Puzzling Verses in the Gospel of John--Insights/Opinions

the two of us have had very different experiences.
Impossible for our lives to have been identical.
I needn't play frizbee on the surface of the sun for an hour to know it gets hot there during the day.
I suppose one could take that route. As for me, I was more interested in seeking and finding than figuring out appropriate questions. Find. Then ask questions. Might be doing things in reverse, but that often works for me.
- Trust those that seek the truth, distrust those that claim to have found it. - paraphrase of words attributed to the Buddha
You're projecting on me. I'm sorry you had bad experiences as a kid--really. But people holding to the precepts of their faith is to be expected. As I said. I would never tell Hindus hey, I'm Hindu but I eat meat and also worship Jesus, that's just the way I do it, and expect them to accept me. They would say that's not Hinduism, and they would be right.

The words in the Bible, strung together, have meaning and are the foundation of our faith. Not believing them does not make you any less of a human being. But not believing them also does not make you, or anyone else, a Christian.
Never claimed to be a christian. That is just a term/name used by His followers after his death.
Believe what you wish. Just stop expecting me to believe what YOU believe that is exactly what you are doing when you waggle your finger at me. Knock it off.
But I still stand by translations being screwed up from time to time, according TO the times it was transcribed.
"These [Biblical] books existed in the oral tradition for hundreds of thousands of years. They finally wrote them down in aramaic, later translated into Greek, & then Latin, and finally English, hundreds and hundreds of revisions: and this is supposed to be absolute direct word of God. ... " actor John Fugelsang

They compiled the entire Holy Bible, yet not one of them had a red Sharpie, or even a ballpoint pen.
I like lessons. Suggestions. Links for me to pursue. I do NOT like finger waggles. So thanks, "most of y'all" for respecting me enough to lead and not push.
And for the record..I have had not one, not two, not five bad experiences with "christians" who claim they are. I have had MANY MANY bad experiences. Bad. First time was when I was about 10. I think. Somewhere around that age. I will NOT got into detail. But that person(s) were NOT christians. At least, not the kind I thought they were at that age.

Last time I went to church was when I was about 17ish.
Last preacher I had any contact with was about 4 years ago. Episcopal. No thanks. She was pretty cruel and I didn't even attend her church. Rotten. Greedy. Agendas.

Dealing with tenants for over 40 years, the most problems I had from tenants was the "christians" that spouted and thumped as they tried to get out of paying rent or not moving once I gave them plenty of chances to pay it. And lie? Omg. One couple gossiped around the complex that I was having an affair with another tenant...one that I was booting out to boot but that didn't sway their vicious tongues. HE got booted out for lack of rent payment and being an overall asshole to all his neighbors, and so did the gossip couple. They thumped their way to church crying about how UNchristian I was.

Oh, and lets not forget the Baptist church my sister went to, but came to me crying because the preacher stood at the podium and said my dad was burning in hell for owning a bar....my dad, who read the bible every night, spoke to me of passages and what they meant, and was so loved by the whole town, at his furneral the fire department was there, the whole police force, and of course all his friends and customers from the "den of filth" and liquor store and cafe he owned for so long and gave out milk and bread and candy and food to poor people. But..he's in hell for owning it? Liqour? oh my. Get a rope. Fuckers.

So spare me the bullshit. I trust NOBODY...no human.....except God and Jesus....and animals, that have no agendas except to BE animals. They have both saved me numerous times from really BAD situations. I love them both. They know it. I don't need their book to know it. And They look out for me. If not..I'd be dead by now.

If we were back in 1692, people like sweetsue would accuse me of being a witch because their cow didn't have any milk left. :rolleyes:
Another examples of christianity:

Spanish Inquisition.
Witch burnings.
Religious wars.

Did they read that book too? Didn't seem to stop them, now did it?
a) You presume.
Let us instead agree that scripture is to be researched and understood. Whether any holy scripture is the word of god is a very separate issue.

There's more than one way to fleece a flock.
My comment was addressed at the one, extremist strategy of absolutizing holy scripture. It's a simple strategy. By assuming scriptural infallibility there is no challenging it. All the preacher need do is quote the scripture, and then say: "Your quarrel is not with me. It's with the Holy Bible. And the Holy Bible cannot be questioned, as it is the inerrant word of god."

This may be unfamiliar to some. I've seen it more than once. And I've never been a Christian.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

BUT !!
For moral / ethical / theological guidance we must recognize fact from error. And the problem is, in issues difficult enough to send one to holy scripture for guidance & resolution, chances are validating a scriptural assertion as 100% guaranteed valid is problematic.

