Qanon shaman...likely to get a new trial considering the government withheld video evidence from the defense....

Not ignored. Not dismissed.

Mocked because you’re pathetic and deserve it.

But also argued against with legitimate factual arguments. Meanwhile you operate off a series of strawman arguments, hypotheticals and wishful thinking.

All the same, because the hive mind told you so.

All the same, because the hive mind told you so.

Your hive mind wants January 6th to go away.

Tucker Carlson realizes that he can profit off your desire for an alternate reality so he will keep feeding you whatever narrative gets you to tune in.

At the end of the day, he’s narrow casting and by keeping yourselves in a media silo without being challenged, you’re making yourself more and more separated from the rest of society.
Your hive mind wants January 6th to go away.

Tucker Carlson realizes that he can profit off your desire for an alternate reality so he will keep feeding you whatever narrative gets you to tune in.

At the end of the day, he’s narrow casting and by keeping yourselves in a media silo without being challenged, you’re making yourself more and more separated from the rest of society.

Not go away, just not be blown 5000% out of proportion.

How is anyone on the right in an isolation chamber in this current political/media environment.

Your side has the people in the bubble issue, not us.
Not go away, just not be blown 5000% out of proportion.

How is anyone on the right in an isolation chamber in this current political/media environment.

Your side has the people in the bubble issue, not us.
People on the right love their isolation chamber. Jesus, how do you not know this?

Its entirely self imposed too. They’ll refuse to ever listen to anything outside their bubble, labeling anything else fake news.

When Fox News called Arizona for Trump, people decided that Fox News was also fake news and then stated abandoning it for even more extremist content until people like Carlson tried to stem the bleeding by jumping onto the stolen election narrative.

The sheer ignorance of conservatives is astounding and it’s because they have a media that is willing to keep them ignorant because it’s quite profitable.
People on the right love their isolation chamber. Jesus, how do you not know this?

Its entirely self imposed too. They’ll refuse to ever listen to anything outside their bubble, labeling anything else fake news.

When Fox News called Arizona for Trump, people decided that Fox News was also fake news and then stated abandoning it for even more extremist content until people like Carlson tried to stem the bleeding by jumping onto the stolen election narrative.

The sheer ignorance of conservatives is astounding and it’s because they have a media that is willing to keep them ignorant because it’s quite profitable.

There is no isolation chamber on the right, unless you cut out all media.

That just shows you are ignoring reality even more.
Sure. Right. Because you think they read The NY Times every morning?

Get real.

Leftist views are inserted into TV programs, commercials, radio, every media.

They can read most local newspapers, magazines, etc. and get the leftist position.
Leftist views are inserted into TV programs, commercials, radio, every media.

They can read most local newspapers, magazines, etc. and get the leftist position.
Very few conservatives aren’t reading newspapers and magazines.

People exist on social media, conservatives especially love Facebook. The algorithm encourages engagement, which means that conservatives are only fed conservative information.

Even if they are exposed to any alternative voices, they’ve been indoctrinated to immediately ignore it. It’s “fake news”.
Very few conservatives aren’t reading newspapers and magazines.

People exist on social media, conservatives especially love Facebook. The algorithm encourages engagement, which means that conservatives are only fed conservative information.

Even if they are exposed to any alternative voices, they’ve been indoctrinated to immediately ignore it. It’s “fake news”.

And all of those "conservative views" get slapped with disclaimers.

I see plenty of lefty shit on my feed.

So now you move the goalposts from "they don't see it" to "even if they don't see it"

what a fucking hack-tool you are.
And all of those "conservative views" get slapped with disclaimers.

I see plenty of lefty shit on my feed.

So now you move the goalposts from "they don't see it" to "even if they don't see it"

what a fucking hack-tool you are.
The conservative isolation is self-imposed. It’s for people too weak to ever have their views challenged.

Conservatives have been indoctrinated to close their minds to outside information. This has been going on since the days of Rush Limbaugh.

You do it all the time.
The conservative isolation is self-imposed. It’s for people too weak to ever have their views challenged.

