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Quassam rockets not as big a deal as Israel claims


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace
Qassam rockets are only one form of the deadly islamic terrorism upon children which crotch boy endorses He also likes the infant throat slitting and the car bombs and the knife attacks -------in fact he loves it Prior to the use of qassam rockets there were other forms he liked----like coming ashore at night and rape and murder ----crotch boy endorses rape and murder whole heartedly most of all he likes attacks on kindergartens
No, it proves you are a dunce of epic proportions. I'd like to see a Kassam rocket up your ass.

no doubt you would----nail bombs are the INSTRUMENT OF CHOICE for jihadist dogs and have killed thousands for the glory of allah/isa They have even been found in the hands of glorious mujahdeen in the USA and Canada and the ingredients for the recipe---cooked up by allah-----are under careful scrutiny now. They are most effective against children ----children are the primary targets of the brave mujahadeen
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

Let me have you 12 years under rocket fire, then tell you to suck it up!

You have no idea how we live here! stop the hypocrisy!
terrorism experts predict that IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE
JIHADIST PIGS use nail bombs in a terrorist attack in the USA

---when that happens the schmucks can claim "SEE THEY ARE HARMLESS"
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

The Arabs Initiated the War; Which proves they are the agressor
They never accepted the " 67 Borders" lol which proves they are the agressor.
" Palestine" didn't exist before 1967. It was recognized as land belonging to Jordan and Egypt which proves they are the agressor

Between 1966 and 1967 Israel’s borders saw repeated Arab terrorist attacks and Syrian military activity.[32] On May 11, UN Secretary General U Thant leveled criticism at Syria for its sponsorship of Palestinian terrorism, denouncing those attacks as "deplorable," "insidious" and "menaces to peace."[33]

During 1965-7, Israel's armed forces staged numerous provocations along the Israeli-Syrian border area.[34] This escalation led the Syrians and the Soviets to believe Israel was planning to overthrow the Syrian regime using military force.[34] On April 7, 1967, a serious incident broke out between Israel and Syria over a cultivation problem within the demilitarized zone. Israel took military action against Syria, and eventually both sides employed artillery, tanks, and mortars.[35] During this clash Israeli airstrikes were launched a few miles from Damascus. Israel bombed both Syrian border villages, and Syrian military targets, and had refused a cease-fire proposal by the Chairman of Mixed Armistice Commission. After several hours the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization managed to arrange a cease-fire. Following this confrontation Arab governments pledged their support to Syria, but also complained that the Jordanian air force had done nothing to help Syrian planes even when they were shot down in Jordanian airspace.[36]

In May 1967, Israeli officials began to publicly threaten military action against Syria if Syria did not stop Palestinian guerrillas from crossing the border into Israel.[37] Following that, Nasser received false intelligence reports from the Soviet Union that an Israeli attack on Syria was imminent.[38][39][40][41][42] Egyptian intelligence later confirmed that the Soviet reports of Israeli force concentrations were in fact groundless,[43][44][45] but Nasser had by then already started his buildup and he feared that since a large portion of his army was already in the Sinai, a sudden callback of those forces would result in humiliation at a time when Nasser could ill afford being humiliated.[46] On May 19, U Thant called statements attributed to Israeli leaders "so threatening as to be particularly inflammatory in the sense that they could only heighten emotions and thereby increase tensions on the other side of the lines".[47] Nasser then misled the Egyptian people by perpetuating the falsehood claiming in an address on the anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, that the IDF was concentrating forces "on Syria's doorstep."[48] Israel's threats to invade Syria appeared serious to Arab leaders, however,[49][50][51] and foreign observers suspected that an Israeli strike on Syria was imminent.[52] According to Michael Oren, Nasser disregarded the counsel of his own intelligence[53] and began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19), and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran.[54][55] According to Moshe Shemesh, as Egypt and Syria shared a mutual defence pact, Nasser responded to the Israeli threats by beginning to concentrate his troops in the Sinai Peninsula according to the "Qahir" (Conqueror) defence plan. He also decided to prepare the feda'iyyun for carrying out the "Fahd 2 (Leopard) Plan" [murderous attacks] inside Israel and to coordinate military operations with Syria.[56]

The Straits of Tiran was regarded by the Western Powers and Israel as an international waterway[32][57][58] but its legal status was the subject of international controversy.[59] The Arabs believed that they had the right to regulate passage of ships while Israel, with the support of other major world powers, countered that the Arab claims were legally not supportable.[60] In 1967 Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or a justification for war.[61][62] On May 22 Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping.[32][63] Nasser stated he was open to referring the closure to the International Court of Justice to determine its legality, but this option was rejected by Israel.[64][65] Egyptian propaganda attacked Israel,[66] and on May 27, Nasser stated "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."[67]

On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan.[68] They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent.

Why did rocket attacks not only continue but increase after Israel left Gaza? There wasn't a " let up" not even for a week

What Israel is not going to do is go back to Borders that the Arabs themselves never recognized and allow " Right of Return"

Tell us... What exactly are the Palestinians doing to " negotiate?" There will not be a reply; there never is

Regarding those dead " Palestinians" there is only one thing to say; For every dead Israeli they celebrate. I do not feel any differently. :clap2:
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

Another apologist willing to give hamas a pass because they have crappy aim.

