Putin’s Plan B is failing as Moscow troops ‘pushed out’ of Donbas, Ukraine

Now that your masturbation session is over, care to have a discussion about some facts on the ground? You know, many people are very interested in what's happening in Ukraine, and you seem to be especially abreast of many of the fine details and nuances. Maybe try a bit less reactionary wanking and a little more substance.
The war has been described by US generals as a "knife fight". Slashes and gashes and a lot of bleeding.
The Russians were about 120,000 and the Ukrainians have about 700,000 military, plus a lot of donated equipment as well as surrendered equipment.
Russia can't win. Its just a matter of how many young Russians Putin wants to see die for nothing.
If you think the war is being misreported, please show us the TRUTH.
Litwin is a Swede, so he has skin in the game being closer to Moscow.

Putin’s Plan B is failing as Moscow troops ‘pushed out’ of Donbas, Ukraine​

Odd, I don't see Russia losing or Ukraine winning at all, not for YEARS, and that is WITH the USA and other countries forking out a hundred billion dollars bailing out the weak and vulnerable Ukrainians.
If you think the war is being misreported, please show us the TRUTH.

My criticism was not about misreporting, it was about discussions being dominated by sensationalism, and that sensationalism leading to distorted perceptions of what's happening.
The war has been described by US generals as a "knife fight". Slashes and gashes and a lot of bleeding.
The Russians were about 120,000 and the Ukrainians have about 700,000 military, plus a lot of donated equipment as well as surrendered equipment.
Russia can't win. Its just a matter of how many young Russians Putin wants to see die for nothing.
If you think the war is being misreported, please show us the TRUTH.
Litwin is a Swede, so he has skin in the game being closer to Moscow.

Russia has taken not only about all of the Donetsk, but almost a forth of the Ukraine.
The Ukrainians have no air power, and are getting blasted.
The only reason the Russians are going slow is all the US suicide drones Kyiv is using.
The Ukrainians soldiers are doing nothing at all.
Ukrainian Soldiers are being killed at a Ratio of 3 to 1 Russian ( But if they can lower that to 2 to 1 they can end the war by attrition in another 6 months
Ukrainian Soldiers are being killed at a Ratio of 3 to 1 Russian ( But if they can lower that to 2 to 1 they can end the war by attrition in another 6 months

The Ukrainians can never win.
Russia can't let them continue to steal oil, murder ethnic Russians, or join NATO.
So Russia will use nukes if necessary.
The weapons we are giving Kyiv are just causing more Ukrainian deaths, since they are not and can not win.
The Ukrainians can never win.
Russia can't let them continue to steal oil, murder ethnic Russians, or join NATO.
So Russia will use nukes if necessary.
The weapons we are giving Kyiv are just causing more Ukrainian deaths, since they are not and can not win.
I said “End the War “ not win
My criticism was not about misreporting, it was about discussions being dominated by sensationalism, and that sensationalism leading to distorted perceptions of what's happening.
I agree with that. But in a war, where both sides are evenly matched you need to be careful not to over-report info that might help Russia. Disinformation that hurts Russia is preferred to good info that helps them.
I'd love to see real-time updates of the various battles, but no big Russian gains is good enough. As they said, "its a knife fight". Lots of gashes and lots of blood. Hoping that Putin sees that he's just killing young Russians for no reason and that he should accept Crimea and call it a win.
The Ukrainians can never win.
Russia can't let them continue to steal oil, murder ethnic Russians, or join NATO.
So Russia will use nukes if necessary.
The weapons we are giving Kyiv are just causing more Ukrainian deaths, since they are not and can not win.
The Ukrainians already won. They pushed the Russians out of the north and are now battling in the east, destroying what's left of Donbas. If Russia uses nukes, I hope the Ukes use the nukes they didn't surrender on Russia.
There are 700,000 armed Ukes fighting 100,000 Russians, and the Russians are losing men and material faster than the Ukes. So prove the Ukes cannot win, especially with the crippling sanctions on Russia. No computer chips, etc.
Russia has taken not only about all of the Donetsk, but almost a forth of the Ukraine.
The Ukrainians have no air power, and are getting blasted.
The only reason the Russians are going slow is all the US suicide drones Kyiv is using.
The Ukrainians soldiers are doing nothing at all.
Link please.
Russia has taken not only about all of the Donetsk, but almost a forth of the Ukraine.
The Ukrainians have no air power, and are getting blasted.
The only reason the Russians are going slow is all the US suicide drones Kyiv is using.
The Ukrainians soldiers are doing nothing at all.
Excluding Crimea and the Donbas region since Russia had them when the war started, Russia lost the territory it had north of Kyiv. The small gains in the east are being contested. All the Ukes need to do is wait for the sanctions on Russia to bite harder. Putin will soon realize the futility of his disaster.


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