QAnon: The search for Q

This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc
You're not going to get an honest, truthful response from anyone on the right.

They know what Qanon is, they're just too dishonest and embarrassed to admit it, although they approve of how it disrupts political discourse and undermines the political process.
QAnon is a fringe group. It's a Democrat Reich conspiricy theory. It has no connection with the GOP. None.
This is a lie.
Dale Smith spill the beans man... who is Q? Who were his top operatives in the White House?
You have my phone # and it just so happens that I am free at the moment. I am not in the mood to write several pages worth of material and frankly, not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched. I will make an exception for you.

Hell, I will throw out my # for anyone on this thread that wants to talk about what I know.....972-786-2326. Hide your # if you want.. I don't have a damn thing to hide, totally transparent here.
Haha, that's why I love you man, tossing your number out on a public forum. You got balls!!!

I'm not in a good place to have that convo now but I appreciate the offer. Can we get a name drop though? Short version?
Slade, you have to give something to get something. I work hard to attain the info that I have....huge sacrifices are made at a personal level. Everything is not even close to what it seems. This "Q" larp continues even now, a "psy-op" as it were. How do you discredit an awakening of a fiat/debt based monetary system? You mix lies and truths. A Cointelpro like operation that totally discredits the facts/truths. You are not gonna "dig" the ending of this saga.....etch that in stone. Agenda 21.....
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....
I bitch slap you and you don't like it.....I "get it". Exposing you for the angry, clueless commie fuck that you are isn't all that tough. Just pay proper homage to me and show the proper respect that someone (such as myself) is due, I MIGHT cut you some slack....MIGHT.

Get it through that sloped-skulled, Neanderthal skull of yours and commit it to memory, Lush. I am your "better" by a country mile. I have a platform that you could only dream of. I am a mover and a shaker and work tirelessly to awaken the masses and damn good at it. I am the worst nightmare for little commie fucks like you. The best part is that limp-wristed pussies such as yourself prefer to stay in the shadows. had time to write that bombastic word salad but no time to explain the Q thing?

I guess we need to view this "platform" you claim to have.

Newsflash...any asshole can post a youtube thing and if it's nutty enough other assholes will view it.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....

There are no “commie front groups” Dale. Communism died in 1989. Nobody believes this shit but idiots and fools like you.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

They know NOTHING about Q. And yet they regurgitate his conspiracy theories and failed predictions - ENDLESSLY.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Seems like Q and MAGA are on the same page?

The attacks on state capitol the prior weeks to Jan 6th, were a dry run.
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Dale Smith spill the beans man... who is Q? Who were his top operatives in the White House?
You have my phone # and it just so happens that I am free at the moment. I am not in the mood to write several pages worth of material and frankly, not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched. I will make an exception for you.

Hell, I will throw out my # for anyone on this thread that wants to talk about what I know.....972-786-2326. Hide your # if you want.. I don't have a damn thing to hide, totally transparent here.
Haha, that's why I love you man, tossing your number out on a public forum. You got balls!!!

I'm not in a good place to have that convo now but I appreciate the offer. Can we get a name drop though? Short version?
Slade, you have to give something to get something. I work hard to attain the info that I have....huge sacrifices are made at a personal level. Everything is not even close to what it seems. This "Q" larp continues even now, a "psy-op" as it were. How do you discredit an awakening of a fiat/debt based monetary system? You mix lies and truths. A Cointelpro like operation that totally discredits the facts/truths. You are not gonna "dig" the ending of this saga.....etch that in stone. Agenda 21.....
Dale, I think you know me well enough to understand that I take everything that I don't experience first hand with a huge grain of salt. I discuss current events and politics from a superficial level because I don't vest very much time researching sources that I honestly have no way of trusting. I mean no disrespect in your approach that takes deep dives into most every topic, I actually respect and enjoy that about you very much. All of politics is a LARP in my eyes. Those in power are playing games, the media are playing games, authors are playing games, and its all about making money, gaining power, and presenting a brand to the public. My point is that I don't take this stuff too seriously, it is entertainment and fascinating exploration into human psychology and sociology which I enjoy observing through these types of discussions and through debate.

Like Vice or not that doc presented some cool nuggets to chew on. The idea of Q being created as a LARP based on the Cicada 3301 game. The growth and involvement of various Anons which moved up to White House insiders like General Flynn. I'd like to see if it spills over to Bannon and Miller, any thoughts about that?
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
Yes people who follow Q. I’m curious what they think of a documentary that’s about them. What’s funny?
None of them will admit to ever having knowledge despite their ubiquity at Trump events. They would have to answer for the abject idiocy of their brethren. They aren’t going to do that.
Hutch what is it?....
Hutch what is it?....

