Putin's second favorite candidate

Putin is a murderous autocrat - Not a commie.
So is Hillary, but you didn't seem to mind.

Who did Hillary kill? I must have missed it. :D

You mean other than the people who died in Benghazi and the Whitewater co conspirators who might have testified against her?

Yeah, 9 investigations and you got a nothingburger out of Ben Ghazi and Whitewater.

Better luck next time ;)

Stop lying. The Benghazi investigations were not criminal investigations. They were Congressional ones to figure out what happened. It found that Hillary and the Hussein made bad mistakes that lead to the death of those Americans, and that the administration lied to the public about it.

The report was released to the American public, and the public held Dems accountable for it in the next elections. President Trump won. Sounds like a victory to me.

WHO'S lying about Ben Ghazi?

GOP panel on Benghazi finds no Obama administration wrongdoing

Give it up, you're just embarrassing yourselves at this point.
You mean other than the people who died in Benghazi and the Whitewater co conspirators who might have testified against her?

Yeah, 9 investigations and you got a nothingburger out of Ben Ghazi and Whitewater.

Better luck next time ;)
She is slippery, but we got Capoe and we'll get her.

ANY - DAY - NOW!! :laughing0301:
Indeed, the investigation is ongoing.

Uh huh, same as it has been for the last 30 years!
As you say, she has literally been getting away with murder for 30 years.
So is Hillary, but you didn't seem to mind.

Who did Hillary kill? I must have missed it. :D

You mean other than the people who died in Benghazi and the Whitewater co conspirators who might have testified against her?

Yeah, 9 investigations and you got a nothingburger out of Ben Ghazi and Whitewater.

Better luck next time ;)

Stop lying. The Benghazi investigations were not criminal investigations. They were Congressional ones to figure out what happened. It found that Hillary and the Hussein made bad mistakes that lead to the death of those Americans, and that the administration lied to the public about it.

The report was released to the American public, and the public held Dems accountable for it in the next elections. President Trump won. Sounds like a victory to me.

WHO'S lying about Ben Ghazi?

GOP panel on Benghazi finds no Obama administration wrongdoing

Give it up, you're just embarrassing yourselves at this point.

LOL, the LA Times’s opinion puff piece?
This is why we can't do Bernie.

Luckily for the Russians, the two current front-runners for the presidency, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are both polarizing figures—and they’re both candidates Russian trolls sought to promote in 2016, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller found. This time, the Democratic field is crowded and squabbling, but it includes no hawkish, long-established Hillary Clinton to tear down. If the election does end up being a Trump-Sanders face-off, one of the Kremlin’s favored candidates from 2016 is guaranteed a win.

They are far apart ideologically but nearly equally suited to the Kremlin’s interests, both in being divisive at home and in encouraging U.S. restraint abroad. Both Sanders and Trump profess to want to refocus the U.S. inward—a message that clearly appeals to many Americans. But that doesn’t mean the Russian propaganda machine is slowing down; it’s just aimed at a new target.
Excellent read:

The Russian Trolls’ Next Favorite Candidate

Caught Red Hatted

So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.
This is why we can't do Bernie.

Luckily for the Russians, the two current front-runners for the presidency, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are both polarizing figures—and they’re both candidates Russian trolls sought to promote in 2016, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller found. This time, the Democratic field is crowded and squabbling, but it includes no hawkish, long-established Hillary Clinton to tear down. If the election does end up being a Trump-Sanders face-off, one of the Kremlin’s favored candidates from 2016 is guaranteed a win.

They are far apart ideologically but nearly equally suited to the Kremlin’s interests, both in being divisive at home and in encouraging U.S. restraint abroad. Both Sanders and Trump profess to want to refocus the U.S. inward—a message that clearly appeals to many Americans. But that doesn’t mean the Russian propaganda machine is slowing down; it’s just aimed at a new target.
Excellent read:

The Russian Trolls’ Next Favorite Candidate

Caught Red Hatted

So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.
She was never really in it.
Who did Hillary kill? I must have missed it. :D

You mean other than the people who died in Benghazi and the Whitewater co conspirators who might have testified against her?

Yeah, 9 investigations and you got a nothingburger out of Ben Ghazi and Whitewater.

Better luck next time ;)

Stop lying. The Benghazi investigations were not criminal investigations. They were Congressional ones to figure out what happened. It found that Hillary and the Hussein made bad mistakes that lead to the death of those Americans, and that the administration lied to the public about it.

The report was released to the American public, and the public held Dems accountable for it in the next elections. President Trump won. Sounds like a victory to me.

WHO'S lying about Ben Ghazi?

GOP panel on Benghazi finds no Obama administration wrongdoing

Give it up, you're just embarrassing yourselves at this point.

LOL, the LA Times’s opinion puff piece?

