QAnon: The search for Q

Yea...let's pretend no one saw Trump retweeting Q tweets.

Let's pretend all the Q signs at Trump ralleys and at that Capitol Insurrection (mixed with Trmp flags)
I haven't noticed any Q signs at Trump rallies. However, I have noticed plenty of BLM signs at Bernie rallies. Of course, Biden didn't have anyone at his rallies.
It’s really interesting and ties into a lot of the things we are seeing in our politics. It’s an easy watch. I’d be very curious about what somebody like you thinks about it

That's the great thing about a straw man, it is the villain you need it to be since it is your own creation.
It’s not a straw man it’s an actual person or network of people spreading information. You can call it fake and evil. You can call it informative and eye opening. I’m just having a discussion about it. Why are you already so angry and accusatory? Have you seen the doc I’m talking about?
By the way, there are other crazed, radicalized, right wing, America-hating, Trump-loving groups out there who played a role in the terrorist attack:

There was no terrorist attack, unless you're counting the Antifa and BLM members hiding in the crowd.
WHY is this thread not is "conspiracy theories?" :dunno:
Because it’s about an actual documentary not about conspiracy theories

It is a "docudrama" promoting a conspiracy theory.

View attachment 452114
You don't know what it is because you haven't seen it. Haha, what an idiot
Okay Slade...I watched the 3 videos....this is just wild speculation by an over zealous fringe wing...just like the pizza parlor child molesting crap that CNN promoted as a republican belief when it was from a few misguided folks only....

We are talking very small numbers here compare them to BLM and ANTIFA for me led and promoted by our nations media if you will.....the dems campaign for donations on this kind of speculative accusatory crap don't fall for it...

The majority of Trump supporters do not sign onto this stuff....just as the majority of Trump voters walked away from the capitol last month as the trouble myself and my friends did...we went back to the hotel and got drunk and ate steak....

Do you sign onto every hard core leftists belief?....
I wouldn't think don't pigeon hole all of us.....

My game sucked was freaking cold....
Sorry about your game, cold hands are the worst. I agree that there is a ton of speculation in the documentary but the interviews were fascinating. I was interested because it’s kind of like a puzzle that revealed many clues and elements to figure out and link together. I loved the LARP theory about its origin. I look at it as intriguing not as a documentation of fact. I also don’t intend on painting every Republican or Trump supporter as a Q follower. I agree it’s only a small fringe. When they claim that 10% of the population which amounts to 30 million people as being followers I think that’s a totally misleading claim. I assume they are counting people who believe there was election fraud as followers when I’m sure the majority of them have never even heard of Q. But I do find it rather fascinating to see how this thing started and how it grew and how elements of the crazy theories that they push gets leaked into the main stream. Especially when you see players like general Flynn involved. What are your thoughts about that?
If I ever see this becoming a staple of Trump voters you will be the first to know...

Whether they identify as followers of QAnon, they believe the same ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Who believes the Russia! Russia! Russia! conspiracy theory?

Answer: Every Dim winger in this forum.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc
No one is interested in playing your game, NAZI. QAnon is a leftwing conspiracy theory. Members of the GOP laugh at it.
If you’re not interested then why are you here jackass?! Don’t join the thread if you don’t know anything about the subject.
You axed
I asked for thoughts about a documentary
You mean a piece of Democrat Reich propaganda.
If that’s so then why do you ignore all the points I make to the contrary. You don’t know what ur taking about
You don't make any points to the contrary.
Of course I do. I brought up Flynn a few times you dodge and pivot
You have nothing to do with Paine, or common sense. You are a Maoist, a totalitarian leftist dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of all liberty.

The FACT that democrats scapegoat whites cannot be disputed. Yes, you can and do lie, but the reality is democrats use a level of vitriolic demagoguery against whites not seen since the rants by Hilter against Jews.

We've seen this movie before, we know the ending, we know what you plan.
First, genius, use Democrats with a capital “D” if you want to trash them.

Second, you know nothing about me whatsoever, as is obvious by your calling me a Maoist and “totalitarian leftist.” I guess you call most Democrats (big “D”) those things and you’re stuttering & at a loss for words.

Third, you know nothing about the original Thomas Paine if you think he would support your views.

I added a P.S. to my last comment which you obviously missed:


I’m a blue collar white working man, retired, a radical democrat (small “d”) and unionist most of my life. I was jailed for fighting the “Establishment,” and its wars. No Hegelian dialectic for me. The FBI had me on their COINTELPRO list and I was getting arrested ... before you opened your first book by Murray Rothbard.

Your potty mouthed insults just make you look small.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc
You're not going to get an honest, truthful response from anyone on the right.

They know what Qanon is, they're just too dishonest and embarrassed to admit it, although they approve of how it disrupts political discourse and undermines the political process.
Slade is the one who won't give a truthfull response. If it wasn't for lies, how would leftwingers justify anything they believe?
I don’t speak dishonestly. Everything I say I can back up. You on the other hand dodge the hard questions and engage in topics you know nothing about. Case in point.
Lying isn't backup, turd.
First, genius, use Democrats with a capital “D” if you want to trash them.

Fuck the Reich. They have sullied honor to the point they don't earn capitalization.

Fuck all Nazis, especially the vile democrats.

Second, you know nothing about me whatsoever, as is obvious by your calling me a Maoist and “totalitarian leftist.” I guess you call most Democrats (big “D”) those things and you’re stuttering & at a loss for words.

This is a message board, sploogy. You are what you post. And what you are is a radical totalitarian collectivist who rails against all liberty and the very concept of individualism.

