QAnon: The search for Q

What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

Blm are terrorists, nothing more. They are hiding behind Black Americans who are suffering from the policies of the democrat party.

You have one dingbat.....vs. all the dingbats on the side of the democrats, in particular the guy who thought Guam was going to tilt over because we were putting to many Marines on the Island....

You have one dingbat congresswoman from Georgia while BLM who burned, looted our cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....they were supported by the entire democrat party and it's leadership and kamala harris gave money to bail them out of jail......not even close....

Q'anon nuts don't compare to democrat party BLM brown shirt terrorists...

So sell your crap somewhere else...
Guy you came in here lying about things that I've said and then lying about the size and make up of QAnons. Now you are derailing the thread by talking about the Left. Start your own thread if you want to talk about that crap.
The left sure are adamant about making blanket statements about the right. In the not too distant past, they started saying thing like, if you support trump, then you are racist/misogynist/violent/fascist. They basically assign that to anyone who is a Christian conservative, or just conservatives in general.

Q is just the next thing they want to associate with everyone in the republican party. Now its, if you supported trump, then you are a crazy unhinged Q following conspiracy theorist.

Even mainstream news talk show guests are saying that racism, violence, and hate is the norm in the republican party.

It wasn't long ago, the left was trying to paint conservatism as a mental disorder. This whole focus on Q is just another facet of that effort. You can see several people in this very thread who are pushing all of this.

Now, can anyone here guess why the left would want to try and label every right winger as unhinged and crazy?
Are you referring to me or my OP or just doing a random rant against the “left”?
Kind of both. I know you said you are not making blanket statements, but, there have been a couple of threads posted about Q, and now Q is all over the news. Its just more than coincidence that it seems to be at the forefront of the news cycle and topics of conversation.

Its being held out there because the left wants to make everyone believe that "hey, this is the republican party". Its disingenuous because its not a real representation.

Its kind of like when there is a natural disaster, the news crews seem to always seek out the most outlandish people to interview, and that's what gets stuck on the news. The same is true for all of this Q stuff.
Q is on the forefront for two reasons. First because there is congress women who has supported crazy Q theories actively serving in our leadership and even her party leaders are calling her past comments nuts. Second is the riot at the capital. We finally hit a breaking point after 4 years of rampant disinformation from our President and we witnessed how far a faction of people will go to defend the lies.

Q is also a source of lies and misinformation along with much of what Trump has been spouting for the past few months. Enough is enough. Dems, Reps, much of the media and every day people have had enough of the lies and are calling it out. That’s why it’s in the forefront
Outside of the fact that the bad guys are still in charge, what is it that you can personally say via your own reading and research were they wrong about? There is no fucking way that you can claim with a straight face that pedo Joe inspired 80 million people to vote for him...a guy that couldn't lead a pack of starving wolves to fresh meat with the blood of a fresh kill dripping from his sleeves. Hell, we can go back to the time leftards were looking for a candidate out of a pathetic lot of losers and no one here was touting Plugs Biden.
I think Trump inspired 80 million to vote against him. Joe is old and boring but he is a familiar and likable dude that represents stability over chaos. I get why people loved the chaos that Trump created but not everybody is so angry at our government. Most people are focused on their lives and families and don’t pay much attention to politics and many of those people were tired of all the tension lies and drama.