Oh for the love of God - CHOOSE YOUR SOURCE

republican panel finds no wrongdoing on benghazi

This is why we can't do Bernie.

Luckily for the Russians, the two current front-runners for the presidency, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are both polarizing figures—and they’re both candidates Russian trolls sought to promote in 2016, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller found. This time, the Democratic field is crowded and squabbling, but it includes no hawkish, long-established Hillary Clinton to tear down. If the election does end up being a Trump-Sanders face-off, one of the Kremlin’s favored candidates from 2016 is guaranteed a win.

They are far apart ideologically but nearly equally suited to the Kremlin’s interests, both in being divisive at home and in encouraging U.S. restraint abroad. Both Sanders and Trump profess to want to refocus the U.S. inward—a message that clearly appeals to many Americans. But that doesn’t mean the Russian propaganda machine is slowing down; it’s just aimed at a new target.
Excellent read:

The Russian Trolls’ Next Favorite Candidate

Caught Red Hatted

So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.
So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.

Might as well face up to it: None of them have anything to bring to the table, that President Trump hasn't already put there. He's going to be a hard act to follow.
Putin thinks Bernie will be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat

That is why he supports him
You tards have never explained exactly WHY Putin supposedly loves an AMERICA loving patriot over a left wing communist who wants to destroy the country as we know it.

You guys make no sense in your hate
So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.
So the Party that boasts of its diversity has excluded women and people of color, but it does have among its three old white men, two Jews and a Catholic, so I guess that's some measure of diversity.
No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.

Might as well face up to it: None of them have anything to bring to the table, that President Trump hasn't already put there. He's going to be a hard act to follow.

The Worst POTUS in US history will be "a hard act to follow"?

I agree - Gonna take a generation to mop up after the Orange Man-Child.
This is why we can't do Bernie.

Luckily for the Russians, the two current front-runners for the presidency, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are both polarizing figures—and they’re both candidates Russian trolls sought to promote in 2016, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller found. This time, the Democratic field is crowded and squabbling, but it includes no hawkish, long-established Hillary Clinton to tear down. If the election does end up being a Trump-Sanders face-off, one of the Kremlin’s favored candidates from 2016 is guaranteed a win.

They are far apart ideologically but nearly equally suited to the Kremlin’s interests, both in being divisive at home and in encouraging U.S. restraint abroad. Both Sanders and Trump profess to want to refocus the U.S. inward—a message that clearly appeals to many Americans. But that doesn’t mean the Russian propaganda machine is slowing down; it’s just aimed at a new target.
Excellent read:

The Russian Trolls’ Next Favorite Candidate

Caught Red Hatted

So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.
Obama got to her too?
So you're opposed to candidates who want to make things better for Americans because you think Putin might like it?

No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.
Obama got to her too?

Obama has nothing do do with it.
Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.

Might as well face up to it: None of them have anything to bring to the table, that President Trump hasn't already put there. He's going to be a hard act to follow.

The Worst POTUS in US history will be "a hard act to follow"?

I agree - Gonna take a generation to mop up after the Orange Man-Child.

He's only the worst President because that's what your media overlords tell you. Step outside of your small bubble for awhile. The air is fresh, the water is cool and sweet, and the freedom is awesome.
Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.

Yep, three old white guys since Warren has no chance either. This is the result of two states with ZERO diversity starting off the primary process. Otherwise, we might still have Kamala or Booker. Sad, but we gotta deal with it.

Might as well face up to it: None of them have anything to bring to the table, that President Trump hasn't already put there. He's going to be a hard act to follow.

The Worst POTUS in US history will be "a hard act to follow"?

I agree - Gonna take a generation to mop up after the Orange Man-Child.

He's only the worst President because that's what your media overlords tell you. Step outside of your small bubble for awhile. The air is fresh, the water is cool and sweet, and the freedom is awesome.

No, he's the worst POTUS because 170 presidential scholars ranked him such.

Trump Is Worst President In US History, Political Scientists Claim
No, I'm opposed to a candidate who isn't a Democrat, will be vilified as a socialist (most people don't understand nor will they, the intricacies of Democratic Socialism). Most of all, I'm opposed to an old, inflexible man who yells at clouds and who is highly unlikely to beat Trump.

Don't badmouth Joe Biden like that. He can't help it if he yells at clouds, he had a brain operation once.

Don't support Joe either - Too old and infirm. Amy is pretty much the last hope for the left center who isn't interested in an old man.

Looks like we're gonna get an old white guy though. Whoever it is, hopefully he picks a much younger running mate (preferably female and of color).

I'm sorry to tell you, Amy dropped out today.
Obama got to her too?

Obama has nothing do do with it.
Huh, yeah.

He got Mayor Buttplug to drop out for Biden. That's a fact.
Klobuchar Quits, Throws Klobmentum to Biden

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