Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

WTH_Progs?, post: 22695240, member
He was referencing common sense, math, logic and economics..

Does that mean you agree with the common sense, math, logic and economics reality that TrumpO inherited good economic conditions from President Obama?

Why wouldn't I? Someone said it best using the analogy of a baseball team. Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

I also know enough about common sense, math, logic and economics to say "good economics from Obama" is a misnomer. Obama did little to improve the economy. In fact the bottom occurred on his watch. He didn't bring confidence, which is one reason recovery was slow.

Don't look now, but I suspect some recession soon. We need one on occasion, so long as the reasons for aren't critical, such as 9-11 and the housing CRASH!
"Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship."

Which is why about half of those polled, don't credit trump with the economy. You can't make the championship game unless you make the playoffs.

ILMAO @ "half those polled".
WTH_Progs?, post: 22695240, member
He was referencing common sense, math, logic and economics..

Does that mean you agree with the common sense, math, logic and economics reality that TrumpO inherited good economic conditions from President Obama?

Why wouldn't I? Someone said it best using the analogy of a baseball team. Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

I also know enough about common sense, math, logic and economics to say "good economics from Obama" is a misnomer. Obama did little to improve the economy. In fact the bottom occurred on his watch. He didn't bring confidence, which is one reason recovery was slow.

Don't look now, but I suspect some recession soon. We need one on occasion, so long as the reasons for aren't critical, such as 9-11 and the housing CRASH!
"Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship."

Which is why about half of those polled, don't credit trump with the economy. You can't make the championship game unless you make the playoffs.

ILMAO @ "half those polled".
What a pity you have no actual rebuttal. :dunno:
WTH_Progs?, post: 22695240, member
He was referencing common sense, math, logic and economics..

Does that mean you agree with the common sense, math, logic and economics reality that TrumpO inherited good economic conditions from President Obama?

Why wouldn't I? Someone said it best using the analogy of a baseball team. Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

I also know enough about common sense, math, logic and economics to say "good economics from Obama" is a misnomer. Obama did little to improve the economy. In fact the bottom occurred on his watch. He didn't bring confidence, which is one reason recovery was slow.

Don't look now, but I suspect some recession soon. We need one on occasion, so long as the reasons for aren't critical, such as 9-11 and the housing CRASH!
"Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship."

Which is why about half of those polled, don't credit trump with the economy. You can't make the championship game unless you make the playoffs.

ILMAO @ "half those polled".
What a pity you have no actual rebuttal. :dunno:

Ha ha, fucking progs, I just don't get it. Polls aint worth a fuck to begin with. Combine that with approx. half those polled are conservatives or Demonicrats, go figure 50% of the dumb-shits polled thank O'bummer for Trump's achievements.

That and consider progs are most vocal, as they project and entertain a victim role. They're also bent over by media.
Golfing Gator, post: 22696041
I believe that the data comes from multiple disparate sources and that the BEA gathers them and provides the report in a timely enough manner.

Of course it does. And the NOWCAST I posted does exactly the same to produce timely and early forecasts.

The forecast at rhe end of Q2 is now at 1.4. I have not declared it to be the official final number nor do they.

But because it is at 1.4 and will become official thereabouts, I can say with great confidence that TrumpO will be the second president in US history never to have a single year GDP hugher than 3.0. He is tied with Obama’s highest single year at 2.9.

All things considered on the economy when comparing TrumoO’s two years to Obama's final seven years there is no significant difference between the two president’s policy effect on the economy.

If the current NOWCAST was sitting at 4.0 or hugher for Q2 2019 I couid not be confident saying TrumpO will not finish his first term with a single year GDP above 3.0 and thus keeping his word and doing better than Obama.
On top of that, I am absolutely positive that TrumpO will never see a single year at 4.O or higher. So if you are scoring presidents for hype and bullshit claims of fake greatness TrumpO is the winner of that.

You criticize forecasts based on science and real economic data but say nothing about the idiot goon in the White House making crazy forecasts about his greatness to be. Not even close to being greater than Obama on the economy and therefore nothing else.

Obama never disgraced the Presidency with such shameful, irresponsible self glory and hyie.