I saw a bunch of things that Q was wrong about, most glaringly the prediction that JFK was coming back in 2020 to lead the transition after the cabal falls. Or that Don and Barón were traveling through time planting Q drops using the tech that Uncle Trump got from Tesla. There’s stuff out there that’s just crazy but I find the game and the campaign and operation they are running completely fascinating.
Sure he did and while inspiring 12 million more to vote for him than in 2016 and those are just the votes that they were not able to transfer to pedo Joe. God only knows how many mail-in ballots were tossed because repub poll watchers were intentionally kept away from inspecting them per the election laws. Pedo Joe had zero enthusiasm and couldn't draw flies to his infrequent appearances. I saw very few bumper stickers or yard signs in support. There are simply waaaaay to many anomalies and testimonies of those that witnessed blatant voter fraud including alleged "mail in" ballots that were never inserted in an envelope and ran through a sorting machine. A mail in ballot will be tri-folded and then it goes through a mail sorting machine at least twice AND due to the PATRIOT ACT, all letters are scanned and their images saved in a data base and the indicia is cancelled . Want to bet that the number of mail-in ballots in the data base doesn't come close to the number that were allegedly sent? I have been to at least 20 bulk mail centers in the U.S. I have been in the mailing business for 25 years and know of what I speak. Leftard attorneys fought tooth and nail to prevent any kind of audit of these ballots or having experts that could tell if a ballot was folded and how many times it was folded. You can buy into the bullshit if you so desire and makes you feel at ease. I will take that road less traveled if it's all the same to you.
I’ve heard the claims but none of that stuff was verified and thats after over 60 lawsuit attempts in independent courts spread across several states. They had months to make a case and they couldn’t do it. They would say one thing in front of the press and something totally different in court. The way it all ended at the capital was an embarrassment to our country. Enough is enough. Time to grow up

None of us were there counting ballots or overseeing the investigations so all I got to go on is logic and the results that our system produced. Our system produced a win for Biden. Our system didn’t find any of Trumps fraud claims credible when challenged in court. That’s how it is.
Q lost me at Huber. James Q Comey lost all credibility when he claimed that Huber filed 60,000 sealed indictments.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts? Do a Google search about whom owns disappointed me.
I’m not too worried about who owns Vice. The two who produced the doc did a fine job, it’s all about who they interviewed and the info they discussed. Dale, I’d think you’d be all over this Q thing. Have you dug in? Any theories about who started it and who currently operates it?

Do you really fucking believe that I don't know about the "Q" movement? Don't insult me like that and I can guarantee you one damn thing that even though "the patriots are not in charge" a lot of what people needed to know about how this corporate entity that we call a "gubermint" is a fucking parasitic joke that siphons the life's blood out of us. Things that Q exposed are things I and many others have been exposing for decades. Your sources and the ones that did that pos report would NEVER give someone like me equal time.

You just wait and see what your fate is going to be. COVID-19 and mandatory vaccines is just the start. Agenda 21/2030 is here. Mask wearing is about perfecting facial recognition software because it doesn't do diddly squat about stopping the spread. China (with the help of jug-eared mulatto commies like the Barrypuppet) put this on us and 5,000,000 Covid-19 tainted tests FROM the CHI-COMS and 90 percent of all these masks people wear are from the very same country/government that started this shitstorm to begin with.....but nothing to see here....move along, folks. Over 90 members of Congress has ties to commie front groups, China is running military drills in Canada, they have a presence in Mexico. Keep your head in the sand, buddy......keep on believing that pedo Joe isn't a China puppet that already has his golden parachute. You are a good guy, but you are incredibly ignorant.
We always knew you were a Q Cuck Clan cultist.

"We" as in you and your posse of sniveling commie fuckwads? That's gonna leave a mark. (snicker)
I never bought into Qanon but the information that they put out about how things really work and the puppetmasters pulling the strings was pretty much "dead on".
"We" as in you and your posse of sniveling commie fuckwads? That's gonna leave a mark. (snicker)
I never bought into Qanon but the information that they put out about how things really work and the puppetmasters pulling the strings was pretty much "dead on".
“We”, as in those readers who are reality based and who have observed your lunacy for a while now.
It’s obvious that you would be drawn to the Q garbage. You are their target audience.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

Blm are terrorists, nothing more. They are hiding behind Black Americans who are suffering from the policies of the democrat party.

You have one dingbat.....vs. all the dingbats on the side of the democrats, in particular the guy who thought Guam was going to tilt over because we were putting to many Marines on the Island....

You have one dingbat congresswoman from Georgia while BLM who burned, looted our cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....they were supported by the entire democrat party and it's leadership and kamala harris gave money to bail them out of jail......not even close....

Q'anon nuts don't compare to democrat party BLM brown shirt terrorists...

