QAnon: The search for Q

You think you know me... you don’t. Just like you think you know about this situation. You don’t. You speak from a position of ignorance

This is a message board. You are what you post.

You post as a far left of center partisan who is hostile to individualism and individual liberty. You post in favor of collectivist authoritarianism with strict control of the means of production by the state.

I watched about 10 minutes of your show - which comes off as another supermarket tabloid, History channel type conspiracy shows. Oak Island, Ancient Astronauts, In Search of Bigfoot, that sort of shit.

I have no tolerance for that level of idiocy. The fact that History plays little other than these kind of shit shows means that a lot of people do enjoy them, I just personally find the moronic.
10 minutes huh?! So you almost made it through the introduction of the production team... Haha, nice

Again, this crap is old and stale.
Whats old and stale?
Psychics make better predictions than Q does.

And psychics are fakes.

Wake up, tards. Wake up.
You have to be a special kind of retard to make a series of false/fake predictions which don't come true.


Remember that shit from Q?

You have to be an even bigger special kind of retard to follow and bleev in someone who makes false/fake predictions.
I remember leftards claiming that G.W Bush was going to be arrested and tried for war crimes (and he should have) but it never happened, g-string.......all the Clintons would be drawn and quartered along with the Bush crime family if there was real justice. You are irrelevant and your posts are pathetic which equals no respect from me, your "better".
Got child porn on your computer? I wonder....
You need to be real careful there asshole
Lush, you stupid sack of shit, I know ALLL about the deal that Epstein got when charged under the Bushpuppet regime and the asshole that was strong-armed into complying because Epstein was a deep state/ CIA asset. Crooks and perverts, the entire lot of them and I spit on them as well.
Get the whole story, asswipe. You are my board bitch, ya trolling asswipe.
Isn't it amazing how the Q freaks can justify anything with pretzel logic and whataboutism?

So how was it that this creep who got Epsten that sweetheart deal "that you were well aware of" ended up in Trump's Cabinet?
Dale Smith spill the beans man... who is Q? Who were his top operatives in the White House?
You have my phone # and it just so happens that I am free at the moment. I am not in the mood to write several pages worth of material and frankly, not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched. I will make an exception for you.

Hell, I will throw out my # for anyone on this thread that wants to talk about what I know.....972-786-2326. Hide your # if you want.. I don't have a damn thing to hide, totally transparent here.
Got child porn on your computer? I wonder....
You need to be real careful there asshole
Lush, you stupid sack of shit, I know ALLL about the deal that Epstein got when charged under the Bushpuppet regime and the asshole that was strong-armed into complying because Epstein was a deep state/ CIA asset. Crooks and perverts, the entire lot of them and I spit on them as well.
Get the whole story, asswipe. You are my board bitch, ya trolling asswipe.
Isn't it amazing how the Q freaks can justify anything with pretzel logic and whataboutism?

So how was it that this creep who got Epsten that sweetheart deal "that you were well aware of" ended up in Trump's Cabinet?
" You need to be real careful there asshole"

What is a "there asshole"? Is that some queer term, punkinpusss? Save the queer talk for the bath-houses you no doubt "frequent".

WoW :omg: Just finished episode one. Downright RIVETING. Thanks!
How did that "Trump will never make it through his first term" work out for you? The Herr Mueller Report bullshit work out? You are just not that smart....but I have never come across a leftist/commie fuck that knew his ass from a hole in the ground.
not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched
Oh I'm sure "norm" is dying to see what you "researched". Include the lizard people stull so we get the full picture
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You have to be a special kind of retard to make a series of false/fake predictions which don't come true.


Remember that shit from Q?

You have to be an even bigger special kind of retard to follow and bleev in someone who makes false/fake predictions.
I remember leftards claiming that G.W Bush was going to be arrested and tried for war crimes (and he should have) but it never happened, g-string.......all the Clintons would be drawn and quartered along with the Bush crime family if there was real justice. You are irrelevant and your posts are pathetic which equals no respect from me, your "better".
I scoffed just as hard at the leftists who claimed Bush was going to be arrested as I am scoffing at you right now.
Let's see.

Hillary was going to be arrested in October 2017. Nope.

Several fake predictions later, Donald Trump was not going to be leaving the White House on January 20th.


When I challenged all the tards to a $500 bet that Biden would be sworn in, none of them took me up on it, which just goes to show you that even the tards don't really bleev their own bullshit.

But they keep falling for hoaxes over and over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum.

Which "tards" are these, Herr Himmler?
Well, Q did get the whole Epstein thing pretty spot on.

democrats will never forgive them for that.
Ummmm yea except for that unfortunate Cabinet appointment that has yet to be explained

Newsflash. Epstein was a sick fuck and he had some sick friends. But there was no blood drinking/murder/canabalism going on.

Epstein had nothing to do with the "blood libel" garbage that Q was spewing
You think you know me... you don’t. Just like you think you know about this situation. You don’t. You speak from a position of ignorance

This is a message board. You are what you post.

You post as a far left of center partisan who is hostile to individualism and individual liberty. You post in favor of collectivist authoritarianism with strict control of the means of production by the state.

I watched about 10 minutes of your show - which comes off as another supermarket tabloid, History channel type conspiracy shows. Oak Island, Ancient Astronauts, In Search of Bigfoot, that sort of shit.

I have no tolerance for that level of idiocy. The fact that History plays little other than these kind of shit shows means that a lot of people do enjoy them, I just personally find the moronic.
10 minutes huh?! So you almost made it through the introduction of the production team... Haha, nice

Again, this crap is old and stale.
Whats old and stale?

The whole video tabloid conspiracy bullshit.

Dale Smith spill the beans man... who is Q? Who were his top operatives in the White House?
You have my phone # and it just so happens that I am free at the moment. I am not in the mood to write several pages worth of material and frankly, not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched. I will make an exception for you.

Hell, I will throw out my # for anyone on this thread that wants to talk about what I know.....972-786-2326. Hide your # if you want.. I don't have a damn thing to hide, totally transparent here.
Haha, that's why I love you man, tossing your number out on a public forum. You got balls!!!

I'm not in a good place to have that convo now but I appreciate the offer. Can we get a name drop though? Short version?
not many here are worth the effort norm should they benefit from what I have researched
Oh I'm sure "norm" is dying to see what you "researced". Include the lizard people stull so we get the full picture
I bitch slap you and you don't like it.....I "get it". Exposing you for the angry, clueless commie fuck that you are isn't all that tough. Just pay proper homage to me and show the proper respect that someone (such as myself) is due, I MIGHT cut you some slack....MIGHT.

Get it through that sloped-skulled, Neanderthal skull of yours and commit it to memory, Lush. I am your "better" by a country mile. I have a platform that you could only dream of. I am a mover and a shaker and work tirelessly to awaken the masses and damn good at it. I am the worst nightmare for little commie fucks like you. The best part is that limp-wristed pussies such as yourself prefer to stay in the shadows.

This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

The funny thing is......? You guys are the only ones focused on this tiny group..........

You want to make these 7 or 8 people representative of Trump supporters when 99.999999% of Trump supporters, let alone everyone else, doesn't have a clue who these people are.........and of those 99.9999999% of Trump supporters who know about them.......99.99999999% learned about them from people like you accusing Trump supporters of being part of this tiny group.

You guys are trying to make up a big have engaged the democrat party controlled media to do it....

Anyone else reading this...realize that this group is tiny and doesn't represent Trump, conservatives, libertarians, or anyone fact, again, Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians have no idea who these people are...

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