Putting the "Bogus" in Liberalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Although regularly pilloried here on the board, the fluff that passes for "truth" in the precincts of the Left is cataloged in the Journal....

I got a kick out of the list....perhaps you will, too.

"1. Spending more money improves education. The U.S. spent $12,608 per student in 2010—more than double the figure, in inflation-adjusted dollars, spent in 1970....Adjusted state SAT scores have declined on average 3% since the 1970s, ...

2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

3. Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats. Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor recently to deride the Koch brothers as “radical billionaires” who are “attempting to buy our democracy.”... the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has raked in $127 million this cycle, about $30 million more than the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Democrats have aired more TV ads than Republicans in several battleground states,...

4. Raising the minimum wage helps the poor. ....The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the hike would cost 500,000 jobs, .... only 18% of the earnings benefits of a $10.10 hike would flow to people living below the poverty line, ...

5. Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather.Tell that to Floridians, who are enjoying the ninth consecutive season without a hurricane landfall. The Atlantic hurricane season in 2013 was the least active in 30 years. Oh, and global temperatures have not increased for 15 years.

6. Genetically modified food is dangerous. .... the agricultural innovation known as genetic modification makes liberals shudder. Not a single documented illness has resulted from the trillions of meals containing “genetically modified organisms,” or GMOs, that humans have consumed since the mid-1990s.

7. Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout. More than 30 states have voter-ID laws, which the left decries as an attempt to disenfranchise minorities who don’t have identification and can’t pay for it. Yet of the 17 states with the strictest requirements, 16 offer free IDs.

8. ObamaCare is gaining popularity.

9. The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills. Let’s check out what President Obama’s State Department had to say: In 2013 pipelines with a diameter larger than 12 inches spilled 910,000 gallons. Railroad tankers spilled 1.5 million gallons... pipelines carry 25 times the oil that tankers do, ....Blocking Keystone and forcing more oil to be shipped by rail guarantees more harm to the environment..

10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."
OnCenter Myths

One need not be stupid/uninformed to be Liberal...but, clearly, it helps.
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.


I made no such connection.
With the possible exception of #4 -- and that one is very iffy-- nothing on this list has jack squat to do with Liberalism. You might wanna tweak your title to "Putting the 'Bogus' in Stuporgirl's Warped Impressions of What Liberalism Means".
With the possible exception of #4 -- and that one is very iffy-- nothing on this list has jack squat to do with Liberalism. You might wanna tweak your title to "Putting the 'Bogus' in Stuporgirl's Warped Impressions of What Liberalism Means".

The proof of the title is that it compelled you to race out from under your rock to deny it.
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.


I made no such connection.

You certainly did. You said (and have said repeatedly in defending Reagan's spending that caused huge deficits)

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
Now entertain us with a few thousand randomly selected words to try to weasel out of that.

Desperately Seeking Reagan Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."

I suppose your earning zero weighs somewhat on that number. Oh wait that average is for people who actually WORK for a living...
10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."

I suppose your earning zero weighs somewhat on that number. Oh wait that average is for people who actually WORK for a living...

You don't actually know what I do, do you, sewage?

This is your attempt to run from the lies that I regularly call you on.
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.


I made no such connection.

You certainly did. You said (and have said repeatedly in defending Reagan's spending that caused huge deficits)

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
Now entertain us with a few thousand randomly selected words to try to weasel out of that.

Desperately Seeking Reagan Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The conclusion is yours, isn't it.
Not mine.

Admit it, sewage.
Although regularly pilloried here on the board, the fluff that passes for "truth" in the precincts of the Left is cataloged in the Journal....

I got a kick out of the list....perhaps you will, too.

"1. Spending more money improves education. The U.S. spent $12,608 per student in 2010—more than double the figure, in inflation-adjusted dollars, spent in 1970....Adjusted state SAT scores have declined on average 3% since the 1970s, ...

2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

3. Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats. Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor recently to deride the Koch brothers as “radical billionaires” who are “attempting to buy our democracy.”... the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has raked in $127 million this cycle, about $30 million more than the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Democrats have aired more TV ads than Republicans in several battleground states,...

