Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

TRFjr, post: 22708786, member: 45733"]
Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Sure when you put one year of Bush’s mess on On Obama’s scorecard.

And why in the hell are you comparing Obama to those that preceded him?

We are talking about the FACT that TrumpO is the second president in US history not to have a single year of GDP growth above 3.0 %.

TrumpO says that failure is a weak economy.

I disagree with that but if a 2.9 high point is weak then TrumpO’s 2.9 is weak too.

Why not admit the two president based upon economic growth are essentially identical and that both have been presiding over a very decent economy for an entire decade?

Why can’t you suppress your hatred for Obama and admit that 2.9 equals 2.9?

Because 2.9 equals 2.9. It really does.
TRFjr, post: 22708786, member: 45733"]
Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Sure when you put one year of Bush’s mess on On Obama’s scorecard.

And why in the hell are you comparing Obama to those that preceded him?

We are talking about the FACT that TrumpO is the second president in US history not to have a single year of GDP growth above 3.0 %.

TrumpO says that failure is a weak economy.

I disagree with that but if a 2.9 high point is weak then TrumpO’s 2.9 is weak too.

Why not admit the two president based upon economic growth are essentially identical and that both have been presiding over a very decent economy for an entire decade?

Why can’t you suppress your hatred for Obama and admit that 2.9 equals 2.9?

Because 2.9 equals 2.9. It really does.
And why in the hell are you comparing Obama to those that preceded him?

Because he did worse than those that preceded him.

Why not admit the two president based upon economic growth are essentially identical

Because Obama's sub 2.0% performance is not identical to Trump's performance.
what utter bull crap you have to take Obama best year out of 8 and compare it to two years of Trump

You are a complete moron. Comparing best year to best year is based on TrumpO insisting we compare best single year to best single year.
So I did.

But you are a complete and utter moron beyond that. Obama set the pace for us to be living through the longest economic recovery and expansion in US history m

But every expansion has its share of downs.

So since TrumpO cut taxes in December 2017 to stimulate a high employment economy he got his GDP surge to hit in 2018 and came in at 2.9.

So you need to try to understand that comparing the single best of all seven recovery years under Obama to only TrumpO’s highly ‘stimulated year in 2018 is an advantage for TrumpO because his economic downturn has begun.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.

And one outlook for the rest of the year is not pointing to TrumpO’s promises of 4.0% GDP and higher becoming reality any time soon.

  • After achieving 2.9 percent growth in 2018 — tied with 2015 for the strongest year of growth of the current business cycle — the U.S. economy expanded at a healthy 3.1% pace in the first quarter, exceeding expectations. However, trade frictions are undoubtedly contributing to the softness in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which continued to struggle in Q2 and does not appear to be on the verge of a rebound. Though domestic oil production has been a key bright spot for the U.S. economy and the increasingly dovish Federal Reserve has helped buoy financial markets, there are several risk factors that merit close attention for the rest of the year. Risks include the efficacy of China’s efforts to stimulate its economy, the divergence between small- and big-business optimism, and the potential for a protracted slowdown in consumer spending later this year. 2019 U.S. Economic Outlook Q3 Update Forecasts 3.9% Expansion in Equipment and Software Investment and 2.5% GDP Growth

Have I cleared that up for you.
Obama had next to 0 fed interest rate highest it was under Obama was 0.5 never reached a full number and the best he could do with that unprecedented low interest rates was 2.9 GDP
Trump was able to tie that after two years with an interest rate increased ten times higher then Obama had


Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII


Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Even CNN had to admit that fact
"Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years"

Real GDP growth since Clinton left office has been 2.3%. Real GDP growth from when Bush's Great Recession ended until Obama left office is right in line with that at 2.3%
what utter bull crap you have to take Obama best year out of 8 and compare it to two years of Trump

You are a complete moron. Comparing best year to best year is based on TrumpO insisting we compare best single year to best single year.
So I did.

But you are a complete and utter moron beyond that. Obama set the pace for us to be living through the longest economic recovery and expansion in US history m

But every expansion has its share of downs.