I’m not playing your game, dope.
You’ve no doubt seen every Trump rally and it’s attendees.
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
I've been to Trump rallies and still never had Qanon explained to me....I just thought you would like to try....since you seem to know....
Then follow the op’s advice and watch the doc.
Okay I did...this is just wild speculation by an over zealous wing fringe...just like the pizza child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....we are talking very small numbers compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will Hutch.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of crap don't fall for it...the majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....
There is absolutely no comparison between Qanon and BLM.

Black Lives Matter protests are based on events that are real. Black people who were really killed by police. Violence and brutality against minorities that is costing cities billions of dollars in over policing settlements.

Q anon is based on Democrats being paedophiles and lizard people and drinking the blood of dead babies. That seemingly normal people believe this insanity and actually act on it means that it’s a danger to society in general. When you’re elected officials and leaders start acting as if this shit is real then you have a serious problem

"Frazzledrip" and "Adrenochrome" Who knew? :laughing0301:


Dale Smith spill the beans man... who is Q? Who were his top operatives in the White House?
You have my phone # and it just so happens that I am free at the moment. I am not in the mood to write several pages worth of material and frankly, not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched. I will make an exception for you.

Hell, I will throw out my # for anyone on this thread that wants to talk about what I know.....972-786-2326. Hide your # if you want.. I don't have a damn thing to hide, totally transparent here.
Haha, that's why I love you man, tossing your number out on a public forum. You got balls!!!

I'm not in a good place to have that convo now but I appreciate the offer. Can we get a name drop though? Short version?
Slade, you have to give something to get something. I work hard to attain the info that I have....huge sacrifices are made at a personal level. Everything is not even close to what it seems. This "Q" larp continues even now, a "psy-op" as it were. How do you discredit an awakening of a fiat/debt based monetary system? You mix lies and truths. A Cointelpro like operation that totally discredits the facts/truths. You are not gonna "dig" the ending of this saga.....etch that in stone. Agenda 21.....
The hurts....

This is Trumpism folks
I bitch slap you and you don't like it.....I "get it". Exposing you for the angry, clueless commie fuck that you are isn't all that tough. Just pay proper homage to me and show the proper respect that someone (such as myself) is due, I MIGHT cut you some slack....MIGHT.

Get it through that sloped-skulled, Neanderthal skull of yours and commit it to memory, Lush. I am your "better" by a country mile. I have a platform that you could only dream of. I am a mover and a shaker and work tirelessly to awaken the masses and damn good at it. I am the worst nightmare for little commie fucks like you. The best part is that limp-wristed pussies such as yourself prefer to stay in the shadows. had time to write that bombastic word salad but no time to explain the Q thing?

I guess we need to view this "platform" you claim to have.

Newsflash...any asshole can post a youtube thing and if it's nutty enough other assholes will view it.
Wrong as usual, are not worthy of nothing but derision and btw who is "we", Lush????? You and your leftard cohorts? When did they make YOU their spokes-tard?

This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....

There are no “commie front groups” Dale. Communism died in 1989. Nobody believes this shit but idiots and fools like you.
Bernie believes it, and he has his hand up Veggie Joe’s ass moving his lips.
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This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....
2 Guy was claiming that Q was comprised of 7 or 8 people. Others on this thread are insisting that only the Left is talking about Q and that its the Lefts creation. Neither of those statements are true and I was evidencing that by what's happening in congress right now.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....

There are no “commie front groups” Dale. Communism died in 1989. Nobody believes this shit but idiots and fools like you.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...
If you had read the thread you see several times where I state that I don't associate all Trump supporters Republicans or conservatives as Q followers. I recognize it is a fringe group. I saw an interesting documentary about it where they explored the origins and interviewed some of their most outspoken Anons. I started the thread to discuss that. Elements/ideas from the doc that others agree with, disagree with or want to discuss.

The lie here is what you are saying about me.

The only reason this fringe group is even on the radar is to smear Trump supporters.....and you are helping in that effort.
Thats not true. There is a debate going on in Congress right now about a Q following congress woman. Her comments have been denounced by the Senate majority leader and the Senate number 2. Thats not the Left bringing up a fringe of 7 or 8 people. You are not being honest. either that or you are grossly misinformed. Look it up.

So what if she believes in "Qanon"? We have over 80 congress people with ties to commie front groups. I would say that unless one is a commie fuck? That figure should alarm you by a factor of a thousand over someone that hopes tom expose the filth in D.C that profits from child, weapons and drug profiting....

There are no “commie front groups” Dale. Communism died in 1989. Nobody believes this shit but idiots and fools like you.
Great job of exposing your stupidity, you disgusting klunt.

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