So sell your crap somewhere else...
Guy you came in here lying about things that I've said and then lying about the size and make up of QAnons. Now you are derailing the thread by talking about the Left. Start your own thread if you want to talk about that crap.
The left sure are adamant about making blanket statements about the right. In the not too distant past, they started saying thing like, if you support trump, then you are racist/misogynist/violent/fascist. They basically assign that to anyone who is a Christian conservative, or just conservatives in general.

Q is just the next thing they want to associate with everyone in the republican party. Now its, if you supported trump, then you are a crazy unhinged Q following conspiracy theorist.

Even mainstream news talk show guests are saying that racism, violence, and hate is the norm in the republican party.

It wasn't long ago, the left was trying to paint conservatism as a mental disorder. This whole focus on Q is just another facet of that effort. You can see several people in this very thread who are pushing all of this.

Now, can anyone here guess why the left would want to try and label every right winger as unhinged and crazy?
Are you referring to me or my OP or just doing a random rant against the “left”?
Kind of both. I know you said you are not making blanket statements, but, there have been a couple of threads posted about Q, and now Q is all over the news. Its just more than coincidence that it seems to be at the forefront of the news cycle and topics of conversation.

Its being held out there because the left wants to make everyone believe that "hey, this is the republican party". Its disingenuous because its not a real representation.

Its kind of like when there is a natural disaster, the news crews seem to always seek out the most outlandish people to interview, and that's what gets stuck on the news. The same is true for all of this Q stuff.
Q is on the forefront for two reasons. First because there is congress women who has supported crazy Q theories actively serving in our leadership and even her party leaders are calling her past comments nuts. Second is the riot at the capital. We finally hit a breaking point after 4 years of rampant disinformation from our President and we witnessed how far a faction of people will go to defend the lies.

Q is also a source of lies and misinformation along with much of what Trump has been spouting for the past few months. Enough is enough. Dems, Reps, much of the media and every day people have had enough of the lies and are calling it out. That’s why it’s in the forefront
I think that being in the forefront is damaging for sure, but do you not see what my post was about? Maybe I'm wrong, but, it seems the left would have a good reason to try and paint the majority of the right as crazy and mentally unstable. That reason being the current gun legislation working its way through the system.
The other thing was Q kept talking about the "Good Guys" still at work in out Intel Agencies. It's obvious that after Clinton Bush and Obama, ALL of the good people were pushed out and replaced by Globalist pedophiles who are hired to top ranks only AFTER they're filmed fucking little boys and girls at an Eyes Wide Shut initiation party.
I think that being in the forefront is damaging for sure, but do you not see what my post was about? Maybe I'm wrong, but, it seems the left would have a good reason to try and paint the majority of the right as crazy and mentally unstable. That reason being the current gun legislation working its way through the system.

And we know what that reason is..

The left sure are adamant about making blanket statements about the right. In the not too distant past, they started saying thing like, if you support trump, then you are racist/misogynist/violent/fascist. They basically assign that to anyone who is a Christian conservative, or just conservatives in general.

Q is just the next thing they want to associate with everyone in the republican party. Now its, if you supported trump, then you are a crazy unhinged Q following conspiracy theorist.

Even mainstream news talk show guests are saying that racism, violence, and hate is the norm in the republican party.

It wasn't long ago, the left was trying to paint conservatism as a mental disorder. This whole focus on Q is just another facet of that effort. You can see several people in this very thread who are pushing all of this.

Now, can anyone here guess why the left would want to try and label every right winger as unhinged and crazy?

Well, because everything coming out of the right wing at the moment is both unhinged and crazy. And racism is the norm in the Republican Party, and has been since the days of the Southern Strategy. What was Reagan's "Welfare Queen" rants, and his portrayal of "urban" crime and poverty as being the result of sloth and laziness, if not blatant, unadorned racism?

There's an old expression "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". That's today's Republican Party. For 40 years, Republicans have been the party of lies, disinformation, and white supremacy, masked as a "rural/urban" divide. Since Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans have demonized, vilified, and lied about the left.