4. Raising the minimum wage helps the poor. ....The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the hike would cost 500,000 jobs, .... only 18% of the earnings benefits of a $10.10 hike would flow to people living below the poverty line, ...

5. Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather.Tell that to Floridians, who are enjoying the ninth consecutive season without a hurricane landfall. The Atlantic hurricane season in 2013 was the least active in 30 years. Oh, and global temperatures have not increased for 15 years.

6. Genetically modified food is dangerous. .... the agricultural innovation known as genetic modification makes liberals shudder. Not a single documented illness has resulted from the trillions of meals containing “genetically modified organisms,” or GMOs, that humans have consumed since the mid-1990s.

7. Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout. More than 30 states have voter-ID laws, which the left decries as an attempt to disenfranchise minorities who don’t have identification and can’t pay for it. Yet of the 17 states with the strictest requirements, 16 offer free IDs.

8. ObamaCare is gaining popularity.

9. The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills. Let’s check out what President Obama’s State Department had to say: In 2013 pipelines with a diameter larger than 12 inches spilled 910,000 gallons. Railroad tankers spilled 1.5 million gallons... pipelines carry 25 times the oil that tankers do, ....Blocking Keystone and forcing more oil to be shipped by rail guarantees more harm to the environment..

10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."
OnCenter Myths

One need not be stupid/uninformed to be Liberal...but, clearly, it helps.

Liberalism is not true liberalism anymore since the far left hijacked it..
Now, my final two requests to the newly empowered Republican Congress.....

9. Renew the views of Democrat Grover Cleveland: " A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people."

a. This was undone by Franklin Roosevelt who insinuated the federal government into every area of American life, accomplishing exactly what de Tocqueville warned about: " described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.”

As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

Change the government- people relationship back to one that calls for personal responsibility, and "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

10. Remind the nation that, contrary to the lies told by the Left, America has been a force for good in the world.

And now, as much as ever, a powerful America is necessary to stem the threat of Islamofascism.

a. "But to the issue of Iran, as long as I'm president of the United States, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon." Remarks at a presidential debate in Boca Raton, Fla., October 22, 2012

b. "Obama talks tough about preventing a nuclear Iran while he does everything he can to ensure a nuclear Iran." Comments Commentary Magazine

c. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesi said in a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently by other world leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such as Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates."
Top Iranian Official Obama is The Weakest of U.S. Presidents Washington Free Beacon

Reinstitute American power in the world: ratchet up sanctions on Iran ... no nuclear weapons for that nation.

And God bless America
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.


I made no such connection.

You certainly did. You said (and have said repeatedly in defending Reagan's spending that caused huge deficits)

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
Now entertain us with a few thousand randomly selected words to try to weasel out of that.

Desperately Seeking Reagan Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The conclusion is yours, isn't it.
Not mine.

Admit it, sewage.

Since you won't state your point in posting it, I'm free to draw the most logical conclusion. You were defending Reagan's deficit spending by pointing to the increase in national wealth in an implied cause and effect relationship,

which amounts to a defense of Keynesian deficit spending to stimulate the economy.

Oh, btw did you catch that the national wealth is up 26 trillion since 2010? I guess whatever Reagan did in 8 years, Obama has done far more in 4.

[QUORcarbineer, post: 10149250, member: 18701"]
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.[/QUOTE]
But reagan wasn't spending on entitlements and illegals to buy votes
10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."

I suppose your earning zero weighs somewhat on that number. Oh wait that average is for people who actually WORK for a living...

You don't actually know what I do, do you, sewage?

This is your attempt to run from the lies that I regularly call you on.

I know that you don't have a job, unless you've gotten one recently.

If you wish to set the record straight, I give your claim as much credibility as I give anything else you say.
E="NYcarbineer, post: 10149934, member: 18701"]
2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

You claimed yesterday that Ronald Reagan's spending stimulated the economy when you were defending his exploding deficits and debt.


I made no such connection.

You certainly did. You said (and have said repeatedly in defending Reagan's spending that caused huge deficits)

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
Now entertain us with a few thousand randomly selected words to try to weasel out of that.

