QAnon: The search for Q

AM pop, dude?




How fucking old ARE YOU?

Leech, AM became TALK radio 40 years ago. In fact, AM Talk is the ONLY profitable radio there is now. Music moved to streaming a decade back. Pandora, Spotify, et al. are the platform for music. KMET is gone, and not coming back.
You fucking idiot. That song was written in '74. Do the math moron
Steely Dan has been a staple on FM radio since it came into being, dipshit. You play the skin flute but the guitar? No fucking way. was "spill the wine po de o de"

Fucking nitwit
Yeaaaaah, that made a lot of sense....said no one ever. It has to suck to be you, seriously. You talk big, perform "small". I am transparent while you hide like the gutless coward that you are. I laugh at your pathetic posts while you seethe with anger at mine. Sucks to be you, Lush.........

What ya got, Leech?

The crown jewel of my collection is my 1986 Gibson Les Paul Custom, sunburst.

I have a Fender Esprit for single coil fun. An Epiphone Riviera II for hollow body. A half dozen acoustics with a Takamine EF508KC Koa as the best of them.
Uuuuu...we're playing "my dick is bigger than yours" ? Have an electric I built (that I rarely play). A Taylor, Yamaha classical, Seagull. Fender banjo, and a no name violin. Nothing to brag about but they sound decent and play well
Bad moon on the risin
I love that song! :)

My musical tastes are more complex than that of the three chord and predictable variety.
This is what I like to jam along with.....

AM pop, dude?



Steely Dan isn't "pop".......CCR music isn't complicated and I could play it in my sleep. You have no musical ability at all so your analysis means zip.

Try this. Yea I play geetar

That is a new low even for a sack of shit like yourself.......plagiarizing the work of others. You must be related to Joe Biden?

Oh really? You pay royalties to Steeley Dan do ya?

Steely Dan, dumb ass...and I gave credit to the artist. You are claiming that you ARE the maker of the music you posted. That is a sickening low........ even for you

LOL. That was stupid even for you. I am nowhere near a 30ish woman LOL.
Yes, hatred of Der Juden, the whites, is a major part of being a democrat, but racism always has exceptions - democrats want to kill all whites, except for the man bunned professor they have in cross gender encounter studies....
This is the kind of sick statement that even many Q-Anon conspiracy theorists would reject!

Whether they do or don’t belong to Q-Anon, or are simply Trump fanatics, or are just useless deplorables who want to “flame” and “troll” and hence destroy real political discussion here, this commenter Uncensored2008 and those who liked his post — OldFlame , CrusaderFrank , and Oddball — show they share in the broad and moronic lunacy of today’s right wing populists.

Apparently “The Search for Q” ... might as well start right here!
Hey Fuckwit, check my QAnon posts here. It's sad that now that Trump's gone you need to find another Emmanuel Goldstein.

I told one of you other Fuckwit Fellow Travelers to go volunter at a homeless shelter, maybe you can join him

I don't think you're in any position to tell other posters what's real and what isn't, Frank. You still think Trump won the election.

What ya got, Leech?

The crown jewel of my collection is my 1986 Gibson Les Paul Custom, sunburst.

I have a Fender Esprit for single coil fun. An Epiphone Riviera II for hollow body. A half dozen acoustics with a Takamine EF508KC Koa as the best of them.
Uuuuu...we're playing "my dick is bigger than yours" ? Have an electric I built (that I rarely play). A Taylor, Yamaha classical, Seagull. Fender banjo, and a no name violin. Nothing to brag about but they sound decent and play well

We're playing "I love guitars and might actually have something in common with you."

I wouldn't know how to build a guitar. I had a friend who built a composite body and bought a Fender neck. It still sounded like shit. I just buy them.

I want something humbucking, something single coil, something P90-5 ish (the Epi is actually P95's) I run through a Line 6 Spider V - 120.

I'm garage band good.
I haven't noticed any Q signs at Trump rallies.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:






Leftist fucks like yourself are fine with child trafficking just so long as the sodomizing of the children doesn't negatively affect the reputation of this pathetic excuse for "gubermint" that is ran by compromised perverts. I spit on them, you worship at their feet.

USA.INC, here is a heapin' helpin of "FUCK YOU" and the same goes to all the enabling queers, pedos and dumb fucks that turn a blind eye.
Hey asshole...Epstein got a sweetheart deal when he was first found out. How does THAT fit into your Q pedo conspiracy?

Oh and by the way...the prosecutor who brokered that sweetheart deal ended up in Trump's cabinet

I think Q ought to look into THAT
Lush, you stupid sack of shit, I know ALLL about the deal that Epstein got when charged under the Bushpuppet regime and the asshole that was strong-armed into complying because Epstein was a deep state/ CIA asset. Crooks and perverts, the entire lot of them and I spit on them as well.
Get the whole story, asswipe. You are my board bitch, ya trolling asswipe.

P.S I still laugh loud and long about your messages to me whining about how mean I am to you.;....what a fucking pussy.

Does he really do that?
WHY is this thread not is "conspiracy theories?" :dunno:
Because it’s about an actual documentary not about conspiracy theories

It is a "docudrama" promoting a conspiracy theory.

View attachment 452114
You don't know what it is because you haven't seen it. Haha, what an idiot
Okay Slade...I watched the 3 videos....this is just wild speculation by an over zealous fringe wing...just like the pizza parlor child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....

We are talking very small numbers here compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of speculative accusatory crap don't fall for it...

The majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....just as the majority of Trump voters walked away from the capitol last month as the trouble myself and my friends did...we went back to the hotel and got drunk and ate steak....

