QAnon: The search for Q

Some of these freaks pretend there is no Q because they know how batshit crazy it sounds

Others like Dale are so proud of their "research" that they are beyond that embarrasment.

But claiming this is a fringe Trump thing is wrong. This garbage is WHAT the Republican Party has become
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....
2 Guy was claiming that Q was comprised of 7 or 8 people. Others on this thread are insisting that only the Left is talking about Q and that its the Lefts creation. Neither of those statements are true and I was evidencing that by what's happening in congress right now.
Hey, buddy, since you claim to know so fucking much about "Q"? Give us a rundown of what YOU have found using something more than a documentary on How did you separate the wheat from the chaff and using that as source information. OR did you take the lazy way out and simply base your opinion on a documentary funded by globalists like Soros and Murdoch in a lame attempt to discredit an awakening???? "Consider the source" has meaning.

Bad moon on the risin'. Everything I have been preaching about for years is happening.....a tsunami that doesn't bode well for us common folk.
Some of these freaks pretend there is no Q because they know how batshit crazy it sounds

Others like Dale are so proud of their "research" that they are beyond that embarrasment.

But claiming this is a fringe Trump thing is wrong. This garbage is WHAT the Republican Party has become
And remember, there are also groups like the Boogaloo Bois and Oath Keepers, two other right wing fringe groups who also want to take down the government and install Trump.

But I'm happy to lump them all into Q.
Everything I have been preaching about for years is happening..
Yea..."the crazy" has been building in te GOP for decades. It began with Palin...well actually it began on 9/11

Yea...that's where Infowars comes from
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

Blm are terrorists, nothing more. They are hiding behind Black Americans who are suffering from the policies of the democrat party.

You have one dingbat.....vs. all the dingbats on the side of the democrats, in particular the guy who thought Guam was going to tilt over because we were putting to many Marines on the Island....

You have one dingbat congresswoman from Georgia while BLM who burned, looted our cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....they were supported by the entire democrat party and it's leadership and kamala harris gave money to bail them out of jail......not even close....

Q'anon nuts don't compare to democrat party BLM brown shirt terrorists...

So sell your crap somewhere else...
Some of these freaks pretend there is no Q because they know how batshit crazy it sounds

Others like Dale are so proud of their "research" that they are beyond that embarrasment.

But claiming this is a fringe Trump thing is wrong. This garbage is WHAT the Republican Party has become
And remember, there are also groups like the Boogaloo Bois and Oath Keepers, two other right wing fringe groups who also want to take down the government and install Trump.

But I'm happy to lump them all into Q.
Maxine says "Those commie front groups like La Raza, BLM and ANTIFA are just fightin' suppression and deserve our support and if you don't you are just racist due you here me due you????"

Maxine, ya stupid sack of shit, clean the leftist shit out of your ears, turn around, face the blackboard and STFU lest I slap the shit out of you as I explain some home truths. The majority of people simply want to be left the fuck alone...they don't need more "gubermint", more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies". Could you survive even a week if the electricity went out? Do you even know how to open a can of food without any sharp object? Light a fire without a match? I would bet that you are the typical pussified male because you are not a "man"..

I will spare you a thought when the SHTF.....the thought of your empty belly as you sit on the curb waiting on "guberment" to help you will make me chuckle.....

This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....
2 Guy was claiming that Q was comprised of 7 or 8 people. Others on this thread are insisting that only the Left is talking about Q and that its the Lefts creation. Neither of those statements are true and I was evidencing that by what's happening in congress right now.
Hey, buddy, since you claim to know so fucking much about "Q"? Give us a rundown of what YOU have found using something more than a documentary on How did you separate the wheat from the chaff and using that as source information. OR did you take the lazy way out and simply base your opinion on a documentary funded by globalists like Soros and Murdoch in a lame attempt to discredit an awakening???? "Consider the source" has meaning.

Bad moon on the risin'. Everything I have been preaching about for years is happening.....a tsunami that doesn't bode well for us common folk.
I've absolutely been lazy in my collection of info about Q. I didn't know anything about it. Watched a documentary about it which peaked my interest and then started this thread to discuss and thats the extent of my knowledge. I don't really have opinions about it one way or the other just questions. I was just looking for an open dialogue about it. More specifically looking for what others thought was legit and bogus about the doc that I had watched. I imagine if you watched it you would tear it apart. I was hoping to get some critics to rip into it as part of this discussion. Not the source but the content.
Some of these freaks pretend there is no Q because they know how batshit crazy it sounds

Others like Dale are so proud of their "research" that they are beyond that embarrasment.

But claiming this is a fringe Trump thing is wrong. This garbage is WHAT the Republican Party has become
And remember, there are also groups like the Boogaloo Bois and Oath Keepers, two other right wing fringe groups who also want to take down the government and install Trump.