Desperately Seeking Reagan Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The conclusion is yours, isn't it.
Not mine.

Admit it, sewage.

Since you won't state your point in posting it, I'm free to draw the most logical conclusion. You were defending Reagan's deficit spending by pointing to the increase in national wealth in an implied cause and effect relationship,

which amounts to a defense of Keynesian deficit spending to stimulate the economy.

Oh, btw did you catch that the national wealth is up 26 trillion since 2010? I guess whatever Reagan did in 8 years, Obama has done far more in 4.

So you agree the rich have gotten richer under the democrats
With the possible exception of #4 -- and that one is very iffy-- nothing on this list has jack squat to do with Liberalism. You might wanna tweak your title to "Putting the 'Bogus' in Stuporgirl's Warped Impressions of What Liberalism Means".

The proof of the title is that it compelled you to race out from under your rock to deny it.

All that proves is that I know what terms mean and you don't.
We already knew that.
6. Genetically modified food is dangerous. .... the agricultural innovation known as genetic modification makes liberals shudder. Not a single documented illness has resulted from the trillions of meals containing “genetically modified organisms,” or GMOs, that humans have consumed since the mid-1990s.
That's right, in only affects the Animals that eat it and thankfully su humans are in no way similar to any animal.

PC Chick, do some research on BtCorn and we'll see if you don't upset.
Liberal = DemocRAT
Conservative = Republican

Although regularly pilloried here on the board, the fluff that passes for "truth" in the precincts of the Left is cataloged in the Journal....

I got a kick out of the list....perhaps you will, too.

"1. Spending more money improves education. The U.S. spent $12,608 per student in 2010—more than double the figure, in inflation-adjusted dollars, spent in 1970....Adjusted state SAT scores have declined on average 3% since the 1970s, ...

2. Government spending stimulates the economy. Case in point is the $830 billion 2009 stimulus bill, touted by the Obama administration as necessary for keeping unemployment below 8%. Result: four years of average unemployment above 8%. Federal outlays soared in 2009 to $3.5 trillion...but all we got was this lousy 2% growth ...

3. Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats. Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor recently to deride the Koch brothers as “radical billionaires” who are “attempting to buy our democracy.”... the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has raked in $127 million this cycle, about $30 million more than the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Democrats have aired more TV ads than Republicans in several battleground states,...

4. Raising the minimum wage helps the poor. ....The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the hike would cost 500,000 jobs, .... only 18% of the earnings benefits of a $10.10 hike would flow to people living below the poverty line, ...

5. Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather.Tell that to Floridians, who are enjoying the ninth consecutive season without a hurricane landfall. The Atlantic hurricane season in 2013 was the least active in 30 years. Oh, and global temperatures have not increased for 15 years.

6. Genetically modified food is dangerous. .... the agricultural innovation known as genetic modification makes liberals shudder. Not a single documented illness has resulted from the trillions of meals containing “genetically modified organisms,” or GMOs, that humans have consumed since the mid-1990s.

7. Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout. More than 30 states have voter-ID laws, which the left decries as an attempt to disenfranchise minorities who don’t have identification and can’t pay for it. Yet of the 17 states with the strictest requirements, 16 offer free IDs.

8. ObamaCare is gaining popularity.

9. The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills. Let’s check out what President Obama’s State Department had to say: In 2013 pipelines with a diameter larger than 12 inches spilled 910,000 gallons. Railroad tankers spilled 1.5 million gallons... pipelines carry 25 times the oil that tankers do, ....Blocking Keystone and forcing more oil to be shipped by rail guarantees more harm to the environment..

10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. The mother of all liberal superstitions, this figure comes from shoddy math that divides the average earnings of all women working full-time by the average earnings of all full-time men, without considering career field, education or personal choices. When those factors are included, the wage gap disappears."
OnCenter Myths

One need not be stupid/uninformed to be Liberal...but, clearly, it helps.
They believe all sorts of fantasies and outright lies. And we see them repeated here every single day.
Raising the min wage helps people
Employers owe a living wage
Tariffs make business stronger
Gun control saves lives

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