So since TrumpO cut taxes in December 2017 to stimulate a high employment economy he got his GDP surge to hit in 2018 and came in at 2.9.

So you need to try to understand that comparing the single best of all seven recovery years under Obama to only TrumpO’s highly ‘stimulated year in 2018 is an advantage for TrumpO because his economic downturn has begun.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.

And one outlook for the rest of the year is not pointing to TrumpO’s promises of 4.0% GDP and higher becoming reality any time soon.

  • After achieving 2.9 percent growth in 2018 — tied with 2015 for the strongest year of growth of the current business cycle — the U.S. economy expanded at a healthy 3.1% pace in the first quarter, exceeding expectations. However, trade frictions are undoubtedly contributing to the softness in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which continued to struggle in Q2 and does not appear to be on the verge of a rebound. Though domestic oil production has been a key bright spot for the U.S. economy and the increasingly dovish Federal Reserve has helped buoy financial markets, there are several risk factors that merit close attention for the rest of the year. Risks include the efficacy of China’s efforts to stimulate its economy, the divergence between small- and big-business optimism, and the potential for a protracted slowdown in consumer spending later this year. 2019 U.S. Economic Outlook Q3 Update Forecasts 3.9% Expansion in Equipment and Software Investment and 2.5% GDP Growth

Have I cleared that up for you.
Obama had next to 0 fed interest rate highest it was under Obama was 0.5 never reached a full number and the best he could do with that unprecedented low interest rates was 2.9 GDP
Trump was able to tie that after two years with an interest rate increased ten times higher then Obama had


Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII


Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Even CNN had to admit that fact
"Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years"

Real GDP growth since Clinton left office has been 2.3%. Real GDP growth from when Bush's Great Recession ended until Obama left office is right in line with that at 2.3%
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever

If mismanaging an economic recovery were an Olympic event, President Obama would be standing on the middle platform right now, accepting the gold medal.

Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all—things are still getting worse.

Report: Worst economic recovery since 1930s, salaries fall $17,000 short

The sputtering economic recovering under President Obama, the last to follow a major recession, has fallen way short of the average recovery and ranks as the worst since the 1930s Great Depression, according to a new report.

Had the recovery under Obama been the average of the 11 since the Depression, according to the report, family incomes would be $17,000 higher, six million fewer Americans would be in poverty, and there would be six million more jobs.

you keep spewing your crap I will keep correcting you and rubbing your nose in it
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what utter bull crap you have to take Obama best year out of 8 and compare it to two years of Trump

You are a complete moron. Comparing best year to best year is based on TrumpO insisting we compare best single year to best single year.
So I did.

But you are a complete and utter moron beyond that. Obama set the pace for us to be living through the longest economic recovery and expansion in US history m

But every expansion has its share of downs.

So since TrumpO cut taxes in December 2017 to stimulate a high employment economy he got his GDP surge to hit in 2018 and came in at 2.9.

So you need to try to understand that comparing the single best of all seven recovery years under Obama to only TrumpO’s highly ‘stimulated year in 2018 is an advantage for TrumpO because his economic downturn has begun.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.

And one outlook for the rest of the year is not pointing to TrumpO’s promises of 4.0% GDP and higher becoming reality any time soon.

  • After achieving 2.9 percent growth in 2018 — tied with 2015 for the strongest year of growth of the current business cycle — the U.S. economy expanded at a healthy 3.1% pace in the first quarter, exceeding expectations. However, trade frictions are undoubtedly contributing to the softness in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which continued to struggle in Q2 and does not appear to be on the verge of a rebound. Though domestic oil production has been a key bright spot for the U.S. economy and the increasingly dovish Federal Reserve has helped buoy financial markets, there are several risk factors that merit close attention for the rest of the year. Risks include the efficacy of China’s efforts to stimulate its economy, the divergence between small- and big-business optimism, and the potential for a protracted slowdown in consumer spending later this year. 2019 U.S. Economic Outlook Q3 Update Forecasts 3.9% Expansion in Equipment and Software Investment and 2.5% GDP Growth

Have I cleared that up for you.
Obama had next to 0 fed interest rate highest it was under Obama was 0.5 never reached a full number and the best he could do with that unprecedented low interest rates was 2.9 GDP
Trump was able to tie that after two years with an interest rate increased ten times higher then Obama had


Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII


Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Even CNN had to admit that fact
"Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years"

Real GDP growth since Clinton left office has been 2.3%. Real GDP growth from when Bush's Great Recession ended until Obama left office is right in line with that at 2.3%
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever

If mismanaging an economic recovery were an Olympic event, President Obama would be standing on the middle platform right now, accepting the gold medal.

Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all—things are still getting worse.

Report: Worst economic recovery since 1930s, salaries fall $17,000 short

The sputtering economic recovering under President Obama, the last to follow a major recession, has fallen way short of the average recovery and ranks as the worst since the 1930s Great Depression, according to a new report.

Had the recovery under Obama been the average of the 11 since the Depression, according to the report, family incomes would be $17,000 higher, six million fewer Americans would be in poverty, and there would be six million more jobs.

you keep spewing your crap I will keep correcting you and rubbing your nose in it
"Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries"

That's utter nonsense. All recessions are different and the causes of recessions are often different. Bush's Great Recession was one of the worst ever.

And again, real GDP growth was the same (2.3%) between the end of the recession to the end of Obama's presidency as it has been from Q4-2000 through now.
You are a complete moron. Comparing best year to best year is based on TrumpO insisting we compare best single year to best single year.
So I did.

But you are a complete and utter moron beyond that. Obama set the pace for us to be living through the longest economic recovery and expansion in US history m

But every expansion has its share of downs.

So since TrumpO cut taxes in December 2017 to stimulate a high employment economy he got his GDP surge to hit in 2018 and came in at 2.9.

So you need to try to understand that comparing the single best of all seven recovery years under Obama to only TrumpO’s highly ‘stimulated year in 2018 is an advantage for TrumpO because his economic downturn has begun.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.

And one outlook for the rest of the year is not pointing to TrumpO’s promises of 4.0% GDP and higher becoming reality any time soon.

  • After achieving 2.9 percent growth in 2018 — tied with 2015 for the strongest year of growth of the current business cycle — the U.S. economy expanded at a healthy 3.1% pace in the first quarter, exceeding expectations. However, trade frictions are undoubtedly contributing to the softness in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which continued to struggle in Q2 and does not appear to be on the verge of a rebound. Though domestic oil production has been a key bright spot for the U.S. economy and the increasingly dovish Federal Reserve has helped buoy financial markets, there are several risk factors that merit close attention for the rest of the year. Risks include the efficacy of China’s efforts to stimulate its economy, the divergence between small- and big-business optimism, and the potential for a protracted slowdown in consumer spending later this year. 2019 U.S. Economic Outlook Q3 Update Forecasts 3.9% Expansion in Equipment and Software Investment and 2.5% GDP Growth

Have I cleared that up for you.
Obama had next to 0 fed interest rate highest it was under Obama was 0.5 never reached a full number and the best he could do with that unprecedented low interest rates was 2.9 GDP
Trump was able to tie that after two years with an interest rate increased ten times higher then Obama had


Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII


Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Even CNN had to admit that fact
"Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years"

Real GDP growth since Clinton left office has been 2.3%. Real GDP growth from when Bush's Great Recession ended until Obama left office is right in line with that at 2.3%
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever

If mismanaging an economic recovery were an Olympic event, President Obama would be standing on the middle platform right now, accepting the gold medal.

Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all—things are still getting worse.

Report: Worst economic recovery since 1930s, salaries fall $17,000 short

The sputtering economic recovering under President Obama, the last to follow a major recession, has fallen way short of the average recovery and ranks as the worst since the 1930s Great Depression, according to a new report.

Had the recovery under Obama been the average of the 11 since the Depression, according to the report, family incomes would be $17,000 higher, six million fewer Americans would be in poverty, and there would be six million more jobs.

you keep spewing your crap I will keep correcting you and rubbing your nose in it
"Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries"

That's utter nonsense. All recessions are different and the causes of recessions are often different. Bush's Great Recession was one of the worst ever.

