Q for Progressives

Horse. Shit.

Liberalism views government like a referee, whose job is to maintain a level and equal playing field for individuals, ideas, businesses and institutions. Government is not to take sides or support any given view or organization. Conservatives, socialists, and others, i.e. the "Left" and the "Right", seek to use government to promote certain agendas, viewpoints, institutions, and interests.

... Liberal, in the classical sense of the word, simply means a "hands off", or laissez-faire, policy. The United States is classically seen as an example of "liberal democracy," as George Washington stated in 1790:

"The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights." (linque)

You are not liberal Pogo - you are a leftist,

What you promote is in line with Josef Stalin, but has no connection to Thomas Jefferson.
What Bullshit -
Cons assume everyone uses Photoshop, because they do it so often.

Very little of what forum leftists post is true. The Soros hate sites run non-stop creating slander and libel against the enemies of the party. Notice that it took Pogo exactly long enough to log on to DailyKOS to produce that absurd fabrication?

Right now Pogo will swear it's really a real picture - later he'll claim it was satire and I'm just stupid for not recognizing satire...

You Communists have a pattern of behavior.
OK, you won't mind if we refer to you as Fascists.
Horse. Shit.

Liberalism views government like a referee, whose job is to maintain a level and equal playing field for individuals, ideas, businesses and institutions. Government is not to take sides or support any given view or organization. Conservatives, socialists, and others, i.e. the "Left" and the "Right", seek to use government to promote certain agendas, viewpoints, institutions, and interests.

... Liberal, in the classical sense of the word, simply means a "hands off", or laissez-faire, policy. The United States is classically seen as an example of "liberal democracy," as George Washington stated in 1790:

"The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights." (linque)

You are not liberal Pogo - you are a leftist,

What you promote is in line with Josef Stalin, but has no connection to Thomas Jefferson.

Ah, speaking of wags with not a clue wtf he's babbling about...

You've promoted me from Pol Pot to Stalin then? :tinfoil:

Link to "what I promote" relating to either one?


Nope -- didn't think so.
No, conservatives are not racists, they simply value tradition & feel change should be slow in coming. The Dixiecrats would have agreed to abolish Jim Crow Laws later than sooner, I suspect by 2155 they might have allowed black people to eat at a lunch counter with whites, maybe even approve of white women enjoying equal pay for equal work a bit later, at least by the first decade of the 23rd Century.

But NEVER would they stop supporting the New Deal, Public Unions, AFDC, Social Security, and ever expanding government.

The Dixicrats were democrats, no different than you.
Cons assume everyone uses Photoshop, because they do it so often.

Very little of what forum leftists post is true. The Soros hate sites run non-stop creating slander and libel against the enemies of the party. Notice that it took Pogo exactly long enough to log on to DailyKOS to produce that absurd fabrication?

Right now Pogo will swear it's really a real picture - later he'll claim it was satire and I'm just stupid for not recognizing satire...

You Communists have a pattern of behavior.

A very recognizable and predictable pattern of behavior. Their entire playbook is from the list of Saul Alinky's "Rules for Radicals".

The funny thing is, they make good use of those rules but whenever someone uses those rules against them, they slink off like weasels.
Ah, speaking of wags with not a clue wtf he's babbling about...

You've promoted me from Pol Pot to Stalin then? :tinfoil:

Link to "what I promote" relating to either one?


Nope -- didn't think so.

You are and always will be an ignorant sot.

Pol Pot is the most vile demagogue of all time. Whilst Goebbels propagated salacious and vicious slander against Jews as a race, Pot took it far further, accusing teachers BY NAME of molesting children and publishing their names in the Kampachea press, accusing doctors of performing evil experiments on villagers, accusing academics of luring boys to study groups to rape them. Pot slandered any and all who stood in his way - using the "Politics of Personal Destruction" that you practice today - you and the other leftists on Soros leash. Pol Pot is the model upon which the vile politics of gutter level slander - which defines you - originated. You know this, I've explained it to you before.

The political model you promote, the authoritarian fascism that you seek, is absolutely built on Stalinism.
Ah, speaking of wags with not a clue wtf he's babbling about...