Third, you know nothing about the original Thomas Paine if you think he would support your views.

One of us has read "Common Sense."

You really should read it someday.

I added a P.S. to my last comment which you obviously missed:


I’m a blue collar white working man, retired, a radical democrat (small “d”) and unionist most of my life. I was jailed for fighting the “Establishment,” and its wars. No Hegelian dialectic for me. The FBI had me on their COINTELPRO list and I was getting arrested ... before you opened your first book by Murray Rothbard.

Your potty mouthed insults just make you look small.

You are a 60's Marxist thinking your Revolution has finally come. My mother gave me "Man, Economy, And State" in the early 80's. 20 years after you were waging war against America.

Did you put bombs in police cars?
You have nothing to do with Paine, or common sense. You are a Maoist, a totalitarian leftist dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of all liberty.

The FACT that democrats scapegoat whites cannot be disputed. Yes, you can and do lie, but the reality is democrats use a level of vitriolic demagoguery against whites not seen since the rants by Hilter against Jews.

We've seen this movie before, we know the ending, we know what you plan.
First, genius, use Democrats with a capital “D” if you want to trash them.

Second, you know nothing about me whatsoever, as is obvious by your calling me a Maoist and “totalitarian leftist.” I guess you call most Democrats (big “D”) those things and you’re stuttering & at a loss for words.

Third, you know nothing about the original Thomas Paine if you think he would support your views.

I added a P.S. to my last comment which you obviously missed:


I’m a blue collar white working man, retired, a radical democrat (small “d”) and unionist most of my life. I was jailed for fighting the “Establishment,” and its wars. No Hegelian dialectic for me. The FBI had me on their COINTELPRO list and I was getting arrested ... before you opened your first book by Murray Rothbard.

Your potty mouthed insults just make you look small.

No self respecting 'blue color white working man', especially one of the age you claim to be, would ever be caught using the term 'potty mouthed'... :laughing0301:
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts? Do a Google search about whom owns disappointed me.
I’m not too worried about who owns Vice. The two who produced the doc did a fine job, it’s all about who they interviewed and the info they discussed. Dale, I’d think you’d be all over this Q thing. Have you dug in? Any theories about who started it and who currently operates it?
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

Claiming Trump supporters are Qanon, whatever the fuck that is, is like claiming the Democrat party is KKK.
I’m not claiming that all Trump supporters are Q followers. Where did you get that from?
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc
No one is interested in playing your game, NAZI. QAnon is a leftwing conspiracy theory. Members of the GOP laugh at it.
If you’re not interested then why are you here jackass?! Don’t join the thread if you don’t know anything about the subject.
You axed
I asked for thoughts about a documentary
You mean a piece of Democrat Reich propaganda.
If that’s so then why do you ignore all the points I make to the contrary. You don’t know what ur taking about
You don't make any points to the contrary.
Of course I do. I brought up Flynn a few times you dodge and pivot
You asked, I answered, you dodged again. Pathetic
WHY is this thread not is "conspiracy theories?" :dunno:
Because it’s about an actual documentary not about conspiracy theories
ROFL! All it documents is a conspiracy theory.
How do you know?! You haven’t seen it!!! Idiot
I know you.
You think you know me... you don’t. Just like you think you know about this situation. You don’t. You speak from a position of ignorance
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts? Do a Google search about whom owns disappointed me.
I’m not too worried about who owns Vice. The two who produced the doc did a fine job, it’s all about who they interviewed and the info they discussed. Dale, I’d think you’d be all over this Q thing. Have you dug in? Any theories about who started it and who currently operates it?

Do you really fucking believe that I don't know about the "Q" movement? Don't insult me like that and I can guarantee you one damn thing that even though "the patriots are not in charge" a lot of what people needed to know about how this corporate entity that we call a "gubermint" is a fucking parasitic joke that siphons the life's blood out of us. Things that Q exposed are things I and many others have been exposing for decades. Your sources and the ones that did that pos report would NEVER give someone like me equal time.

You just wait and see what your fate is going to be. COVID-19 and mandatory vaccines is just the start. Agenda 21/2030 is here. Mask wearing is about perfecting facial recognition software because it doesn't do diddly squat about stopping the spread. China (with the help of jug-eared mulatto commies like the Barrypuppet) put this on us and 5,000,000 Covid-19 tainted tests FROM the CHI-COMS and 90 percent of all these masks people wear are from the very same country/government that started this shitstorm to begin with.....but nothing to see here....move along, folks. Over 90 members of Congress has ties to commie front groups, China is running military drills in Canada, they have a presence in Mexico. Keep your head in the sand, buddy......keep on believing that pedo Joe isn't a China puppet that already has his golden parachute. You are a good guy, but you are incredibly ignorant.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts? Do a Google search about whom owns disappointed me. Do a Google search about whom owns disappointed me.
The founder of the Proud Boys is also a founder of Vice News.
There ya go..........good work. Controlled opposition is how the game is played.
You think you know me... you don’t. Just like you think you know about this situation. You don’t. You speak from a position of ignorance

This is a message board. You are what you post.

You post as a far left of center partisan who is hostile to individualism and individual liberty. You post in favor of collectivist authoritarianism with strict control of the means of production by the state.

I watched about 10 minutes of your show - which comes off as another supermarket tabloid, History channel type conspiracy shows. Oak Island, Ancient Astronauts, In Search of Bigfoot, that sort of shit.

I have no tolerance for that level of idiocy. The fact that History plays little other than these kind of shit shows means that a lot of people do enjoy them, I just personally find the moronic.
I haven't noticed any Q signs at Trump rallies.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:







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