And again, real GDP growth was the same (2.3%) between the end of the recession to the end of Obama's presidency as it has been from Q4-2000 through now.
So I did.

But you are a complete and utter moron beyond that. Obama set the pace for us to be living through the longest economic recovery and expansion in US history m

But every expansion has its share of downs.

So since TrumpO cut taxes in December 2017 to stimulate a high employment economy he got his GDP surge to hit in 2018 and came in at 2.9.

So you need to try to understand that comparing the single best of all seven recovery years under Obama to only TrumpO’s highly ‘stimulated year in 2018 is an advantage for TrumpO because his economic downturn has begun.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.

And one outlook for the rest of the year is not pointing to TrumpO’s promises of 4.0% GDP and higher becoming reality any time soon.

  • After achieving 2.9 percent growth in 2018 — tied with 2015 for the strongest year of growth of the current business cycle — the U.S. economy expanded at a healthy 3.1% pace in the first quarter, exceeding expectations. However, trade frictions are undoubtedly contributing to the softness in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which continued to struggle in Q2 and does not appear to be on the verge of a rebound. Though domestic oil production has been a key bright spot for the U.S. economy and the increasingly dovish Federal Reserve has helped buoy financial markets, there are several risk factors that merit close attention for the rest of the year. Risks include the efficacy of China’s efforts to stimulate its economy, the divergence between small- and big-business optimism, and the potential for a protracted slowdown in consumer spending later this year. 2019 U.S. Economic Outlook Q3 Update Forecasts 3.9% Expansion in Equipment and Software Investment and 2.5% GDP Growth

Have I cleared that up for you.
Obama had next to 0 fed interest rate highest it was under Obama was 0.5 never reached a full number and the best he could do with that unprecedented low interest rates was 2.9 GDP
Trump was able to tie that after two years with an interest rate increased ten times higher then Obama had


Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII


Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Even CNN had to admit that fact
"Obamas economic growth was the worst by any president in 70 years"

Real GDP growth since Clinton left office has been 2.3%. Real GDP growth from when Bush's Great Recession ended until Obama left office is right in line with that at 2.3%
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever

If mismanaging an economic recovery were an Olympic event, President Obama would be standing on the middle platform right now, accepting the gold medal.

Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all—things are still getting worse.

Report: Worst economic recovery since 1930s, salaries fall $17,000 short

The sputtering economic recovering under President Obama, the last to follow a major recession, has fallen way short of the average recovery and ranks as the worst since the 1930s Great Depression, according to a new report.

Had the recovery under Obama been the average of the 11 since the Depression, according to the report, family incomes would be $17,000 higher, six million fewer Americans would be in poverty, and there would be six million more jobs.

you keep spewing your crap I will keep correcting you and rubbing your nose in it
"Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries"

That's utter nonsense. All recessions are different and the causes of recessions are often different. Bush's Great Recession was one of the worst ever.

And again, real GDP growth was the same (2.3%) between the end of the recession to the end of Obama's presidency as it has been from Q4-2000 through now.
Cute chart, ya fucking moron, but looking at actual BLS figures reveals the rate of job growth during the 80's is about the same as job growth during the 90's and is about the same as the 10's...

And while Reagan's recession lost only 3 million jobs (3.3%), Bush's recession lost almost 9 million (6.3%) plus another 4 million.based on U-6 statistics
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you keep spewing your crap I will keep correcting you and rubbing your nose in it

You have corrected nothing. I am comparing TrumpO’s 2.9 to Obama’s 2.9 and citing TrumpO’s exact words that Obama was the first president never to have a single year GDP above 3.0.

What have you corrected me on?

You need to quit lying like that

My point has absolutely nothing to do with the GDP history prior to Obama.

Yet you go on and on about that.
I asked:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22711442
Because he did worse than those that preceded him.

and I will say again you can cherry pick Obamas numbers all the hell you want but it will never change the fact that Obama had the worst economic growth by any president in over 70 years and third from the bottom in all of our history those are the facts

and I will continue to repeat those facts and rub your nose in it

You freakin lying idiot. I accept as fact that Obama had the lowest economic growth by any president since WWII.