You've promoted me from Pol Pot to Stalin then? :tinfoil:

Link to "what I promote" relating to either one?


Nope -- didn't think so.

You are and always will be an ignorant sot.

Pol Pot is the most vile demagogue of all time. Whilst Goebbels propagated salacious and vicious slander against Jews as a race, Pot took it far further, accusing teachers BY NAME of molesting children and publishing their names in the Kampachea press, accusing doctors of performing evil experiments on villagers, accusing academics of luring boys to study groups to rape them. Pot slandered any and all who stood in his way - using the "Politics of Personal Destruction" that you practice today - you and the other leftists on Soros leash. Pol Pot is the model upon which the vile politics of gutter level slander - which defines you - originated. You know this, I've explained it to you before.

The political model you promote, the authoritarian fascism that you seek, is absolutely built on Stalinism.
Goebbels was a Fascist -
No, conservatives are not racists, they simply value tradition & feel change should be slow in coming. The Dixiecrats would have agreed to abolish Jim Crow Laws later than sooner, I suspect by 2155 they might have allowed black people to eat at a lunch counter with whites, maybe even approve of white women enjoying equal pay for equal work a bit later, at least by the first decade of the 23rd Century.

But NEVER would they stop supporting the New Deal, Public Unions, AFDC, Social Security, and ever expanding government.

The Dixicrats were democrats, no different than you.

The Dixiecrats walked out on the Democrats because they were hearing a little too much about "civil rights" from Hubert Humphrey and Harry Truman.

Four years later Thurmond endorsed Eisenhower, which resulted in his being dumped from running as a Democrat for Senate in 1954 (he ran for the seat as a write-in instead).

So once again, you're completely full of shit, befitting an internet message board partisan hack.

Just from reading the thread title my inner dork went nuts and thought of Q from Star Trek TNG. lol
The Dixiecrats walked out on the Democrats because they were hearing a little too much about "civil rights" from Hubert Humphrey and Harry Truman.

Four years later Thurmond endorsed Eisenhower, which resulted in his being dumped from running as a Democrat for Senate in 1954 (he ran for the seat as a write-in instead).

So once again, you're completely full of shit, befitting an internet message board partisan hack.

Your segway alters absolutely nothing.

You are promulgating the big lie. The Dixicrats were FDR supporting, social welfare, big government democrats.

There was nothing even remotely "conservative" about them.

OH, and you NEVER managed to list all those segregationists who became Republicans - per the big lie?


Al Gore?

Fritz Hollings?

Bull Conner?

Orval Faubus?

Nah - none did - you're just lying in hopes of altering history.
Conservatives are for the status quo by definition, so those who wanted to maintain segregation, Jim Crow, lack of equal rights etc etc would be conservatives. Not sure why this is so hard for some to accept. Actually I take that back as history for some must be revised to fit a narrative that excludes real history.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics

"Conservatism is the theoretical voice of this animus against the agency of the subordinate classes. It provides the most consistent and profound argument as to why the lower orders should not be allowed to exercise their independent will, why they should not be allowed to govern themselves or the polity. Submission is their first duty, agency, the prerogative of the elite." Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

"The collapse of the Bush presidency, in other words, is not just due to Bush's incompetence (although his administration has been incompetent beyond belief). Nor is it a response to the president's principled lack of intellectual curiosity and pitbull refusal to admit mistakes (although those character flaws are certainly real enough). And the orgy of bribery and special-interest dispensation in Congress is not the result of Tom DeLay's ruthlessness, as impressive a bully as he was. This conservative presidency and Congress imploded, not despite their conservatism, but because of it." "Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe
good post & the truth
No, conservatives are not racists, they simply value tradition & feel change should be slow in coming. The Dixiecrats would have agreed to abolish Jim Crow Laws later than sooner, I suspect by 2155 they might have allowed black people to eat at a lunch counter with whites, maybe even approve of white women enjoying equal pay for equal work a bit later, at least by the first decade of the 23rd Century.

But NEVER would they stop supporting the New Deal, Public Unions, AFDC, Social Security, and ever expanding government.

The Dixicrats were democrats, no different than you.