Conservatives have been indoctrinated to close their minds to outside information. This has been going on since the days of Rush Limbaugh.

You do it all the time.

This coming from a side that tries to shut down every conservative speaker they can:

BREAKING: Antifa Attacks Charlie Kirk's UC Davis Speech
This coming from a side that tries to shut down every conservative speaker they can:

BREAKING: Antifa Attacks Charlie Kirk's UC Davis Speech
Conservatives on her are incredibly ignorant, you among them. You have a permission structure that gives you the ability to hide from criticism. That’s the purpose of inviting Charlie Kirk to speak. Is Charlie Kirk an academic? Of course not. He’s a drop out. He’s not engaging in education, he’s trolling. The entire purpose of his “speech” is to generate outrage like this. That’s the goal.

And that’s how you get permission to live in your bubble. Because the other guys do it too.

How many conservatives know anything about the Proud Boys sedition trial?
Conservatives on her are incredibly ignorant, you among them. You have a permission structure that gives you the ability to hide from criticism. That’s the purpose of inviting Charlie Kirk to speak. Is Charlie Kirk an academic? Of course not. He’s a drop out. He’s not engaging in education, he’s trolling. The entire purpose of his “speech” is to generate outrage like this. That’s the goal.

And that’s how you get permission to live in your bubble. Because the other guys do it too.

How many conservatives know anything about the Proud Boys sedition trial?

Sorry I don't think lockstep like a good wibble prog twat like you.

He has just as much right to speak as anyone, and the TPUSA chapter has the right to host him without fearing violence.

So you defend both violence and the heckler's veto to deny speech you don't like?
Sorry I don't think lockstep like a good wibble prog twat like you.

He has just as much right to speak as anyone, and the TPUSA chapter has the right to host him without fearing violence.

So you defend both violence and the heckler's veto to deny speech you don't like?
I never said he didn’t have a right to speak. I’m pointing out the purpose of his speech. His purpose is not academic. It’s provocation. This is profitable.

I didn’t defend any violence. I didn’t deny speech. You’re a liar.

You don’t think at all. The group thinks for you. We see your defense mechanisms when the groupthink is challenged. Deny. Distract. Lie.
I never said he didn’t have a right to speak. I’m pointing out the purpose of his speech. His purpose is not academic. It’s provocation. This is profitable.

I didn’t defend any violence. I didn’t deny speech. You’re a liar.

You don’t think at all. The group thinks for you. We see your defense mechanisms when the groupthink is challenged. Deny. Distract. Lie.

You are dismissing his right to speak to avoid having to defend those you obviously agree with who want to stop his speech.

That's being called a disingenuous hack.
You are dismissing his right to speak to avoid having to defend those you obviously agree with who want to stop his speech.

That's being called a disingenuous hack.
I never said any of that.

You’re being a disingenuous hack.
I never said any of that.

You’re being a disingenuous hack.

You didn't have to. your dismissal of it said all that needed to be said.

Leftists like you couldn't tell the truth even with a gun held to your head.
You didn't have to. your dismissal of it said all that needed to be said.

Leftists like you couldn't tell the truth even with a gun held to your head.
I never dismissed his right to speak. I dismissed your attempt to use this to make a relevant point.

You saying “you didn’t have to” shows that you just feel justified to make up whatever you want about others.
I never dismissed his right to speak. I dismissed your attempt to use this to make a relevant point.

You saying “you didn’t have to” shows that you just feel justified to make up whatever you want about others.

Same shit, different day. And you glossed over the attacking of the place he was speaking.

That's just one example of many.
Same shit, different day. And you glossed over the attacking of the place he was speaking.

That's just one example of many.
But wait! I can show video of the people who weren’t attacking so that destroys your “narrative”. See. It doesn’t work when it’s the opposite side.

I’m not entertaining your pointless distraction.

None of this changes anything about the conservative media bubble. It’s just a distraction by you. Part of your permission structure to exist solely in your media bubble.
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