I also accept the fact that TrumpO has matching economic growth to Obama’s.

So quit lying that you are in possession of the facts.

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I asked:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22711442
Because he did worse than those that preceded him.

and I will say again you can cherry pick Obamas numbers all the hell you want but it will never change the fact that Obama had the worst economic growth by any president in over 70 years and third from the bottom in all of our history those are the facts

and I will continue to repeat those facts and rub your nose in it

You freakin lying idiot. I accept as fact that Obama had the lowest economic growth by any president since WWII.

I also accept the fact that TrumpO has matching economic growth to Obama’s.

So quit lying that you are in possession of the facts.

I accept as fact that Obama had the lowest economic growth by any president since WWII.

Excellent! So you'll stop whining like a little bitch when I say Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII?

I also accept the fact that TrumpO has matching economic growth to Obama’s.

You were doing so well, then you lied again.....so sad.

Obozo's GDP......weak.....Trumps GDP.....stronger than Obozo's.
I asked:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22711442
Because he did worse than those that preceded him.

and I will say again you can cherry pick Obamas numbers all the hell you want but it will never change the fact that Obama had the worst economic growth by any president in over 70 years and third from the bottom in all of our history those are the facts

and I will continue to repeat those facts and rub your nose in it

You freakin lying idiot. I accept as fact that Obama had the lowest economic growth by any president since WWII.

I also accept the fact that TrumpO has matching economic growth to Obama’s.

So quit lying that you are in possession of the facts.
Your wrong because you wont make an honest comparison what your doing is just dishonest bull shit
the honest comparison is average GDP growth of one compared to the average GDP growth of the other

Trumps so far average GDP growth is 2.7% so far compared to Obamas average GDP growth of 1.8% during his 8 years

there is the honest comparison
but what do you know about honesty
Your wrong because you wont make an honest comparison what your doing is just dishonest bull shit
the honest comparison is average GDP growth of one compared to the average GDP growth of the other

I’m not wrong you deplorable Trump duped moron. I have clearly cited TrumpO and his single year method of determining a ‘weak’ economy.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

So your so called ‘honest’ comparison is the outright lie.

And comparing two years to eight years is a fake comparison because TrumpO’s downturn is ongoing and we will never know TrumpO’s average performance over eight years to make a proper comparison.

So stick with your cult master’s edicts

"not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

And wait for TrumpO’s average to be determined.

And quit lying about the honest hard facts I have presented to you.

Facts are annoying to TrumpOroids I know but try harder and they will take you out of that fake hate world you live in.
Your wrong because you wont make an honest comparison what your doing is just dishonest bull shit
the honest comparison is average GDP growth of one compared to the average GDP growth of the other

I’m not wrong you deplorable Trump duped moron. I have clearly cited TrumpO and his single year method of determining a ‘weak’ economy.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

So your so called ‘honest’ comparison is the outright lie.

And comparing two years to eight years is a fake comparison because TrumpO’s downturn is ongoing and we will never know TrumpO’s average performance over eight years to make a proper comparison.

So stick with your cult master’s edicts

"not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

And wait for TrumpO’s average to be determined.

And quit lying about the honest hard facts I have presented to you.

Facts are annoying to TrumpOroids I know but try harder and they will take you out of that fake hate world you live in.
Is Trump term/terms over yet ? no they aren't so wait till the fat lady sings before you open you dam mouth

you stink of desperation

nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that Obama was one of the worst president we ever had when it comes to the issue most American care about and thats the economy and he will be remembered for that just like Carter once was

Obama was a failure and so are you
TRFjr, post: 22714452,
Is Trump term/terms over yet ? no they aren't so wait till the fat lady sings before you open you dam mouth

you stink of desperation

nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that Obama was one of the worst president we ever had when it comes to the issue most American care about and thats the economy and he will be remembered for that just like Carter once was

Obama was a failure and so are you

I said TrumpO’s term is not over you idiot.

And if TrumpO should serve a full eight years then you can cite TrumpO’s average GDP over eight years. And if longest economic expansion in US history continues without a recession for four to five more years then TrumpO’s average
GDP may be a little higher than Obama’s.