"What goes up must come down." This was an indisputable truism less than a century ago. BUT !! Voyager 1 went up. It's never coming down. I'd suggest skepticism, open-mindedness instead of commitment to the notion of absolute truth. The omniverse is in flux.

And it needn't prove anything more to successfully dismiss the extremist rantings of those that attempt to modify our behavior or outlook by their bizarre & self-serving misinterpretations of holy scripture.

I don't dispute the copyist error explanation, though it is not the only one.

The point is, if the authority of holy scripture is reduced from divine, inerrant word of god, to - the best they could do under the circumstance -
then those that would use holy scripture as a tool of coercion are left firing blanks.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65)
I don't mind a little guidance now & then.

But I am alert to ruse when the preacher's pov is imposed as a divine imperative, the way anti-choice oppressors are known to do.
And anothers lack of faith and misrepresentation of the Holy Scriptures.....effects "my" faith how? :dunno: All that is required is to point out some reasonable explanation for the transcribed mistakes and that demonstrates the fact there can be no "factual discrepancies".......as a FACT leaves no room for any feasible explanation......a fact is beyond any reason of doubt and must be supported entirely with objective evidences.

Thus they can play the same tired tune :boohoo:to ad nauseam and it does not effect the prima facie evidence that I presented that demonstrated through the science of "comparative analysis" that the supposed "factual discrepancies" i.e., scriptural contradictions were a matter of human error not factual contradictions.
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Face it. This forum is be the kind of christian THEY demand of you. Who are "they"? Those who thump, get snarky if you don't grovel, demand you think exactly as they do.

Fuck this shit. I will not step foot back in this forum. Ever.
Spanish Inquisition.
A quick overview of the Spanish Inquisition. In all other parts of the Christian world, most welcomed being able to choose the Church to try them over the State. The Church was known for being more fair (or perhaps more lenient). I do not remember the man's name but the one in charge of the Spanish Inquisition tried and sentenced more people than all other Inquisitors in Christianity. Ironic, how a single person can undo the good name and the good work of Inquisitions over the years. "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!" Unfortunately, neither did the Church.
Face it. This forum is be the kind of christian THEY demand of you. Who are "they"? Those who thump, get snarky if you don't grovel, demand you think exactly as they do.

Fuck this shit. I will not step foot back in this forum. Ever.
I do hope you will reconsider. Sometimes a break helps. The forum would be less without you. Hugs.
Never claimed to be a christian. That is just a term/name used by His followers after his death.
Believe what you wish. Just stop expecting me to believe what YOU believe that is exactly what you are doing when you waggle your finger at me. Knock it off.

If you don't claim to be Christian than that's fair. Too bad, but fair.
Face it. This forum is be the kind of christian THEY demand of you. Who are "they"? Those who thump, get snarky if you don't grovel, demand you think exactly as they do.

Fuck this shit. I will not step foot back in this forum. Ever.

Not about me, Gracie. Not about the Christians you grew up with either.

It is about the Bible you run down though. It is the most read Book in the history of the world. I might have even less respect for the people you grew up with than you do, but I have a lot of respect for the Book you keep going on and on about "thumping". You have a right, btw, to say I'm thumping it, and I also have a right to say well, these are the tenets of the faith. Correct?

But why would you leave over this? That would be too bad--I mean that
And for the record..I have had not one, not two, not five bad experiences with "christians" who claim they are. I have had MANY MANY bad experiences. Bad. First time was when I was about 10. I think. Somewhere around that age. I will NOT got into detail. But that person(s) were NOT christians. At least, not the kind I thought they were at that age.

Last time I went to church was when I was about 17ish.
Last preacher I had any contact with was about 4 years ago. Episcopal. No thanks. She was pretty cruel and I didn't even attend her church. Rotten. Greedy. Agendas.

Dealing with tenants for over 40 years, the most problems I had from tenants was the "christians" that spouted and thumped as they tried to get out of paying rent or not moving once I gave them plenty of chances to pay it. And lie? Omg. One couple gossiped around the complex that I was having an affair with another tenant...one that I was booting out to boot but that didn't sway their vicious tongues. HE got booted out for lack of rent payment and being an overall asshole to all his neighbors, and so did the gossip couple. They thumped their way to church crying about how UNchristian I was.