But I'm happy to lump them all into Q.
Maxine says "Those commie front groups like La Raza, BLM and ANTIFA are just fightin' suppression and deserve our support and if you don't you are just racist due you here me due you????"

Maxine, ya stupid sack of shit, clean the leftist shit out of your ears, turn around, face the blackboard and STFU lest I slap the shit out of you as I explain some home truths. The majority of people simply want to be left the fuck alone...they don't need more "gubermint", more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies". Could you survive even a week if the electricity went out? Do you even know how to open a can of food without any sharp object? Light a fire without a match? I would bet that you are the typical pussified male because you are not a "man"..

I will spare you a thought when the SHTF.....the thought of your empty belly as you sit on the curb waiting on "guberment" to help you will make me chuckle.....

Hi Q!

This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....
2 Guy was claiming that Q was comprised of 7 or 8 people. Others on this thread are insisting that only the Left is talking about Q and that its the Lefts creation. Neither of those statements are true and I was evidencing that by what's happening in congress right now.
Hey, buddy, since you claim to know so fucking much about "Q"? Give us a rundown of what YOU have found using something more than a documentary on How did you separate the wheat from the chaff and using that as source information. OR did you take the lazy way out and simply base your opinion on a documentary funded by globalists like Soros and Murdoch in a lame attempt to discredit an awakening???? "Consider the source" has meaning.

Bad moon on the risin'. Everything I have been preaching about for years is happening.....a tsunami that doesn't bode well for us common folk.
I've absolutely been lazy in my collection of info about Q. I didn't know anything about it. Watched a documentary about it which peaked my interest and then started this thread to discuss and thats the extent of my knowledge. I don't really have opinions about it one way or the other just questions. I was just looking for an open dialogue about it. More specifically looking for what others thought was legit and bogus about the doc that I had watched. I imagine if you watched it you would tear it apart. I was hoping to get some critics to rip into it as part of this discussion. Not the source but the content.
If Dale or his Q buddies were to do any of that, they know they would end up looking like fools.

On some level they KNOW how batshit this garbage is.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

Blm are terrorists, nothing more. They are hiding behind Black Americans who are suffering from the policies of the democrat party.

You have one dingbat.....vs. all the dingbats on the side of the democrats, in particular the guy who thought Guam was going to tilt over because we were putting to many Marines on the Island....

You have one dingbat congresswoman from Georgia while BLM who burned, looted our cities for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans....they were supported by the entire democrat party and it's leadership and kamala harris gave money to bail them out of jail......not even close....

Q'anon nuts don't compare to democrat party BLM brown shirt terrorists...

So sell your crap somewhere else...
Guy you came in here lying about things that I've said and then lying about the size and make up of QAnons. Now you are derailing the thread by talking about the Left. Start your own thread if you want to talk about that crap.
WHY is this thread not is "conspiracy theories?" :dunno:
Because it’s about an actual documentary not about conspiracy theories

It is a "docudrama" promoting a conspiracy theory.

View attachment 452114
You don't know what it is because you haven't seen it. Haha, what an idiot
Okay Slade...I watched the 3 videos....this is just wild speculation by an over zealous fringe wing...just like the pizza parlor child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....

We are talking very small numbers here compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of speculative accusatory crap don't fall for it...

The majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....just as the majority of Trump voters walked away from the capitol last month as the trouble myself and my friends did...we went back to the hotel and got drunk and ate steak....

Do you sign onto every hard core leftists belief?....
I wouldn't think don't pigeon hole all of us.....

My game sucked was freaking cold....
Sorry about your game, cold hands are the worst. I agree that there is a ton of speculation in the documentary but the interviews were fascinating. I was interested because it’s kind of like a puzzle that revealed many clues and elements to figure out and link together. I loved the LARP theory about its origin. I look at it as intriguing not as a documentation of fact. I also don’t intend on painting every Republican or Trump supporter as a Q follower. I agree it’s only a small fringe. When they claim that 10% of the population which amounts to 30 million people as being followers I think that’s a totally misleading claim. I assume they are counting people who believe there was election fraud as followers when I’m sure the majority of them have never even heard of Q. But I do find it rather fascinating to see how this thing started and how it grew and how elements of the crazy theories that they push gets leaked into the main stream. Especially when you see players like general Flynn involved. What are your thoughts about that?
If I ever see this becoming a staple of Trump voters you will be the first to know...

Whether they identify as followers of QAnon, they believe the same ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Who believes the Russia! Russia! Russia! conspiracy theory?

Answer: Every Dim winger in this forum.
What part of the Russia issue is a conspiracy theory?

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