But there is a huge asterisk next to Obama’s average GDP regarding 2009 being so deep in recession. Normal people accept the fairness of not calculating the negative GDP of that year into Obama’s average.

I realize facts will never change your hate based opinion ttat Obama was one of the worst presidents ever but it’s great to get you deplorables on record exposing your contempt for facts.

Facts such as 2.9 equals 2.9

And TrumpO factually said this:

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

So the fact remains that according to TrumpO’s mathematics and understanding of the English language TrumpO’s economy thus far has been equally and mathematically verifiably as being just as weak or just as strong or just as normal as Obama’s.

When you can cite and contest that statement by proving that 2.9 does not equal 2.9 then we are obligated to pay attention to you and respect your opinion.

But knowing you cant means you must be the stark raving partisan deplorable that your posts continually depict.
TRFjr, post: 22714452,
Is Trump term/terms over yet ? no they aren't so wait till the fat lady sings before you open you dam mouth

You idiot. I’m telling you to wait till the fat lady sings before comparing the average GDP between Obama and TrumpO.

Until then let’s compare the way TrumpO does. Single year high for GDP growth.

So far it’s 2.9 to 2.9. TrumpO is no greater or worse based upon that key statistic.

Do you agree?
I asked:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22711442
Because he did worse than those that preceded him.

and I will say again you can cherry pick Obamas numbers all the hell you want but it will never change the fact that Obama had the worst economic growth by any president in over 70 years and third from the bottom in all of our history those are the facts

and I will continue to repeat those facts and rub your nose in it

You freakin lying idiot. I accept as fact that Obama had the lowest economic growth by any president since WWII.

I also accept the fact that TrumpO has matching economic growth to Obama’s.

So quit lying that you are in possession of the facts.
Your wrong because you wont make an honest comparison what your doing is just dishonest bull shit
the honest comparison is average GDP growth of one compared to the average GDP growth of the other

Trumps so far average GDP growth is 2.7% so far compared to Obamas average GDP growth of 1.8% during his 8 years

there is the honest comparison
but what do you know about honesty
If you were honest, you'd factor in a big part of that difference was Obama starting with the worst recession in our lifetime compared to trump starting off with a healthy economy.
Your wrong because you wont make an honest comparison what your doing is just dishonest bull shit
the honest comparison is average GDP growth of one compared to the average GDP growth of the other

I’m not wrong you deplorable Trump duped moron. I have clearly cited TrumpO and his single year method of determining a ‘weak’ economy.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

So your so called ‘honest’ comparison is the outright lie.

And comparing two years to eight years is a fake comparison because TrumpO’s downturn is ongoing and we will never know TrumpO’s average performance over eight years to make a proper comparison.

So stick with your cult master’s edicts

"not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

And wait for TrumpO’s average to be determined.

And quit lying about the honest hard facts I have presented to you.

Facts are annoying to TrumpOroids I know but try harder and they will take you out of that fake hate world you live in.
Is Trump term/terms over yet ? no they aren't so wait till the fat lady sings before you open you dam mouth

you stink of desperation

nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that Obama was one of the worst president we ever had when it comes to the issue most American care about and thats the economy and he will be remembered for that just like Carter once was

Obama was a failure and so are you
"Is Trump term/terms over yet ?"

It doesn't matter. Obama's terms were not up yet when some had already started pointing out he was the only president to never reach 3% GDP (which is actually a slam against Bush).

And now, Onama is not the only one. Trump has joined him.

"Obama was a failure and so are you"

And yet, Obama was re-elected and left office with a 60% approval rating.
better with an interest rate of 2.5% compared to Obama 0.25 Trump had ten times the interest rate as Obama

If you must select a variable to make excuses for TrumpO’s inability to do better than Obama on single year GDP and the failure of his tax cuts to produce GDP above 2.9 then you have to look at all of the including the ones that suppressed GDP when Obama. You have to look at all of them.

Why don’t you.

TrumpO had a much larger workforce for example, more Americans with the ability to purchase stuff.

Were you dropped on your head?

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