Qanon shaman...likely to get a new trial considering the government withheld video evidence from the defense....

A mob is a threat of death or severe injury. I don't get what you are talking about.
In that case, why don't normal police departments use deadly force to disperse violent protestors and rioters? You can't have it both ways, either deadly force is justified to suppress a riot/violent demonstration, or it isn't.
The police were going to shoot anyone coming through those doors and windows. She just happened to be the only one dumb enough to do so.
That's funny because the officers immediately in front of the window she was crawling through didn't see her as an imminent threat, only the one who had to dive in from the side to get a shot at her thought she was a threat.
Didn't the Trump gang take evidence to the courts 60 some times? Often even to Trump appointees. What is up with that?
Not a single allegation was allowed to go to even pre-trial discovery, let alone a trial. My personal opinion was that the justice system decided it wasn't going to involve itself after the crapshow of Gore vs Bush.
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That's funny because the officers immediately in front of the window she was crawling through didn't see her as an imminent threat, only the one who had to dive in from the side to get a shot at her thought she was a threat.


You mean the 3 officers who were escorted away for their own safety??
Not a single allegation was allowed to go to even pre-trial discovery, let alone a triasl. My personal opinion was that the justice system decided it wasn't going to involve itself after the crapshow of Gore vs Bush.

Feel free to show how any judge wrongly dismissed a case...
That's funny because the officers immediately in front of the window she was crawling through didn't see her as an imminent threat, only the one who had to dive in from the side to get a shot at her thought she was a threat.
Don't forget 6 or more officers, fully armed with automatic weapons about 8 feet behind her and who were also the first ones to respond and administer first aid.

You mean the 3 officers who were escorted away for their own safety??
Nope, there were two officers ON THE INSIDE of the window directly in front of the window Babbit was crawling through. The three officers who were escorted away were on the OUTSIDE of the window/door in the crowd.
Feel free to show how any judge wrongly dismissed a case...
They never even allowed evidence to be collected. The cases were dismissed out of hand often for specious reasons like lack of "standing" of that actions had to be filed BEFORE the election, not after. If republicans had tried to file motions before the election, they would have been denied because no harm had been done yet. It was a classic case of Catch 22.
Nope, there were two officers ON THE INSIDE of the window directly in front of the window Babbit was crawling through. The three officers who were escorted away were on the OUTSIDE of the window/door in the crowd.

I see. Those 2 did not have the clear shot Byrd had. Those 2 were facing the mob. Miss the person climbing through the window and they risked hitting someone else, including the one cop on the other side of the doors. Whereas Byrd was off to the side. Miss Benedict Babbitt and he hits a wall.
They never even allowed evidence to be collected. The cases were dismissed out of hand often for specious reasons like lack of "standing" of that actions had to be filed BEFORE the election, not after. If republicans had tried to file motions before the election, they would have been denied because no harm had been done yet. It was a classic case of Catch 22.

That's not exactly true. Not all 60+ cases were dismissed due to lack of standing. Roughly half were. Among the rest, cases were filed citing examples of fraud.

So for the cases dismissed due to lack of standing, show the judge did so wrongly.

For the cases dismissed due to lack of merit or lack of evidence, show the judge did so wrongly.
Not a single allegation was allowed to go to even pre-trial discovery, let alone a trial. My personal opinion was that the justice system decided it wasn't going to involve itself after the crapshow of Gore vs Bush.
Cause uh...there was no evidence.
No time, his sentence will be over before all the legal BS.

Well Shirley Tucker's videos helped some of those other domestic terrorists who are in prison or awaiting trial, right? They weren't just intended to rile up the cult, were they?
Well Shirley Tucker's videos helped some of those other domestic terrorists who are in prison or awaiting trial, right? They weren't just intended to rile up the cult, were they?
Sure as hell riled up the left.....
That's funny because the officers immediately in front of the window she was crawling through didn't see her as an imminent threat, only the one who had to dive in from the side to get a shot at her thought she was a threat.
Yes they did. They were evacuating the congresspeolle to save them from a violent mob.
Don't forget 6 or more officers, fully armed with automatic weapons about 8 feet behind her and who were also the first ones to respond and administer first aid.
Oh, you mean the reinforcements that came to relieve the injured officers being crushed by the violent mob.

And you got fooled by edited video. Naturally.

Looks like the dumbass traitor should have waited another minute, so she could be tackled andhog tied from behind instead of shot. Oh well, nobody has ever said she was long on brains.
From what I see, many on the left are laughing at Trump and his cult.
Not sure about that.................they went into full TDS mode from what I saw.....then enter the Chipmunk.
Not sure about that.................they went into full TDS mode from what I saw.....then enter the Chipmunk.

Trump Defense Sycophancy is a double-edged blade that also afflicts rightarded cult members.

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