'Queen' Hillary Late For Debate Because She Did Not Want To SHARE A Bathroom

Nothing surprising there.

After all Hitlery doesn't think her shit stinks and she damned sure wouldn't want to share a bathroom with anyone who might think that it does. Stink.
Just another example of what a complete b..... (oops! Almost denigrated decent creatures) she is.
LINK: Hillary Clinton Missed Debate Because She Wouldn't Share A Bathroom

Hillary Clinton Missed Debate Because She Wouldn’t Share A Bathroom

'Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton was late getting back to the debate stage Saturday night because she didn’t want to share a restroom with a Martin O’Malley staffer.'

The rumor going around is that Hillary refused to share a bathroom because she didn't want anyone to see her peeing STANDING UP...


...didn't want to share a bathroom...

Jeez, who does?

How many school kids, average American workers, etc do so every single day? How many business have a multiple stall restroom? Do stadiums, arnenas, and concert halls have single-occupancy bathrooms? So much for Hillary's claim that 'I'm one of you'. The Dem Viva has to have her own dressing room and her own bathroom...and she's just an 'average Americans citizen' right now.

What's she going to do when her bathroom is a metal toilet attached to the wall in her cell that she is sharing with some criminal? :p
I think we all know her shit stinks.

Not ALL, cause I am pretty sure she doesn't think it stinks.

Oh, she is aware. She is well aware. Hence the reason she does not want to share with a "lowly staffer."

Seriously, like every fucking elitist pretentious liberal. What a pathetic kuuuunt.

Ever hear or read how their ugly daughter treated others in the work place? Ever see how Streisand treats hotel staff?

Ever read how Rosie O'Donnell or michael Moore treated lowly staffer types?

They are all pathetic evil arrogant sluts and not worth one ounce of respect. They will never get any from me.
I heard she didn't like the brand of TP and had to ask Huma to run out and buy a roll of Charmin
I heard she didn't like the brand of TP and had to ask Huma to run out and buy a roll of Charmin
Huma told her to use her left hand like Muslims do .... :p

(I know...it's Christmas time, and I am 'going to go to hell' for that joke...
In the spirit of Political Correctness, if I offended anyone with that joke...sucks to be you! :p)
Seems the GOP is fixated with Hillary's bathroom trips...

Hillary's Campaign denying bathroom access to reporters

Your pooler asked if he could come inside to use the restroom. The Secret Service agent advised that the area had been swept already, so he should “hit the woods.”
So...as I speculated on the other Hillary Potty thread (yeah, you guys created dupe threads about Hillary peeing), it was most likely the Secret Service that made Hillary wait.

I agree, I am sure all of the candidates security people have a protocol to not use public bathrooms.
I agree, I am sure all of the candidates security people have a protocol to not use public bathrooms.

Sorry, but I don't see Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Trump kicking everyone out of the men's room and not letting anyone in while they go...maybe I'm wrong.

(And I think there were 2 threads created about peeing to facilitate a certain Liberal member on this site's apparent fascination / obsession with urine. :p)
I agree, I am sure all of the candidates security people have a protocol to not use public bathrooms.
Sorry, but I don't see Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Trump kicking everyone out of the men's room and not letting anyone in while they go...maybe I'm wrong.
I don't think Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Trump et al., have SS protection yet. SS are the ones who wouldn't want her in a bathroom with someone else.
I agree, I am sure all of the candidates security people have a protocol to not use public bathrooms.
Sorry, but I don't see Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Trump kicking everyone out of the men's room and not letting anyone in while they go...maybe I'm wrong.
I don't think Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Trump et al., have SS protection yet. SS are the ones who wouldn't want her in a bathroom with someone else.
That have had it for a while....


When Trump and Carson became top contenders they became eligible. Cruz has entered that 'fraternity' now. I am actually NOT sure about Rubio, but I think he has.

What about Jebby? Not sure being the ex-Pres' brother and/or ex-Ga Gov entitles him to anything...
So, Hillary is incontinent as well as senile. Maybe Depends can sponsor the next dem debate. Both Hillary and Bernie can give recommendations as users.

Seriously people, do you really want this old, corrupt, lying, senile woman in the whitehouse?
I agree, I am sure all of the candidates security people have a protocol to not use public bathrooms.
Sorry, but I don't see Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Trump kicking everyone out of the men's room and not letting anyone in while they go...maybe I'm wrong.
I don't think Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Trump et al., have SS protection yet. SS are the ones who wouldn't want her in a bathroom with someone else.
That have had it for a while....
When Trump and Carson became top contenders they became eligible. Cruz has entered that 'fraternity' now. I am actually NOT sure about Rubio, but I think he has. What about Jebby? Not sure being the ex-Pres' brother and/or ex-Ga Gov entitles him to anything...
OK, but "I don't see" doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's only a problem for some because it's Hillary.
OK, but "I don't see" doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's only a problem for some because it's Hillary.
No, it's a problem for some because the impression it leaves, the act itself even, exposes Hillary as an elitist fraud. She tried telling people she left the WH broke, debunked by those who pointed out her millions and million dollar deals. She tried this whole 'I'm one of you' ploys while using her best fake accent.

You will never see trump going from state-to-state using some phony southern accent trying to convince people he is flat broke and 'one of them', for example. Hillary is a multi-millionaire Socialist con artist and self-promoter, always has been and always will be. Stunts like this just reminds people how much she is NOt 'one of us'.
There nothing decent about the Hildabeast.
There's apparently nothing
Hillary knows no one was watching as the DNC has buried the debates. The DNC has all but given her the nomination. Why should she bother with trivial things like getting back to the debate on time?
15.3 M is no one?

Try again:

The latest debate attracted a mere 6.71 million viewers, the lowest number so far for any 2016 debate organized by the DNC or the RNC. Saturday night’s debate was such a flop that it barely attracted one quarter of the viewership of the most watched Republican debate.

Democrats Debate in the Shadows of a Saturday Night Before Christmas

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