So on the style and character score we must rate Obama on that aspect for the economy much higher than TrumpO although the growth numbers are virtually the same so far.
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Progs?, post: 22698930
Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

Because a single year GDP higher than 3.0 is the championship level according to the game rules that TrumpO himself set we know for a FACT that TRUMPO has not made the playoffs (tied with Obama at 2.9) and never will.

We know from the latest Q2 forecast at 1.4 it means the TrumpO team is not playing well at all right now.

If you think TrumpO has won a championship already that’s proof enough for me that you are an idiot.

If you think TrumpO is on his way to a championship you are a fool.

  • Latest forecast: 1.4 percent — July 10, 2019. The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.4 percent on July 10, up from 1.3 percent on July 3.
And now the FED will need to bail out TrumpO’s 1.4 GDP economy to keep it from getting worse.

And you think this is championship material,

What a dumbass.
MarathonMike, post: 22701865
Not sure where 'fooled' is getting his numbers. Seems gloomier than any source I check. Here is a recent estimate of GDP growth for the last few years that seems to be more in line with consensus.
Gross Domestic Product, First Quarter 2019 (Third Estimate); Corporate Profits, First Quarter 2019 (Revised Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Yes it has come in officially at 3.1 for quarter one. That’s right.

The GDPNow model was off by 0.7 for Q1 seventeen days after the end of Q1. They were at 2.4% and I believe moved up to 2.7%. Final score was 3.1 for Q1.

TrumpO’s GDP is currently well below 2.0% for Q2 therefore making it virtually impossible for the goon to see 2019 finish up with a GDP above 3.0. Remember the goon was promising 4.0 growth due to his tax cuts not that long ago. That’ll never happen in TrumpO’s watch.
WTH_Progs?, post: 22695240, member Does that mean you agree with the common sense, math, logic and economics reality that TrumpO inherited good economic conditions from President Obama?

Why wouldn't I? Someone said it best using the analogy of a baseball team. Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

I also know enough about common sense, math, logic and economics to say "good economics from Obama" is a misnomer. Obama did little to improve the economy. In fact the bottom occurred on his watch. He didn't bring confidence, which is one reason recovery was slow.

Don't look now, but I suspect some recession soon. We need one on occasion, so long as the reasons for aren't critical, such as 9-11 and the housing CRASH!
"Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship."

Which is why about half of those polled, don't credit trump with the economy. You can't make the championship game unless you make the playoffs.

ILMAO @ "half those polled".
What a pity you have no actual rebuttal. :dunno:

Ha ha, fucking progs, I just don't get it. Polls aint worth a fuck to begin with. Combine that with approx. half those polled are conservatives or Demonicrats, go figure 50% of the dumb-shits polled thank O'bummer for Trump's achievements.

That and consider progs are most vocal, as they project and entertain a victim role. They're also bent over by media.

Wut?? You don't believe in polls? Yet here you are, boasting about one...


Trump is winning with 76% of the total polled. That's the thing with Trump, he always seems to be a step ahead in the game, and at times he doesn't even have to try.

Next closest is Gabbard, with 16% of the total polled.

Thanks for giving up so easy by demonstrating your only answer to polls you don't like is to feign apathy about them.

bripat9643, post: 22696982
Repealing government regulations has a big effect on the economy, and he started doing that the day after his inauguration.

Name a big one that would have had an immediate effect on the economy.
funny how Obamas less then 2% is a great economy but Trumps 2% plus isnt
Obama had next to 0% feds interest Trump has had interest rate increases every quarter
explain that liberals
Here’s the record thru 2018:
View attachment 254781

U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Trump and Obama are tied a 2.9 Best full year of GDP growth.

Do you think Trump’s Q1 this year will break the tie and boost Trump to 3.0 or more?

Do you believe Trump will ever get a full year of GDP growth this high?

View attachment 254787

Some experts - The liberal fake news WSJ is forecasting 1.4% for Q1.

Trump supporters tell us your forecast?

What happens if Trump’s third year ends (GDP-wise) anywhere below Obama’s 2.9% in 2015?