Do you sign onto every hard core leftists belief?....
I wouldn't think don't pigeon hole all of us.....

My game sucked was freaking cold....
Sorry about your game, cold hands are the worst. I agree that there is a ton of speculation in the documentary but the interviews were fascinating. I was interested because it’s kind of like a puzzle that revealed many clues and elements to figure out and link together. I loved the LARP theory about its origin. I look at it as intriguing not as a documentation of fact. I also don’t intend on painting every Republican or Trump supporter as a Q follower. I agree it’s only a small fringe. When they claim that 10% of the population which amounts to 30 million people as being followers I think that’s a totally misleading claim. I assume they are counting people who believe there was election fraud as followers when I’m sure the majority of them have never even heard of Q. But I do find it rather fascinating to see how this thing started and how it grew and how elements of the crazy theories that they push gets leaked into the main stream. Especially when you see players like general Flynn involved. What are your thoughts about that?
If I ever see this becoming a staple of Trump voters you will be the first to know...

Whether they identify as followers of QAnon, they believe the same ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Who believes the Russia! Russia! Russia! conspiracy theory?

Answer: Every Dim winger in this forum.
What part of the Russia issue is a conspiracy theory?
All of it.
WHY is this thread not is "conspiracy theories?" :dunno:
Because it’s about an actual documentary not about conspiracy theories

It is a "docudrama" promoting a conspiracy theory.

View attachment 452114
You don't know what it is because you haven't seen it. Haha, what an idiot
Okay Slade...I watched the 3 videos....this is just wild speculation by an over zealous fringe wing...just like the pizza parlor child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....

We are talking very small numbers here compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of speculative accusatory crap don't fall for it...

The majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....just as the majority of Trump voters walked away from the capitol last month as the trouble myself and my friends did...we went back to the hotel and got drunk and ate steak....

Do you sign onto every hard core leftists belief?....
I wouldn't think don't pigeon hole all of us.....

My game sucked was freaking cold....
Sorry about your game, cold hands are the worst. I agree that there is a ton of speculation in the documentary but the interviews were fascinating. I was interested because it’s kind of like a puzzle that revealed many clues and elements to figure out and link together. I loved the LARP theory about its origin. I look at it as intriguing not as a documentation of fact. I also don’t intend on painting every Republican or Trump supporter as a Q follower. I agree it’s only a small fringe. When they claim that 10% of the population which amounts to 30 million people as being followers I think that’s a totally misleading claim. I assume they are counting people who believe there was election fraud as followers when I’m sure the majority of them have never even heard of Q. But I do find it rather fascinating to see how this thing started and how it grew and how elements of the crazy theories that they push gets leaked into the main stream. Especially when you see players like general Flynn involved. What are your thoughts about that?
If I ever see this becoming a staple of Trump voters you will be the first to know...

Whether they identify as followers of QAnon, they believe the same ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Who believes the Russia! Russia! Russia! conspiracy theory?

Answer: Every Dim winger in this forum.
What part of the Russia issue is a conspiracy theory?
All of it.
That you believe that is in itself a conspiracy theory. These are facts.

1. Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
2. Members of the Trump campaign attempted to and did collude and coordinate with Russia.
3.Trump obstructed the investigation into what went on with Russia.
That you believe that is in itself a conspiracy theory. These are facts.

1. Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.

Russia interfered in the 2016 election as they have every election.

2. Members of the Trump campaign attempted to and did collude and coordinate with Russia.

That is a lie which has been debunked. Part of a conspiracy theory floated by you Nazis.

3.Trump obstructed the investigation into what went on with Russia.

That is a flat out lie that has been debunked repeatedly.

You wear your complete lack of integrity as a badge of honor.

But you Nazis have no honor, so it's kinda weird....
What's your issue?

I have no issue. I know when nuts is nuts.

Pretty sad to see other have to wonder.
Sorry, I guess I need to be more specific in my questioning. Why did you respond to my post with "Good grief"?

Because "good grief" means:

good grief!

phrase of grief

  1. an exclamation of irritation, frustration, or surprise.
And that is what I wanted to express after reading your ridiculous post.

What's your issue?

I have no issue. I know when nuts is nuts.

Pretty sad to see other have to wonder.
Sorry, I guess I need to be more specific in my questioning. Why did you respond to my post with "Good grief"?

Because "good grief" means:

good grief!

phrase of grief

  1. an exclamation of irritation, frustration, or surprise.
And that is what I wanted to express after reading your ridiculous post.

I know the definition of the words genius. I was asking why you had that reaction to my post. What I said that you disagree with or found ridiculous to cause that response. And now I’m also asking why I needed to rephrase the question three times. Is it really that hard for you to understand what I was asking for?
Bad moon on the risin
I love that song! :)

My musical tastes are more complex than that of the three chord and predictable variety.
This is what I like to jam along with.....

AM pop, dude?



Steely Dan isn't "pop".......CCR music isn't complicated and I could play it in my sleep. You have no musical ability at all so your analysis means zip.

Try this. Yea I play geetar

That is a new low even for a sack of shit like yourself.......plagiarizing the work of others. You must be related to Joe Biden?

Oh really? You pay royalties to Steeley Dan do ya?

Steely Dan, dumb ass...and I gave credit to the artist. You are claiming that you ARE the maker of the music you posted. That is a sickening low........ even for you

LOL. That was stupid even for you. I am nowhere near a 30ish woman LOL.

You were implying that you possessed that type and of talent if not implying you were posting a video of yourself. I am the real deal, transparent and without fear. You can't claim the same thing, Lush

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