40 years of lies, propaganda and disinformation has lead to a Republican electorate which lives in an alternate reality, and willing to follow Republicans down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, lies, and just plain insanity. The Republican Party hasn't stood for "truth, justice and the American way" for a long, long time. They have betrayed every conservative principle they claim to believe in: small government, balanced budgets, and a strong military.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Their economic policies lead to stagnant wages, increased poverty, and a widening gap between rich and poor.
It also doesn't add up to the House and Senate races being so close that their wins were so razor thin and Biden got 80 million to Trump's 74 or 75.
The numbers are not adding up.

To question the integrity of the election is sedition. The Reich is hunting down miscreants question the validity elections where Trump led by 11% until the observers left and then suddenly Xi's man leapfrogged to win.

In America per the census we have 291 million legal citizens. Of these, roughly half are eligible to vote. The election saw 155 million votes cast for president, and 136 cast for other offices. This means that virtually every registered voted in America cast a ballot. An unprecedented level never before seen in history. The 136 million cast that included congressional votes is pretty consistent with the overall votes cast in 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, etc. But we have an extra 19 million votes this time around.

What a happy coincidence for the Reich.

Now, to question the election is treason and the KGB will hunt you down.
The left sure are adamant about making blanket statements about the right. In the not too distant past, they started saying thing like, if you support trump, then you are racist/misogynist/violent/fascist. They basically assign that to anyone who is a Christian conservative, or just conservatives in general.

Q is just the next thing they want to associate with everyone in the republican party. Now its, if you supported trump, then you are a crazy unhinged Q following conspiracy theorist.

Even mainstream news talk show guests are saying that racism, violence, and hate is the norm in the republican party.

It wasn't long ago, the left was trying to paint conservatism as a mental disorder. This whole focus on Q is just another facet of that effort. You can see several people in this very thread who are pushing all of this.

Now, can anyone here guess why the left would want to try and label every right winger as unhinged and crazy?

Well, because everything coming out of the right wing at the moment is both unhinged and crazy. And racism is the norm in the Republican Party, and has been since the days of the Southern Strategy. What was Reagan's "Welfare Queen" rants, and his portrayal of "urban" crime and poverty as being the result of sloth and laziness, if not blatant, unadorned racism?

There's an old expression "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". That's today's Republican Party. For 40 years, Republicans have been the party of lies, disinformation, and white supremacy, masked as a "rural/urban" divide. Since Ronald Reagan was elected, Republicans have demonized, vilified, and lied about the left.

40 years of lies, propaganda and disinformation has lead to a Republican electorate which lives in an alternate reality, and willing to follow Republicans down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, lies, and just plain insanity. The Republican Party hasn't stood for "truth, justice and the American way" for a long, long time. They have betrayed every conservative principle they claim to believe in: small government, balanced budgets, and a strong military.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Their economic policies lead to stagnant wages, increased poverty, and a widening gap between rich and poor.

Seig Heil Indeed!

“We”, as in those readers who are reality based and who have observed your lunacy for a while now.
It’s obvious that you would be drawn to the Q garbage. You are their target audience.

Isn't it cute to have a Nazi cultist talk about "reality based?"

How many genders are there, moron?
Isn't it cute to have a Nazi cultist talk about "reality based?"

How many genders are there, moron?
Q is not by any stretch based in reality.

The idea of gender is an identity. It’s based in the brain. Not the physical body. That is reality. You’ve simply chosen the simplest expression of physical form to define it. There are no predetermined behaviors or physical traits that make one person more male or female than another. It’s defined solely in one’s mind.
A self described alpha male is in fact no more male than any other. It’s a self chosen identity.
Q is not by any stretch based in reality.

We know who Q is.

The idea of gender is an identity. It’s based in the brain. Not the physical body. That is reality. You’ve simply chosen the simplest expression of physical form to define it. There are no predetermined behaviors or physical traits that make one person more male or female than another. It’s defined solely in one’s mind.
A self described alpha male is in fact no more male than any other. It’s a self chosen identity.


Yeah, you are based in "reality."

I rest my case, Nazi.
“We”, as in those readers who are reality based and who have observed your lunacy for a while now.
It’s obvious that you would be drawn to the Q garbage. You are their target audience.