Oh, and lets not forget the Baptist church my sister went to, but came to me crying because the preacher stood at the podium and said my dad was burning in hell for owning a bar....my dad, who read the bible every night, spoke to me of passages and what they meant, and was so loved by the whole town, at his furneral the fire department was there, the whole police force, and of course all his friends and customers from the "den of filth" and liquor store and cafe he owned for so long and gave out milk and bread and candy and food to poor people. But..he's in hell for owning it? Liqour? oh my. Get a rope. Fuckers.

So spare me the bullshit. I trust NOBODY...no human.....except God and Jesus....and animals, that have no agendas except to BE animals. They have both saved me numerous times from really BAD situations. I love them both. They know it. I don't need their book to know it. And They look out for me. If not..I'd be dead by now.

If we were back in 1692, people like sweetsue would accuse me of being a witch because their cow didn't have any milk left. :rolleyes:

Your dad sounds like a real keeper. I mean that, no sarcasm. We have people like that at our church. Long story for another time.

I'm sorry Christians can be crappy. This is built in though, because all of us are sinners. A lot of people don't believe it, or don't realize it. However, that doesn't excuse horrid behavior.

The worst Christians will tell you that they are better than you while they are being crappy to you. This is bogus. On the other hand, sometimes people just think we are being self-righteous when we are making valid points. I have made valid points about the Bible. When I make them, you think I'm thumping. But I'm not. You think I'm judging you but I'm not. I'm defending the best Book in the world, which is worthy of defense.

As for judging. Every blessed time I open the Bible, which I try to do every day but I do at least several times a week, I am judged. The Bible you say I thump reminds ME that I fall short. The standard is perfection. God says all my attempts at that are filthy rags, which is a hidden metaphor for something....interesting. It reminds me that I am lost without the sacrifice of Jesus. Its words are the words of life, not something I "thump" to make you feel less than. *I* feel less than when I open it, but there is also hope. So maybe you can understand why it means what it means to some of us.

You're a great poster Gracie and I hope you don't leave. If you love Jesus I hope you will come to love His Word too. I didn't always. Reading the Bible started as, frankly, a horrid chore. Blech. It really is an inspired Book though because it's not just like your favorite novel or something. As you read it more and more it just--I can't really describe it, it becomes like the favorite part of your day. I could never do that on my own, so I'm not bragging about it or trying to say "I'm so righteous because I love the Bible". I really never used to love reading it. But the way it really does change you is amazing.
I've already proved this false once. I'll do so again.

And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. 1 Kings 4:26
And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. 2 Chron. 9:25

This scriptural discrepancy is a full order of magnitude.
It alone disproves the notion of scriptural infallibility. And once that is proved, the entire house of cards tumbles down. You're most welcome.

Others beat me to it, and no, it isn't false, it is two different narratives. And even as a typo in one it would make zero difference in any theological context anyway. the number '40,000' has negative connotations in the OT, and appears in several places, so some may think it a typo, others think it means something else.
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Idiom. The number 40 is used throughout the Bible, as is the number 12. In other words, no one bothered with an actual count of the stalls, but there were a lot. And each horse had a rider. (Twelve is the number that indicates completeness.)

Not everyone approved of Solomon's great wealth, hence why '40,000' was used in 2 Chronicles, in a different context for its narrative than the mere list in Kings.
d #44
My sincere thanks. But my current ISP imposes severe bandwidth limits, my reason for operating in text mode rather than video mode.
I'm not ignoring your message. Instead I'm confessing that present circumstance prevents me from watching your video.

I offer you the opportunity to make your point in text, the way I do.
Let me summarize for you then... you aren't reading the Bible to discover the intent of the authors. You are reading it to confirm your bias.
John 6:44 - No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him...
John 14:6 - No one comes to the Father except through me.

This suddenly struck me as two verses at odds with each other. It seems more logical that it is either one or the other...how can it be both? Does the Father draw us to Jesus, or does Jesus alone draw us to the Father? Your thoughts?
Means 1) nobody can come to me unless god sends them
2) You can't get to god except through him, like a doorman.
Jesus was the Great I AM. He was the God of the Old Testament.

John 8:58​

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Exodus 3:14
14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto
John 6:44 - No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him...
John 14:6 - No one comes to the Father except through me.

This suddenly struck me as two verses at odds with each other. It seems more logical that it is either one or the other...how can it be both? Does the Father draw us to Jesus, or does Jesus alone draw us to the Father? Your thoughts?

You people talk of all these gods if they existed when clearly they didn't. They never have. It's absolute rubbish.
But I'll give you a better understanding of the God of the old testement you are currently worshipping.

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

How does that guy with your beliefs.

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