Queer Officially Running for President

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First two+ years of Trump in office:

Broken Trump promises (just a few of them) - no Obamacare replacement, no infrastructure program, no deal with NK, no wall (and the wall he has had built is nothing but a fence), no trade deal with China, Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days

Trade and fiscal deficit are MUCH worse then when he took office.

BTW - see those red colored 'sentences'? They are called 'links' And they are linked to something called 'evidence'. I realize - you being a troll - that you do not believe in backing up your claims. But I just thought I would show you what 'backing up your words' looks like.
No need to thank me.

The DOW has been flat for over a year and the DOW for 2018 was down for the first year since the end of the GR.
.DJI: Dow Jones Industrial Average - Stock Quote and News - CNBC

Trump is facing huge concerns over his mental capacity
trump senility - Google Search

The Dems in the House are useless.

But Trump is demented and dangerous and is a lying, obese, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, whore marrying pile of uselessness.
Save you bias red color links for 2020 you will need them. Trump has done more in his first 6 months then Obama did in 8 years. No one disputes that

How can no one dispute that when I just disputed it?


You're not too bright are you boy?

And bias red links? Did you even look at them you stupid hick? They are both government sources - idiot.
Hardly biased.
I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

Then that means that the numbers that the Trumpians are cheering for are also fake and cannot be trusted. Everything in the OP is false according to your logic (and I use the word loosely)

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And where is your link that proves that 'no place on earth do gays get treated better then America'?

Be Free And Be Gay! The Top 10 Gay Friendly Countries In The World

Watch folks - he will not even attempt to back up his statement....that's our Jitss617.
Because you are to dumb to research your sources.. another left wing nut job..


And how exactly is it dumb to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?

(this should be good)
Are you projecting ? Lol

I am waiting for an answer (as per usual with you).

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
You aren’t responsible for your own actions.. stop posting from left wing nut jobs

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.
Thank you for continuing to prove just how fucking stupid and insane you are!
He's not the one who approves of same sex butt screwing and penis gobbling, you are.

Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.

Why do you fucking care? Why do you spend your time dreaming about the sexual practices of other people?

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I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

So...is the BLS full of 'left wing nut jobs?
Is the Census bureau?
The Treasury Department?
Maybe not full but def many democrats.

So...can the stats from the BLS, the Treasury Department and the Census bureau be trusted (IYO)? Yes or no?
I’d have to know the source.. are you a retard? Lol
Save you bias red color links for 2020 you will need them. Trump has done more in his first 6 months then Obama did in 8 years. No one disputes that

How can no one dispute that when I just disputed it?


You're not too bright are you boy?

And bias red links? Did you even look at them you stupid hick? They are both government sources - idiot.
Hardly biased.
I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

Then that means that the numbers that the Trumpians are cheering for are also fake and cannot be trusted. Everything in the OP is false according to your logic (and I use the word loosely)

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

So...is the BLS full of 'left wing nut jobs?
Is the Census bureau?
The Treasury Department?
Maybe not full but def many democrats.

So...can the stats from the BLS, the Treasury Department and the Census bureau be trusted (IYO)? Yes or no?
I’d have to know the source.. are you a retard? Lol

Are you stupid?

It's simple you moron.


Can you get your shit together enough to answer the question?

It's simple you stupid, retarded-sounding, bigoted hick.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.
Thank you for continuing to prove just how fucking stupid and insane you are!
He's not the one who approves of same sex butt screwing and penis gobbling, you are.

Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.

Why do you fucking care? Why do you spend your time dreaming about the sexual practices of other people?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You've been told a million times scumbag but you keep pretending like you don't know.
Because you are to dumb to research your sources.. another left wing nut job..


And how exactly is it dumb to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?

(this should be good)
Are you projecting ? Lol

I am waiting for an answer (as per usual with you).

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
You aren’t responsible for your own actions.. stop posting from left wing nut jobs

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
It is dumb to take information from people who dream in the air and bang pots because trump won. Lol I’d probably not listen to that persons opinion pieces

How can no one dispute that when I just disputed it?


You're not too bright are you boy?

And bias red links? Did you even look at them you stupid hick? They are both government sources - idiot.
Hardly biased.
I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

Then that means that the numbers that the Trumpians are cheering for are also fake and cannot be trusted. Everything in the OP is false according to your logic (and I use the word loosely)

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

And how exactly is it dumb to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?

(this should be good)
Are you projecting ? Lol

I am waiting for an answer (as per usual with you).

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
You aren’t responsible for your own actions.. stop posting from left wing nut jobs

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
It is dumb to take information from people who dream in the air and bang pots because trump won. Lol I’d probably not listen to that persons opinion pieces

So...your official position is that it is 'dumb' to confirm whether statement's people make are true or not.


So noted.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Since when is taking it in the ass a qualification for the Presidency?

Obama always denied his gay love affair with Lawrence Sinclair. And 2020 President contender and confirmed bachelor , Spartacus, is going overboard to deny rumors that he is as queer as a $3 Bill, even claiming to be seeing some gal now.

Buttigieg is part of a new generation of politician who actually celebrates their sexual peccadilloes. The bullshit dossier that Hillary paid for against President Trump alleging urolagnia with Russian Hoes now seems quaint when compared to the crazy shit the Democrat Party is now publicly bragging about.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.
Thank you for continuing to prove just how fucking stupid and insane you are!
He's not the one who approves of same sex butt screwing and penis gobbling, you are.

Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.
Then why are you so interested in threads about gays?
Because they are sick freaks trying to normalize sickness. They need to be opposed. I oppose them.
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

So...is the BLS full of 'left wing nut jobs?
Is the Census bureau?
The Treasury Department?
Maybe not full but def many democrats.

So...can the stats from the BLS, the Treasury Department and the Census bureau be trusted (IYO)? Yes or no?
I’d have to know the source.. are you a retard? Lol

Are you stupid?

It's simple you moron.


Can you get your shit together enough to answer the question?

It's simple you stupid, retarded-sounding, bigoted hick.
Regarding what? In what content?? They offer many reports.. are you brain dead? I’m not a robot I read
I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

Then that means that the numbers that the Trumpians are cheering for are also fake and cannot be trusted. Everything in the OP is false according to your logic (and I use the word loosely)

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I am beginning to wonder if this guy is even sane...seriously.
I don’t need to look at them to know if I find the Author on Twitter he will be a left wing nut job wanna bet?? Bias bias bias


The sources in the links (other then Google link) are the American GOVERNMENT.

Or is the US government lefty biased as well?
Yes life long principal players in the gov are left wing nut jobs. Trump is doing his best to fire them all. Id just Exterminators departments

Then that means that the numbers that the Trumpians are cheering for are also fake and cannot be trusted. Everything in the OP is false according to your logic (and I use the word loosely)

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Opinions on best places to live and factual job reports .. yea you are genius haha

The man posted factual job reports and you said they could not be trusted.

Can you not even keep up with your own posts?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Huh?? He posted best places for gays to live lol
Thank you for continuing to prove just how fucking stupid and insane you are!
He's not the one who approves of same sex butt screwing and penis gobbling, you are.

Those that protest too much........

You are such a fucking bigot.
No I'm not, I'm a normal person disgusted by what you sodomites do.

Why do you fucking care? Why do you spend your time dreaming about the sexual practices of other people?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You've been told a million times scumbag but you keep pretending like you don't know.

When you walk down your street do you look at each house and think to yourself “I wonder what kind of sex they have?” Or is it just gay sex that you think about all the time?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Are you projecting ? Lol

I am waiting for an answer (as per usual with you).

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
You aren’t responsible for your own actions.. stop posting from left wing nut jobs

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
It is dumb to take information from people who dream in the air and bang pots because trump won. Lol I’d probably not listen to that persons opinion pieces

So...your official position is that it is 'dumb' to confirm whether statement's people make are true or not.


So noted.
No idea what you are saying.. stop trying to put words in my mouth.. you aren’t smart enough
Are you projecting ? Lol

I am waiting for an answer (as per usual with you).

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
You aren’t responsible for your own actions.. stop posting from left wing nut jobs

And how exactly is it 'dumb' to confirm one's statement's from unbiased sources?
It is dumb to take information from people who dream in the air and bang pots because trump won. Lol I’d probably not listen to that persons opinion pieces

So...your official position is that it is 'dumb' to confirm whether statement's people make are true or not.


So noted.
You can't confirm much of anything unless you actually heard it in context.
So...is the BLS full of 'left wing nut jobs?
Is the Census bureau?
The Treasury Department?
Maybe not full but def many democrats.

So...can the stats from the BLS, the Treasury Department and the Census bureau be trusted (IYO)? Yes or no?
I’d have to know the source.. are you a retard? Lol

Are you stupid?

It's simple you moron.


Can you get your shit together enough to answer the question?

It's simple you stupid, retarded-sounding, bigoted hick.
Regarding what? In what content?? They offer many reports.. are you brain dead? I’m not a robot I read

It's nothing to do with individual reports.

For the last time...

DO YOU TRUST THE stats from the BLS?

How much more fucking simple do you need me to phrase it before that limited brain of yours understands?
Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
And gays aren’t bigoted?? Are you nuts ?? They should be labeled a hate group


Jitss617 (The Troll) thinks that all homosexuals should be labeled as a 'hate group'?
Talk about moronic.

One question? Are you over 21 (I am middle-aged, BTW)?

You talk like either a mentally-deficient, old fart or a stupid, racist kid.

Well..over 21 or not?
There are people who have tried to warn you to use sense in your agendas. And frankly you are still pushing. Most voters for Trump are not anti gay. What they saw under Obama was people coming into their world and got tired of it. Frankly, do you really think that targeting religious people who own small stores to destroy because they won't make a cake is smart? Those people have been numbed by the what the corporates have done to Christmas the last few decades. Turned it into something vulgar while not being able to say Merry Christmas. Or refusing to put smaller stores into their large stores or public places because the store owner or store chain owner has a Christian belief. So to them the last part of the bible quotes like "buy and sell" is a possible outcome.

You do not know even 1% of all Trump voters. Thus you have no idea whatsoever if they are anti-gay or not.

Just as I do not know if they are.
I just told you. Stop the in your face stuff. Ellen the TV host was so serene a 15 years or so ago. Now she is the middle man of forgiveness if someone gets accused of being anti gay and destroyed. Most of the people who screwed with gay people have clammed up. The games have got to stop.
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