According to Trump 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

Do you think Trump will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

What does an “anemic” Trump do for Obama’s legacy?
  • Moving forward, there are reasons to believe that growth will continue to be slower than was originally hoped. Annual U.S. GDP growth exceeding 3.0 percent, as experienced in the mid- to late 1990s and mid-2000s, is not expected to be attainable over the coming decade.
The U.S. economy to 2022: settling into a new normal : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Are we settling into a new normal that is not so horrible without 3% sustained GDP growth?

what utter bull crap you have to take Obama best year out of 8 and compare it to two years of Trump
and will remind you Obama had next to 0% fed interest rates 0.25% to be exact and only could get to 2.9%
Trump got to 2.9 with 2.5% interest ten times higher then Obama
Golfing Gator, post: 22696041
I believe that the data comes from multiple disparate sources and that the BEA gathers them and provides the report in a timely enough manner.

Of course it does. And the NOWCAST I posted does exactly the same to produce timely and early forecasts.

The forecast at rhe end of Q2 is now at 1.4. I have not declared it to be the official final number nor do they.

But because it is at 1.4 and will become official thereabouts, I can say with great confidence that TrumpO will be the second president in US history never to have a single year GDP hugher than 3.0. He is tied with Obama’s highest single year at 2.9.

All things considered on the economy when comparing TrumoO’s two years to Obama's final seven years there is no significant difference between the two president’s policy effect on the economy.

If the current NOWCAST was sitting at 4.0 or hugher for Q2 2019 I couid not be confident saying TrumpO will not finish his first term with a single year GDP above 3.0 and thus keeping his word and doing better than Obama.
On top of that, I am absolutely positive that TrumpO will never see a single year at 4.O or higher. So if you are scoring presidents for hype and bullshit claims of fake greatness TrumpO is the winner of that.

You criticize forecasts based on science and real economic data but say nothing about the idiot goon in the White House making crazy forecasts about his greatness to be. Not even close to being greater than Obama on the economy and therefore nothing else.

Obama never disgraced the Presidency with such shameful, irresponsible self glory and hyie.

So on the style and character score we must rate Obama on that aspect for the economy much higher than TrumpO although the growth numbers are virtually the same so far.
Trump was able to reach 2.9% with a 2.5 interest rate ten times higher then when Obama reached his 2.9%
bripat9643, post: 22696982
Repealing government regulations has a big effect on the economy, and he started doing that the day after his inauguration.

Name a big one that would have had an immediate effect on the economy.

Don't ask questions you don't want answered. Two Huge Effects Of Trump's Economic Policies: Jobs Surge In Both Manufacturing And Low Tax States
Why wouldn't I? Someone said it best using the analogy of a baseball team. Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship.

I also know enough about common sense, math, logic and economics to say "good economics from Obama" is a misnomer. Obama did little to improve the economy. In fact the bottom occurred on his watch. He didn't bring confidence, which is one reason recovery was slow.

Don't look now, but I suspect some recession soon. We need one on occasion, so long as the reasons for aren't critical, such as 9-11 and the housing CRASH!
"Obama took over a losing baseball team high on talent. He brought them to nearly a playoff team, Trump took over and they won the championship."

Which is why about half of those polled, don't credit trump with the economy. You can't make the championship game unless you make the playoffs.

ILMAO @ "half those polled".
What a pity you have no actual rebuttal. :dunno:

Ha ha, fucking progs, I just don't get it. Polls aint worth a fuck to begin with. Combine that with approx. half those polled are conservatives or Demonicrats, go figure 50% of the dumb-shits polled thank O'bummer for Trump's achievements.

That and consider progs are most vocal, as they project and entertain a victim role. They're also bent over by media.

Wut?? You don't believe in polls? Yet here you are, boasting about one...


Trump is winning with 76% of the total polled. That's the thing with Trump, he always seems to be a step ahead in the game, and at times he doesn't even have to try.

Next closest is Gabbard, with 16% of the total polled.

Thanks for giving up so easy by demonstrating your only answer to polls you don't like is to feign apathy about them.


Prog-projection using wrong terms. You might look up "boasting". And you lack critical application. That quote comes from a poll I prepared. I rubbed in the results with an "update". Some might call it trolling. Nice try though, you just came up short is all. Compare and contrast that poll to "controlled" polling influenced by agenda driven questions and targeted areas. That and your point would fail to prove I take stock in polling.

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Why not? You didn’t answer the question. You were supposed to tell me about a major deregulation that wouid have provided an immediate effect on the economy.
Instead you cite someone spreading the bullshit propaganda about the cult of TrumpO's personality having the immediate effect.
  • Further, the boom in manufacturing job growth started immediately after Trump was elected, showing the effect that the anticipation of regulatory relief had on hiring and investment decisions.
It started in November 2016 per your link.

