Queer Officially Running for President

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36 screens of gay bashing and nobody noticed that this guy has not only more experience than the current president at half his age and instead of avoiding military service served in Afghanistan in combat but a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholar, an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow, and a John F. Kennedy New Frontier Fenn Award recipient plus he can actually put together a whole coherent paragraph without congratulating himself.
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities

Sorry uneducated one, since I do not work in the adoption field, my beliefs show nothing of how I treat people. You lose as usual bigot. My beliefs have no bearing on YOUR choice to be a mentally ill deviant. I however do NOT have to accept your perversions as normal. Your attempts to FORCE people to adhere to YOUR philosophy makes you a dictator wanna be and a bigot. Now cry some more, watching you lose your shit is just too funny,
36 screens of gay bashing and nobody noticed that this guy has not only more experience than the current president at half his age and instead of avoiding military service served in Afghanistan in combat but a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholar, an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow, and a John F. Kennedy New Frontier Fenn Award recipient plus he can actually put together a whole coherent paragraph without congratulating himself.

All of that and he still is too ignorant to understand that Socialism doesn't work.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities

Sorry uneducated one, since I do not work in the adoption field, my beliefs show nothing of how I treat people. You lose as usual bigot. My beliefs have no bearing on YOUR choice to be a mentally ill deviant. I however do NOT have to accept your perversions as normal. Your attempts to FORCE people to adhere to YOUR philosophy makes you a dictator wanna be and a bigot. Now cry some more, watching you lose your shit is just too funny,
So OK you're not in the "adoption industry" Thank the Gods and Goddesses ! But if you were how would you treat gay and LGBTQ people seeking to adopt ? Don't lie! So what industry are you in? I'm willing to bet that whatever it is you have co-workers, subordinates, or customers who are LGBT. HOW DO YOU TREAT THEM? Based on your bigoted rhetoric I'm willing to bet that it would not be well. Or, you are a two faced coward and liar who would smile in there face and stab them in the back. It's got to be one or the other.

Another point. Who do you vote for and support? Are they openly anti gay bigots. I'll bet tat they are . That is just treating them badly by proxy ! So shut the fuck up already. You can't win this since you have exposed yourself as the bigot .
36 screens of gay bashing and nobody noticed that this guy has not only more experience than the current president at half his age and instead of avoiding military service served in Afghanistan in combat but a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholar, an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow, and a John F. Kennedy New Frontier Fenn Award recipient plus he can actually put together a whole coherent paragraph without congratulating himself.

All of that and he still is too ignorant to understand that Socialism doesn't work.
Define socialism. Is Democratic Socialism the same as the Socialism of Cuba, and Venezuela ? Consider the Socialism of the Progressive movement of Teddy Roosevelt and compare and contrast with the failed socialist states that those on the right like to hysterically invoke.
its been fun to watch Mayor Pete supplant Beto as the preferred candidate of people whose only criteria for president is that he seems like a nice boy!
I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities

Sorry uneducated one, since I do not work in the adoption field, my beliefs show nothing of how I treat people. You lose as usual bigot. My beliefs have no bearing on YOUR choice to be a mentally ill deviant. I however do NOT have to accept your perversions as normal. Your attempts to FORCE people to adhere to YOUR philosophy makes you a dictator wanna be and a bigot. Now cry some more, watching you lose your shit is just too funny,
So OK you're not in the "adoption industry" Thank the Gods and Goddesses ! But if you were how would you treat gay and LGBTQ people seeking to adopt ? Don't lie! So what industry are you in? I'm willing to bet that whatever it is you have co-workers, subordinates, or customers who are LGBT. HOW DO YOU TREAT THEM? Based on your bigoted rhetoric I'm willing to bet that it would not be well. Or, you are a two faced coward and liar who would smile in there face and stab them in the back. It's got to be one or the other.

Another point. Who do you vote for and support? Are they openly anti gay bigots. I'll bet tat they are . That is just treating them badly by proxy ! So shut the fuck up already. You can't win this since you have exposed yourself as the bigot .

Crying again little retarded one? Looking for personal information about people? I believe that's a violation. Then you ASSume things about a person. Showing your complete and total idiocy. I voted for Trump and I will do so again crybaby. Now it's mistreatment by proxy? You're too stupid to know how stupid you are. I have done othng to show myself a bigot. You on the other hand have shown your intolerance of straight people, your lack of education, and your general idiocy. Continue your meltdown, it's funny tearing you apart and watching you scream. You were dismissed earlier. Take the hint and leave. You've been thoroughly humiliated here.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities

Sorry uneducated one, since I do not work in the adoption field, my beliefs show nothing of how I treat people. You lose as usual bigot. My beliefs have no bearing on YOUR choice to be a mentally ill deviant. I however do NOT have to accept your perversions as normal. Your attempts to FORCE people to adhere to YOUR philosophy makes you a dictator wanna be and a bigot. Now cry some more, watching you lose your shit is just too funny,
So OK you're not in the "adoption industry" Thank the Gods and Goddesses ! But if you were how would you treat gay and LGBTQ people seeking to adopt ? Don't lie! So what industry are you in? I'm willing to bet that whatever it is you have co-workers, subordinates, or customers who are LGBT. HOW DO YOU TREAT THEM? Based on your bigoted rhetoric I'm willing to bet that it would not be well. Or, you are a two faced coward and liar who would smile in there face and stab them in the back. It's got to be one or the other.

Another point. Who do you support? Are they openly anti gay bigots. I'll bet tat they are . That is just treating them badly by proxy ! So shut the fuck up already. You can't win this since you have exposed yourself as the bigot .

Crying again little retarded one? Looking for personal information about people? I believe that's a violation. Then you ASSume things about a person. Showing your complete and total idiocy. I voted for Trump and I will do so again crybaby. Now it's mistreatment by proxy? You're too stupid to know how stupid you are. I have done othng to show myself a bigot. You on the other hand have shown your intolerance of straight people, your lack of education, and your general idiocy. Continue your meltdown, it's funny tearing you apart and watching you scream. You were dismissed earlier. Take the hint and leave. You've been thoroughly humiliated here.
Christ you are unhinged!! You don't seem to know when to quit. I'm not hardly crying. In fact I am enjoying toying with you. And you cant seem to learn that the use of ad hominems only make you look stupid, insecure and weak. Continue your meltdown, it's funny tearing you apart and watching you scream.

And that shit about my trying to get personal information is just too fucking stupid for words.,

I asked you a question and you are free to respond or not respond. :1peleas::1peleas::1peleas:
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Thread was more than seven pages past it's expected topic and lifetime.. And there is no reason to turn it into a personal flaming exchange for days.. If you see the topic is dead -- DO NOT hijack the thread for your own purposes...
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