay? Its a GOOD thing you pansy ass liberals would be doing. Let's use YOUR liberal argument here. Your PRO-choice on what people want to do with THEIR bodies right? Oh and of course you would NEVER removes their religious right would you?

Allah wants them to be "bullet catchers" okay my liberal misfits? A quarter of a MILLION dead terrorists. DAMN, that is a number! YOUR "Leader" claims to be leading the war "From Behind" HIS WORDS. He ain't leading a damn thing. That boy is "Alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass".

He is talking smack while riding the pine on the side line and he ain't NO player.
He ain't nothing but the towel boy. He's not even smart enough to be the damn equipment manager. He's the towel boy on the global stage.
Ground operation in Syria will lead to 'a full-fledged, long war,' Russian PM says

To President Putin
God's speed and my prayers.

There's only one solution to deal with the 7th Century Satanic Cult and this is it.

ISIS kills muslims.

Lucy hates all muslims.

Therefore, Lucy and ISIS are on the same team.

I have repeatedly said I DON'T HATE MUSLIMS, I have repeatedly said I HATE ISLAM.

I don't expect someone as idiotic as you though to be able to comprehend.

You obviously must support ISIL/ISIS/Daesh as you seem to be defending them.
Bush got us into two wars, but Obama starts a new war in a new country ever week. I've lost count how many. And he never asks Congress for authorization, and Bush did.
Bush got us into two wars, but Obama starts a new war in a new country ever week. I've lost count how many. And he never asks Congress for authorization, and Bush did.

I think it's 6 "interventions" since 2009.

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