You are a gullible fool when you swallow right wing propaganda such as that perfect example.

Try again.
Golfing Gator, post: 22696041
I believe that the data comes from multiple disparate sources and that the BEA gathers them and provides the report in a timely enough manner.

Of course it does. And the NOWCAST I posted does exactly the same to produce timely and early forecasts.

The forecast at rhe end of Q2 is now at 1.4. I have not declared it to be the official final number nor do they.

But because it is at 1.4 and will become official thereabouts, I can say with great confidence that TrumpO will be the second president in US history never to have a single year GDP hugher than 3.0. He is tied with Obama’s highest single year at 2.9.

All things considered on the economy when comparing TrumoO’s two years to Obama's final seven years there is no significant difference between the two president’s policy effect on the economy.

If the current NOWCAST was sitting at 4.0 or hugher for Q2 2019 I couid not be confident saying TrumpO will not finish his first term with a single year GDP above 3.0 and thus keeping his word and doing better than Obama.
On top of that, I am absolutely positive that TrumpO will never see a single year at 4.O or higher. So if you are scoring presidents for hype and bullshit claims of fake greatness TrumpO is the winner of that.

You criticize forecasts based on science and real economic data but say nothing about the idiot goon in the White House making crazy forecasts about his greatness to be. Not even close to being greater than Obama on the economy and therefore nothing else.

Obama never disgraced the Presidency with such shameful, irresponsible self glory and hyie.

So on the style and character score we must rate Obama on that aspect for the economy much higher than TrumpO although the growth numbers are virtually the same so far.
Trump was able to reach 2.9% with a 2.5 interest rate ten times higher then when Obama reached his 2.9%
In a true booming economy a tiny rate of 2.5 should not make a bit of difference. Even 2.5 is historically low
Golfing Gator, post: 22696041
I believe that the data comes from multiple disparate sources and that the BEA gathers them and provides the report in a timely enough manner.

Of course it does. And the NOWCAST I posted does exactly the same to produce timely and early forecasts.

The forecast at rhe end of Q2 is now at 1.4. I have not declared it to be the official final number nor do they.

But because it is at 1.4 and will become official thereabouts, I can say with great confidence that TrumpO will be the second president in US history never to have a single year GDP hugher than 3.0. He is tied with Obama’s highest single year at 2.9.

All things considered on the economy when comparing TrumoO’s two years to Obama's final seven years there is no significant difference between the two president’s policy effect on the economy.

If the current NOWCAST was sitting at 4.0 or hugher for Q2 2019 I couid not be confident saying TrumpO will not finish his first term with a single year GDP above 3.0 and thus keeping his word and doing better than Obama.
On top of that, I am absolutely positive that TrumpO will never see a single year at 4.O or higher. So if you are scoring presidents for hype and bullshit claims of fake greatness TrumpO is the winner of that.

You criticize forecasts based on science and real economic data but say nothing about the idiot goon in the White House making crazy forecasts about his greatness to be. Not even close to being greater than Obama on the economy and therefore nothing else.

Obama never disgraced the Presidency with such shameful, irresponsible self glory and hyie.

So on the style and character score we must rate Obama on that aspect for the economy much higher than TrumpO although the growth numbers are virtually the same so far.
Trump was able to reach 2.9% with a 2.5 interest rate ten times higher then when Obama reached his 2.9%
In a true booming economy a tiny rate of 2.5 should not make a bit of difference. Even 2.5 is historically low
so why couldn't Obama have a booming economy with 0.25 rate
all you doing with your bashing of Trumps economy is you bashing Obama worse

Why not? You didn’t answer the question. You were supposed to tell me about a major deregulation that wouid have provided an immediate effect on the economy.
Instead you cite someone spreading the bullshit propaganda about the cult of TrumpO's personality having the immediate effect.
  • Further, the boom in manufacturing job growth started immediately after Trump was elected, showing the effect that the anticipation of regulatory relief had on hiring and investment decisions.
It started in November 2016 per your link.

You are a gullible fool when you swallow right wing propaganda such as that perfect example.

Try again.

Yeah try again, the link doesn't show 2016. You lying dude?

Here's another link for you. Trump deregulations quickly boost confidence and hiring in manufacturing sector

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