The Dixiecrats were Southern Democrats, much different than me and much different than the Northern Democrats in 1948. They seceded from the Democratic party in opposition to the Democratic Party Platform extending Civil Rights. Thus they are no different a generation later, only today they are members of the Republican Party - you know it as the party of the, LOL, big tent

Of course many do not live in the deep south, but the bulk of them live in Red States and many claim to be Independents, yet still vote for the Republican Party candidate.

Both and most of them are the single issue voters, known by their single focus on God, Guns, Gays, Taxes, the debt or Obamacare - which ever meme they are told to care about on a given day.
Nother derpy thread from derpy frank.

Question: where is racism norotious for being deeply imbedded?

Question: where are most red states.

Thank you, and good night dumb dumb.
The Dixiecrats were Southern Democrats, much different than me and much different than the Northern Democrats in 1948.

What united them was FDR and the big government push. ALL of them were far left, border line socialist.

They seceded from the Democratic party in opposition to the Democratic Party Platform extending Civil Rights. Thus they are no different a generation later, only today they are members of the Republican Party - you know it as the party of the, LOL, big tent

Civil rights were and are a Republican position. The North sought to use the factional system of the Soviets to divide and conquer, by forcing a wedge between traditional black voters and Republicans through social welfare. Adopting traditional Republican civil rights was crucial to success.

Where you lie here is that the Republicans abandoned civil rights. Even today when democrats wage hot war on civil rights, Republicans continue to champion them.

Of course many do not live in the deep south, but the bulk of them live in Red States and many claim to be Independents, yet still vote for the Republican Party candidate.

Demagoguery is the foundation of todays democratic party. Slander and libel are the only things that you of the Khmer Rouge have to offer the nation. The big lie that New Deal democrats in the South were "conservative" is a fairly outrageous example. But that is how the party operates, demonized through lies - take your own sins and attribute them to others,.

Your big lie is absurd as the claim that Elliot Ness was really Al Capone - but Hitler taught you well that the more outlandish the lie - the more likely it will be believed - and holy fuck is your big lie outlandish.

Both and most of them are the single issue voters, known by their single focus on God, Guns, Gays, Taxes, the debt or Obamacare - which ever meme they are told to care about on a given day.

Right, and Jews are making Matzo from the blood of Gentile children..

Your filthy bullshit is hardly unique - just mindless demagoguery - which is all your filthy party has to offer.
The Dixiecrats were Southern Democrats, much different than me and much different than the Northern Democrats in 1948.

What united them was FDR and the big government push. ALL of them were far left, border line socialist.

They seceded from the Democratic party in opposition to the Democratic Party Platform extending Civil Rights. Thus they are no different a generation later, only today they are members of the Republican Party - you know it as the party of the, LOL, big tent

Civil rights were and are a Republican position. The North sought to use the factional system of the Soviets to divide and conquer, by forcing a wedge between traditional black voters and Republicans through social welfare. Adopting traditional Republican civil rights was crucial to success.

Where you lie here is that the Republicans abandoned civil rights. Even today when democrats wage hot war on civil rights, Republicans continue to champion them.

Of course many do not live in the deep south, but the bulk of them live in Red States and many claim to be Independents, yet still vote for the Republican Party candidate.

Demagoguery is the foundation of todays democratic party. Slander and libel are the only things that you of the Khmer Rouge have to offer the nation. The big lie that New Deal democrats in the South were "conservative" is a fairly outrageous example. But that is how the party operates, demonized through lies - take your own sins and attribute them to others,.

Your big lie is absurd as the claim that Elliot Ness was really Al Capone - but Hitler taught you well that the more outlandish the lie - the more likely it will be believed - and holy fuck is your big lie outlandish.

Both and most of them are the single issue voters, known by their single focus on God, Guns, Gays, Taxes, the debt or Obamacare - which ever meme they are told to care about on a given day.

Right, and Jews are making Matzo from the blood of Gentile children..

Your filthy bullshit is hardly unique - just mindless demagoguery - which is all your filthy party has to offer.

"filthy bullshit" is the mark of crazy right wingers who have posted above. What say you about Republican Governors intent on suppressing the right of African Americans to vote?

Your ignorance is a sure sign of a brain washed thoroughly; I doubt it is willful.

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