Isn't it cute to have a Nazi cultist talk about "reality based?"

How many genders are there, moron?

Proving your idiocy yet again. Fully 1/3 of the Republican Party are people like Dale Smith, who are completely unable to discern reality from fantasy. Sane people are fleeing the GOP.

This is like a left wing fantasy, playing out before our very eyes.
So we have MAGArats claiming that QAnon is nothing more than a fringe element. And then they spout QAnon garbage.

We're told that the numbers "don't add up" but when asked FOR those numbers we get vague dodges.

Meanwhile in Congress Liz Cheney almost loses here position as #3 in the GOP and only keeps it because a SECRET vote is taken to protect those that vote in her favor (which was most of those frightened legislators)

Then they take a PUBLIC vote on stripping the Q Rep Greene and Greene wins with overwhelming support.

Q owns the GOP
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

Blm are terrorists, nothing more. They are hiding behind Black Americans who are suffering from the policies of the democrat party.

You have one dingbat.....vs. all the dingbats on the side of the democrats, in particular the guy who thought Guam was going to tilt over because we were putting to many Marines on the Island....

You have one dingbat congresswoman from Georgia while BLM who burned, looted our cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....they were supported by the entire democrat party and it's leadership and kamala harris gave money to bail them out of jail......not even close....

Q'anon nuts don't compare to democrat party BLM brown shirt terrorists...

So sell your crap somewhere else...
Guy you came in here lying about things that I've said and then lying about the size and make up of QAnons. Now you are derailing the thread by talking about the Left. Start your own thread if you want to talk about that crap.
The left sure are adamant about making blanket statements about the right. In the not too distant past, they started saying thing like, if you support trump, then you are racist/misogynist/violent/fascist. They basically assign that to anyone who is a Christian conservative, or just conservatives in general.

Q is just the next thing they want to associate with everyone in the republican party. Now its, if you supported trump, then you are a crazy unhinged Q following conspiracy theorist.

Even mainstream news talk show guests are saying that racism, violence, and hate is the norm in the republican party.

It wasn't long ago, the left was trying to paint conservatism as a mental disorder. This whole focus on Q is just another facet of that effort. You can see several people in this very thread who are pushing all of this.

Now, can anyone here guess why the left would want to try and label every right winger as unhinged and crazy?
Are you referring to me or my OP or just doing a random rant against the “left”?
Kind of both. I know you said you are not making blanket statements, but, there have been a couple of threads posted about Q, and now Q is all over the news. Its just more than coincidence that it seems to be at the forefront of the news cycle and topics of conversation.

Its being held out there because the left wants to make everyone believe that "hey, this is the republican party". Its disingenuous because its not a real representation.

Its kind of like when there is a natural disaster, the news crews seem to always seek out the most outlandish people to interview, and that's what gets stuck on the news. The same is true for all of this Q stuff.
Q is on the forefront for two reasons. First because there is congress women who has supported crazy Q theories actively serving in our leadership and even her party leaders are calling her past comments nuts. Second is the riot at the capital. We finally hit a breaking point after 4 years of rampant disinformation from our President and we witnessed how far a faction of people will go to defend the lies.

Q is also a source of lies and misinformation along with much of what Trump has been spouting for the past few months. Enough is enough. Dems, Reps, much of the media and every day people have had enough of the lies and are calling it out. That’s why it’s in the forefront
I think that being in the forefront is damaging for sure, but do you not see what my post was about? Maybe I'm wrong, but, it seems the left would have a good reason to try and paint the majority of the right as crazy and mentally unstable. That reason being the current gun legislation working its way through the system.
I agree with your observation. The Left is absolutely politicizing it and trying to paint all republicans with the actions of a fringe. It’s the same as what the right does when they try and paint all liberals as socialists under the control of AOC
The other thing was Q kept talking about the "Good Guys" still at work in out Intel Agencies. It's obvious that after Clinton Bush and Obama, ALL of the good people were pushed out and replaced by Globalist pedophiles who are hired to top ranks only AFTER they're filmed fucking little boys and girls at an Eyes Wide Shut initiation party.
Listen to yourself man... wow

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