When it comes to crimes like this, intent is often more important than the results.
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

Let me have you 12 years under rocket fire, then tell you to suck it up!

You have no idea how we live here! stop the hypocrisy!

poor li'l sweetherat. my heart breaks and my tears are falling or you.

hey, i have an idea. maybe you should convert to islam and go live in gaza where life is good and you will prosper beyond your wildest dreams...and don't worry, hon, because you will be perfectly safe. israel planes only bomb the bad, bad men with pinpoint precision.

but you do have to be a little careful. just don't let children go out to play soccer or go out to the elementary shcool plaaygroud for recess because those IDF snipers are crack shots but they realise that the HAMAS bad, bad men often disguise themselves as little kids in athletic team colours and schoool girl uniforms and you know the iDF mantra..."better safe than sorry, and if that means killing 100 kids to get one bad bad, man, then that is G-d's will, and we are his chosen people."

let me know how that works out for you? K?
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I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace
As usual diaper boy gets his news from false propoganda sites. And now for the truth:


Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip have occurred since 2001. Between 2001 and January 2009, over 8,600 rockets had been launched, leading to 28 deaths and several hundred injuries,[1][2] as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life.[3] According to research done by the Social work department at the Sapir Academic college, an estimated 15,000[4] people from Sderot suffer from PTSD and an estimated 1,000 are undergoing treatment.[5]
The weapons, often generically referred to as Qassams, were initially crude and short-range, mainly affecting the Israeli city of Sderot and other communities bordering the Gaza Strip. However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha, WS-1B[6] and Grad rockets,and in 2011-2012 to the cities of Kiryat Gat,Gedera and Ramat Negev.[7] In 2012, Israel's capital Jerusalem and commercial center Tel Aviv were targeted with locally made "M-75" and Iranian Fajr-5 rockets respectively.[8] A few projectiles have contained white phosphorus.[9][9][10][10][11][12][13][14][15]

Attacks began in 2001. Since then, nearly 4,800 rockets have hit southern Israel, just over 4,000 of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005. The range of the rockets has increased over time. The original Qassam rocket has a range of about 10*km (6.2*mi) but more advanced rockets, including versions of the old Soviet Grad or Katyusha have hit Israeli targets 40*km (25*mi) from Gaza.[1]

Hamas co-founder Mahmoud Zahar has said that the goal of the attacks is to force mass migration in Israel and disrupt the daily life of its citizens. Explaining why his group had moved from suicide bombing to rocket attacks, he said:
Which do you think is more effective, martyrdom operations or rockets against Sderot? Rockets against Sderot will cause mass migration, greatly disrupt daily lives and government administration and can make a much huger impact on the government. We are using the methods that convince the Israelis that their occupation is costing them too much. We are succeeding with the rockets. We have no losses and the impact on the Israeli side is so much.[148]
According to the BBC,
Hamas views the attacks as legitimate because it regards the whole of historic Palestine (roughly coterminous with Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jordan) as Islamic land, and thus sees the state of Israel as an occupier.
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I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.

The Pals are locked down so hard that it's their only real weapon. Anyways, (almost) all Israelis serve(d) in the army, so are their really any civilians left? :dunno:
I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.

It is a truly bizarre notion that the "Western Powers" created the state of Israel.
I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.

It is a truly bizarre notion that the "Western Powers" created the state of Israel.

Can you tell us how Israel was created by using acceptable Historical Links? Perhaps I may learn something...
I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.

It is a truly bizarre notion that the "Western Powers" created the state of Israel.

Can you tell us how Israel was created by using acceptable Historical Links? Perhaps I may learn something...

Israel was re established as a consquence of Turkish greed Palestine
was a DEAD WEIGHT to Turkey----there was no profit at all from OWNING
it The arabs did not pay taxes ----they simply USED the land did not
pay rent to the turkish owners -----and besides that the land was a breeding
ground for cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, schitosomiasis and even
Leprosy -----it was more trouble than it was worth to Turkey----but the turks knew
that jews WOULD PAY for the land so they relaxed the shariah shit laws to
allow jews <gasp> to OWN LAND -------the rest is history. It started
at the beginning of the 1800s Arabs have never forgiven turks for
not fully imposing the shit of shariah One of the laws that Turks were
also not eager to impose was that all important DHIMMI orphan law---
which was another reason for jews from shariah shit holes to FLEE to
palestine ----then a nice jewish doctor came along and cracked
the CHOLERA issue ---at least he discovered the cause of the illness
which allowed some ways of controlling it until antibiotics happened
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

maybe if one fell by your house...

i can't help it if the terrorists have terrible aim.
I am saving the "HARMLESS NAIL BOMB ROCKET" posts------terrorist
experts in the US predic and INEVITABLE use of nail bombs
in the USA------people have a right to know who found the Liquefication
of the Brains of Children to be a trivial issue
I support the cause of freedom for the Palestinians who got screwed by the Western Powers in carving out a Jewish State, and in any sense I completely understand the secular need for Jews to have a safe-haven...But, I would never support someone lobbing indiscriminate rockets on civilians.

It is a truly bizarre notion that the "Western Powers" created the state of Israel.

Can you tell us how Israel was created by using acceptable Historical Links? Perhaps I may learn something...

I doubt you will learn anything. Israel was created by the 600,000 thousand Jews living there in 1948; the "Western Powers" - do you even understand what you meant by that phrase? - had nothing to do with it.

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